At the Link below is 40-some pages of documentation of Crimes Against Humanity.
When considering "voting" this November, remember EVERY INCUMBENT is complicit in these documented Attacks Against Humanity. I cannot imagine any claim of ignorance or pathetic excuse of "what could I do?" absolving the political elite bastards of responsibility for this ongoing Crime Against Humanity. The Military personnel involved in this mass World-Wide Poisoning must also be stopped immediately and held accountable.
When Will Humanity Say "ENOUGH!"?
wow, what a collection. I've added his link to our EnMod page at coto2
ReplyDeletethanks for this
Yes, a sickening and very "convicting" collection to be shown at the Hague Trial of the treasonous enemies of humanity.
ReplyDeleteYour welcome Rady.
Hey looky Boom--it's almost Halloweenie--way past the 13th and no fleets of saucers over the world capitals. I wonder if that Norad dickhead sold any of his stupid books? And if so could there be a class action suit for fraudcakes and iceshit.
Norad huh. Blue Balls for the Blue Beam boyz.
ReplyDelete"They never fucking look up." ~ Rogue!
What mental disorder is making the ignoramuses walk with their heads down all the time? They certainly are a stiff-necked people all right. It doesn't seem to matter if it is the "made-for-TV" Conspiracies of the last few years (9/11 was a Big WamPum), the fake elections, the Liar Resource Wars, the Economy and Fed-in-Bed political XXX-Rated Fuck Job, the Monsanto, Big Pharma multi-national poison manufacturers, or something simple and visual like -- jet planes spraying out white mists that spread out and obscure the sky very "unlike" an 8 second "contrail".
Just can't get 1 in 100 to recognize a predator or psychopathic murderer. Naw...they'd invite em to their kid's birthday party, and give em the keys to their house and car. What happened to logic?
"What happened to logic?"~Boom
ReplyDeleteHonestly man...almost all the guys I grew up with were goobers when I look back on it. several got 'better grades' at school--but it was all memorizing voodoo bullshit and had nothing to do with actually thinking.
98 percent of the teachers were just faking it. They didn't know what the fuck they were taking about...just scripted bullshit.
The so called "education system" is a fucking labotomy.
It seems like there are distinct groups of people...some act like cows or sheep, then there's actual critical thinking people. I mean it is probably fruitless attempting to teach a cow or a sheep any "reasoning-based" logical thinking (for whatever reason or task the things supposed to then accomplish). It just doesn't have the brain power to make sense out more than a few inputs? I think its the same with people.
ReplyDeleteYouza -- there ARE a lot of Zombies walking around!
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary”...DO IT. ®
12 days and counting until November 8—11, 2010.
Thanks for posting this Boom. I too am all over the chemtrail issue and have been for the past three years.
ReplyDelete(Btw, If you want to add a live link you have to highlight the link then click on the little closed chainlink at the top of the box and insert it there to make the link open to the site.)
Yesterday I ordered G Edward Griffin's movie "what in the world are they spraying". I'm anxious to watch it and pass copies around to everyone I know.
I'm looking forward to reading what you posted in bits and pieces over the course of the day. Our skies are almost always a hazy pale blue or milky white. In October the skies should be clear, bright blue. They were actually just like that over the weekend until the planes started spewing their white toxins again.
YET, no one wants to acknowledge what the hell it really is. I'm so angry I could spit nails.......
JG. Thanks. I'm having "issues" with JavaScript and NoScript. It is frustrating. So, the "Link" options are not even visually apparent to use. I know how to use them if they were actually "there" to see...
ReplyDeleteSpit nails? With direct application of poisons in the air, water, environment, I wonder how long it will be before humanity will be spitting bullets? For Personal Defense purposes against premeditated maiming and murder...
I do not see any "legal" ground upon which the perpetrators can stand, nor do I see that humanity is prevented from defending themselves. Does anyone commenting here see where human beings should remain defenseless in this situation?
"Does anyone commenting here see where human beings should remain defenseless in this situation?"~Boom
ReplyDeleteMy position is as clear as an azure lake in spring time.
I was watching the Auburn football game last weekend and the camera pointed up to follow a punt and there were trails above the stadium.
ReplyDeleteThat's what it looks like, Puddy.
ReplyDeleteIt can be construed as no other type of systematic "program" than we are witnessing.
To put it in an easily understood analogy:
Humans are the crops and the grasshoppers and ChemTrails are CROP DUSTING.
