Sometimes it becomes necessary to remind folks of simple logical conclusions to events.
If I appear to be too resolved in my comments, I expect some turn off as it becomes apparent that it is misunderstood.
A. The NWO order = WOT, WTO or OWT in anything of New Order of the Ages, the old reborn with the technology and hidden science.
When we talk about events, the event itself may be a staging, hoax or black swan variety. Whether they ever happened 1. (hoax) 2. staging (performance) or 3. black [op] swan (real event) causal I use the assumption all of it is directly a result of action by committee, action to force, energy to force driven to a purpose with intent.
When I use the term Vortex, it expresses the motion of actions, energy and forces with it's effects on universal perceived realities and/or the illusions they project. In linguistic terms the vocabulary fails. In the continuum movement this vortex continually advances a true vector or the psuedovector reverse variety.
Under the Committee
ie. Miriam Carey →W = ∇ x →V
Rodin: Is it 1,2,or 3? Vectors
1. non-event (hoax) event false - nexus causality true cause false - nexus causality false
2. staging (performance) event true - causal nexus intermediate true /false -
nexus causality true
3. black [op] swan (real event) event true - causal nexus intermediate true /false -
nexus causality false
The dynamics of events when considering the vectors would include 396693396....n
∇→? = the source (the nine) for sake of argument the group that controls the force
ω→ ? = psuedovector
v→ ? = vector
∇→ = scalar
Psychologists take an empirical approach to causality, investigating how people detect or infer causation from sensory information, prior experience and innate knowledge.
I was recently called out as quackery for using mind control on the ObamaCarey Event. For using MK-Ultra, Handler, Death Panel, etc. so I have to explain to those lumps who know not a scalar from a vector.
No one has any real evidence of this event except potential eye witnesses or the psuedo's perpetrators, orchestrators and handlers.
MK is merely a term for Mind Kontrol, Monarck and it includes all of us. We are all effected by it. Sensory information, prior experience and innate knowledge dictate how we process and arrive at some conclusion. Those who assume MK means they are a delta, theta or omega zombie miss the mark. A handler is a supervisor in the CIA. A death panel is a a small group of people brought together to discuss, investigate, or decide on a particular matter, esp. in the context of business or government in this case the matter being death.
These stooges that called me out not only have no clue to the nature of matter, physics or psychology but they don't even have the intellect to know the Semantics or terms.
What the vortex has is a simple formula of 369 coupled by 124578 and zero. As we can see the ultimate best conclusion we can find is in the space time of 3D illusion called our MK reality. This story(event) is about over but there is sensory, MK media experiences and innate knowing involved in our conclusion. Those who derive their evidence from sources in the vortex controlled by →∇ have no basis to poo poo any theory.
next: ego and mind control in numbers equals a poo poo platter or death panel. (6-9-3)
From the Vortex ~ PD
“I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?”
― John Lennon