Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rand Paul & His Fascist Supporters

Rand Paul is a war mongering, zionist supporting, right winger.


His supporters are the worst of the tea partiers.   Was it really necessary for them to pin down that woman from moveon.org as that cretin steps on her head, smashing it into the ground?   That guy was Paul's campaign worker.  Where is Paul's condemnation of this incident?  His campaign issued two lameass statements but no real apology.  He needs to "man up" and apologize publicly for the behavior of his brown shirt supporters.  Talk about Orwellian symbolism..... God help us if this man and more of his ilk are elected.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Rhjg2W7vlMc?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>



  1. WW you have a helluva way with words ! :)

    This man and his " people" are downright SCARY. Does the acorn really fall that far from the tree in this case? I wonder........

  2. One of the lameass statements mentioned above:

    "We understand that there was an altercation outside of the debate between supporters of both sides and that is incredibly unfortunate. Violence of any kind has no place in our civil discourse and we urge supporters on all sides to be civil to one another as tensions rise heading toward this very important election. We are relieved to hear that the woman in question was not injured."

    Both sides??? talk about bullshit spin

  3. that was difficult to watch.

    the possibility that the acorn has not fallen far from the tree has to be significantly off-putting to the fans of ron paul. surely he is not unaware of the broad distaste for his son. since he does not appear to be distancing himself from rand i have to wonder if he is intentionally sacrificing his 2012 goal for him.

  4. "... have to wonder if he is intentionally sacrificing his 2012 goal for him."~arcadia

    Frankly I don't think Ron Paul ever seriously intended to get the presidency. I think he is a spokesman for a 'certain brand' of the republican front...a foil.
    Not to say that I don't appreciate his efforts in various directions. I just think he is more realistic than to think he can leap that big money circle.

    I haven't seen anythng about his son that I like.
    I hope he is defeated as a "Politician", and hope he is better at medicine than the the cracked actor script he is on as a candy date. F'm.


  5. Thanks JG! These Fascist goons started getting away with this crap with Bush and Cheney. We let them get away with it and it will only get worse. Same thing happened in VA at a Cantor Zionist event yesterday. 3 Gestapo goons kept telling a man to put his arms behind him when they had his arms pinned down so he couldn't possibly comply. Then they said he was resisting arrest. Somebody's got to put these pricks in their place.

  6. Is that, hot rod in Wisconson?


  7. I don't want to cast doubt on the victim and the consensus story here, but Infowars had another possible take-
    I know, Infowars supports Rand Paul.
    The Rand Paul press release was pretty clear they dissociated themselves with this 'volunteer'.
    What does COTO make of it?

  8. Mar, infowars is squarely in Rand Paul's camp. Why? His views on many things seem to be diametrically opposed to his father's. As for Ron Paul, I tend to agree with Will's views on his father as well. I think he may be the biggest plant of all.

    Was this woman and the men who pinned her down and pushed her head to the ground with his foot plants as well? Maybe.. who knows in this insane world? Paranoia has become a way of life and yes it's entirely possible. So far, nothing has been written about the identity of the guy who did the stomping. He seems to have vanished. Is that because he was a moveon plant or because the Rand Paul camp is keeping him out of sight?

    What I do know for sure is that I didn't like what I heard coming from Rand P from the get go. He's for the endless war on terror, more rights and tax breaks for corporations which means less for we the people and as you see in the link I posted, in support of whatever Israel wants to do and that's all I need to know.

    That is who this man is, not my opinion.

  9. Ok so we can put the "liberal conspiracy theory" to rest.

    The stomper and his buddies have been identified..
    The stomper's name is Mike Pezzano and he's assistant organizer of Kentucky Open Carry. Not exactly a liberal organization.



  10. Like I said O...these people are downright scary. Christian and promoting hatred, more war and death??? I think not.

  11. Infowars is reporting on the obama zombies transgressions against the tea partiers to cover up what Rand's followers really stand for. Both sides are despicable in my book.

    I'm on the side of truth PERIOD. Infowars can't support Rand Paul's right wing policies and continue to pretend to hate the neocons.

  12. I view that boot stomping individual as treating the lady like a "slave". If he had had a whip, he would have whipped her into compliance. I notice, Moses in the Bible finally had enough of sickening scenes just like this, and did a Moses version of Billy Jack.

