As I muddled through the KBR request for bid to staff the concentration camps I came across some devlish details. First the bids are for every state in the five regions. Now anyone looking at the map can see all the states in each region,so I take it that all states in a given region will be in an emergency simultaneously. So we are planning for an emergency with foreknowledge,so why dont we prevent said emergency ?
The second weirdness I found was the NTPs. I didnt know what that was so I searched KBRs sites for definition of abbreviations and came up with this,
MOET Ministry of Education and Training
MOF Ministry of Finance
MOFI Ministry of Fisheries (now merged into MARD)
MOH Ministry of Health
MoTI Ministry of Industry
MoNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
MoST Ministry of Science and Technology
MoT Ministry of Transport
MPI Ministry of Planning and Investment
MRC Mekong River Commission
NDRMP (World Bank) Natural Disaster Risk Management Project
NGO Non-Government Organisation
NHMS National Hydro-Meteorological Service
NHP National Hydro-Power
NRWS National Water Resources Strategy
NRWSSS National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy
NTP National Target Program (Climate Change)
NTP I or II National Target Program I and II, NRWSSS
NWRC National Water Resources Council
NWRS National Water Resources Strategy
Now we can clearly see that relocations are to be for climate change remediation or rural water supply or sanitation domain under Agenda 21. The request for bid is under the fold.