These professionals must be Liars, Hybridrogue1! Suffering from a mass delusion probably. They're Firemen for God's Sake!
What are they saying?!!! Firemen saying it wasn't fire that melted the buildings into dust -- it was explosions -- more than 1, more than 2, more than 3!...
Someone has been lying haven't they? Is it these professional firemen, commenting immediately after the destruction of the buildings? Or is it President Chimp's Chumps spinning a tale for the Pet Goat Reader in Chief and the PNAC proletariat?
People are too stoopid to confront their fears aren't they?
Section 13.3, Paragraph (16) - “Hypothetical blast events did not cause the collapse of WTC 7. NIST concluded that blast events could not have occurred and found no evidence of any blast events.” __________
Contrary to the above opening statement, it is apparent that adequate effort was not expended or was intentionally overlooked when compiling the evidence for a blast scenario. There are many layers of evidence for a controlled demolition and some of the issues that were overlooked include:
No mention of eye witness accounts of personnel that were inside the structure reporting both hearing and feeling the effects of explosions, including a very credible witness, Mr. Barry Jennings, (along with Mr. Hess), who were trapped inside. (However NCSTAR 1A Section 3.4.1, Page 24 - third line and in other areas of the study, NIST does allow eyewitness accounts and personal interviews for other evidence; but not for the numerous accounts of blasts by eyewitnesses.)
No discussion of eyewitness, Michael Hess, NYC Corporation Council (actually INSIDE the building) stating: “Another gentleman and I walked down to the 8th floor, where there was an explosion, and we’ve been trapped with all smoke around us for an hour and a half.”
No mention of all the explosions reported that day by the firefighters and contained in the City of N.Y. Oral Histories.
Merriam-Webster defines a police state as follows:
"a political unit characterized by repressive government control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures."
"Since you’re so opposed to the US, especially its military, defend Islamic terrorism, and have an obvious militant streak against your perceived enemies, have you ever considered going to Pakistan or Yemen and becoming a real jihadist instead of simply lending them your enthusiastic encouragement, Rogue? Allah akbar."
albury said on William Blum on the 9/11 Truth Movement October 6, 2010 at 6:09 pm
In response to hybridrogue1 on October 6, 2010 at 3:57 pm:
Yea...Allah snackbar my ass. What a twisted jejune mind, our little Jingoberry Smith.
can i get goobers and raisinets at the allah snackbar? good one w.
Of all the hundreds of eyewitness first responders that are on record(video/audio) describing in detail all the various and sundry explosions they heard saw smell and felt that morning, my favorite, although he is not technly. a first responder, has gotta be Willie Rodriguez.
He was in sub basement 3. The place was blown to hell BEFORE any plane hit.
And he was a hero, helping to rescue many. So heroic, DimSon has him over to the white house. Then he starts talking. And drops of the msm radar as quick as those 3 sky scrapers were thermated into dust.
Our group, DC911Truth had quite the time on Sat. the 2nd.
We were at that One Nation march. The 175,000 estimate seems low. We got there early, near a spot where most had to pass, on a raised triangle of grass where a major sidewalk spilt into 2 smaller paths. Oh my freakin god! The sea of humanity was overwhelming. From about 11-2 it did not stop. Many Union people. Sure, some of them were only there because they were instructed to(ordered?, threatened? cajoled?...irelevant)
We had the elephant, we had the literature the signs.......we reached an amazing number of folks.
I'd say about 75 percent black. Sadly, lots of people would shout stuff like, "Yeah...Bush did it" With the assumption that now that a brother is in the top dog spot, we can just forget the whole thing.
Some were very curious and would stop for extended conversation. A small number got very angry and tried to shout us down, spectacularly unsuccessfully.
We are now planning our strategy for the John Stewart hoopla. It's the day before halloween so we are tossing around costume ideas.
I'm thinking a couple(me&Lisa?) could go as OBL and GWB, hand in hand, very lovey dovey.
Or, OBL with a "property of the cia" t-shirt
Anyone else got ideas? please share.
Or...if u wanna come join the fun, the more the merrier!!
Willie Rodriguez, a hero for certain, a brave man both physically in an emergency, but in moral character. It takes even more courage to stand up to the power of authority as he has done--loosing his 'credentials' of heroism in the foul'd breath of 'the Masters', and now slurred as someone "doing it for publicity and financial gain".
This is worse that defamation, this is blasphemous to the very concept of sacred honor.
Men like Rodriguez are blessed with a brilliant angelic soul, so rare in this psychotic soiety.
Sounds fun Camus, if I was nearer I'd love to partake.
I could come as John the Baptist...just as I look every day, Wild Daddy wild, I scare my Zioinist Christianoid sister, and make her pee her panties when I preach her apostate sin back into her hypocritical face. But we love each other...Lol That's family for ya.
"Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself victory. In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose. But regardless of the short-term outcome, the very fact of your continuing to struggle is proof of your victory as a human being." - Daisaku Ikeda
I have to agree with all of you on Willie Rodriguez. He is an honest, courageous man and the hero of 9/11.
Which of course explains why the 9/11 whitewash commission chewed him up and spit him out and disregarded his first hand testimony to the events of that day. Bastards.
Maybe I'm just being my delusional self in thinking that this year building-up to the 10th anniversary is going to be a break-through year.
Maybe in more ways than one ... but regardless, more people seem receptive to the possibility that they've been lied to, or so it has seemed from my perspective.
Now as to what that means I don't know. As long as most of you have known me I, like you have been screaming into the wind. So now the wind is changing but our ship may have already sunk.
Still this should be no reason to stop bailing, or using metaphors to make my point. I'm just saying that when the levee breaks you got no place to run. UUUuuuh Huh, UUUuuuh Huh, ...
I was around for the first, well, certainly not "the" first, but my first and one of the most influential "awakenings" where all manner of intolerance's were being challenged, and we actually made them blink. At least I like to believe we did. But as with every awakening it never quit comes out as planned, assuming there is a plan to begin with.
This much I know, our time has only gotten shorter. If there is going to be an X-Factor may we ask all the good spirits to give it boost.
