I would like you to read the article reprinted out below, by Karl Denninger, found at :
THEN, PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE BY Paul Craig Roberts at the link right below:
The War On Terror
Paul Craig Roberts
House Stealing: Tickerguy's Perspective
Karl Denninger
Most of you have probably heard by now about the family that was foreclosed on in California, their home was resold, refurbished, and they then effectively "stole it back" with their attorney and a locksmith breaking in and re-taking possession.
Conejo Capital Partners has published "the other side of the story", and it makes several good points - some of which I believe deserve exposition and discussion:
On January 28, 2010 the property was sold thru a public auction at the trustee sale held at the Ventura County Court House. Each month this same process occurs thousands of times across the nation as a method for banks to take back or dispose of the property that is not being paid for. Conejo Capital was the “successful†bidder. Shortly thereafter the former bank issued the title and it was legally recorded with Conejo Capital Partners LLC as the new owner of the property. At the time all we knew about the property was that the former homeowners purchased it in 2001 for $539,000, and that they later refinanced it, pulling equity out, resulting in debt of roughly $1,000,000.
We start here. How do we wind up with someone who purchased a home for $500,000 then pulling another $500,000 in what amounts to phantom equity out?
Well, that's simple: We had Wall Street banks that were more than happy to trade on this phantom, false, and maliciously-inflated "equity", driven by a central bank and cronies in Washington DC that were all too happy to look the other way at rampant lawlessness for nearly a decade.
The genesis of this problem came there, but nobody - and I do mean nobody - wants to talk about that or take responsibility for it. Why not?
There are hundred of billions of reasons why, and they're paid to Wall Street "talent" every year.
On Saturday October 9th the Earls and their attorney followed thru with their previous threats and took the law into their own hands. They hired a locksmith to break into the Mustang home. They had arranged to have t.v. news cameras filming their actions, and then proceeded to hold a press conference stating that they were within their rights and that we (Conejo Capital Partners) had somehow violated the law. All along the Simi Valley Police Department sat idle and refused to get involved no matter how much proof was offered supporting our legal rights and position. We were told that we needed to resolve it in front of a judge even though it had already been decided.
Why are you surprised? More to the point, why is anyone surprised?
Look, this is what happens when you sit idly by and countenance rampant and outrageous lawbreaking: The people decide they'll do it too!
As for the police telling you that they won't get involved, cry me a river. There's a lady here in Florida who was not in foreclosure, the bank did not have a judgment of possession, and they hired a company to break into her home and change the locks - with her inside. That's breaking and entering anywhere, it's a serious felony, and in Florida at least a homeowner confronted with this is within his rights to shoot the people doing it. Yet when the Sheriff responded he refused to arrest the perpetrators.
It sounds like Conejo ran into the same problem. I'd be sympathetic, but I can't be so long as they do not demand that the same sanction attach to all the illegal bank activities in regard to these repossessions as well.
Of course, Conejo didn't do that.
Two wrongs don't make a right - just more wrongs. But the lesson here isn't that a couple and their kids "re-took" possession and claim their original foreclosure was "illegal." I don't know if it was or wasn't - what I know is that the chain of lawlessness didn't start with them, and it is impossible to condemn their actions standing alone.
If the foreclosure was unlawful and initiated with "robosigned" and bogus documents then it was. The Earls apparently attempted to demand a jury trial on the facts (including these facts) and were told to go to hell. Someone hasn't read their Constitution lately - it says that for all controversies exceeding $20, you have a right to a trial by jury (7th Amendment). It doesn't say that if it's inconvenient for a bank and might expose criminal fraud for which bank officers could be imprisoned the judge can tell you to pound sand. That, standing alone, broke the chain of lawful behavior in the instant case.
This is where lawlessness leads us - to more lawlessness. Once you commit a lawless act against someone and are not punished for it you have invited them to retaliate with complete disregard for the law in their response. You are only required to deal ethically and morally with an ethical and moral entity across the table - one who ignores the law loses their right to demand that respect in return.
This mess begins with the securitization and sale of these mortgages in the first instance. It begins with whether or not the original banks actually transferred the notes at all (there's plenty of evidence they did not) and whether the representations and warranties were complied with when these securities were sold to investors (we know in many cases - if not all - they were not, from FCIC sworn testimony.)
We have turned a blind eye to these lawless acts for the better part of a decade - not one indictment has issued for securities fraud over these matters. And it's not just mortgages - we know banks were involved in ripping off communities such as Jefferson County, we know they are alleged to have been involved in rigging municipal debt offerings (which raised the cost of living for everyone through higher taxes) and yet not one bank officer or bank itself has been placed under indictment for any of it. Further, the FBI warned in 2004 of an "epidemic" (their words) of mortgage fraud, and instead of it being prosecuted the agents were pulled and reassigned.
We have had two sequential administrations - Bush and now Obama - that have intentionally refused to prosecute any of this lawless behavior. This refusal continues to this very day with admissions in depositions under oath of the commission of literal tens of thousands of felonies per month (each instance of falsely swearing before a court is a separate count of fraud upon the court and, in the case of "robosigning", forgery - affixing a notary's signature by other than the actual notary.) Yet despite this having been confirmed in multiple depositions going back several months not one indictment has issued thus far and Attorneys General talk about not wanting to "upset" the banks or the "economy."
The message could not be more clear: So long as you make lots of tax revenue (and money for yourself), it's ok to rip people off, subvert justice and mislead courts and we won't send you to prison even though your conduct is felonious.
