Sunday, October 24, 2010


Allrightythen! Chew on this information in the article below.

"75 Ways That The Government And The Financial Elite Will Be Sucking Even More Of The Life Blood Out Of The American People In 2011" by The Economic Collapse

Then, swig it down with some tasty French Whine from:

"Thank God for France...Vive La Resistance!" by Mike Whitney

{I apologize...I cannot seem to make these Links above "live". Must have something to do with JavaScript B.S. or something. Don't let that stop you from pasting in the links to your browser, and viewing the info.}


It makes for a healthy multi-course meal to feed yourself with info coming from different areas of the world. Stick your fork into the internet news on a local level and then see what's for dinner to be consumed on the Mainstream Media news channels. Does the stuff bear any semblance to "reality" or is it all just a non-food TV Dinner full of fake food poisons? Only You can decide!

And so it goes. Some folks in a far-away land are up in arms because they're stomped by their "elected" guvmint. Is is meaningless to Americans? Does it resonate? Is there anything to learn here...or there? Are there common "themes" that run through these dramas playing out in countries around the globe? Thailand, Greece last week or last month...France now, who and where next? What's it about? Why should and do we care? War making with our Tax Dollars on people in other lands...more taxes here at home. How are these taxes going to be spent? More war-making? More banker bail-outs? More planes for Pelosi?

An amazing drama is playing out right now in the U.S. and abroad, and it is not happenstance. A coordinated GameShow is going on continuously. And the People are paying for the advertisements. I think I just came up with a name for this GameShow --



  1. Feel free to add your own link to a particular piece of news that helps round out our COTO "perspective".

  2. Check out:

    Understanding America's Class System

    By Joe Bageant


    Shea Memorandum

    Israeli Surveillance of the Future Hijackers and FBI Suspects in the September 11 Attacks and Their Failure to Give Us Adequate Warning:

    The Need for a Public Inquiry

    I am an international corporate lawyer, writing to you today about a matter of public policy that is relevant to the circumstances surrounding, and our preparedness for, the catastrophic attacks on September 11, 2001.

    Mossad’s own information appears to have come from its sources inside the United States. All of the facts and circumstances set forth in this memorandum appear to show that Mossad’s two likely sources of information were: (a) the Israeli DEA Groups, comparable in number to that of the Arab suspects and who appear to have tracked the future hijackers in their central places of operation and in other states, and (b) the Israeli New Jersey Group, operating through their Mossad front in another principal locus of operations of the future hijackers, two of whom were Mossad agents, and five of whom appeared immediately aware of the origin of the attacks on September 11.

    While little direct evidence supports the contention that the CIA was aware of or condoned the Israeli Groups’ tracking of Arab terrorist groups in the United States prior to September 11, the CIA’s pressing for the expulsion of members of the Israeli DEA Groups when they were detained before September 11, their failure to cooperate with the FBI, their circuitous explanation of how the above two hijackers were placed on the Watchlist, and other relevant considerations require that the issue be taken up as a part of the public inquiry into these painful events.
    ~Gerald Shea

    “We were set up to fail”~Hamilton, Kean co-chairs 9/11 Commission


  4. Inside Job...the movie that exposes the unbridled criminality that now defines US culture. This shit is right there in technicolor for Americans to see, yet we do nothing. My personal favorite little weasel is Lloyd Blankfein. Oh how I'd like to....

  5. But wait, there's more!

    If you want to read the book before you see the movie, you might want to check out Matt Taibbi's "Griftopia" which essentially points out how the elite have put America up for sale.

    "I was in a meeting where a bunch of American investment bankers were trying to sell us the Pennsylvania Turnpike," he said. "They even had a slide show. They were showing these Arabs what a nice highway we had for sale, what the toll booths looked like . . ."

    mr0btuse says: "I'll bet the national park system is worth a fortune! Let's sell it to the Chinese."

  6. Good stuff all you serf dudes! Keep posting links to more graffiti to be sprayed upon the walls of the fiefdoms of the elites.

    Alas, I am found to be tongue in cheek! For a man or woman are no more serfs to a self-elected Rotary Club than a pride of lions are subject to the boundaries of a game preserve. Prideful Lions are you all, and the gameboks are gamboling before you telling you lies and hoping you will not notice their lazy asses are showing!

  7. Joe Bageant?! Drink Im Up!

  8. I want to alert everyone that there is a big blow-up about Jeff Rense.

    See this first:

    Comment Censored On Other Sites
    By Hany Hanna

    But there is more...Henry Makow, and Paul Doctron have weighed in on this gang bang on Mark Glen.
    I will bring the Ugly Truth URL to you in a bit.

    Rense and his hit team are into a big pile of shit here...and any who want to weigh in on it should hear both sides of the tale.

    This is one of those instances where the actual perp has the larger forum--Rense.

    I'll be back



    This one below is where the real story develops:

    I'm tellin' ya kids, Jeff Rense isn't what he pretends to be....



    The Jews on their final push to totally take over Jerusalem.


