This post re-posted from
[caption id="attachment_16691" align="alignleft" width="279" caption="Liberty Blown Up"]
{I suggest you read it at the silverbearcafe site to access the links to background information you may want to research...then, come back here to COTO and comment}. Since the anniversary of the false flag of Pearl Harbor just passed yesterday, it is fitting to reup on the 9/11 false flag fiasco that is an evil root canker killing what was left of the American Liberty Tree. It is almost firewood now folks.
Why is 9/11 important now? Because it was used to justify killing 2 million Iraqis in the name of Freedom. D.U. and possibly more were used in-country and left to mutate future populations. Is that O.K. with you? Read this article and consider the tsunami of debris left in the wake of 9/11. There are only 2 scenarios -- either 9/11 "happened", or "it was done to you". The fall-out is far and wide. The devastation continues. Some group is at fault. We now know it wasn't the Iraqis. We can toss into the shitcan the BS of 19 highjackers with boxcutters, of steel buildings falling down because of fire. Who made it "happen" & who is "doing it" to you right now? Don't Americans want to know, deserve to know?
Preface: This post does not discuss whether or not 9/11 was a "false flag" operation or an "inside job". Anything other than a discussion of the negligence of the Bush administration is unnecessary for the purposes of this essay, and is thus beyond the scope of this post.
In case you didn't get the memo, we are currently in a depression. And see this.
And given that American citizens can be indefinitely detained or assassinated at the whim of the president, it is pretty clear that we now live in a police state.
This post will demonstrate - without getting into discussions of an "inside job" one way or the other - that the failure to hold a real 9/11 investigation is a core cause of our loss of our prosperity and freedom.
The Failure to Investigate 9/11 Has Bankrupted America
Top economists say that endless war bankrupts a nation.
For example, Nobel prize winning economist Joe Stiglitz says that the $3-5 trillion spent on the Iraq war alone has been very bad for the American economy. See this, this and this.
The endless wars have also been a main component of America's soaring debt:
The Failure to Investigate 9/11 Has Bankrupted America TAX CUTS DEBT and huge debts exert a very real drag on the economy.
As shown below, we wouldn't have launched the war against Iraq - or the endless panoply of wars throughout the Middle East and North America - if 9/11 had actually been in investigated.
(Even the 9/11 Commission itself admits that there was criminal obstruction of justice and a whitewash of the investigation. See this, this, this, this, and this. As such, there has never been a real investigation.)
The Police State Was Caused by the Failure to Investigate 9/11
The police state started in 2001.
Specifically, on 9/11, Vice President Dick Cheney initiated Continuity of Government Plans that ended America's constitutional form of government (at least for some undetermined period of time.)
On that same day, a national state of emergency was declared ... and that state of emergency has continuously been in effect up to today.
It is beyond dispute that 9/11 was entirely foreseeable, but - due to the extreme negligence and incompetence or lack of caring of the Bush administration (remember, I'm not getting into any other theories in this post) it wasn't stopped. Even the chair of the 9/11 Commission said that the attack was preventable.
If there had been a real 9/11 investigation, the Bush administration's extreme negligence would have come to light. And Americans would have learned that terrorism can largely be prevented if the military and intelligence officers are simply allowed to do their job.
As just one example, Dick Cheney was in charge of all counter-terrorism exercises, activities and responses on 9/11. See this Department of State announcement; this CNN article; and this essay.
The genius Mr. Cheney apparently scheduled 5 war games for the morning of 9/11. Specifically, on the very morning of September 11th, five war games and terror drills were being conducted by several U.S. defense agencies, purportedly including one "live fly" exercise using real planes. Then-Acting Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard B. Myers, admitted to 4 of the war games in congressional testimony - see transcript here or video here (6 minutes and 12 seconds into the video.
False radar blips to be inserted onto air traffic controllers' screens as part of the war game exercises, which may have confused the heck out of them (see this December 9, 2001 Toronto Star article; pay-per-view; reprinted here). Way to let that one slip through, Mr. in-charge-of-all-war-games.
The military - under the Vice President's command that day - didn't scramble enough fighter jets, and then scrambled jets far over the Atlantic Ocean, in what Senator Mark Dayton called:
The most gross incompetence and dereliction of responsibility and negligence that I've ever, under those extreme circumstances, witnessed in the public sector.
And the knucklehead personally watched flight 77 for many miles, but - according to Secretary of Transportation Norm Minetta - stopped it from being shot down before it hit the Pentagon (and see this).