The media and others wish to spin this as "technical errors." Nonsense. These are serious crimes. They do not become "technical errors" because some large financial institution committed them. Breaking and entering is a felony irrespective of who does it - the offense does not suddenly disappear if a monster bank is the perpetrator who directs an agent of theirs to commit the offense.
Until and unless all of these lawless acts receive indictments in response I will not condemn anyone who chooses to act in exactly the same form and fashion as is done to them, and in my opinion neither should anyone else. It's that simple - either the law applies to all or it applies to none. There is no middle ground.
I cannot countenance what the Earls' have done. But at the same time, a trial by jury is a civil right respected in the US Constitution. The moment they were denied their civil rights they were left with no recourse through lawful behavior and thus had only the choice of a stick in the teeth or to act with the same lawlessness that was served upon them.
They decided upon the latter course and I argue that was their right to do in the instant case. The government can change my opinion on that any time they'd like - it can remove the Judge who refused their right to a trial by jury, restoring same, and it can indict and place in the dock the robosigners who forged documents in their original foreclosure. Due process of law and Constitutional Rights are not suggestions, and until they apply to all I refuse to selectively endorse their application against only "little people."
Forgery and fraud are not complicated offenses, nor is breaking and entering. The lawless behavior began with the financial institutions involved and if lawless acts resulted in an alleged conveyance of a title from a standpoint of justice - whether a gavel banged or not - from an ethical and moral standpoint it simply never happened.
No person should be buying Real Estate or proceeding with foreclosures until (1) the lawlessness stops and (2) those who violated the law all the way back to the origination of these securities are indicted and put in the dock for their offenses. The conveyance of real property interest is both a state matter and subject to strict scrutiny - so says 200+ years of jurisprudence in The United States. Those who buy allegedly in good faith but have received nothing due to these "robo" enterprises have no gripe with the people who did not get their fair day in court - their gripe is with the firm(s) that contracted with the robosigning outfits along with the quite-possibly bogus title chains they were trying to cover up.
We are not far away from a complete and total breakdown of lawful behavior among the population of this nation. If it happens, it will not be because of people like the Earls. While I cannot recommend a lawless response to any insult suffered by people like them I will understand what has happened and why - and who's to blame.
This has and will in the future occur because the government has refused to enforce long-standing laws against "favored people", allowing the general public to be asset-stripped mercilessly through various connivances and frauds, even though such conduct is blatantly unlawful - and the people have simply had enough of being treated like a turkey drumstick at an amusement park.
The blame for this incident and those like it rests squarely with Mr. Holder, President Obama, Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke, President Bush, Hank Paulson and the 50 States Attorneys General who have all refused, collectively, to prosecute the rampant lawlessness in our financial system for the previous two decades - and are still refusing today.
I'd like to hear some "slap backs" commentary from interested readers -- this means everyone!
ReplyDeleteAmerica as I understand it, was the "Land of Liberty". That means rugged individualism, a brave and courageous People who stand up for and defend their inalienable Rights and the Rights of others who cannot defend themselves.
Apparently, Americans have forgotten who they are. They also have forgotten the importance of resisting despotism. What "is" resistance might also be drilled down upon. I guess we need to look back at History for a refresher course, or look around the globe to see what downtrodden folks are forced to do to survive. Truly a sad commentary on the state of American Boobicanus.
Byline: SC has enjoyed a week or so of absolutely clear blue skies. Today, the chemtrailers are back in force, mucking up Our atmosphere. I hope folks look up and take notice. Mother Nature and People are VERY MAD about this systematic poison polluting.
Puddy, I think it is time to change out Obama's smiling face on the header to a demonic sneer representative of the utter lack of regard this administration has for the American People they are "supposed" to serve.
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON (AP) -- The pace of U.S. home foreclosures may not slow much after all.
Bank of America said Monday that it plans to resume seizing more than 100,000 homes in 23 states next week. It said it has a legal right to foreclose despite accusations that documents used in the process were flawed.
Ally Financial Inc's GMAC Mortgage unit is also resuming foreclosures once documents are fixed. Gina Proia, a spokeswoman for Ally, said that "as we review the affected files and take any remediation needed, the foreclosure process then resumes."
So, the FIX is in, just like that. Who could have doubted that the oligarchs would simply do what ever they want regardless of law? It is their MO...for centuries. Hope is for idiots, there is no hope under this system. People waiting for justice from the current criminal syndicate calling itself “government” here are simply delusional.
“God shed his grace on thee”...yes and this grace was the stretch of land, an entire continent in the temperate zone, a “blessing of nature”, of “Providence”. It isn't a lack of “prayer” that is the sin that destroyed this “grace”, it has been the violent pillaging of this land. It has been the utter genocide of the original inhabitants, and the credo of hubris and exceptionalism, that has destroyed this 'grace'. \\ll//
ReplyDeleteIt is a matter of "Know Thine Enemy"--the central banking cartel:
ReplyDelete“We are the intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest Great War but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of nearly every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.”
Marcus Eli Ravage, the authorized Jewish Biographer for the Rothschild dynasty wrote this in an article in The Century Magazine, January 1928, volume 115, no. 3 pp 346-350
Those are some great comments Rogue1.
ReplyDeleteBank of America = Bank of CIA.
I'm sure Americans are confused about their posture -- should they Stand Up for their Rights or Bend Over? Decisions, Decisions...