  11. But the truth is that when we are looking at the political elite, we are looking at the dancing monkey, not the organ grinder who calls the tune. Washington's political class is about as upwardly removed from ordinary citizens as the ruling class is from the political class. For instance, they do not work for a living in the normal sense of a job, but rather obtain their income from abstractions such as investment and law, neither of which ever gave anybody a hernia or carpal tunnel. By comparison, the ruling class does not work at all. Moneywise, Washington's political class is richer than the working class by the same orders of magnitude as the ruling class is richer than the political class.~Joe Bageant

    This is an issue of imagination...most people simply cannot imagine REAL WEALTH, the kind referred to here by Bageant. Like he says, you can't see it from where we stand, it has to be inferred by reason--and we at coto know just how "reasonable" the mass of the proletango is...nut munch.

    "Most people don't have the imagination for reality"~Goethe



    Jurassic Ballot
    When Corporations Ruled the Earth

    By Rebecca Solnit
    This country is being run for the benefit of alien life forms. They’ve invaded; they’ve infiltrated; they’ve conquered; and a lot of the most powerful people on Earth do their bidding, including five out of our nine Supreme Court justices earlier this year and a whole lot of senators and other elected officials all the time. The monsters they serve demand that we ravage the planet and impoverish most human beings so that they might thrive. They’re like the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, like the Terminators, like the pods in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, except that those were on the screen and these are in our actual world.
    We call these monsters corporations.........

  13. I like Bageant a lot, he is a wonderful writer. But I only give him a B in disclosure

    He makes it obvious there is the Ruling class, but he does not identify them.

    They are identified, and either he won't come out and say it--or he has yet to evolve to the point to see it.

    That identity is the House of Rothschild the master elder of Zion, above whatever mutating corporate banners drift through the ever bubbling PR matrix.
    From my perspective, Bageant is an initiate of deep knowledge but no Magus.


  14. Rebecca Solnit was a good read. Thanks laudyms.


  15. "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike."~ Spiro T. Agnew


  16. Bageant:

    Is he an "intellectual?" He certainly touches the skirt-hem in "driving on the bones of god" ...and especially in his internet debut essay, "sleepwalking to Fallujah:"

    Newtnik babbles on about the "secular socialist machine:"

    Hoo-hoo, nit-boy! YOU aint seen NOTHINK yet! Machine is not off drawing-board yet! Is coming. 5 years... 50 years... 100 years... who knows?

    while they parrot same old shit

    "Imperialism has been and will continue to be unable to end the inevitable path to socialism."

    For the record, it's OBVIOUS that this "ideological path" is strewn with bullshit... and "meet-new-boss, same-as-old-boss" looms on the horizon like red war-mart happy-face. What's the alternative? The dummies and puppets?

  17. He's probably worn out with just trying to get people to see that such a class exists. Our pervasive mythology has rich and poor alike all claiming to be middle class because 'class' is an ugly fact we choose to ignore. Meanwhile the war on the poor continues to be the basis of much of our national life.

  18. Yea,

    I read was good. Like I say, I do like his writing.

    I'm just looking from another perspective.

    I think getting to the core of things and not getting winded on the way there is an important aspect to running a good race.


  19. Hah...down right inspirational, Television Mix...yea, "it's up to you"...
    dat's da buzz.


  20. “Homeland Serenity”~RebleFire: Grayzone

    Type that into your browser and smoke it.

    Read some reviews of thie book--sounds great.
    Something Rady truned me on to.


  21. Yea Boom, the whole thing about Rense turned really strange.
    I use the place as a news service...there has always been stuff on there that I thought was bullwinkle. There is bull everywhere--gotta sort it out for yourself.

    But the deep into--the callin' the feds threat--zany cave dwelling dingleberry pikers.

    I've always taken Makow as a twisted jingl bird--Doctron is just a snakeoil salesman, and Devvy Kidd is a Christo-fascist fruitcake. But she turns us on to constitutional expert Ed Veiera, who is a fountain of knowledge.
    The world is full of strange bedfellows.

    A Band of Bedfellows--good title for a book...Lol


  22. Yessum -- only smoke the good stuff. The rest tastes like crap and'll only give you a headache.

    I'm pretty sure that's an ole Indian Proverb I recollected above. No matter who's pro or verb. Abstractionally adjectivize it to a personal proverb or prolific pronoun or dangling participle. Dang!

  23. My day was arduous and full of trials and was your flipping day fellow COTO bytes?! Suffice it to say, we like our news Short, Succinct, and Truthful!

    For a long-winded reminder of why the MSM has become the "Leave it to Beaver" of news reporting from last century, scan this dissertation of disgust:

    I like the Silverbear site, because they don't brown-nose you, or mislead with fantasies. You want something real? Trade your freaking paper for the hard stuff! You want the Truth? Well folks...we're just gonna have to search for it! And I will bet you a silver sovereign the Truth ain't gonna be falling out the lips of a politician or media talking head! Damn Straight Truth That Is My Friend!