    Rogue1 has his own ideas above. The tension is certainly building between the "authoritarians" and the "slaves". Goons are dumb as a bag of hammers because they continue this kind of bullying mistreatment of helpless "victims". Rather stupid arrogance. What's to stop a concerned bystander of sticking a stun-gun in the guys neck? Or some other form of BillyJackness?

    A spark is going to ignite the people, and it is going to get violent and ugly. A firestorm of rage will erupt, because the People are being pushed to that proverbial line in the sand. We don't just sense it, it is as apparent as the Chem Trails in the Sky. The Lines are being drawn.

  13. whoops. the puppets weren't supposed to come out until after the "election."

    Boom is right, "The tension is certainly building between the “authoritarians” and the “slaves”. "

    Except... instead of a taser... an old screwdriver. Mr. "right-to-carry" gets carried away in a bag.

    The "libertarians" are out of the closet.

  14. Man'O'Man...just like The Hobbit, this story has gone "There and Back Again"...Lol

    MY point is that WE are on our own. I am willing to see to 'Self Defense' at any moment for myself.
    That is what my comment meant.
    Yea...Self Defense...it “used to be” a right in America. When it was America and not Amerika.

    When in the course of human events it becomes necessary”...DO IT. ®

    As far as Rand--JG hits my nail on the head.
    As far as how freaky scary the super Christianoids are Mr, O hits the nail.
    As far as being just right in there and logical Boomer hits the nail.
    As far as an elegant forum of truth seeking COTO hits the nail...

    Why, "if I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning..." baddaboom.


  15. Ha ha ha...yea, or my 6in blade katana...depending on venue.

    A sharp pencil is all it takes in the right trained hands. Ears, nose, eyes...yes, brutal thoughts for brutal times.

    "People get ready there's a train a comin"...just spin that one backwards for what's on the way to a street near you.


  16. It has been a subtle, then again not so subtle psyop against the People. At one time, if you were an Indian in the Land of the Free -- you were a terrorist. You could essentially be shot on sight, hung, whatever. We have seen the same in Australia. The unfortunate Natives could be hunted for "sport" WTF!!! until not that long ago. See...you're a Terrorist or piece of trash if you get in the way or the face of Big Ass Corporate or Elite Political Psychos.

    This ain't new fellows -- this is really Old, and getting older by the nanosecond.

    Personal defense, civil liberties, right to gather, right to free speech, right to dig a hole in your yard anywhere you fucking want to, blah, blah, flipping blah... all are determined "by" the Inbred Power Trippers.

    All supposed inalienable Rights are shit-canned at their whim and timetable.

    Get IT lower life form monkey brains?!

    I assume this is why Planet of the Apes reoriented the paradigm for shits and giggles.

    So here we are in the age old conflict of Master/Slave. I don't see why mankind doesn't reverse this situation over night? I mean, take the damn elites to the woodshed in one fell swoop, and reverse the curse.

    That asshole standing on the ladies neck -- why not 10 people or 1 take "him" to the ground and duck tape him into an uncomfortable position? Present "him" to the police with the charge of assault and battery made with a citizen's arrest and a video tape to back it all up?



    I'm going to stock up on duct tape (we might call it "duck" tape). Maybe its the NEW citizen's means of Protest?! Everyone starts wearing a little belt sporting Duct Tape and Zip Ties. HaHAHA! I like it the more I think about it!

    Don't let Palin co-opt it either. You saw it HERE at COTO 1st!

    We're all AC/DC ductworkers now!



    I have been in 'situations' because I have intervened in things like this.

    I never went to jail. I only hurt perpetrators enough to arrest that behavior.
    But then again, I have been very lucky...or have an angel looking over me {grin}


  19. Take a run at obama or pelosi and get stomped by secret service. I will shed no tears for a moon-bat provocateur getting what she desperately deserves.
    "kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol when they do the bristol stomp"

  20. “kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol when they do the bristol stomp”~Korn

    Knives are supposed to be sharp--pistols are supposed to be loaded.

    I'd rather see the "moon-bat provocateur" have some luck on her target than applaud the goon squad protecting the elitist monsters running this joint.

    Just sayin'...


  21. So...what explains "our" lack of conditioning?

    So what about the duct tape accessories?

    I was not pointing at pinnacle sitting perps presently. The stomper in the vid above would seem to be a candidate for a take-down, tie-up treatment. Lloyd Blankfein comes to mind for a lying corporate-type in need of a good tape job.