Americans would have learned through any real 9/11 investigation that Cheney's negligence and mucking around in what should have been the generals' jobs was partly responsible for allowing 9/11 to happen.
In other words, a real 9/11 investigation would have shown Americans that 9/11 should of, could of, and would have been stopped - and that America can protect itself against future terrorist attacks - simply by playing goalie well in our country.
And Americans - instead of being scared into immobility - would have been mad at our government for dropping the ball. And we would have demanded accountability and effective service from our elected officials. (Indeed, experts have repeatedly demonstrated that fear of terror makes people stupid ... and makes them willing to accept a loss of liberty and other abuses they would never otherwise accept.)
The Road Not Taken
Instead, of course, Americans were led to believe that Al Qaeda was going to get us unless we took the fight to the Middle East and North Africa. The administration pretended that Saddam Hussein had a hand in 9/11 - one of the main justifications for that war.
Had a real 9/11 investigation been conducted before we launched the Iraq war, it would have taken away one of the two main rationales for that war. (The FBI was also instructed to blame the anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda, and high-level government officials pointed towards Iraq as the source of the anthrax, even though there was absolutely no basis for those claims. But that's another story.)
Dan Rather was right when he wrote last week:
We have been so afraid; so hell bent on destroying enemies ... both foreign and domestic ... we have hurt ourselves and our democracy.
Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser also told the Senate in 2007 that the war on terror is so overblown that it is "a mythical historical narrative".
And as I noted in 2008:
Former deputy national intelligence officer for transnational threats, a 23-year senior CIA analyst, who "drafted or was involved in many of the government's most senior assessments of the threats facing our country [and who] devoted years to understanding and combating the jihadist threat", writes today in the Washington Post that the neocons have whipped us into an irrational fear of the terrorism. In reality, "Osama bin Laden and his disciples are small men and secondary threats whose shadows are made large by our fears" and our leaders.
This is no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. The BBC produced a documentary called The Power of Nightmares in 2005 that showed that politicians were greatly exaggerating the terrorist threat for political ends.
And unfortunately, many in government have intentionally whipped up fear in the American public for their own political purposes. For example, FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, constitutional law expert professor Jonathan Turley, Time Magazine, Keith Olbermann and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials "were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power".
And former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge admits that he was pressured to raise terror alerts to help Bush win reelection. Fear sells.
And because 9/11 was never really investigated, the government - instead of doing the things which could actually make us safer - are doing things which increase the risk of terrorism.
As such, the threats from terrorism form even more of a "justification" for a suspension of our Constitutional rights.
The failure to investigate 9/11 has bankrupted America financially and morally, and has allowed us to stand idly by while our liberty has been destroyed.
Go online and watch "National Security Alert" as to the Pentagon attack. All is not as it seems there either. Seems the airplane did a flyby and probably shepherded in a laser guided missile. Some very compelling evidence there. It doesn't take away the evidence of Cheney knowing of the approach of flight 77.
ReplyDeleteSYSTEMIC ANALYSIS proves that 9/11 was and is an ongoing systemic attack on the world population by those in control of the system. The "economic collapse" is no less a 'controlled demolition' than were the buildings of 9/11.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing "mysterious" in any of this beyond the delusions of the enchanted TVZombies that make up the larger portion of the populations of the 'western nations'.
The bottom line truth is: There's no business like bullshit. And THAT is the Public Relations Regime of perception manipulation began by 'the father of spin', Edward Bernays.
Let's face it, the world is run by psychopaths and the fruition of their vile agenda is taking place before our eyes at this very moment.
That agenda is spelled out clearly in the Protocols - grasp that or die stupid.
Thank you for your comment V. Many here are well aware of your point. Mr. HybridRogue1 provided a tremendous amount of evidence, critical thinking, and commentary on a thread on COTO2 not that long ago, but it was removed by the editor for personal reasons. I can only hope that this particular dialogue I'm referring to will be restored to its rightful place where its contents can be considered.
ReplyDeleteThe above post serves to keep the criminal False Flag of 9/11 in the minds of readers. 9/11 fallout has detrimentally affected humans the world over. So the idea of "forgetting it", or "moving on" is the height of bullshit proffered to deflect attention away from a real investigation. There is NO time limit for the prosecution of Murder. When Bull Shit Flies -- Ask Why?!
