US: myth of the two party system - Would America look much different if Republican John McCain had beaten Democrat Barack Obama to become president? ~Cindy Sheehan
David S. Broder - Sunday, October 31, 2010WashPost: War with Iran would rescue economy The war recovery?What's up with this Cindy? If you understand the two party phoenix, then you know that BHO is allowing Iran to get their ducks in a row, while fomenting the economic collapse until such time as the real deal arrives in 2012.What surprises lay in store to prep the grunion and foster the chaos further may be merely a continuation of Barry's lame presidency or some further domestic terror episodes like the Gulf, WMD creation or another global financial event. We have yet to hit the bottom of the tank yet but I vote for a cyber attack and chaos in the grid with a run on the banks and another big push to garner martial law followed by a false flag CIA set up that actually explodes instead of these little fizzle out episodes.Beyond the fact that Broder is a deep committee agent and not the whackjob people think he may be, he has had some predictable committee action in his columns and has as much information to get him the same fate that Hunter Thompson should he go astray as well. I think he's on the target here except for the guy or gal who will not decide the time to invade, but follow the committees timeline for this entry into the final conflict. Should sweet Sarah make it into this arena she will have a hard time carrying the weight of a Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi or Benezir Bhutto, though she would surely make a good committee puppet.Broder was safe in writing this piece as it won't happen on Barry's watch. Unfortunately his plate is full in screwing us out of moolah and not the mullah's miles away.
ReplyDeleteI say, the joint is rockin'...goin' round'n'round.
A bunch of boners over toners and talcum for baby butts and baby minds.
"...additional protective measures (will be pursued) for as long as it takes to ensure the safety and security of our citizens."~Obamy
"..for as long as it takes" tighten the screw, 'till yer flat on your ass in no-where-land.
Two days until the belection...and a week or so after that...??? Something Novel This Way Comes.
~Dr. Predicto
Both of those links say, "Oops broken"....???
Back in 1945 Frank Chodorov wrote these words,
ReplyDelete"It is this transference of power from voter to elected agents that is the crux of republicanism. The transference is well-nigh absolute. Even the constitutional limitations are not so in fact, since they can be circumvented by legal devices in the hands of the agents.
If we quit voting. Such abstinence would be tantamount to this notice to politicians: since we as individuals have decided to look after our affairs, your services are no longer needed.
Remember that the proposal to quit voting is basically revolutionary; it amounts to a shifting of power from one group to another, which is the essence of revolution. As soon as the nonvoting movement got up steam, the politicians would most assuredly start a counterrevolution. Measures to enforce voting would be instituted; fines would be imposed for violations, and prison sentences would be meted out to repeaters".
They work fine for me. What's up with that?
ReplyDeleteWe see the dismal turnouts. If no one voted they would still have black box data saying we did.
ReplyDeleteIt's preposterous to think that they would force us to vote in an election that they have rigged anyway. The definition of committee engineering.
If we had no crime they would legislate us to commit them to keep the Army and Police in their pockets as well.
Drugs, taxes, standing for the pledge, the draft, census, digital, etc, etc. all subject to mandate. I opt out of all.
Taxes are next on my list! Do you hear that reveneurs?
It was my web connection last night...took awhile to figure lots of things were out of reach...
"If we had no crime they would legislate us to commit them to keep the Army and Police in their pockets..."~Puddy
ReplyDeleteWell yea, a good deal of legislation is just that already; Malum Prohibitum.
There are some great chapters on this in The Scientific Dictatorship by the Collins Bros.
They're makin' such a big deal about the printer cartridges. Napolitano was on cnn tonight and you could tell she was lying Well, I could tell anyway. Such bullshit. Typical pre election, pre holiday fear mongering. I really hate how they keep bringing up the underwear bomber when it's been exposed it was a govt op. But of course the press didn't report that on the teevee so the sheeple don't know......
ReplyDeleteThe average person's brain is obviously made of mush. If these numbskulls believe the govt fairytale of 9/11 and how 19 arabs with boxcutters brought down an entire country's defense system then don't they realize the "terrorists" are much too smart and creative to send bombs by way of printer cartridges?
Honestly, I swear the ptb keep upping the stupid ante' just to see how dumb the public really is. Seems to me, the sky's the limit.