I have been asking people for years; "Who would you believe? A Politician, or a Fireman?"
They don't call us COTO for nothing.
I've never been around to see what happens when an empire falls apart. I'm sure whatever is about to happen won't be dull.
Today two Army, or at least military helicopters were flying low enough to see in the open pit doors and view the electronics boards, there were four built-in cylinders sporting a red light in dead center of each cylinder. All very hi-tech. I scrambled to get a picture but just missed it.
Something big is coming down. The cretins have their trolls, their moles not to mention all the sophisticated methods known to man, and than some. Keeping the lid on 9/11 is getting harder and harder, and before they suffer the rage from whence that crime would wrought I believe they'll push that little red-button.
Maybe I'm just being my delusional self in thinking that this year building-up to the 10th anniversary is going to be a break-through year.
Maybe in more ways than one ... but regardless, more people seem receptive to the possibility that they've been lied to, or so it has seemed from my perspective.
Now as to what that means I don't know. As long as most of you have known me I, like you have been screaming into the wind. So now the wind is changing but our ship may have already sunk.
Still this should be no reason to stop bailing, or using metaphors to make my point. I'm just saying that when the levee breaks you got no place to hide. UUUuuuh Huh, UUUuuuh Huh, ...
I was around for the first, well, certainly not "the" first, but my first and one of the most influential "awakenings" where all manner of intolerance's were being challenged, and we actually made them blink. At least I like to believe we did. But as with every awakening it never quit comes out as planned, assuming there is a plan to begin with.
This much I know, our time has only gotten shorter. If there is going to be an X-Factor may we ask all the good spirits to give it boost.
I have been asking people for years; "Who would you believe? A Politician, or a Fireman?"
They don't call us COTO for nothing.
I've never been around to see what happens when an empire falls apart. I'm sure it won't be dull.
Today two huge Army, or at least military helicopters were flying low enough to see in the open pit doors and view the electronics boards, there were four built-in cylinders sporting a red light seemingly in dead center of each cylinder. All very hi-tech. I scrambled to get a picture but just missed it.
Something big is coming down. The cretins have their trolls, their moles not to mention all the sophisticated methods known to man, and than some. Keeping the lid on 9/11 is getting harder and harder, and before they suffer the rage from whence that crime would wrought I believe they'll push that little red-button.
Albury is just a wanky jabberette, a wind up yakkydoll--Yea it's the goon squads and storm poopers we must now consider, cause it's comin' down fast and fascist.
You guys sound like you are trying to conjure up the haunting specter of the beast to your lair - Rogue's Herculean efforts on the sister site was both entertaining if not enervating.
R - look at the melted steel a - show me one instance of molten metal R- here's a link showing pics, here's 800 separate testimonies avowing its there a - why don't you respond to my Finkleshtein quote, because you're just a Fleeble Shleeble
I discovered it takes close to 200 comments before a coto page starts to choke as per digitalis overload. It takes ten minutes for that page to load now. Which means I am no longer temped to 'answer' the jabberwacky.I don't know if splidgemonkey knows we exist as coto1 over here--although I gave him that clue; a referance to the FOUNDATION TRILOGY by Azimov, pointing out there were 2 foundations at either end of the galaxy...
But soon, the 11/9, a date mirror of 9/11, the biggest terrorist team ever assembled in History, the physicists at CERN will start production of the most dangerous substance of the Universe, the primordial quark gluon soup that exploded in a big-bang all the matter of a previous Universe.
> History proves to us all, that they proffer a rotten, stinking broth of outright lies, omissions, misleading half-truths and half-baked diversionary propaganda as their main course. This is their standard fare promoted for consumption to the masses. And probably upwards of 85% of the sheeple gorge at this trough of fecal waste thinking they are patriotic and executing good judgment.
They flatter themselves as they flat-line on subjects of great import, trusting charlatans instead of using their common sense and their own instincts.
#2) When a government sets up a "Commission" to get to the bottom of a subject -- this translates directly to bringing resources to bear on obfuscation and cover-up of the truth, the facts, and the hidden agenda behind the crime.
Commission = Spin Zone
Think in your mind, and run through the list of Commissions that thwarted getting to the bottom of things over the past 100 years. It has always been this way. Then consider the patsies provided, and the non-sensical and elaborate excuses conjured to mislead...
It is an awesome batting list, showing a slugging percentage in the 90+ percentile for lying balderdash.
Now, seeing that the reality of governments and politicians, and their judicial and financial lackeys is to LIE, to MISLEAD, and to COVERUP TRUTH AND FACTS...wouldn't it be wise to always assume their guiltiness and motivations run counter to the good of the People? {rhetorical question implied}
Having established these facts based on history, we can assume their M.O. operates in the present, and will conform to the same in the future.
So why the disconnect among Peoples to presume that LYING BASTARDS as Leaders is a good thing? Giving power to the corrupt so that they become and remain absolutely corrupt, and are paid handsomely to do so is INSANE!
There you have it in my estimation -- Americans and the masses in general in all countries are INSANE in that they expect sweet water to gush forth from a poisoned well.
I rest my case.
The forum is open for any who disagree with my supposition to present their arguments.
Try to not look like a gullible fool while you stick your foot in your mouth. It is an awkward position to stand in, with your foot in your mouth and the government's boot up your ass, trying to sing their praises.
(Of course, the Choir here can chime in as they like).
It should be a standard insert for any argument that slips off beam with this as a background perpective.Even some at coto2 slip from this perch in heated moments. Not to dis them at all--but to remind them.
We need to resurrect Orson Welles voice, via voice morphing tech, and have this read as the intro to all "news" shows on each segment.
As an addendum to the Idiocy, consider the "pat" solution from government worms:
"NJ senator calls for anti-bully law after suicide"
By BRUCE SHIPKOWSKI and BILL NEWILL Associated Press Writers The Associated Press Thursday, October 7, 2010 10:45 AM EDT
"NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) — Colleges should adopt a code of conduct that prohibits bullying and harassment in the wake of the suicide of a Rutgers University student whose gay sexual encounter in his dorm room was streamed online, U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg said at a town meeting on campus.
