Friday, October 29, 2010

Bread and Circus - Week in Review - The Corbett Report


  1. Those guys look too much like Mr. Rogers and Dobie Gillis to be taken seriously. Pretty sure they're both, CIA operatives.

  2. Hey, I just noticed James' Mr Rogers-like sweater.......wonder if he's wearing sneakers..hmmmm. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhooooooood (not really)

  3. I'm just thinking, if everyone is part of some secret cabal (as they accuse Jon Stewart to be), why aren't I. Is there anyone who isn't? I'm feeling left out.

    Even the mainstream media is chiming in that Stewart must have ulterior motives...

    "Jon Stewart’s rally raises questions about comedian’s role"

    ...and if you read the comments after the article, the freepers are out in force accusing Stewrt of being a Jewish Communist Obama Knobgobbler.

    The neighborhood has gone insane. The zombies are everywhere now. I need a place to hide.

  4. interesting!!! That Stewart's bro heads the NY STock Exchange... omg!!!

    re: Soros and Prop 19 -- gawd... gmo terminator seeds of marijuana... what a tragedy

    and, btw, have you seen the new film (48 mins) of the wikileaks video?

  5. "...Stewart’s bro heads the NY STock Exchange… omg!!!"

    Yeah, that's a bit disheartening isn't it. But, at the same time, I'm not ready to write Jon off as being part of some kind of Jewish/banking/media cabal. Could be he just comes from a smart family where one kid got the angelic genes and the other, the evil ones. IMO, Jon's far too spontaneous to be faking his 'liberal' antics. My gut says he's for real.

    Julian Assange some sort of spook for the CIA? Need to study-up on that one. Getting hard to keep track of them all...

  6. No Rady I haven't seen that video but I'll catch it today. THanks. I didn't know that the info containing the use of white phosphorous was omitted in the leaks, did you? That and Assange's insistence that 9/11 was perpetrated by 19 arabs using boxcutters makes him as suspect as Jon Stewart & Bill Maher. Critical thinkers? I think not. Agents? Maybe.

    As for Stewart, I used to love his show and then stopped watching it a couple of years ago. I hated the way he joked with neocon criminals like William Kristol. He never really slammed them with tough questions.

    Knowing what you know and how you feel about these creeps, could you really sit there and give them a forum to push their books like Stewart does? Giving war criminals airtime without grilling them is not comedy, it's disgusting. Yes, his show could be a psyop.

    I agree with Mr Rogers and Dobie. Stewart is especially suspect considering his brother being chief operating officer of the NY stock exchange and his head writer being a CFR member (wtf?)

    But the biggest reason of all that Coto should not trust Stewart is his disrespect for those calling for a new 9/11 investigation. His "9/11 was an outside job" sign was NOT funny to those who know the truth. I stopped watching the irritating Bill Maher for the same reason. (both of these slimeballs kiss up to the fascists in control)

  7. JG, I agree with you (and the Code Pinkies). Both of you have enlightened me.

    After catching the live broadcast of Stewart's rally, I gotta say that I was pretty disappointed in what I saw. Might as well have been a rally for Howdy Doody. It was childish beyond belief and the message to stay 'reasonable' is probably the worse thing we should be doing right now.

    That said, I don't think Stewart's aim was to tranquilize the left. I think that Stewart fills a huge gap in the public dialog because any real discussions on important issues are simply not allowed in this country. Satire is as close to the truth as the corporate media will allow us to get.

    But would Americans spend their time thinking about important issues even if they were presented to them? Probably not. Critical thinking is hard, hard, work, and most Americans avoid it at all costs. And in this culture, packaging counts way more than content.

    Yep. I agree with you. But I still find Mr. Rogers and Dobie Gillis a bit freaky. I put my faith in the Church of Beaver Cleaver...

  8. I peg Stewart as big a media zionist as Larry King and Harpo Winfrey.

  9. If it's on TV it's bullshit.
    Simple as that.



  10. What is Stewart's brother's name?



    Beyond overseeing operations for the biggest stock exchange in the world, Leibowitz also has the distinction of being the brother of "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart.

    Jon Stewart Leibowitz, that is.

    Never mind my question...I got it.