Ya, I keep forgetting that I'm preaching to the choir here. Just thought I'd point that one out though, it raises interesting points above other outputs. As the Roguester points out though, it's the TVZombies that need to know this.
ReplyDelete"I can only hope that this particular dialogue I’m referring to will be restored to its rightful place where its contents can be considered."~Boom
ReplyDeleteI have the entire thing on file - before it was deleted by Randy Kuntananda
Actually two of the three major 9/11 threads from C2 are saved to my files and could be reproduced here at some point.
As you know - my ability to post here from the wordpress page has been compromised, so I would have to transfer those files to a second party to have them posted.
I think one of the most important aspects of this analysis is the distinction between a "regime" and the "system" that serial regimes cycle through.
ReplyDeleteIt is part of the hypnotism of the Hegelian dialectic that causes a confusion between the two, as the synthesis is always focused on the regimes, or "administrations" and their "differences" or "distinctions." - all of this while the medium [the system] this occurs in remains status quo. The base template for these regimes are standard and unvaried in the march [synthesis] to the central goal of the system.
Thus the template of the "Pearl Harbor type event" is the same general Machiavellian equation in all, regardless of "personalities" and the foibles of those involved at the theatrical center stages of the historical play.
Polk is in no way Lincoln. Roosevelt is diametrically opposite of G.W. Bush.
LBJ was not a Wilson...and on and on, as they are all unique human beings {sic}, and have their own set of goals. Regardless, they all act out the same playbook to achieve the goals, which are at the center - those of an ongoing synthesized system.
Who is at the center of this system? The Money Changers. Rothschild Zionism is the current form. This is the real enemy that threatens humanity with total tyranny or the end of the world.
But these are not the only choices available to mankind - IF mankind were conscious to realize it. Actually a "change of mind" is all it would take.
As it is, such a change of mind is impossible while the minds of mankind are locked in the hypnotic trance of the Public Relations Regime. They are chained by their own 'belief system' that has been programmed from without but internalized.
I see nothing but mystical answers for this current dilemma. It is alas a spiritual matter. One in-which every soul will see a reckoning.
My single prayer is for Peace on Earth and Good Will Among Humankind.
God Bless Everybody in the Whole World.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand what you're saying by "my ability to post here from the Wordpress page was compromised". Why couldn't the entire thread become a "resource" page under a category heading like the blue one over on the right? "COTO EYE on 911 and False Flag" That would be nifty keano beebopaloola! Wooden it?
Yes -- Good Will Hunting...
ReplyDeleteYou're right on the mark I believe with your analysis. How can the scarecrow give the sheeple a brain? That's a question to figure upon. Actually, how can the lights be turned on in the "dark zone" of mind-controlled mesmerized humans? What's the "trigger" event? Chaka Awe, Chaka Awe, how khan we do it captain?!
Money Changers. Flim Flam Khazars. Why not just name the fuckers and say in neon -- see that guy?! He makes money out of thin air, and charges you and humanity interest! Is that fair? Sick em sheep!
Kinda kidding there. But, humanity cannot go on this way. Slavery suits nobody.
ReplyDeleteThings are accellerating. The KBR request for bid on staffing and supplying the FEMA camps shows a real racheting up. Food and BBs.
I simply mean that the buttons on my dashboard at wordpress are not in the frame of the window. I can't post an article without the must have to do with my browser.
ReplyDeleteI could create a PDF and send it to another COTO member who could then post it here under whatever auspices we decide is appropriate - remember it is LONG. More than 400 comments.
I agree things are accelerating at an exponential rate Korn.
ReplyDeleteI think looking to what are obviously rigged elections for any relief is jejune.
But we go through this, and I don't get what your seeing here?
You are again playing within the system. You are not going to change the system from within, it is on an autopilot of synthesis. "The President," is and has been nothing but a puppet in a Punch and Judy show for more than a century. Regardless of his strengths and foibles, Ron Paul can only stand and talk, he will have no power to act. And if he talks off key he will be dealt with in a summery fashion.
"Food and BBs," that makes practical sense. I'll pass on the daydreams.
About as succinct as one could get it. I always like the way you cut-to-the-chase.
ReplyDeleteBut here's my postulation. Knowledge is now being grasped at a degree as never before. Percentage wise this exposure, even if it's just a few degrees, can have impacts that have yet to be gleaned. We may yet come out on top. There could be a tipping point we can't calculate because we can't see it.