    If this takes off, I should buy stock in duct tape. Maybe manufacture my own line of duct tape that says "Crime Scene" on it, and is a nice bright yellow. Maybe it would be scratch and sniff too. Once applied liberally to a goon, it might give off the smell of a piece of shit. Somehow, these thoughts make me feel better. How about you?

  22. Somehow, these thoughts make me feel better. How about you?

    By: boomerangcomesback on October 27, 2010
    at 3:00 pm


    Trippy kasoo and smiler too.



    Because we consumers/serfs/slaves are embroiled in a civil war while our government/lords/masters make off with the spoils. It's playing out just the way they want it to. Rome had its circuses. We get political theater.

    Same shit, different century. OK...make that, millennia.

  24. "...moon-bat provocateur getting what she desperately deserves."

    oh right-- ya need all dem gunz to protek ya when yaz stompin unarmed women.

    brave "libertarians."

  25. Sometimes I wonder if Korn is just a "funny guy" with some of his remarks.

    This one twirls like one of those goofy props on a stick they used to sell as toys when I wuz a young'n.


  26. I have no problem with Obama and Nancy being stomped as long as the right wingers are stomped along with them.. Rand Paul included.

    I hate them ALL.

  27. I tried to post this three times on COTO, the wordpress site freezes every time:



    Chemical Engineer Mark Basile – The first scientist who found thermite in the World Trade Center dust discusses in depth his process of discovery using the scientific method.

    This interview is some raw footage of one of the world class experts appearing in architects and engineer’s upcoming hard hitting documentary “9/11:Explosive Evidence – Experts speak out”

    FEMA appendix 'C' metallurgical study.

    \\ll// they are fucking with us.

  28. Could be the perp thought he was s'pose to be stomping for his candidate instead of stumping.

    Dudes on the radio are calling him The Kentucky Stomper. Gotta a nice ring to it.

  29. Rand Paul is wrong on many, if not most issues. He is an Israel firster and corporate stooge. Sounds good on a few issues, but will cave if pressured by the Lobby.

  30. Yup...welcome aboard.


  31. "We should remember that America was created by the Founding Fathers as a Constitutional Republic – not a democracy. Democracies invariably fail. And as now we see, this nation has been kneeling at the altar of “social & economic justice,” a Marxist-driven, time-proven strategy of class warfare. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

    “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”
    ~ Benjamin Franklin

    We should listen to the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. They created the right path for us and it is still the right path. "~HolisticLogic {web comment}

  32. Oh it gets better... apparently the the "moonbat provocateur" woman had a foot-cast... which POS stepped on first. Nice. I would not dishonor a real blade... or even a cheap bullet to punch his worthless ticket.

    A rusty 16-oz. framing hammer would do the doo... and then you could stuff his $600 S&W "right-to-carry" up his tighty-whitey ass and let the parameds drag it out with a come-along.

    Beyond that, the "take-'our'-country-back" shitheads ain't hip to the fact that there hasn't BEEN a "country" (in the sense that we were taught to believe) for at least 30 years. It's GONE.

    But they're mad... and they want to kick somebody's ass... and even though they've probably "worked" for a rich FAT all their lives, they probably wouldn't recognize one if it shit in their breakfast. So naturally, they pick a disabled woman.

    80+% of the US pop finally realizes that the 'official' 911 story is crap. So what? So nothing. The FATs still got these yak-brained tools who see no problem being brutal fucks to take their "country" (which does not exist) "back."

    My POINT is: you are unlikely to come in contact with a "Rothschild" or "NWO" ever... you WILL come in contact with these brave "libertarian" pukes who think you want to take their bird-bath and give it to the naggers.

    (un)Fortunately, they are easy to kill. And you don't need no "2nd Amendment Rights" to do it.

  33. "...a Marxist-driven, time-proven strategy of class warfare."- willydilly

    And of course there are no "classes" in our great Amerikkkan demokkkracy, are there?

    You just want the FATs to let you in. Good luck with that, Sparky.

  34. You're right Waldo--it has been these spuzz ball Zoony tuned Christianoidals that have been programmed to hysteria for a long wind up. When that spring goes, it's yahoody time in the streets with supersonic psychokillers

    Believe it or not this is part of the ILLUMINATI playing card deck--no shit, it even has illios of a double tower terror attack, This was produced sometime in the mid 90s. Look them up it's nuts, its voodoo predictive, it's wacky and it's nice art on top of it all.