A little Bob Marley, "Get Up, Stand Up" is in order. I forgot how to post a youtube in the comments section. Dang me!
whether the home owners were in the 'right' or not i hope their actions inspire thousands and thousands of others to do the same or better. quickly.
ReplyDeletethe citizens of the world have been reduced to fighting for their lives and the basic necessities of life. screw the banks and realtors. war has been declared.
we have been backed into a corner for way too long. the tipping point is now. or possibly never. take a clue from the french and do not let up on the momentum.
The harder Americans work, the less they have to show for it. Why?
ReplyDeleteBecause We Was Robbed!
Correction -- We Are Being Robbed!
Politically, Economically, Environmentally, Emotionally & Spiritually.
What is the litmus test? Follow the Money!
Who has ended up with it? You Know WHO.
Again, I ask all -- do you bend over or stand up? Maddening crowds should be surrounding the scoundrels and pushing for accountability. It is coming, and there should be no place to hide for criminals.
The French are already at it again...where IS that good ol'Amerkun spunk?
ReplyDeleteMakes ya kinda chuckle at those old lines, "Home of the brave--land of the free" doesn't it?
Now doncha go gettin' uppity with yo mastah Amerika.
"Watsusi cheekin" Lol
I know a gal in Afghanistan that types just like you kiddo.
Ya know Pudbucket,
ReplyDeleteI keep wundren when I wrote anything about:
Children, Ritual Satanism, UN-Vatican Pedophilia, etc...and how I ended up in that side strip:
COTO Spotlight On...?????
It is said; Possession is 90percent of the law.
ReplyDeleteWell, when possession becomes 100percent of the law, locked and loaded, is the day the elites will regret destroying the law.
class war is on
ReplyDeletemortgage squatting, or even retaking an illegal foreclosure, is our only defense against the banksters.
and if our neighbors stuck by us when the sheriffs showed up... and if we did this all over the country... that would send a very strong message to the conscienceless
Washington (CNN) -- “A Pentagon official said he believes the shooting early Tuesday at the U.S. Defense Department headquarters was a "random incident."
ReplyDelete"We are looking at all the possibilities," Steven E. Calvery, director of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, said at a news conference late Tuesday morning. "What we have is an isolated incident, so far."
Tuesday's shooting follows a similar incident overnight Sunday at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Virginia, near the entrance of Marine Corps Base Quantico.
Lin Ezell, the museum's director, told CNN Tuesday that investigators have determined that one or more assailants used rifles to fire 10 bullets at the building -- five hitting glass windows, the rest hitting metal panels. Authorities haven't pinned down exactly where the shots were fired from, though they believe they came from Interstate 95 or nearby.”
Might wonder if these could be some of the first warning shots in a building revolution?
It will be spotty at first...but I can see the day coming.
ReplyDeleteThis is of course builds into the perfect opportunity for the the "Homeland Security State" to pull another whale of a false flag psyop.
O'Amerika, keep your eyes peeled and your ear to the ground.
Hi Rady! Yep...The War is On.
ReplyDeleteSquatting might become next Great American "Past-Time". Reminds me of that movie with the brave indian -- "Squanto!" Squatting Squantos. Passive Aggressiveness. I like it.
If Americans start to circle their wagons to protect themselves from the Financial Savages, they'll have a chance. Doing the "they came for my neighbor and I did nothing, then they came for me and there was no one to help me" thing is very bad herd mentality for a flock of sheep.
RogueLand -- you're a musician and leericist (grin). Think about all those songs they still have grade children (and adults at sports venues) sing for programming purposes from childhood age. We gotta get some new lyrics and songs written for the New Homeland. It could be fun and satirical I tells ya!
America the pootiful, the Star Spangled Bomber. You know, crap like that. The old standards just don't stand up any more when the landscape no longer resembles the remarks.
Rogue1, I think keeping all of our recording devices running, and uploading furiously to youtube is a new survival technique as well.
ReplyDeleteBy the way; nice market manipulation of the FRN toilet paper today by the PPT (Plunge Protection Team). They've got no chance in Hell from keeping down the consumerism of the heavy metals -- silver, gold, guns & ammo. Every step the PTB make now is a wrong one. Duh, Doofeces.
Someone hit the [FFWD>>] button again....
ReplyDeleteI feel things building to a ...POP.
{a POPular uprising??}
ReplyDeleteHigh court to decide detentions case against former attorney general --The government argues that John Ashcroft is not liable for claims he misused the law in terrorism arrests. 19 Oct 2010 The Supreme Court intervened again Monday in a lawsuit against a former George W. Bush administration official, agreeing to decide whether former Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft is entirely shielded from claims that he misused the law to arrest terrorism suspects under false pretenses.
Obama administration lawyers appealed on Ashcroft's behalf and asserted that it would "severely damage law enforcement" if the nation's top law enforcement official could be held liable for abusing his authority."
"...severely damage law enforcement" if the nation's top law enforcement official could be held liable for abusing his authority."????
Lets look a bit closer at this fucking oxymoron...amazing doublethink...Newspeak bullshit.
"abusing his authority", abuse of authority IS illegal...but "law enforcement" can be "severely damaged" by enforcing the law.
No, they aren't kidding...they think you are stupid.
From Prison Planet...
ReplyDeleteWill Americans Follow French Example Of Mass Civil Unrest?
Paul Joseph Watson
"How will Americans react when the government begins to impose the same austerity measures that are causing riots, street battles, fuel blockades and other assorted chaos in France? Will we witness mass civil unrest or will the sleeping middle classes continue to scratch their butts and watch Dancing with the Stars?"