Maybe just being in the fight is victory.
Of course the good news today.
ReplyDeleteOath Keepers Receive Tip of National Guard Unit Stand-Down, Refusing to Answer Questionnaire Asking if They Would Use Lethal Force Against the American People
One of themain reasons I vote is to be in the jury pool so maybe I can bring a monkey-wrench to the kangaroo court. Also,weedhopper,in order to be justified on that day that I must act nobody can say I never tried the "peaceful" route. If You dont vote for Ron Paul he cant even try to reverse any of this shit. Stuff a sock in it and DRAIN THE SWAMP with Ron Paul.
ReplyDeleteAye Mate! But humanity must become "The Decider" on their future, rather than let shit "happen" to them. We all realize the criminals cannot be allowed to "police" themselves. Thinking that shit is insanity exponential. Freaking expose them for what they are!
ReplyDeleteCan you believe some large segment of Americans think they're acting "intelligent" by deciding which pResidential candidate they should vote for? The local talk-radio stations make me want to puke! As Rogue1 pointed out, dumbsheeps think they're getting somewhere, when they're treading water and wasting valuable time and energy working "inside" a managed "system". This is one reason Kusumi gets hammered here. Its like expecting the fucking "justice" system to actually make real judgments. Except they're bought off like the politicians. So everything is "manipulated", reality gets skewed, truth gets buried and bastardized, and the criminals walk away scott-free. That's reality! But like you say -- Information Velocity is lighting up The Truth faster than the perps can cover their tracks or deflect.
We are not a nation "of laws". We have become a nation of "Outlaws", and parade before us in the media spotlight. And the real puppeteers hide in the shadows. These are the ones who must be exposed and dealt with. But then -- you know al this! Thanks for posting up, mate!
Saw that Laffster. The entire freaking nation needs to stand up, and speak up! How about a National Whistle-Blower Day? Post all the info on multiple sites + mirrored sites so the people can really get a gander on the lowlife's of luxury. WE like entertainment! Why can't we swap out the peasants for the perpetraitors in the coli-see-em? That would be far more entertaining!
ReplyDeleteThe Mayan calendar marks the end of a 5,126 year old cycle around December 21, 2012 which should bring the return of Bolon Yokte, a Mayan god associated with war and creation.
ReplyDeleteIn the Mayan calendar, the long calendar count begins in 3,114 BC and is divided into roughly 394-year periods called Baktuns. Mayans held the number 13 sacred and the 13th Baktun ends next year.
Sven Gronemeyer, a researcher of Mayan codes from La Trobe University in Australia, who has been trying to decode the calendar, said the so-called end day reflects a transition from one era to the next in which Bolon Yokte returns.
"Because Bolon Yokte was already present at the day of creation ... it just seemed natural for the Mayan that Bolon Yokte will again be present," he said.
The Neocons goad Amerika on militarily purposely to overstretch and bankrupt itself so the collapse leads to the NWO that is their hidden agenda. They are agents for Amerika's worst enemy, the Money Changers [Rothschild Zionist Banking Cabal]. They are part of the “agenteur” spoken of in the Protocols, as are most of the “actors” on the world stage.
Those who have actually read the Protocols themselves know that the fruition of their agenda is near completion now. It comes upon us in a breathtaking rush now. I doubt very seriously that Mr. Gronemeyer above, has read the Protocols. I wonder if he would be any better at “decoding” them than the Mayan calendar?
I doubt as well that it would occur to him that there is some strange coincidence here of 2012 being just in this time period of a global crash and possible global nuclear war?
“Mayan god associated with war and creation.” Yes simple 'coincidence', it explains so much to these academiacs that they show not the slightest curiosity. Personally I find that curious in itself.
Could it just be that the Mayan god Bolon Yokte represents the same forces of Universe that are described by Saint John in a different archaic symbolism? The seem to have a similar ambiance to my intuition.
Going beyond that there is the historical symbolism of ancient European sites, some attributed to the Druids that have reference to 2012 as well. Even the Hopi are looking at the current era as a time of transformation. There is a lot of convergence here of ancient things and present manifestation. To say that it is an era of apocalyptic proportion is not difficult to see if one is really paying attention.
Yet all is in flux and nothing is determined. One will have to experience it to know how this show ends.