    You should have known some of the spitballs I knew when I lived in Thomasville GA. Splingballs rusting at the threads--yarbled like, "Keel da muzzies keel da muzzies, nook da wholedamplace'n'be dun wifit."

    We got months...a year at best accordian to my nimblersnips.


  35. "And of course there are no “classes” in our great Amerikkkan demokkkracy, are there?"~Waldo

    Well how the frack could “…"a Marxist-driven, time-proven strategy of class warfare.” take place in Amerika without "classes"??

    So what is you rickity woo woo leading to here? Marx is the only person to see there are classes in this society? It is the class warfare that he espoused-not the recognition that there are classes.

    It is the hegelian turn of the screw that drives the warfare to the benefit of the class that runs the airwaves, the "learning" institutions, the social engineering.

    These people aren't amped up on their own juices, they have been injected with super steroidal hate venom.

    Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis point blank on the tip of your nose dude.


  36. Clicking my ruby slippers.......there's no place like home there's no place like home......there's no place like home...

    (I really wanna wake up from this nightmare now..PLEASE!!)

  37. Woh...JG, you got a pair of those laser guided jet shoes...cool...wanna race?


  38. The conversations here remind me of,

    A novel I wrote next year while I was waiting for you guys.

    Just back checking up on y'all...c'mon trip the light fantastic. You can do it.


  39. well... where Marx dropped of the edge is sayin' "it's all about the money," or beyond that-- "it's all about 'wealth'... even if you realize (which is true) that "money"and "finance" is largely fiction.

    And the flaw (as you have said) in the funky "Hegelian" deal is assuming there are only "three points" in any argument. Unfortunately, it's beyond most people to think beyond "left-right." o

    "Take care of everybody" vs. "Every man for himself" is simplistic indeed. We are never going to get beyond that when there are froggy fukkers who only want to draw a sand-line and then fight it out.

    Shouldn't we hammer those (froggy) fekkers toot-sweet?

  40. Nimblersnips? I did a double-take on that one. Brings to mind a newly coined term for Lying Bastards > Nimble Lips.

    A right cross and an uppercut to the Nimble Lips! Split em and bruise em with a knuckle sandwich...I'm Hungry Now.

  41. "Shouldn’t we hammer those (froggy) fekkers toot-sweet?"

    I got a feeling our opportunities will arise quite soon my man.

    I don't do crowds, but I remember faces.


  42. I'm collecting mugshots already {grin}


  43. Alex Jones and Watson are being ridiculous with this story. Those men had her restrained while that ogre stepped on her head. They are claiming her shoving a cardboard sign in Paul's window was dangerous?

    What's dangerous is the views Rand Paul shares with the neocons, ALEX and PAUL. You're showing your right wingnut stripes by stumping for him.


  44. "Paul exits the car from the passenger side looking concerned for his safety."

    Only pussyboys are affraid of women with paper signs...only pussyboys stomp women with paper signs. Maybe pussyboys should stay out of politix in the modern world because we are entering a MadMaxathon and pussyboys need not apply.


  45. Paper sign? Actually it was made of foamcore, embedded with razor blades. What the video doesn't show is that Paul had to have several stitches before he exited the car.

    Glad to see the Alex Jones circus dissed in this forum. He might have had some credibility once, but I'm pretty sure he's figured out there's way more money to be made by being contrary to all norms of reality.

  46. I have always found Jones rude, a loud mouth who swamps his guests with volume ala sputtering brew-ha-ha...but I like several of his films, and Watson writes some damn good essays from time to time.

    But I have not been a fan of his radio crap for...well forever {grin}


  47. "... a little wimp..."

    "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for two hamburgers today..."

    Yea, that guy.


  48. Joe Miller:
    "I acknowledge that my access to others' computers was wrong, participating in the poll was wrong, lying was wrong, and there is absolutely no excuse for any of it."

    The poor media relations reached a new low last week when a reporter was handcuffed by security at one of his campaign events.

    Miller, speaking on release of the documents, said: "I appear to be the only candidate in this Senate race whose entire life history matters to the media."

    Palin is to attend a rally with Miller today and other rightwingers are to participate by video, including Mike Huckabee, one of the likely contenders for the Republican presidential nomination, Michele Bachmann, the outspoken congresswoman, and Jim DeMint, the Republican senator and godfather of the Tea Party."