ReplyDeleteWe now stand at the edge of the global financial abyss of a ‘Great Global Debt Depression,’ where nations, mired in extreme debt, are beginning to implement ‘fiscal austerity’ measures to reduce their deficits, which will ultimately result in systematic global social genocide, as the middle classes vanish and the social foundations upon which our nations rest are swept away. How did we get here? Who brought us here? Where is this road leading?~Andrew Gavin Marshall
At the heart of the global political economy is the central banking system. Central banks are responsible for printing a nation’s currency and setting interest rates, thus determining the value of the currency. This should no doubt be the prerogative of a national government, however, central banks are of a particularly deceptive nature, in which while being imbued with governmental authority, they are in fact privately owned by the world’s major global banks, and are thus profit-seeking institutions. How do central banks make a profit? The answer is simple: how do all banks make a profit? Interest on debt. Loans are made, interest rates are set, and profits are made. It is a system of debt, imperial economics at its finest.
The West has essentially privatized profits for the banks, and socialized the risk. In other words, the nations bought the debt from the banks, and now the people have to pay for it.
"They should be hung from their lying lips until they quack!"~Boom
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha...I almost sprayed my coffee on my keyboard reading that!
"Will Americans Follow French Example Of Mass Civil Unrest?"
ReplyDeleteYea O, that's what I have been wondering too. Thanks for the link.
Washington (CNN) -- “A Pentagon official said he believes the shooting early Tuesday at the U.S. Defense Department headquarters was a "random incident."
"We are looking at all the possibilities," Steven E. Calvery, director of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, said at a news conference late Tuesday morning. "What we have is an isolated incident, so far."
Tuesday's shooting follows a similar incident overnight Sunday at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Virginia, near the entrance of Marine Corps Base Quantico.
Lin Ezell, the museum's director, told CNN Tuesday that investigators have determined that one or more assailants used rifles to fire 10 bullets at the building -- five hitting glass windows, the rest hitting metal panels. Authorities haven't pinned down exactly where the shots were fired from, though they believe they came from Interstate 95 or nearby.”
Might we wonder if these could be some of the first warning shots in a building revolution?
Is this the case...might we hope...give them more rope, let them hang themselves...
I find it poetic that the dudes charged with planning our wars should take a few rounds themselves.
ReplyDeleteSurprised we haven't seen a lot more incidents like it. Especially, on pig street.
Seen it your Obtuseness. Good to see you paying attention and weighing in.
ReplyDeleteSo many of the "players" on the scene and behind it have the blood of millions on their hands. The War Mongers and designers of all things War, walk without consciences upon this earth. From Kissinger on up through the administrations, the MIC, the PNAC, the Clubs, the corporate board rooms, the God Damned Judges and judiciary who have sold their souls, and then sold out the People, Academic Professors hiding behind titles...Oh My!!! The freaking extent of the Walking Dead still walking free among the oppressed populations is the 8th Wonder of the World.
Justice will be served...hot or cold.
That line made me laugh too, soon as it crossed my melon. Good visual accompanies it, aye?
ReplyDelete"Further, state infrastructure – such as roads, bridges, airports, ports, railways, prisons, hospitals, electric transmission lines and water – will be privatized, so that global corporations and banks will own the entirely of national assets. Simultaneously, of course, taxes will be raised dramatically to levels never before seen. The BIS said that interest rates should rise at the same time, meaning that interest payments on debt will dramatically increase at both the national and individual level, forcing governments to turn to the IMF for loans – likely in the form of its new global reserve currency – to simply pay the interest, and will thus be absorbing more debt. Simultaneously, of course, the middle class will in effect have its debts called in, and since the middle class exists only as an illusion, the illusion will vanish.
No wonder then, that this month {Oct 2010}, the Managing Director of the IMF warned that America and Europe, in the midst of the worst jobs crisis since the Great Depression, face an “explosion of social unrest.”
This “explosion of social unrest,” is of course part of the game plan. This is why the hard core police state has been erected beforehand.
There'll be a cold shit taco when the sun goes down...
Strange shape for that pig stigh they made aye?
"Good visual accompanies it, aye?"
ReplyDeleteSatisfying as well..."manly but I like it too" {soapy}
There’ll be a cold shit taco when the sun goes down…if you don't feed the animals.
I'm wishing as hard you. But I'm kinda getting the vibe that we're gonna see civil war before we see real justice done.
ReplyDeleteThe peeps would rather fight among themselves.
My own neighbors bitch about the government constantly, yet fly their their flags every fourth of July. Since I never do, they figure me for a commie and like to challenge my librool beliefs every chance they get. They figure librools like me is the problem--not the fucking government. And yeah, they are dumb shits--like 90% of americanz.
Problem is: there's no solidarity among the peeps. The Fox news hounds have successfully split the nation in two. So. while the french riot for their rights, we americans would prefer to kill each other.
Mr. O,
ReplyDeleteI get the same shit from all the gumbahs around me too. As aware as a sack full of chicken bones.
Yea...I think what we will see is Amerikans rip each other to shreds in blind hysteria
They have Two modes: Passive/Panic...just buttons pushed by PR.
May they shit their pants in public. Fitting that the corpulent crooks crap themselves in the docket, quacking on their accomplices. Its a shitty job, but the American folks are gonna have to clean up the mess these freaks have created. WE got our own Plunge Protection Team appointed I'd say.