If you believe the Rense posts, Fukushima looks to be cataclysmic. Not good! Perhaps I'm the first to make this accusation, but The Japanese Authorities are looking like the wee little people making bad decisions and getting stomped and chomped by Godzilla! If you haven't noticed, this mass-radiation-emitter has not been contained in the least bit. I must say, with complete impotency of the Japanese Authorities. Why? Oh grasshoppers, we must ask the Big Question -- Why not?
ReplyDeleteIts like freaking Katrina redux ditto au jus. Soup to nuts, they're complete fuck ups! Why?
Why all the insane actions like collecting radiation-laden "everything", truck it closer to Tokyo, and incinerate it? WTF! Why, Why, Why every damn idiotic instance of exacerbation of the situation?
Ahhh Sohhh?... as we sit back and smoke a toasty in the rocking chair and contemplate the gasoline being thrown on the nuclear fire. Things are not as they seem, are they? No. Produce from the area still gets produced and sold abroad. Fishermen still fish and sell their glowing catch abroad. Kids get fed glowing milk and rice from the region. And I hear...the 2013 Winter Olympics have scheduled ice-skating competitions in the area...WTF redux! Really? Is this ahhh sooo? They can't be serious now, right? I'm at a loss to make any sense out of the irrationality of the actions after-the-fact-of-the-false-flag. Check out Rense and come back and comment. Stupidity knows no nationality!
We were born to be HERE, RIGHT NOW, for a reason. Possibly. Maybe, Perhaps. Anyways..., We ARE Here.
ReplyDeleteThe experience promises to be scintillating.
"Maybe just being in the fight is victory."~M
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely M. you hit it on the button.
This is all part of our tempering the soul, which like tempering steel involves some hammering and heat.
I have said before, and will reiterate here, it is my understanding of the Universe that we cannot lose if we hold to Truth as our only quest. It is the intent to be honest in seeking it out, not whether we actually can assimilate what it means on the real universal scale. We are here to discover what it is to be truly human.
We, none of us came into physical existence to stay - all physical existence is temporary - we came to polish the soul.
Yes Boom, I too have been keeping up with the info on Fuku she ma.
ReplyDeleteT's the ongoing radiator of hot times on the old globe...and all the WTF?s in the world go unanswered. Theater offinzee absurdenhiezen, Dutch-malt and ground nuclear glass. Great diet for the transhuman types...aye?
So here we go loop'd'loop on a Satyrday Night....and everything is dangerous in the night. See the shadows squirm, feel that canker worm squirm of fear. And say Hall of Jaloolahs O'spooky spooky yea yea yea - cuz there's nothing in the world like a rollercoaster ride to get your jollies. It's a thrill a minute for the old meat puppet.
Was that Zabrisky;s point? Bring on the guitars...
"This paper addresses the Obama regime's highly irrational and world-threatening escalation of imperial militarism.
ReplyDeleteThe Turn from Militarism in the Periphery to Global Military Confrontation
November 2011 is a moment of great historical import: Obama declared two major policy positions, both having tremendous strategic consequences affecting competing world powers."~James Petras
Grub n Guns just like money can give us some smal sense of security. Today the Virginia Tech reprise reminds me that the XX+X can be true or false.
ReplyDeleteWhen the committee and whiteboys play this dialectic, it may be they really want us all armed. They may want to collect a few more billion in ammo and PM sales until such time they decide to provide us with the triple cross.
Like the vaccines, we who chose not to take the brew may be the "marked" Pimpernel. When the Reign of terror begins who in the league of charge will decide and under the influence of what razor?
Road Warrior it is. I'd have never made it in this man's army.
Today the googleplex toasted the revolution with diego rivera communist world order red team player. David Rockefeller must be toasting him tonight.
Man Controller of the Universe
Says it all for me
ReplyDeleteIf Obama provokes a serious threat to China's security interests and Beijing is forced to respond, it will not be military but economic retaliation: the sell-off of a few hundred billion dollars in T-notes and the curtailment of new purchases of US debt. The US deficit will skyrocket, its credit ratings will descend to 'junk', and the financial system will 'tremble onto collapse'. Interest rates to attract new buyers of US debt will approach double digits. Chinese exports to the US will suffer and losses will incur due to the devaluation of the T-notes in Chinese hands. China has been diversifying its markets around the world and its huge domestic market could probably absorb most of what China loses abroad in the course of a pull-back from the US market. ”~James Petras
ReplyDeleteIs this “irrational” if the agenda is actually the destruction of Amerika? No, it is Machiavellian schemata. And it fits the new world order agenda of the Protocols. One may read this as pure madness, or one can read this as design – and the design is spelled out in the Protocols.