Lautenberg, D-N.J., told the crowd gathered Wednesday night in memory of 18-year-old freshman Tyler Clementi that he would introduce such legislation".
Yeah, right people's representative sold-out doofus! Institute another toothless freaking law to gum up our society. WAR on BULLYISM! More State Police Powers invoked -- the People are crying out for protection from Themselves!!! WTF?!
How come they never call for any laws against their own corruption and licentiousness? How come WE never institute or enforce any laws against rampant criminal Assholism amongst the Leader-Sect?! Isn't there a "code of conduct" for the People's Representatives?
FIRE & BRIMSTONE will rain upon these posers' heads when the citizenry finally reaches critical mass with their tolerance of despots and derelicts. It will be as natural a response as wiping our ass after a husky grunt. Flung into the tidy bowl of history, these asswipes will go down in infamy. Their bullshit do-gooder laws will be flushed with them, until the stink of their stankiness blows away in the crosswinds of civic duty for self protection.
When the People see that they possess the means and abilities to police and protect themselves, they will toss pompous politicians like Lautenberg into the street or hang them from lamp posts. I'm sure there's a law against THAT, but history is not on the politicians' side in these matters of revision to the mean.
Just an observation, COTO dudes. I needed a distraction for a moment, and this "law-ful" Lautenberg MF stood right up for a tomato upside his empty head.
After getting the hint of some skirmish with dingleberry on our sister network this afternoon, i waded into that week long beat down you so skillfully and amusingly administered and was dropping by here to offer the requisite kudos....and bam, zoom....your dropping Buddy Holly and Kurt V. references around like pennies from heaven.
Although I havent read any fiction in a long while, KV is tied with Tom Robbins for my all time fav. And the Crickets? Oh man, from the heart of Lubbock to my own. Rock on brother!
The White House blocked government scientists from warning the American public of the potential environmental disaster caused by BP's broken well in the Gulf of Mexico, a report released by the national commission investigating the oil spill said yesterday.
The report, produced by a panel appointed by Barack Obama to investigate the spill, said that about two weeks after the BP rig exploded scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) asked the White House for permission to release their models showing their worst case scenarios for the spill.
" i waded into that week long beat down you so skillfully and amusingly administered "--Camus
Thanks for the kudos bro...
That thread of comments is almost a novella, Lol
I thought I might print it out for the afterdays of electricity, to muse over by campfire some futureweird night, when the chillins ask, "what was 9/11 great grandfather."
'However, if further studies find the same pattern over a longer period of time, this could suggest that we may have overestimated the sun's role in warming the planet, rather than underestimating it.'--Professor Joanna Haigh
But wait...????...“overestimated the sun's role in warming the planet”??? WTF? This person saying this is a “scientist”? We get into “counting the angels on the head of a pin” dilemma here. This is a totally nonsensical statement—no matter what the fuck she thought she was saying.
What's wrong with the world? This should give us some idea.
Never mind. I found it and I'm reading through it. Perspective offers an interesting view to a kill doesn't it? Standing back from the battle, and taking note of the entire field provides telling clues to the skirmish.
Analyzing "why" and "how" and the methodology of each opponent's moves adds color to their motives. This Albury character is as stubborn and one-tracked as Tom Murphy was. He has his flag, and he'll defend it to the death, even if it morphs from Stars and Stripes into Skull & Bones... {pointed pun intended}
Boom, I read your response to, 9/11 debunky cheerleader pom pom monkey this morngram...good job...coursen' he won't get it, just as he got nothing else.
Albury Smith is a writer of smut. Not that he uses profane language, but in that his entire epistemology is obscene. He is the kind that can see photos of human babies blown to bits in rivers of blood with body parts clogging the gutters curb high and brush it off as “an unfortunate byproduct of war”, while outraged at the image of a penis entering a wet vagina as “obscene. The smut he writes is an apology for the vile and murderous system that he collaborates with. While this system is proven to be made of a fabric of lies and terror, he blithely skips along throwing his lager into the next square like some sort of naïve little girl pinioned on a demon's glistening red member, while he chants nursery rhymes authored in Hell.
He proclaims good men liars through lips dripping with the jizz of authoritarians. He is but a skeleton wrapped in the rancid meat of an automated golem, blowing a hail of bullshit out of his gaping rectal cavity with each step he takes. He represents Hell on Earth.
And yes, I have written this in the language of antithesis, that which he would term as 'smut' to bury my point deeper into his rotted flesh.
Check out this interesting article on the ramifications of 9-11 truth 'coming out' to the world in general. Well reasoned but a little scary. In the end, the pursuit of truth should not be thwarted over concerns of it's ramifications, but he makes many valid points about what could happen and how ugly it could get... and even posits that this could be what the PTB want in the end, after they have stolen as much of the world's wealth as they wish; let out 9-11 truth and watch the world disintegrate so as to pick up the reins of power with full totalitarian license.
Thank you for your thoughtful response and URL for the article.
The consequenses the article spells out are not new toe the thinking here.
Rather go into the ends and outs of it, what I want to point out is that such consequenses are already in play. They are shaking out as we post these things back and forth.
9/11 didn't end on 9/11, it was a catalist for the propelling forces we contend with now--domestically the financial bottom is falling out from under the people. This breakdown of society is being forced far beyond the catalitic moment.
All that is presented in that article as a consequence of a 'vast recognition of 9/11 as an inside job' is essentially already ongoing--millions upon millions of people world wide understand that it was a false flag event--millions of Americans included. TV needn't come out and say it, it's 'out there'--but so is the crunch. The set is crumbling and the curtains have collapsed so the audience has full view of the stage hands flittering back and forth in the flickering stage lights. The only thing to needed to send the whole theater into hysteria is for someone to shout "fire".
Wish they'd "fire" the 1%. Yeah Brad, one thing we can always count on with the elites is psychopathic predictability. Whatever strategies they dream up in their sick minds always, always, always are perverse from the root up.