ReplyDeleteThe Divide & Conquer game plan, and create chaos and hide out till its over is so...predictable and passe. It may work in scattered areas, but I'm pretty sure even Joemerican is getting the idea who is screwing him.
ReplyDeleteMaybe some wussy types like Dodd & Frank, Pelosi, might get "citizen arrested" and squeezed till they squeal "on citizen camera". Up it goes on youtube, and embarrassing Truths start to pop up everywhere. It won't take much Whistleblowing from a few fat cats to focus the minds of the masses.
Really. I think the Circus has gotten so Big that it is unmanageable by the elites. For the first time in long time, the shit will run Up Hill. Like most crooks, they'll want to save their own necks. AND, they're all professionals at blaming someone else. Once cornered, without a Get Out of Jail Free Card, they'll crumble.
I kinda like Rady's suggestion. The way to stop this off course ship is to just drag anchor. There is a poetic beauty to just saying no. No need to run around apeshit. Talk to people. Get them information.
This whole slow motion scene reminds me of the assholes in Total Recall turning off the air to the poor bastards in the city. Except in this land -- we're seeing who's got their hands on the levers right now.
Look at the precious metals right now. www.kitco.com.
ReplyDeleteGold back up $5.60, silver up $.37. The manipulations just aren't "taking" like they used to...it is a sign of distrust of the integrity of the fiat toilet paper, and a sign of folks disbelieving the Lies. Can't fool em all forever. And when you're caught cheating redhanded at the table, you're Done!
What is happening must be named. At this point in their game they are moving to 'Attrition". This of course, is a very old tactic for taking walled cities in ancient time.
ReplyDeleteIt is a matter of controlling supply. This system has been set up perfectly for quick--almost instant attrition. It is called "just in time delivery".
Everything in modern retail is on this system.
This is a strong case for living outside of major metropolitan areas. Attrition is always accompanied by quarantine.
Great care should be taken in personal geographical positioning at this period.
Agreed on the personal positioning point, and inventory controls. You mean folks may run amok 'cause they can't get their biscuits and gravy breakfast at Hardees? Trusting a rigged system of control is foolish for anybody.
ReplyDeleteWar College released a white paper called, 'Known Unknowns: Unconventional ‘Strategic Shocks’ in Defense Strategy Development'.
ReplyDeleteThe report warned that the military must be prepared for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States,” which could be provoked by “unforeseen economic collapse,” “purposeful domestic resistance,” “pervasive public health emergencies” or “loss of functioning political and legal order.” The “widespread civil violence,” the document said, “would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.”
“purposeful domestic resistance,” Of course this term actually means 'the will of the people', in purposeful resistance to the despotism the military is choosing to side with {as per the white paper}
"Dear William :
ReplyDeleteThank you for your continued support of WorldNetDaily.com. WND occasionally sends emails
like this one to introduce major advertisers to our loyal readers and valued customers."
But I only have WorldNetDaily delivered to my email in-box to keep up with "the enemy": "Know thine enemy"--as it is said.
I consider WorldNetDaily as a collection of Zionist maniacs.
“would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.”
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of idiots. I've read this somewhere else before. All we see anymore is a "protection racket" attempting to perpetuate the elite's system of control. The drones who do the protecting can't seem to figure out that protecting a mafioso type regime/cabal is directly a stab to the heart of their own families and freedoms. For a stupid paycheck they defend psychopaths. This is really pathetic and deformed.
I hope some of these zombies who only answer to "orders" will some day wake up. I mean, if the company you keep, and the one you work for are fucking assholes, fucking go AWOL. You're destroying any integrity you still have left on a daily basis.
I recently had a conversation with my brother-in-law who went deer hunting over the weekend. One of the guys was a Marine. He point-blank confronted him and asked him if he would shoot Americans if ordered. His answer was...I do what Obama tells me to do. A mummified drone zombie if I ever heard one. Can't think for himself. Can't make a rational judgment. This is a terrible state of affairs. Reminds me of the Borg Collective from Star Trek. They "assimilate" all cultures and beings. Is this a good thing you freaking unthinking zombies? If a total lunatic happens to be pResident, is it your "duty" to serve the guy's every command without blinking, without thinking, without remorse?
Humans turned into devils. And without so much as a complaint or an independent thought. Think "cannon fodder" fools! Is a Maniac's World the one you want to live in?
Yea Boom, that Marine is a brainwashed automaton. He took an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution--not any specific regime.
ReplyDeleteMany--TOO MANY idiots in the military--four twisted sisters they, the branches...or the Four Horses of the Apocalypse...the Four Whores of the New World Order.
Most military men are as dumb as a bag of chicken bones, locked in a dumpster mentality.
Most Nam Vets never got this either...forever troubled at the lack of parades for the returning troops--going in as John Wayne and coming out as Mr. Hyde.
Well, it was their own jingo ass fault. The very idea they could go into another country and blow up, maim, murder and torture the people of that country with impunity is on their own black consciences. For most of these unfortunate 'useful idiots', their souls never came back from Nam...they are only here as husks of what went "over there".
I know many personally, they are the damned, living in a world of total delusion.
A sorrowful path do these misled walk.
ReplyDeletePerhaps its just you and I Rogue on this lonely thread. Thread-bare. Ho-Hum. Perhaps we think and write as if in a vacuum. Like writing on a cave wall 4000 years ago. Will anyone stumble upon our thoughts? Will they know we were thinking about them, trying to throw some light in the darkened chamber?
