Friday, October 8, 2010

SPLC and DHS ~ A marriage made in Hell

The Southern Poverty Law Center and Morris Dees have been on my radar for more than twenty years. You have seen my repeat brainwashing in past posts.

I'd never support Alex Jones until he started getting with the agenda of this alleged pedophile and zionist terror administrator.


October 8th, 2010

It’s Official: Southern Poverty Law Center Is Now Part of DHS -Oathkeepers

SPLC, DHS, Community Officials Team Up to Attack Patriot Groups - Prison Planet

In reality this is having an anti-American criminal organization telling our government committee who they should kill.  Patriots, Oathkeepers and Truthers are their meat and potatoes. I feel like a tender filet right now.

Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)Working GroupDHS



  1. Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)Working Group1, Homeland Security Advisory Council
    Spring 2010

    Is a Communitarian document.

    You know, Atzioni, and his little black book communism.

    Yea's on [FFWD>>] now...months at the most before full blown chaos...and dragnets and red listed boys and girls better know their status and GET IT, that the issues will not be decided by words.

  2. DHS
    Community-Oriented Policing
    Community-oriented policing is a viable strategy to address crimes of violence if the approach involves:

    Developing meaningful partnerships between the government and communities in which all partners contribute to the identification of community issues and needs;

    Collaborative problem solving; and

    Law enforcement and other government agencies implement institutional and organizational changes to support the effort.

    Something novel this way comes...

  3. The way they are working it is to brand nonviolent protest and dissent as a terror threat. The truth is going viral and they need a way to stop it. This was revealed in the Jane Harman thought crimes bill Congressional testimony by the Simon Wiesenthal center as they focused on 9/11 truth. I see that rabid SPLC is on the police state I mean DHS team advising them probably identifying anti-semites as possible terrorists because their document references the Holocaust Museum shooting.
    Meanwhile it has been revealed that audio tapes catch the FBI agent provocateur's pistolshots at Kent State a minute before the National Guard fusillade. The real violence comes from government agents through their falseflag ways. Oklahoma City was an inside job. The whole purpose of SPLC is to cover up the crimes done by the US government, and by Israhell. It's like a catered service, the create phony violent terrorists and cover up the real violence.

  4. I don't think they will stop at anti-semitism because they equate that with anti-zionism. Thought crimes coaching to keep the Americans stupid about their cattledom.
    I have to laugh that airhead Paula Zahn put on Christopher Bollyn and cut him off with some lady from the ADA or SPLC saying 'they always claim they aren't antisemitic'. They just did a free advertisement for Christopher to gain alot more eyeballs to the real history of Israel and 9/11. He he.

  5. Hi Mary,

    I don't know if you checked out the Oath Keepers site...bu if you want to see how 'together' they are, just read the comments....jeeeze.

    I have heard a lot of expression of hope because of this organization from some quarters. A quick read on the comment line there should dispell such positive notions right away.

    Mad Max isn't all that hard to feature as a likely future anymore. I'm glad it was just an exciting daydream sci fi movie when I was young and I don't have to live it as the better part of my life. There are real plus' for being old or older this century.


  6. You both make the case.

    We all know 911, OK City, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bill Cooper, Michael Corbin-Franklin Cospiracy, Rodriguez, Wellstone, etc. all were terminated as part of the SPLC-ADL-DHS triad.

    The commentors on any truth site are berated with shills but what's more disturbing is the taxpayers defense budgets and government payroll funding data rooms with the crud who contaminate these portals the anti-semitic, racial, lunatic comments such as those who post this swill to these sites.

    We were robbed and now we are being tortured with the money. But it's all part of the plan to kill free thought, let alone the internet, speech or any authoritarian criticism. Calling John Edwards a scumbag will get you three to five in FEMA.






  8. Does the Christian Right seek THEOCRACY? [Does the Pope shit in the Vatican?]

    Should God's Law be the Standard for Government?

    Biblical Law is one of the most unique books on the application of the Bible to every area of life that you will EVER read.
    Political law, civil law, economics, and more: With topics ranging from war and taxation to contracts and loans, from marriage and hospitality to welfare and husbandry,


  9. US Is 'Practically Owned' by China: Analyst

    The US supremacy as the top world economy will end sooner than many people believe, so gold is a better investment than the dollar despite it hitting a new record, Tom Winnifrith, CEO at financial services firm Rivington Street Holdings, told Monday.

    Gold [XAU=X 1347.25 4.00 (+0.3%) ] hit a new record high Monday and silver [XAG=X 23.2 0.01 (+0.04%) ] rose to another 30-year peak as investors were worried about the dollar weakening further after the Federal Reserve hinted at more quantitative easing last week.

    The US trade deficit and debt continue to grow and the authorities are reluctant to address the problem, preferring to print money, Winnifrith said.

    The Coming Middle-Class Anarchy

    "It would have been smarter if we’d been crooks.”--Middle-Class wake up realization.

    What’s really important is that law-abiding middle-class citizens are deciding that playing by the rules is nothing but a sucker’s game.

    Fuck the rules. Fuck playing the game the banksters want you to play. Fuck being the good citizen. Fuck filling out every form, fuck paying every tax. Fuck the government, fuck the banks who own them. Fuck the free-loaders, living rent-free while we pay. Fuck the legal process, a game which only works if you’ve got the money to pay for the parasite lawyers. Fuck being a chump. Fuck being a stooge. Fuck trying to do the right thing – what good does that get you? What good is coming your way?

    Fuckit. Gonzalo Lira


  10. The social contract is broken - in our morally relativistic society you can employ any means necessary to be #1.

  11. "The social contract is broken – in our morally relativistic society you can employ any means necessary to be #1."--Zaza

    It also means we are on our own, to make our own way by whatever means necessary.


  12. Yes indeed. But don't get caught. You don't have the horses or contacts to beat the rap. Prisons are huge business and an unbelievable tax drain.

    And the 20% incarcerated who are innocent and the fifty percent who are doing a stretch that does not fit the crime.




  14. John Edwards would represent your typical political BAG OF SCUM. They all compete in the political game of LIMBO -- how low can you go under the bar is shows your "creepability" factor.

  15. Strike that "is" from the above comment.
