Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My tweet of the day

The Rent Is Too Damn High! --Jimmy McMillan (cand.4 NY Gov, who said that) is going to be more popular than the Pope in this country!


  1. You like the Pope???

    No, I know what you mean.

    Jimmy McMillan has got that right.

    Does he have a saber to lead the charge?


  2. Warren Pollack was good today. He rambled across a lot of topics (and was spot on), and then returned to a clip of Jimmy McMillan. See here:

  3. The commentator made a good case...if it was a rebuttle that covered the whole crew...that I don't know.

    We all know a "candidate" cannot talk about this as the guy in the clip. He can certainly become a populist voice--but never a candidate in the current system.

    Change will not come from within this system. Only pressures from without--demands, not requests. This is the simple Machiavellian realpolitik view. Any other view is filtered with wishful thinking.



  4. Someone is too jaded if they think this isn't jaw dropping material.

    And I don't mean MAYBE jaw dropping, I mean ACTUALLY jaw dropping. I can acknowledge that the presentation is theatrical. But McMillan is not just a clown, he's putting his finger on an issue that affects millions.

    Supply side economics ignores the demand side of the economy (the lower regions) in favor of the upper class. So the investor class gets taken care of and the other 80% of people get neglected. Things have become too tight at the bottom end of the scale, and the economy won't improve until demand picks up. That means, take care of people at the lower levels of society's ladder. McMillan is touching on an issue that the old school pundits were loathe to acknowledge.

    And, as one with an eye for marketing, advertising, and public relations -- this scene is jaw dropping! Consider the following.

    Today, Jimmy McMillan may have reached 2 million people.
    Today, COTO may have reached 2 dozen people.

    McMillan had a better day today than COTO. So, as a matter of activism and effective communication, McMillan is ahead of us!

  5. You say someone is disqualified from being a candidate?

    Do you mean Warren Pollock is disqualified for calling out the crooks?

    Or do you mean Jimmy McMillan is disqualified for saying the rent is too damn high?

    By that standard, I must be disqualified. I say that MSM = Marauding Sociopathic Monsters.

  6. "You say someone is disqualified from being a candidate?"~J

    No, I'm not saying it John, the system says it.
    Certainly you have noticed.


  7. Videos and audio track of the above here:

  8. So, COTO should put their words to a beat and rap it out? Is this what you're saying John? Beat it out?

  9. Well John,

    "Let us not speak falsly for the hour is getting late"

    ~Another great poet and rapper.

    I never denied the popular effect of the web has on the larger movement of truths, ect.

    I said the 'System' will deny a place in the high rooms of pecking orders. It won't matter what cheater-card they pull out to do it.

    Afterall--I couldn't be writing the radical shit I put down in the comments section of my local nespaper. I know that.

    My point is that our goals will not be achieved within this system of 'government'--it is like trying to dig up George Washington and reanimate him to be our next presisdent.

    "He's dead Jim"--Dr McCoy


  10. "Someone is too jaded if they think this isn’t jaw dropping material."~John

    Listen John, I think this is "jawdropping" truth. Alright?

    What I am saying is those who fail to comprhend realpolitik, who attempt to "reform" a corps, make it stand up and dance to rap or any other tune, are kidding themselves.

    No, you are NOT a viable "vandidate" for THIS system. You are a MOST viable candidate for the republican system as founded in 1776--I don't mean the federal constitution here--I mean the state constitutions which were ALL republican in form.

    Please do not be insulted personally by my critique. I understand your passion. I grasp your desire to change this bloody monsterous system.
    I am just saying it is too utterly corrupted to change from the inside, it is DEAD, a zombie--it must be changed from the outside by the living.


  11. http://www.legitgov.org/DoD-expanding-domestic-cyber-role

    US Military to likely be key actor in cyber attack
    "20 Oct 2010 The Defense Department is quietly taking on an expanding role in defending U.S. critical infrastructure from cyber attacks. In a break with previous policy, the military now is prepared to provide cyber expertise to other government agencies and to certain private companies to counter attacks on their computer networks, the Pentagon’s cyber policy chief, Robert Butler, said Wednesday. While the Department of Homeland Security officially remains the lead government agency on cyber defense, the new agreement "sets up an opportunity for DHS to take advantage of the expertise" in the Pentagon, and particularly the secretive electronic spying agency, the National Security Agency, said Butler, who is a deputy assistant defense secretary."


  12. The French know the truth about government and they act accordingly. Viva la France

  13. I love what Jimmy is saying, of course I do. But the big question is will msm let him say it on tv? Even if he gets a big following on the net and gets all those votes, who is counting those votes? THey have those black boxes in NY don't they?

    I hate being so cynical but life in these United States in the past ten years has taught me to be that way. I have decided, for the first time since I could vote that I'm not casting a ballot this year. Why bother? Like I said below.. viva la france