    Well, hey, what the fuck, just the perfect duck for the criminal syndicate calling itself “government" in DC.~ww


  49. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/october_2010/65_favor_getting_rid_of_entire_congress_and_starting_over
    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. "Voters say if they had the option next week, they would vote to get rid of the entire Congress and start all over again. Only 20% would opt to keep the entire Congress instead.
    Of course, the Political Class strongly disagrees. While 84% of Mainstream voters would opt to get rid of the entire Congress, 64% of the Political Class would vote instead to keep them all."

    Assuming for the moment that this was solid and true...probably pretty much so...there should be some sort of method beyond violent upheaval to correct this false governance.~ww


  50. 84% of Mainstream voters would opt to get rid of the entire Congress

    84% of Mainstream voters would opt to get rid of the entire Congress

    84% of Mainstream voters would opt to get rid of the entire Congress

    Well.....damnit....???? DO IT

  51. well... that's similar to what the Germans wanted in 1933... too inefficient, too much pud-slapping and posturing and not enough done to alleviate the suffering of the average German.

    They wanted something much more streamlined and efficient. They asked for it, they got it... and it warnt no dam Toyota. That came later... BEFORE the sticky accelerator recalls, of course.

    Zoom zoom... blat.

  52. Yea, well you are certainly right. Hitler did recover the economy too. He withdrew from the usurious banking system.
    THAT was what really twitched out the Jewish International, which DID declare war on Germany before any of the harsh Juden bashing laws took place. Their international boycott wreaked more havoc on Germany.
    But the apologia ends there. What developed from that point on was reactionary hysteria leading to utter despotism. And that is where the US has ended up, skipping the recovery Germany had in the 30s.

    The US has another FFWD path:


    “Scandal is spreading across Wall St. like a very bad case of poison ivy. A rash of fraudulent home foreclosures has exposed some of the nation's biggest banks to an even worse condition ... bankruptcy.
    "This is not simply a glitch in paperwork," wrote Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, who is heading up the states' joint investigation into the mortgage paper fraud mess.
    "This was an industry wide scheme designed to defraud homeowners," Florida attorney Peter Ticktin told The Associated Press.
    In Kentucky, Heather McKeever filed a class action lawsuit against GMAC on behalf of homeowners there alleging the giant lender, a recipient of $16 billion in federal bailout money, violated the RICO Act. "This is organized crime by people in suits but it is still organized crime," she said.

    If other states file similar lawsuits like those in Ohio, Kentucky and Mississippi, it could mean billions of dollars in damages and fines, criminal perjury prosecutions of "robo-signers" and disbarment for the lawyers who filed the fraudulent papers. Some analysts say the potential liability of major banks is so large, another financial crisis is a real possibility.”

    _________Alright, STOP right there. “Another”?...”another financial crisis is a real possibility”?

    No, this is the continuation of the same crisis. And this phony notion that this is “another” situation unlinked from the train of events is a rhetorical set up for another “too big to fail” scam.
    Again, the law will be 'avoided' for 'practical' circumstances. In other words the criminal agenda will continue.
    That, at the heart of this agenda is to totally crush the middle class is only a secret hidden in plain sight. Most of what is going on here is political theater. Oh there are real people trying to use real law to be sure. But it is what happens in the realm of “higher authority” in DC that will have the final say on all these issues. It will be DC swinging the big ax cutting the People down.

    That has been the agenda for over a hundred years, for only when feudalism is restored can the crowning moment of the New World Order arrive.


  53. That's compelling info about bootman's politics. Good call, Deb. Rand Paul....yeah I did know already he isn't what his father is. I voted for Cynthia Mckinney for prez, not Paul, anyway. I'm only voting again soon for one local election to oust an incumbent and I think I will write in my picks for the rest as I don't see any D/R's anymore worth much hope. I just wanted to check out what people thought here, given that Americans invented professional wrestling where alot of spectacular head smashing goes on, horrible body slams, fake kicks and whatnot.
    Wonder if Infowars will revisit their hyposthesis with the info out on bootman.

  54. JG, I'm with you standing only for the truth. Some of the people and candidates Infowars touts are real losers. Reading the INfowars comments, it usually seems the readers are wise to alot the editors won't talk about.

  55. Chris Hedges "Inverted Totalitarianism"

  56. Good points from Chris Hedges.
    Inverted Totalitarianism, yes; it is the inversion that mekes in unrecognizable to those expecting a hitlerstalin style police state.
    These are heavy issues.