Still...our synapses snap, our digits press the keys, and we send our smoke signals out the door hoping someone senses the import.
Regarding my recent rant above; my main point to anybody that cares is that you just cannot "check your reasoning at the door". Nuremburg established as much. Common sense and a normal functioning conscience are really all the tools a military or non-military individual needs to make wise choices. Rogue, your explanation above regarding Viet Nam (and pretty much all other wars) is on point. The mil-guys should read General Smedley Butler's famous quote easily found at:
For the hard of "seeing", they can listen to a recording of it.
It being near Halloween and all, I will also share a link to a song from one of my favorite all-time groups -- "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo
Yeah Rogue1, you were hanging out in Topanga Canyon about that time. Danny Elfman (founder and lead singer of Oingo Boingo) was a genius at orchestration and instrumentation. Killer Horn Section!
Enjoy! And everybody, don't check your body or your brain at the door!
That["[that] Public men publish falsehoods is nothing new.
ReplyDeleteThat America must accept
Like the historical republics, corruption and empire
Has been known for years.
Be angry at the sun for setting
If these things anger you.
Watch the wheel slope and turn,
They are all bound on that wheel,
These people those warriors,
This republic, Europe, Asia.
Observe them gesticulating,
Observe them going down. The gang serves lies,
The passionate man plays his part: the cold passion for truth
Hunts in no pack.
~~a poem by Robinson Jeffers
Yup, Love BOINGO, from the time of the MYSTIC KNIGHTS OF... to this verily I say unto you.
ReplyDeleteS'far as the thread many more read than comment...tho COTO itself is strangely absenth and sugar water.
Saw them at the ROXY theater on Sunset during the "freedom of choice" days...
ReplyDelete"Victim of collision on the open sea
Nobody ever said that life was free
Sink swim go down with the ship
But use your freedom of choice...."
Hot hot hot...those were the days ma friend.
Nice. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteFrançois Fillon, the prime minister said the protests "are levelling out, beginning to run out of steam" with "never more than a million people in the streets".
ReplyDeleteJeeze...never more than a million??? Gosh what's a million people? Peanuts right?
Only silicone atomaton lips could speak such robotalk.
"You know, like what's a million people dude?"
\\ll// woo woo
What's it going to take to make an impression on the elites? Always minimizing dissent. Always seeking to twist reality into nonsense.
ReplyDeleteA million people? Out of their homes and in the streets -- Now that's a Crowd!
Nice Header whoever put it up!
ReplyDeleteI know what he was thinking there! The Lords of London can pilage and plunder but they can't take me under.
May, brought news of the French Alliance, and with it the military and financial support of France.
The Conway Cabal is alive and well as mentioned in my piece on the Mortgage meltdown.
The bubble was the tip and the main squeeze is on now. The troops are hungry, diseased from C-trails and without a leader. GW withstood the Cabal and won with the French.
We paid them back in 1945. We ought to do it again. Only this time the Cabal has dumbed down the sheeple into a mass of lazy, ignorant muttonheads who can't see the angels of death sitting on their fat ass laps.
It's been a long time--a very long time that humanity has been stalked by this hideous Golem.
ReplyDelete"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations."~Quigley
So what's the fuckin' mystery here? This has been revealed time and again. Why are so many so stupid on this account? You think you're going to see this on the Zionist controlled six o'clock cartoon news? Amerikans are fucking idiots—nothing else explains this ongoing lunacy.
And then there is this twisted lunatic General “My god is bigger than your god” Boykin:
“WASHINGTON – Retired Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, former U.S. deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, made an impassioned plea for Americans – especially Christians – to learn about the inner workings of stealth jihadists by reading "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America," a book based on the covert penetration of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Boykin went on to tell his audience of thousands at the Harvest Christian Fellowship about some of the revelations in the book by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry;
>>CAIR is more closely tied to al-Qaeda than previously reported.”
Then CAIR is another subsidiary of CIA, just like al Qaeda.
And where did I come across this cartoon dialog? World Net Daily, Joseph Farah's 5th column Zionist web rag.
A mountain of evidence indicts the elite for Conspiracy of World Domination. Considering the fact that pretty much the entire world is 'working' for a paycheck to pay the bills and survive another day, you would think they would see the importance of understanding "money" and tangible wealth and capital?
ReplyDeleteI'm flummoxed that the masses take it so lightly, that they put on the same yoke every day, and feel the sting of the slave driver's whip upon their backs, and get up every day to do it again...crawl along as beasts of burden.
Slaves work for a pittance, and then are robbed. The bankers print "money" from thin air, and charge the slaves interest. Interesting...that bankers still drive their Mercedes unmolested by the mass of victims they pass on the way home to their gated mansions?
The bankers own and are in bed with the political elites. Flipping amazing the scorned masses worship them as idols? Bank robbers as idols. Political whores as leaders. A study in sociopolitical fantasy land.
Full Moon tonight I believe -- Lunatics abound.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna celbrate with some French Fries...
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, October 21, 2010; 2:26 PM
PARIS - Unions vowed that their striking workers would keep disrupting rail and road transportation. Teenagers marched through the streets and pledged to go on boycotting their schools. The government, trying to appear unfazed, urged Parliament to ignore the chaos and speed up the vote on a bitterly contested pension reform.
France remained stuck Thursday in what has become a major test of President Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative presidency - the turmoil caused by a nationwide strike and protest movement that has maintained its momentum well into a second month.