Hybridrogue1; Smallberries reply skipped right over the monstrous numbers of dead brown folks. He of course blames their own "insurgents" for the deaths, while putting American War Policy on a pedestal. He really is a narrow-minded sick fuck, high on his perceived righteous motives. Completely in delusion and unsaveable from himself. We've seen a lot of these bent human caricatures over time.
You made a great case. I wouldn't waste another keystroke on this toad brain.
Congressman Weldon asked Russ Caso, his chief of staff, to call the 9/11 commission and find out if they (the 9/11 commission) had ever heard of ABLE DANGER. Mr. Caso left the room and called Chris Cojm at the 9/11 Discourse Project and asked him if they had ever “heard of something called ABLE DANGER”. Chris quickly checked and told Russ “Yes – we had heard of it” – Russ then asked him why they had not put it in their final report – Cojm’s answer was this “it did not fit with the story we wanted to tell”.
The classified methods and technology are not the key to the ABLE DANGER story – the key is the lack of individual and organizational accountability and their failure to have effectively utilized the intelligence and operational capabilities prior to 9/11.
The system is broken – if they can do this to me – slander and malign me and ignore exculpatory evidence – only look at bad issues and consider none of the successes and good work I’ve done over the past 23 years, they can (and would) do this to anyone who stands up to try and set the record straight.
It appears as if ABLE DANGER were in the middle of an Orwellian 1984 rewrite of history when Congressman Weldon found and got the story out. How is it that this information has been “disappearing” over the past five years? How could lawyers misinterpret the law and regulations so clearly as to “delete” the equivalent ¼ of the Library of Congress? How is it that just after I approach the 9-11 commission that I am suspended over three administrative issues that did not then, and do not now hold water, and that my entire issue of ABLE DANGER documents not only go missing, but are later revealed by DIA leadership to have been “destroyed” by DIA without explanation. These are questions that beg to be answered.--Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer
The four aircraft which crashed on September 11th, 2001 have never been forensically matched to the four passenger planes which were allegedly hijacked that morning. Requests under the Freedom of Information Act have met with denials and refusals, and documents which have been produced, allegedly using data from the only three “Black Box” flight recorders said to have been found, have no serial numbers of the devices listed on them.
CHAIN OF CUSTODY OF EVIDENCE Frequently Asked Questions >> Didn't the government match DNA found in the Pentagon to the passengers of Flight 77? Why isn't this valid evidence proving that it hit the building?
These "DNA reports" are not valid evidence proving that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon because they were supplied by the same entity implicated by the independent, verifiable north side approach evidence and the independent, verifiable flyover/flyaway evidence. There is no independent chain of custody of these alleged DNA samples, which means that the scientists who allegedly analyzed the DNA and turned up matches -- if that did happen -- have no way of knowing whether or not it actually came from the Pentagon. Unverifiable, government-alleged evidence such as this cannot be accepted on pure faith as valid in light of the fact that it is contradicted by conclusive, independent, verifiable evidence indicating that the plane did not hit the building.
There is no available record of collection, transit or custody regarding this process.
Flight 11 (WTC1) and Flight 175 (WTC2) are the only land based crashes in aviation history where the black boxes were not recovered. Flight 93 (Pennsylvania) and Flight 77 (Pentagon) are practically the only crashes in the past 20 years of U.S. aviation history where black boxes were recovered but identifying serial numbers were not published with the reports.
In the United States, the medical examiner has the statutory responsibility and authority to identify the deceased and to issue a death certificate.
On Sept. 11, 2001 the NY City Chief Medical Examiner’s Office (OCME) and its Forensic Biology Department (aka the DNA lab) went into high gear preparing for an unknown number of remains of Trade Center victims that would need to be identified. One of the most important parts of this process was setting up something called Accession. In evidence handling terms, accession is a chain of custody for any evidence, including remains. A legal way of documenting everyone that handles evidence, when and by whom it was received, where and how it was stored and when – if ever, it left the holders possession.
“Eventually (more than a year after the request) we received a one-page letter from the FBI containing ten coded STR profiles, presumably those of the terrorists. No names, just a K code, which is how the FBI designates “knowns,” or specimens it knows the origin of. These K’s had no names. We were certain these were the terrorists’ STR profiles, but there was nothing to identify them as such. Of course, we had no direct knowledge of how the FBI obtained the terrorists DNA.” Dr. Shaler * Who They Were, Inside the World Trade Center DNA Story: The Unprecedented Effort To Identify The Missing – page 300
Yes it does go without saying. The narrative is fixed.
There has been no Public Inquiry to disturb this narrative. Nor will any jury be allowed to interject with uncomfortable questions, nor deliberate on the anomalous evidence regarding this great crime.
Gee...NIST said there were no explosives...
ReplyDeleteWonder what gives with thes firemen. Didn't they get the script? {grin}
These professionals must be Liars, Hybridrogue1! Suffering from a mass delusion probably. They're Firemen for God's Sake!
ReplyDeleteWhat are they saying?!!! Firemen saying it wasn't fire that melted the buildings into dust -- it was explosions -- more than 1, more than 2, more than 3!...
Someone has been lying haven't they? Is it these professional firemen, commenting immediately after the destruction of the buildings? Or is it President Chimp's Chumps spinning a tale for the Pet Goat Reader in Chief and the PNAC proletariat?
People are too stoopid to confront their fears aren't they?
Section 13.3, Paragraph (16) - “Hypothetical blast events did not cause the collapse of WTC 7. NIST concluded that blast events could not have occurred and found no evidence of any blast events.”
Contrary to the above opening statement, it is apparent that adequate effort was not expended or was intentionally overlooked when compiling the evidence for a blast scenario. There are many layers of evidence for a controlled demolition and some of the issues that were overlooked include:
No mention of eye witness accounts of personnel that were inside the structure reporting both hearing and feeling the effects of explosions, including a very credible witness, Mr. Barry Jennings, (along with Mr. Hess), who were trapped inside. (However NCSTAR 1A Section 3.4.1, Page 24 - third line and in other areas of the study, NIST does allow eyewitness accounts and personal interviews for other evidence; but not for the numerous accounts of blasts by eyewitnesses.)