  24. ..."dangling participle"~Boom

    Hmm...that word always reminds me of Pam Sipple in my 8th grade English class. Pamela was hot yada yum yum creampie...woo woo.
    She wore these short shot miniskirts, and was seated strategically visually, so to speak.
    I would put my head on my arm and "witness" for awhile, she would watch me look and just smile...a juice warming game between us.

    It is that part of Sipple that "participle" always brings to mind, that being the class I learned it in...experienced it in.

    Drifting along in a daydream now, thanks Boomer.


  25. Yup. I remember having to position the books and binder strategically as to hide the stiffy after one of those 'sessions'--especially during study hall. Twas all those furry sweaters that got me. And all that roundness underneath. yummmmm......

    OK, too much info. sorry.

  26. All da Wunda Land Boyz know...


  27. Did pretty good with gold for a few years. Now, I don't have the nads to invest in anything other than a few bonds and treasuries. Too much manipulation going on for my blood. And as much as I'd agree that gold should go through the roof, there will come a time in the not too distant future, where the fed is going to pop the bubble--just to shake out the serfs. At this point, I'd say it's a little late to add to an investment in stocks or gold.

    But then, I ain't no Rothschild. So what do I know?

  28. Yea I gotsda silverbears--hey you can edit that double's YOUR page duderous.

    Main stream is kaput...yup Snuffed, DIA'd, smoked, fini, rustfodder, ancient plumbing, brain numbing tyrannocookies.


  29. You Boyz -- be sippin the particles, or parsinthenipples, or getting the sniffles, snorfin what little is left of an ancient riddle...

    That riddle be -- Where did I leave my youthful exuberance? And what kind of word is exuberance anyways? It rhymes with protuberance, and I think that sausage got stuffed with moth balls and stuck on the shelf in the closet in the basement of grandpa's house...have I become my grandpa?! WTF!

    Apple pie -- the yeast may still arise.

  30. The only investment advice you ever need...

    George Ure's Urban Survival

    Click on the daily link for the latest info.

  31. Are you shitting me OBWan?! Bonds & Treasuries?

    Keep reading these...daily, weekly
    {I made that last one up for you}

    If it is paper you can at least wipe your butt with it when you are totally, absolutely, completely defrauded of any assets you ever put up to be represented by..."a piece of paper". Consider the implications?

  32. You guys are Crackin me up!

    Rogumon -- excellent pint there (slurp); it is my page, yet I am considerably constirpated by local macrophage obscuring my inattentions here... no apologeez purported.

    Big Rain beating down by the way! Wacky day and night I surmise.

    Obtussi -- I gave a scan over to the urbansurvival site. Hard to believe it is the only investment advice I "need" when you're hanging on to the two of the most incendiary devices I know of...treasuries and bonds. Both paper. Think -- flash paper! Do consider your positions carefully. If it ain't got no "heft" these days, you probably won't have anything "left". I just made that up. But it is some heavy skookum totem I share with you.

  33. Bonds and treasuries until the next dip takes place. Then back in somewhere. Ya gotta time the market to make any dough. My problem is I'm too old to lose it all. And I'm guilty in thinking that there were actually going to be some repercussions from all the fraud taking place. That's the biggest mistake I made. I underestimated the power of the criminal class.

  34. George Ure's recommendation is to hold some gold, treasuries, and pay everything off. Probably should have at least 10% of your portfolio in gold. He also holds some shorts.

    But like I said upstream, the shit that use to sink the market isn't having any effect these days. Seems the rule of law has completely been extinguished. It's a field day for the criminal class. Under these conditions--which we've never seen before--I'm at a loss to venture a guess to where the markets or the dollar is headed in the near future. In time the dollar is probably toast. But that could take another twenty years and I ain't got that long.

    That said, these are suppose to be the metal years:

    Silver in our hair, Gold in our pockets, and lead in our pants.

  35. "In time the dollar is probably toast. But that could take another twenty years and I ain’t got that long."~O

    Ahhh, Dr. Doom'n'Gloom here.

    No twenty years, try mid 2011 for a gut wrenching spin through thin air, with the bottom hidden in a deep fog.

    F'not, we're all lucky as shitbirds in a pooppatch.


  36. Go Here for info on Bonds, Gold & the Dollar:

    Never underestimate the enemies of "your" money.

  37. Is he an “intellectual?”~Waldo

    This was not a reference to Bageant on my part Waldo, it was a general aside.


  38. He's a "thinker"...a rare commodity anywhere.

  39. He’s a “thinker”…a rare commodity anywhere."~laudyms

    Absolutely--all in all a good thinker too.



    Chemical Engineer Mark Basile – The first scientist who found thermite in the World Trade Center dust discusses in depth his process of discovery using the scientific method.

    This interview is some raw footage of one of the world class experts appearing in architects and engineer’s upcoming hard hitting documentary “9/11:Explosive Evidence – Experts speak out”

    FEMA appendix 'C' metallurgical study.
    I tried posting this 3 times on COTO at wordpress, it freezes everytime--they are fucking with us.