So Cozy and his "conservative" presidency. Buzzwords that lie. It is actually hysterically funny and pathetic at the same time the way political whores parade around smearing on the lipstick and rouge and baffling with bullshit, all the while looking like Klowns!
ReplyDeleteThey're typically little sods that got their asses kicked on the playground, developed a sociopathic hatred for people in general, and through some freak of nature, have been placed unnaturally into positions of power...
How's that one might ask? Because they're conscious-less piss ants who are ruthless (read psychopaths) to the core of their being. Aww Hah! Perfect freaking material for "Leadership". What a sick joke upon humanity to not put them in a circus or traveling show with a "dunk tank".
I'd be the one who drops them repeatedly with a "strike" on the armature every time. With joy! They deserve a dunk tank filled with the citizen's feces and piss. Angry, fear filled little men with Napoleon complexes. Give them an army to wage war? Adulation, and the means to screw the rest of humanity? Not-very-smart ye people.
Maybe the masses are waking up? I've got a dream...
"Maybe the masses are waking up? I’ve got a dream…"~Boom
ReplyDeleteYea...I've got TO dream--"reality" is a stink bomb.
I'm going to have to clarify on the elite sod description. We all know many come into the world with a silver spoon in their mouth, and skate on up the ivy covered educational ladder...so they aren't all ass-kicked little pricks. A lot of them are just plain pricks. O.K. Glad I straightened that little observation out.
ReplyDelete~~~~~~~~~~ This "sign" you used Rogue! I have never used it in my life. I sat here staring at my keyboard for at least a minute -- didn't see it anywhere. I think it is called an "ampersand", right? Anyways, I found it on the very upper left of the keyboard. It looks cool and useful, I've just never thought of using the "squiggly". What is the proper use of this squiggle? (Doh!) Really? I'm sure it should be an important part of my writing arsenal...
Not an Ampersand--This is an ampersand...&
ReplyDeleteProbably just a squiggle, but in music it's known as a 'Turn.'
"Turn (also known as gruppetto)
A short figure consisting of the note above the one indicated, the note itself, the note below the one indicated, and the note itself again. It is marked by a mirrored S-shape lying on its side above the staff."
Thanks your "O-ness". There. I've learned a couple things for the day, actually three -- this is a squiggle "turn" ~, I know where it is on my keyboard, & this is a good ole ampersand.
ReplyDeleteWhat's this `````, located under the squiggle turn, and how can I use it to enhance my communication?
And is the "O" gravatar for your obtusiness the ole snake chasing its tail, a brass ring, or a tasty donut? I can't quite tell what is depicted.
And ALL of this blather is germain to the Frenchies doing a Le' Petomaine in the face of the Bourgeois scumbags
I'm using this definition -- {Marxism defines the bourgeoisie as the social class that owns the means of production in a capitalist society}. Wiki
You will find the turn~used for atribution rather than a dash - in more classic literature as it 'groups' the text with the author.
ReplyDeletethe Bugercheese is okay if your are French or Marxist, but oligarchy works fine for the good ol'fuckin' Anglo-Saxon in me{grin}.
"And is the “O” gravatar for your obtusiness the ole snake chasing its tail, a brass ring, or a tasty donut? I can’t quite tell what is depicted."
ReplyDeleteI think it's just me, smelling my own butt.
~ Mr. O
Oops! This page appears broken. DNS Error - Server cannot be found.
ReplyDeleteJeff Rense site is down again.
I figure that his site will be one of the first major ones to get bopped when the veiling mist of poice state control first drifts into the web-o-world.
We'll see...everyone knows the clock is ticking...as per etcetra...und...da?
ReplyDelete...I should have known.
I've never seen anyone use the word "atribution" either.
Well in these days of ATRIBULATIONS, when the veils lift we can see who to atribute the evil deeds to...revel in it, Lol
ReplyDelete{aw jeeeze--I gotta million of em}
Is it okay if I crack myself up sometimes?...even when no one else gets it..Ha ha ha
ha ah oh oh...ahem.
ReplyDeleteOct 19, 2010 3:37 pm US/Central Jordanian Man Gets 24 Years In Dallas Bomb Plot
“Smadi acknowledged leaving what he thought was a truck bomb in a garage beneath the 60-story Fountain Place building in September 2009. Smadi said he parked the truck, activated a timer connected to the decoy provided by undercover FBI agents, then rode away to watch the explosion.
Smadi dialed a cell phone number from the roof of a nearby parking garage, where he had planned to watch the explosion. The number was supposed to set off his truck bomb. It instead alerted tactical agents hiding in a stairwell, who swarmed the rooftop and arrested the teenager.”
In every single one of these prosecutions in “the War on Terror”, the “perpetrator” has been entrapped and set up by 'law enforcement' most commonly the FBI.
These “stings' aren't necessarily capturing those who would have ever acted on their own, but who have been coached and revved up by their Handlers—never actual terrorists, but “Anti-Terrorists”.
These are the tactics of Psyops, and a 'Strategy of Tension--not legitimate law enforcement.
Hosam Smadi, is only 20 years old. Just a stupid kid taken in by sharks.
Smadi admitted his shame, but the pricks who set him up and prosecuted him merely gloat in hubris.
This is done on the other hand by offering enlistment in the military to other stupid kids, and sending them half way across the world to kill in other countries—all of it a criminal farce.