No discussion of eyewitness, Michael Hess, NYC Corporation Council (actually INSIDE the building) stating: “Another gentleman and I walked down to the 8th floor, where there was an explosion, and we’ve been trapped with all smoke around us for an hour and a half.”
No mention of all the explosions reported that day by the firefighters and contained in the City of N.Y. Oral Histories.
Etc., etc............
Merriam-Webster defines a police state as follows:
ReplyDelete"a political unit characterized by repressive government control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures."
"Since you’re so opposed to the US, especially its military, defend Islamic terrorism, and have an obvious militant streak against your perceived enemies, have you ever considered going to Pakistan or Yemen and becoming a real jihadist instead of simply lending them your enthusiastic encouragement, Rogue? Allah akbar."
ReplyDeletealbury said on William Blum on the 9/11 Truth Movement
October 6, 2010 at 6:09 pm
In response to hybridrogue1 on October 6, 2010 at 3:57 pm:
Yea...Allah snackbar my ass. What a twisted jejune mind, our little Jingoberry Smith.
can i get goobers and raisinets at the allah snackbar? good one w.
ReplyDeleteOf all the hundreds of eyewitness first responders that are on record(video/audio) describing in detail all the various and sundry explosions they heard saw smell and felt that morning, my favorite, although he is not technly. a first responder, has gotta be Willie Rodriguez.
He was in sub basement 3. The place was blown to hell BEFORE any plane hit.
And he was a hero, helping to rescue many. So heroic, DimSon has him over to the white house. Then he starts talking. And drops of the msm radar as quick as those 3 sky scrapers were thermated into dust.
Our group, DC911Truth had quite the time on Sat. the 2nd.
ReplyDeleteWe were at that One Nation march. The 175,000 estimate seems low. We got there early, near a spot where most had to pass, on a raised triangle of grass where a major sidewalk spilt into 2 smaller paths. Oh my freakin god! The sea of humanity was overwhelming. From about 11-2 it did not stop. Many Union people. Sure, some of them were only there because they were instructed to(ordered?, threatened? cajoled?...irelevant)
We had the elephant, we had the literature the signs.......we reached an amazing number of folks.
I'd say about 75 percent black. Sadly, lots of people would shout stuff like, "Yeah...Bush did it"
With the assumption that now that a brother is in the top dog spot, we can just forget the whole thing.
Some were very curious and would stop for extended conversation. A small number got very angry and tried to shout us down, spectacularly unsuccessfully.
We are now planning our strategy for the John Stewart hoopla. It's the day before halloween so we are tossing around costume ideas.
I'm thinking a couple(me&Lisa?) could go as OBL and GWB, hand in hand, very lovey dovey.
Or, OBL with a "property of the cia" t-shirt
Anyone else got ideas? please share.
Or...if u wanna come join the fun, the more the merrier!!
Willie Rodriguez, a hero for certain, a brave man both physically in an emergency, but in moral character. It takes even more courage to stand up to the power of authority as he has done--loosing his 'credentials' of heroism in the foul'd breath of 'the Masters', and now slurred as someone "doing it for publicity and financial gain".
ReplyDeleteThis is worse that defamation, this is blasphemous to the very concept of sacred honor.
Men like Rodriguez are blessed with a brilliant angelic soul, so rare in this psychotic soiety.
Sounds fun Camus, if I was nearer I'd love to partake.
ReplyDeleteI could come as John the Baptist...just as I look every day, Wild Daddy wild, I scare my Zioinist Christianoid sister, and make her pee her panties when I preach her apostate sin back into her hypocritical face. But we love each other...Lol
That's family for ya.
I had the honour of seeing William Rodriguez in Nanaimo BC - I wrote a short piece about it:
After the lecture, a few of us members of our 9/11 group met him - he is a very dynamic individual, especially in person.
What a great honor Zaza, you are so lucky to have met him in person.
"Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself victory. In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose. But regardless of the short-term outcome, the very fact of your continuing to struggle is proof of your victory as a human being." - Daisaku Ikeda
ReplyDeleteWonderful article Peter.
I have to agree with all of you on Willie Rodriguez. He is an honest, courageous man and the hero of 9/11.
ReplyDeleteWhich of course explains why the 9/11 whitewash commission chewed him up and spit him out and disregarded his first hand testimony to the events of that day. Bastards.
Nice goin CR. Too bad those black patriots weren't listening to Chris Parker aka KRS-One
These are great examples of why we need to get out of the racial divide and conquer.
ReplyDeleteIf we were to unite-black,brown,yellow and pinko-grey, we'd be a formidable force for the 1%.
WWIII is a comin in 2012 fashion. BE ADVISED!!
CIA-NATO-ILLUMINATI plan a gala for us 99'ers
Calling albury!?
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm just being my delusional self in thinking that this year building-up to the 10th anniversary is going to be a break-through year.
Maybe in more ways than one ... but regardless, more people seem receptive to the possibility that they've been lied to, or so it has seemed from my perspective.
Now as to what that means I don't know. As long as most of you have known me I, like you have been screaming into the wind. So now the wind is changing but our ship may have already sunk.
Still this should be no reason to stop bailing, or using metaphors to make my point. I'm just saying that when the levee breaks you got no place to run. UUUuuuh Huh, UUUuuuh Huh, ...
I was around for the first, well, certainly not "the" first, but my first and one of the most influential "awakenings" where all manner of intolerance's were being challenged, and we actually made them blink. At least I like to believe we did. But as with every awakening it never quit comes out as planned, assuming there is a plan to begin with.
This much I know, our time has only gotten shorter. If there is going to be an X-Factor may we ask all the good spirits to give it boost.
I have been asking people for years; "Who would you believe? A Politician, or a Fireman?"
They don't call us COTO for nothing.
I've never been around to see what happens when an empire falls apart. I'm sure whatever is about to happen won't be dull.