"Someone" lays out the grids, someone manufacturers the insecticides, someone fuels and maintains the planes, airports and personnel support the program, and pilots administer the DUSTING according to plan and on schedule. Bugs be gone.
Only these bugs can fight back...if they will.
"Only these bugs can fight back…if they will."
They will Boom, it is an eventuality. Win too, they will...whether we remain to witness it or not.
Yes sir Rogue1.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to expand on the Crop Dusting analogy a little more. If a group of people were in their fields, homes, forests, etc. and a Crop Duster plane flew over and dumped his load of poison on their heads (knowingly or in the case of this analogy, with forethought), the victims would be up in arms and pursue every legal course of action available to bring to justice the Company, Pilot, and others involved. A criminal class-action lawsuit would result.
No one on the ground would deny the Dusting happened. And should it occur repeatedly, the victims would be within their rights to hold the highest Officials accountable. It would also be within their rights to defend themselves and their families with "prejudice".
I see no difference in the Crime whether the altitude of the Dusting is from 1000ft or 35,000ft. That it is occurring repeatedly is the de facto crime. That people on the ground would be in denial regarding this criminal offense is idiotic in the extreme.
Look at the sky, look at the pictures and videos people (the ignorant deniers), and begin to figure out how you are going to Live -- not die like a bug.
ReplyDeleteForget China or Al Qaeda. In a twist that would have been inconceivable even a few months ago, the Web site is being proposed as the first public target for a U.S. government cyberattack.
After the shadowy, document-leaking organization distributed nearly 400,000 classified documents from the Iraq war on Friday, Washington officialdom responded with a torrent of denunciations alleging violations of national security and endangering U.S. military operations.
In a rare point of congruence, The Washington Post and The Washington Times both criticized the release, with the smaller paper arguing that WikiLeaks' offshore Web site should be attacked and rendered "inoperable" by the U.S. government. Some hawkish conservatives followed suit, including Christian Whiton, a State Department adviser under President George W. Bush, who wrote a column calling on the U.S. military to "electronically assault WikiLeaks and any telecommunications company offering its services to this organization."
Chemtrails are a real triple threat. Not only are they making us sick & slowly killing us but they are controlling the weather by way of HAARP wreaking havoc and destruction with freak storms and infesting some of us with those little nano bots. They could also be priming the sky for the big blue beam show yet to come.
ReplyDeleteEugenics any way you slice it for sure. PD I agree they will use them to infect us with their virii in order to scare us all into lining up for the "antidote" to the "pandemic".
I do have one question though. If they can get rid of so many of us just through chemtrails, food and water alone why are the shots needed? Nevermind, I know. The sick bastards enjoy playing with us like a cat with a mouse........
Nice to see ya PD.. seems like eons...........
ReplyDeleteJames H. Billington’s
"If you read only one book on revolution during your entire
life, you must read Billington’s. This book is absolutely unequaled
in Its ‘scope,’ depth, and detail, In its magnificent
literary power, and in its biting, trenchant analysis of what
the subtitle calls the “Origins of the Revolutionary Faith.”
For revolution is a religious faith; as Billington says, it is
“perhaps the faith of our time” (p. 3), and his massive study
abundantly demonstrates the anti-Christian and pseudo-
Christian character of revolutionary ideology. One of the major
theses of his book is that the revolutionary faith originated
not in the critical rationalism of the French Enlightenment
(which, admittedly, was a religion as weil), but rather in
the blatantly occult romanticism of secret societies, which
stirred a heretical brew of Christian symbolism and pagan
mysticism. Out of this demonic mixture were distilled the intoxicating
revolutionary ideologies of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries, the idolatrous attempts to replace the
Christian faith, preaching and practicing the gospel of salvation
through the shed blood of man."
ReplyDeleteJames H. Billington’s
The twisting of minds by twisted minds, aye.
ReplyDeleteRiding apochrypha to the lowest common demonnominator.
"Riding apochrypha to the lowest common demonnominator."~Boom
ReplyDeleteLet me quote you on that...that's good,
"Riding apochrypha to the lowest common demonnominator."
new book i got at Library Jihad vs Mcworld.
ReplyDeleteheavy going but so far so good.
at least they admit the US interference beinga big part of the reason people call Jihad down .
Good Coast to Coast interview on chemtrails (what in the world are they spraying?) with G Edward Griffin & Michael Murphy
ReplyDeleteSeems ETC has said enough
I missed you all. I'm a one legged man in marathon right now.
ReplyDeleteWhatcha been doon, makin' fairyday cages?