This entire paradigm is psychotic; the system, the culture, and the majority of those within it.~ww
Second French Revolution
ReplyDelete"We can't be the only country in the world where, when there's a reform, a minority wants to block everyone else. That's not possible. That's not democracy," he declared, vowing tough action against rioters."~Sarkosky
WHAT? A "minority"???? A MILLION people in the streets??? He thinks only those who act FEEL that way?? Each person out there represents dozens more that have not the time nor ability to join it--Sarko is a lying fuckhead doing the will of the financial oligarchy--a titular shill, and a scumbag carrier for the rich.
Your distillation regarding Smadi is easily understood. Of course this is the way it is. Dupes are set up, used, and fall. As we said earlier in this thread, the same applies to the military men who are hyped up nationalism and patriotic duty to go kill "the enemy"...of course, their superiors tell them who the enemy is, and they unblinkingly follow orders. Murderers. And it is sold in a nice "package" to the folks at home and the warriors carrying out the orders. Sure there are bad guys around. Usually wearing suits. It has got to be clear to the military folks that "collateral damage" involves so many innocents as to render war-making a Criminal Offense?!
ReplyDeleteI implore them to "think!", and "care" about people. People with red blood in them, that when they are cut down, lives and futures are changed forever.
And the suits walk quietly into the night... watch the movie "Shooter" for God Sake!!! Get a Clue who the enemy of humanity IS!
The "law of unintended consequences" served hot from the ovens of Hell is going to roast the system--sizzling and popping like foil in a microwave.
ReplyDeleteCompeting systems become alike. The core principles will warp due to strategic necessities of cause and effect. Each competitor countering in kind.
This hammers each into a in yang matrix, two pieces interlocked at a mirrored border configuration. It is this that takes on prime consideration above all else.
Symbiosis is the resulting state.
Observe Mac and PC. The essentials are the same for each system, the 'brain' the screen. The keyboard and mouse. All other aspects are simply mirrors of each other.
The icons and commands may have a differing lexicon, but in action there is minimal if any actual difference.
The cold war created two blocks, equally Machiavellian and despotic. Both claimed to “liberate” their peoples while shackling them.
A true revolution of thought must avoid such competition, must flow like water around the opposition.
Putting this strategy into specific tactical sets will require real time contingency choices rather than long term planning.
The Tao is not spoken, but manifests.
Now this is an example of what we might expect to be facing:
The contractors don't seem to care about the people they kill. It's just a part of their business. These kinds of incidents occur on a regular basis, but no one seems to be concerned. -Paul Wolf, attorney
It is nearly two hours past noon, a sunny, warm day on October 9, 2007. The creaky old Oldsmobile, containing a driver and three people returning home from church, is lumbering along at about 15 miles per hour. As it begins to cross a busy intersection in the bustling Karada neighborhood of Baghdad, several rounds of copper-jacketed 5.56mm rounds tear into its windshield sending glass everywhere.
A second volley of rounds, traveling in excess of the speed of sound, sprays the car's engine hood and dashboard sounding like hard hammer strikes. Two of the rounds puncture wide holes in the Oldsmobile's radiator, which begins to spray heated engine coolant and steam. At least nine rounds strike and kill the female driver and hit the woman seated in the front passenger seat in the neck. The woman's head drops and a growing mandala of blood blossoms across the dress she wears.
A third volley of shots lifts her head away from her neck and body and parts of it fly into the backseat.
The mercenaries committing these murders are URG is an Australian-managed company, registered in Singapore, which has its headquarters in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Their tactics are the same as any other modern mercenary, paramilitary, or military force: Total draconian dominance.
Breath deep this gathering gloom for you will not be permitted the luxury of your current naiveté much longer.
Full Spectrum Dominance is out of the bottle like an evil jinn lurking on near horizons.
Boom I'm happy to see others thinking on the same lines...But would like to say something about this comment. I am a Vet...and yeah the Marine's well, kind of brain dead anyhow...You know they aren't called Jar Heads for no reason. They are used to do the most suicidal missions for a reason. But I believe that most my brothers in arms would turn the rifles on their commanders before they would an American in the right. Though I've been waiting for a long time for the cities in America to stop complaining about the gang and violance problem in our country and just get rid of them. We have declared war on terrorism if you are muslim but turn a blind eye to the terrorists that take over our inner cities. Or like you have made pretty clear those terrorists in Washington wearing ties every day.
ReplyDeleteAnyway just thought I would give you a little different spin. I honestly believe most of those wearing uniforms work hard, but came from the lower and middle class America and though they may take orders in Iraq or around the world....they have brains and wouldn't go against the people who have stood behind them this whole time. Being that I spent several years and three tours oversees....the only people that were really behind us or gave us respect were the middle and lower class people "our families".
I actually have liked most of what you wrote before but this one to couldn't be more untrue. Probably the most ignorant thing you have said...ignorant not meaning stupid because I can see that you are intelligent but meaning uninformed. You have your opinion and you may know a few Vets but you have never spent time with them or lived with them and obviously have never got to know many Vets or those currently serving. I can't say there aren't many dumbasses in the military but I would say per capita there are much fewer that are or have served then that have never served in the US population...again per capita since we are only 2%. I can't say that I feel myself in the light you put all of us in or even the majority of us in. Now I'm not asking for an apology nor a recanting of your opinion. I have seen men die for your right of that...so you have that right. No, my reason for replying to your comment is maybe to give you a different perspective on who we, Veterans, are...Just like you. We live in the same country with the same jacked up Government and have the same thoughts you do.
ReplyDeleteAgain, not writing this for your apology or for you to recall your belief. I am simply giving you a different opinion.