Today two Army, or at least military helicopters were flying low enough to see in the open pit doors and view the electronics boards, there were four built-in cylinders sporting a red light in dead center of each cylinder. All very hi-tech. I scrambled to get a picture but just missed it.
Something big is coming down. The cretins have their trolls, their moles not to mention all the sophisticated methods known to man, and than some. Keeping the lid on 9/11 is getting harder and harder, and before they suffer the rage from whence that crime would wrought I believe they'll push that little red-button.
UUUuuuh-huh, UUUuuuh-huh ....
Calling albury!?
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm just being my delusional self in thinking that this year building-up to the 10th anniversary is going to be a break-through year.
Maybe in more ways than one ... but regardless, more people seem receptive to the possibility that they've been lied to, or so it has seemed from my perspective.
Now as to what that means I don't know. As long as most of you have known me I, like you have been screaming into the wind. So now the wind is changing but our ship may have already sunk.
Still this should be no reason to stop bailing, or using metaphors to make my point. I'm just saying that when the levee breaks you got no place to hide. UUUuuuh Huh, UUUuuuh Huh, ...
I was around for the first, well, certainly not "the" first, but my first and one of the most influential "awakenings" where all manner of intolerance's were being challenged, and we actually made them blink. At least I like to believe we did. But as with every awakening it never quit comes out as planned, assuming there is a plan to begin with.
This much I know, our time has only gotten shorter. If there is going to be an X-Factor may we ask all the good spirits to give it boost.
I have been asking people for years; "Who would you believe? A Politician, or a Fireman?"
They don't call us COTO for nothing.
I've never been around to see what happens when an empire falls apart. I'm sure it won't be dull.
Today two huge Army, or at least military helicopters were flying low enough to see in the open pit doors and view the electronics boards, there were four built-in cylinders sporting a red light seemingly in dead center of each cylinder. All very hi-tech. I scrambled to get a picture but just missed it.
Something big is coming down. The cretins have their trolls, their moles not to mention all the sophisticated methods known to man, and than some. Keeping the lid on 9/11 is getting harder and harder, and before they suffer the rage from whence that crime would wrought I believe they'll push that little red-button.
UUUuuuh-huh, UUUuuuh-huh ....
oops, sorry about the double post
ReplyDeleteDoubleYummy and still flavorful...Lol
ReplyDeleteAlbury is just a wanky jabberette, a wind up yakkydoll--Yea it's the goon squads and storm poopers we must now consider, cause it's comin' down fast and fascist.
agitation tension rod glowing red hot bowel snot
UUUuuuh-huh, UUUuuuh-huh ….
You guys sound like you are trying to conjure up the haunting specter of the beast to your lair - Rogue's Herculean efforts on the sister site was both entertaining if not enervating.
ReplyDeleteR - look at the melted steel
a - show me one instance of molten metal
R- here's a link showing pics, here's 800 separate testimonies avowing its there
a - why don't you respond to my Finkleshtein quote, because you're just a Fleeble Shleeble
I discovered it takes close to 200 comments before a coto page starts to choke as per digitalis overload. It takes ten minutes for that page to load now.
ReplyDeleteWhich means I am no longer temped to 'answer' the jabberwacky.I don't know if splidgemonkey knows we exist as coto1 over here--although I gave him that clue; a referance to the FOUNDATION TRILOGY by Azimov, pointing out there were 2 foundations at either end of the galaxy...
Albury is like a cartoon flypaper gag.
But soon, the 11/9, a date mirror of 9/11, the biggest terrorist team ever assembled in History, the physicists at CERN will start production of the most dangerous substance of the Universe, the primordial quark gluon soup that exploded in a big-bang all the matter of a previous Universe.
Brilliant header again today Puddy...a good ribbing {grin}
This looses it's humorous {charm} When one considers the Halpast Human 11/8 graph drop into lingual limbo...
ReplyDeleteWhat??? I dunno...but it's getting wigglier 'Every Day'
[see: Buddy Holly, a great prophet from last century]
yup \\ll//
"Every day it'sa getting closer goin' faster than a rooler coaster..."
ReplyDelete--Saint Bud Holly
I think we all can agree on a couple of factoids:
ReplyDelete#1) Politicians Lie Pathologically
> History proves to us all, that they proffer a rotten, stinking broth of outright lies, omissions, misleading half-truths and half-baked diversionary propaganda as their main course. This is their standard fare promoted for consumption to the masses. And probably upwards of 85% of the sheeple gorge at this trough of fecal waste thinking they are patriotic and executing good judgment.
They flatter themselves as they flat-line on subjects of great import, trusting charlatans instead of using their common sense and their own instincts.
#2) When a government sets up a "Commission" to get to the bottom of a subject -- this translates directly to bringing resources to bear on obfuscation and cover-up of the truth, the facts, and the hidden agenda behind the crime.
Commission = Spin Zone
Think in your mind, and run through the list of Commissions that thwarted getting to the bottom of things over the past 100 years. It has always been this way. Then consider the patsies provided, and the non-sensical and elaborate excuses conjured to mislead...
It is an awesome batting list, showing a slugging percentage in the 90+ percentile for lying balderdash.
Now, seeing that the reality of governments and politicians, and their judicial and financial lackeys is to LIE, to MISLEAD, and to COVERUP TRUTH AND FACTS...wouldn't it be wise to always assume their guiltiness and motivations run counter to the good of the People? {rhetorical question implied}
Having established these facts based on history, we can assume their M.O. operates in the present, and will conform to the same in the future.
So why the disconnect among Peoples to presume that LYING BASTARDS as Leaders is a good thing? Giving power to the corrupt so that they become and remain absolutely corrupt, and are paid handsomely to do so is INSANE!
There you have it in my estimation -- Americans and the masses in general in all countries are INSANE in that they expect sweet water to gush forth from a poisoned well.
I rest my case.
The forum is open for any who disagree with my supposition to present their arguments.
Try to not look like a gullible fool while you stick your foot in your mouth. It is an awkward position to stand in, with your foot in your mouth and the government's boot up your ass, trying to sing their praises.
(Of course, the Choir here can chime in as they like).
ReplyDeleteA nicely condensed digest.
