US: myth of the two party system - Would America look much different if Republican John McCain had beaten Democrat Barack Obama to become president? ~Cindy Sheehan
David S. Broder - Sunday, October 31, 2010WashPost: War with Iran would rescue economy The war recovery?What's up with this Cindy? If you understand the two party phoenix, then you know that BHO is allowing Iran to get their ducks in a row, while fomenting the economic collapse until such time as the real deal arrives in 2012.What surprises lay in store to prep the grunion and foster the chaos further may be merely a continuation of Barry's lame presidency or some further domestic terror episodes like the Gulf, WMD creation or another global financial event. We have yet to hit the bottom of the tank yet but I vote for a cyber attack and chaos in the grid with a run on the banks and another big push to garner martial law followed by a false flag CIA set up that actually explodes instead of these little fizzle out episodes.Beyond the fact that Broder is a deep committee agent and not the whackjob people think he may be, he has had some predictable committee action in his columns and has as much information to get him the same fate that Hunter Thompson should he go astray as well. I think he's on the target here except for the guy or gal who will not decide the time to invade, but follow the committees timeline for this entry into the final conflict. Should sweet Sarah make it into this arena she will have a hard time carrying the weight of a Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi or Benezir Bhutto, though she would surely make a good committee puppet.Broder was safe in writing this piece as it won't happen on Barry's watch. Unfortunately his plate is full in screwing us out of moolah and not the mullah's miles away.