Friday, October 15, 2010



“What do you see?” he asked the Muse.

She replied in a calm wistful voice, “nothing but ashes...ashes”.

So it seems to me that the TVZombies are playing Perky Pat, in the virtual sense, rather than the actual sense in the Philip K. Dick story.
I see this age not as pre or post but, Armageddon du jour that virtual sense. On the ground reality, simply hasn't been televised. Armageddon is not to be televised. It is the cover story which is televised.

The TVZombies live in their Perky Pat make believe world of plastic, electronic gadgetry and junkfood. All the Half-Ton Tinkerbells imagining themselves as svelte and stylish Perky Pat.
And all the monkey bat-boys that never swung a bat, they're all Mickey Mantels in their tin horn baseball caps.

Something happened at the turn of the century, a crack in the world, a paradigm shift that caught many in between alternate realities. We have literally and virtually entered the Twilight Zone:
The 'Tower of Babble' episode in which communications over the gulf of these various alternate realities has become incomprehensible. Dancing gyrating ghosts of static or wispy veils appear in the peripheral vision like swarms of android-gnats, echoing in a chamber abyss deep, like stuttering premonitions.

I listen to my own mother's description of the world she is living in and I am stunned, it is like a story from another universe. I am unkind if I speak in my language, she interprets it as my being in pain...??? “I couldn't stand it if I thought that way,” she tells me.

“I'm as happy as a lark,” I say “It is you who are in pain, not me,” it's the TV, but I don't mention it this time. It's only real to her if it's on TV. It's an enchantment in the days of Perky Pat.

© 2010 Full Spectrum Defiance League \\ll//


  1. I dont know what you are bitchin about, a big woman is "shade in the summer and warmth in the winter"

  2. Ain't bitchin'...juss sayin'.