It should be a standard insert for any argument that slips off beam with this as a background perpective.Even some at coto2 slip from this perch in heated moments.
Not to dis them at all--but to remind them.
We need to resurrect Orson Welles voice, via voice morphing tech, and have this read as the intro to all "news" shows on each segment.
Bravo Boomboom.
Thanks mighty Rogue1!
ReplyDeleteAs an addendum to the Idiocy, consider the "pat" solution from government worms:
"NJ senator calls for anti-bully law after suicide"
By BRUCE SHIPKOWSKI and BILL NEWILL Associated Press Writers The Associated Press
Thursday, October 7, 2010 10:45 AM EDT
"NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) — Colleges should adopt a code of conduct that prohibits bullying and harassment in the wake of the suicide of a Rutgers University student whose gay sexual encounter in his dorm room was streamed online, U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg said at a town meeting on campus.
Lautenberg, D-N.J., told the crowd gathered Wednesday night in memory of 18-year-old freshman Tyler Clementi that he would introduce such legislation".
Yeah, right people's representative sold-out doofus! Institute another toothless freaking law to gum up our society. WAR on BULLYISM! More State Police Powers invoked -- the People are crying out for protection from Themselves!!! WTF?!
How come they never call for any laws against their own corruption and licentiousness? How come WE never institute or enforce any laws against rampant criminal Assholism amongst the Leader-Sect?! Isn't there a "code of conduct" for the People's Representatives?
FIRE & BRIMSTONE will rain upon these posers' heads when the citizenry finally reaches critical mass with their tolerance of despots and derelicts. It will be as natural a response as wiping our ass after a husky grunt. Flung into the tidy bowl of history, these asswipes will go down in infamy. Their bullshit do-gooder laws will be flushed with them, until the stink of their stankiness blows away in the crosswinds of civic duty for self protection.
When the People see that they possess the means and abilities to police and protect themselves, they will toss pompous politicians like Lautenberg into the street or hang them from lamp posts. I'm sure there's a law against THAT, but history is not on the politicians' side in these matters of revision to the mean.
Just an observation, COTO dudes. I needed a distraction for a moment, and this "law-ful" Lautenberg MF stood right up for a tomato upside his empty head.
It's a script written by Kilgore Trout...reality as satire. Fascinating in its utter absurdity.
damn Willy, you r on fire.
ReplyDeleteAfter getting the hint of some skirmish with dingleberry on our sister network this afternoon, i waded into that week long beat down you so skillfully and amusingly administered and was dropping by here to offer the requisite kudos....and bam, zoom....your dropping Buddy Holly and Kurt V. references around like pennies from heaven.
Although I havent read any fiction in a long while, KV is tied with Tom Robbins for my all time fav. And the Crickets? Oh man, from the heart of Lubbock to my own. Rock on brother!
ReplyDeleteThe White House blocked government scientists from warning the American public of the potential environmental disaster caused by BP's broken well in the Gulf of Mexico, a report released by the national commission investigating the oil spill said yesterday.
The report, produced by a panel appointed by Barack Obama to investigate the spill, said that about two weeks after the BP rig exploded scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) asked the White House for permission to release their models showing their worst case scenarios for the spill.
" i waded into that week long beat down you so skillfully and amusingly administered "--Camus
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kudos bro...
That thread of comments is almost a novella, Lol
I thought I might print it out for the afterdays of electricity, to muse over by campfire some futureweird night, when the chillins ask, "what was 9/11 great grandfather."
ReplyDelete'However, if further studies find the same pattern over a longer period of time, this could suggest that we may have overestimated the sun's role in warming the planet, rather than underestimating it.'--Professor Joanna Haigh
But wait...????...“overestimated the sun's role in warming the planet”??? WTF? This person saying this is a “scientist”?
We get into “counting the angels on the head of a pin” dilemma here. This is a totally nonsensical statement—no matter what the fuck she thought she was saying.
What's wrong with the world? This should give us some idea.
The sun is the SOLE source heating the planet.
Rogue1: What's the link to the tasty pastry of your pasting?
ReplyDeleteNever mind. I found it and I'm reading through it. Perspective offers an interesting view to a kill doesn't it? Standing back from the battle, and taking note of the entire field provides telling clues to the skirmish.
ReplyDeleteAnalyzing "why" and "how" and the methodology of each opponent's moves adds color to their motives. This Albury character is as stubborn and one-tracked as Tom Murphy was. He has his flag, and he'll defend it to the death, even if it morphs from Stars and Stripes into Skull & Bones... {pointed pun intended}
Yea Boom, it'sa Long and Winding Road...The wind blows in from the water treatment plant from time to time...the stench being quite repulsive.
ReplyDeleteAlburbubah snackbar
You just doubled my pleasure M ;)
ReplyDeleteThe 'Omission Commission'
ReplyDeleteI read your response to, 9/11 debunky cheerleader pom pom monkey this morngram...good job...coursen' he won't get it, just as he got nothing else.
Albury Smith is a writer of smut. Not that he uses profane language, but in that his entire epistemology is obscene. He is the kind that can see photos of human babies blown to bits in rivers of blood with body parts clogging the gutters curb high and brush it off as “an unfortunate byproduct of war”, while outraged at the image of a penis entering a wet vagina as “obscene.
ReplyDeleteThe smut he writes is an apology for the vile and murderous system that he collaborates with.
While this system is proven to be made of a fabric of lies and terror, he blithely skips along throwing his lager into the next square like some sort of naïve little girl pinioned on a demon's glistening red member, while he chants nursery rhymes authored in Hell.
He proclaims good men liars through lips dripping with the jizz of authoritarians. He is but a skeleton wrapped in the rancid meat of an automated golem, blowing a hail of bullshit out of his gaping rectal cavity with each step he takes. He represents Hell on Earth.
And yes, I have written this in the language of antithesis, that which he would term as 'smut' to bury my point deeper into his rotted flesh.
Check out this interesting article on the ramifications of 9-11 truth 'coming out' to the world in general. Well reasoned but a little scary. In the end, the pursuit of truth should not be thwarted over concerns of it's ramifications, but he makes many valid points about what could happen and how ugly it could get... and even posits that this could be what the PTB want in the end, after they have stolen as much of the world's wealth as they wish; let out 9-11 truth and watch the world disintegrate so as to pick up the reins of power with full totalitarian license.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your thoughtful response and URL for the article.
The consequenses the article spells out are not new toe the thinking here.
Rather go into the ends and outs of it, what I want to point out is that such consequenses are already in play. They are shaking out as we post these things back and forth.
9/11 didn't end on 9/11, it was a catalist for the propelling forces we contend with now--domestically the financial bottom is falling out from under the people. This breakdown of society is being forced far beyond the catalitic moment.
All that is presented in that article as a consequence of a 'vast recognition of 9/11 as an inside job' is essentially already ongoing--millions upon millions of people world wide understand that it was a false flag event--millions of Americans included.
TV needn't come out and say it, it's 'out there'--but so is the crunch. The set is crumbling and the curtains have collapsed so the audience has full view of the stage hands flittering back and forth in the flickering stage lights.
The only thing to needed to send the whole theater into hysteria is for someone to shout "fire".
Wish they'd "fire" the 1%. Yeah Brad, one thing we can always count on with the elites is psychopathic predictability. Whatever strategies they dream up in their sick minds always, always, always are perverse from the root up.
ReplyDeleteHybridrogue1; Smallberries reply skipped right over the monstrous numbers of dead brown folks. He of course blames their own "insurgents" for the deaths, while putting American War Policy on a pedestal. He really is a narrow-minded sick fuck, high on his perceived righteous motives. Completely in delusion and unsaveable from himself. We've seen a lot of these bent human caricatures over time.
You made a great case. I wouldn't waste another keystroke on this toad brain.
ReplyDeleteCongressman Weldon asked Russ Caso, his chief of staff, to call the 9/11 commission and find out if they (the 9/11 commission) had ever heard of ABLE DANGER. Mr. Caso left the room and called Chris Cojm at the 9/11 Discourse Project and asked him if they had ever “heard of something called ABLE DANGER”. Chris quickly checked and told Russ “Yes – we had heard of it” – Russ then asked him why they had not put it in their final report – Cojm’s answer was this “it did not fit with the story we wanted to tell”.
The classified methods and technology are not the key to the ABLE DANGER story – the key is the lack of individual and organizational accountability and their failure to have effectively utilized the intelligence and operational capabilities prior to 9/11.
The system is broken – if they can do this to me – slander and malign me and ignore exculpatory evidence – only look at bad issues and consider none of the successes and good work I’ve done over the past 23 years, they can (and would) do this to anyone who stands up to try and set the record straight.
It appears as if ABLE DANGER were in the middle of an Orwellian 1984 rewrite of history when Congressman Weldon found and got the story out. How is it that this information has been “disappearing” over the past five years? How could lawyers misinterpret the law and regulations so clearly as to “delete” the equivalent ¼ of the Library of Congress? How is it that just after I approach the 9-11 commission that I am suspended over three administrative issues that did not then, and do not now hold water, and that my entire issue of ABLE DANGER documents not only go missing, but are later revealed by DIA leadership to have been “destroyed” by DIA without explanation. These are questions that beg to be answered.--Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer
ReplyDeleteThe four aircraft which crashed on September 11th, 2001 have never been forensically matched to the four passenger planes which were allegedly hijacked that morning. Requests under the Freedom of Information Act have met with denials and refusals, and documents which have been produced, allegedly using data from the only three “Black Box” flight recorders said to have been found, have no serial numbers of the devices listed on them.
Frequently Asked Questions >> Didn't the government match DNA found in the Pentagon to the passengers of Flight 77? Why isn't this valid evidence proving that it hit the building?
These "DNA reports" are not valid evidence proving that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon because they were supplied by the same entity implicated by the independent, verifiable north side approach evidence and the independent, verifiable flyover/flyaway evidence. There is no independent chain of custody of these alleged DNA samples, which means that the scientists who allegedly analyzed the DNA and turned up matches -- if that did happen -- have no way of knowing whether or not it actually came from the Pentagon. Unverifiable, government-alleged evidence such as this cannot be accepted on pure faith as valid in light of the fact that it is contradicted by conclusive, independent, verifiable evidence indicating that the plane did not hit the building.
There is no available record of collection, transit or custody regarding this process.
Flight 11 (WTC1) and Flight 175 (WTC2) are the only land based crashes in aviation history where the black boxes were not recovered. Flight 93 (Pennsylvania) and Flight 77 (Pentagon) are practically the only crashes in the past 20 years of U.S. aviation history where black boxes were recovered but identifying serial numbers were not published with the reports.
In the United States, the medical examiner has the statutory responsibility and authority to identify the deceased and to issue a death certificate.
On Sept. 11, 2001 the NY City Chief Medical Examiner’s Office (OCME) and its Forensic Biology Department (aka the DNA lab) went into high gear preparing for an unknown number of remains of Trade Center victims that would need to be identified. One of the most important parts of this process was setting up something called Accession. In evidence handling terms, accession is a chain of custody for any evidence, including remains. A legal way of documenting everyone that handles evidence, when and by whom it was received, where and how it was stored and when – if ever, it left the holders possession.
“Eventually (more than a year after the request) we received a one-page letter from the FBI containing ten coded STR profiles, presumably those of the terrorists. No names, just a K code, which is how the FBI designates “knowns,” or specimens it knows the origin of. These K’s had no names. We were certain these were the terrorists’ STR profiles, but there was nothing to identify them as such. Of course, we had no direct knowledge of how the FBI obtained the terrorists DNA.”
Dr. Shaler
* Who They Were, Inside the World Trade Center DNA Story: The Unprecedented Effort To Identify The Missing – page 300
Yes it does go without saying. The narrative is fixed.
There has been no Public Inquiry to disturb this narrative. Nor will any jury be allowed to interject with uncomfortable questions, nor deliberate on the anomalous evidence regarding this great crime.