While excusing themselves as being secure within the laws of nature the “Elders of Zion” have in fact crossed the laws of nature and those are laws of karma as well – cause and effect. They are diametrically wrong on two major accounts; that “the ends justify the means” and that “might is right”.
This is the height of irrationality.
Any sane mind can see that in fact 'ends' are DEFINED by the means to achieve them. And 'right' is defined by what is CORRECT, not by MIGHT. Material might on the time/space plain is as temporary as a butterfly in the larger scheme of things.
The Sabertooth Tiger would still rule the world if physical might was right.
It took team work and cooperation among humans to defeat the physical might of the ancient cat. The social Darwinism the Protocols call upon is flawed. The allegories do not fit the complexity of human thinking, nor is the Source of the material universe considered and accounted for, leading these scheming men into a trap of their own making.
We are all called by our own muse Korn.
ReplyDeleteDo as you see fit for yourself.
Thought, like any other energy, conscious energy is directed, focused. There is much effort to shorten this focus. The abundant portion of the alchemists are to disable or interfere with f3 type focused energy.
ReplyDeleteThose who haven't awakened are toast. It is they we will fight and not the cabal. Those who are awakened have to store the energy and have to stay out of the fray of these sideshows. Sinusoids, interference, bullshit, EM smog, energy suckers like an inefficient heat pump your brain will drain or lock on these sines and you will weaken your power both in health and intellect. They want my money, fine. Come get it. You want my papers? Okay they're in my toilet, poop stained. Take em. Off to FEMA CAMP 133? Hey do I need a bathing suit?
Who knows what the omega event is for each of us but consciousness manifests reality, long wave thought gives you a broader spectrum from which you can access at the moments of critical judgements and decisions. The obvious may not be so obvious. If it's a fire I'll still have my matches and may start my own.
Hear me you psychopaths, you'll never know what I will do. Take your ELF's and computational algorithms and stick em. I'll fuck your method and models up royal.
Frozen Assets
ReplyDeleteMadison Ruppert checked out this PDF and found out it is for real regardless of the KBR logo looking like a photoshop phony.
Bob Siefert is indeed a KBR contractor and has offices there.
Temp camps are afoot and going up quickly...holy hunkasheets.
"To be sure the contact information was correct, I called the KBR headquarters in Texas and spoke to an operator who manually connected me to Siefert’s office"~Ruppert
"When standing still be like a mirror -
ReplyDeletewhen moving like water."
~Bruce Lee
Many times, our comments (like yours) are meant to open the eyes of the sleeping who wander into this fertile pasture of non-GMO green. If every day, an inquiring mind would "click on" and see the Obvious shining like the sun through the chemtrailed skies -- Our world would be better for it.
ReplyDeleteSo, do point out the Obvious and the not-so-obvious. Please comment much more and "get involved" in discussing your world. COTO is about making the world a better place -- the complete opposite of the reptiles, vampires, banksters, political operatives, stormtrooping face-macing, back-breaking, mis-guided humans and sub-humans.
I hope you saw my comment and suggestion posted in reply to this. It should be posted here as a thread if Puddy chooses, or refer to it, and post it in the blue column on the right titled: COTO EYE on 911 and False Flag.
ReplyDeleteWhaddaya think Rogue1 and Puddy?
Wise words & a worthy quest, Mate! We came to "Polish the Soul". That's an awesome turn of a phrase.
ReplyDeleteLet's all shout in unison -- "Obombya! Front and Center on the Poop Deck! Hand in your Peace Prize!" You're Fired!
ReplyDelete"Hear me you psychopaths, you’ll never know what I will do. Take your ELF’s and computational algorithms and stick em. I’ll fuck your method and models up royal" ~ A Lone Wolf among 300 million lone wolves.
ReplyDeleteThe Father of Mother Nature also doesn't like you screwing around with HIs creation. It'll be Hell to finally find out you've been on the wrong side all along...
This missive made me laugh -- "Mysterious object spotted near Mercury. Cloaked spacecraft or photo anomaly? If its an alien invasion force, let's hope they eat bankers and piss gasoline" ~ Wayne Madsen
There be plenty of other fodder deserving of being eaten.
Bruce Lee = Bonus!
See this report of a technology used against 2 Iranian airbases:
Rogue: You need to change the size of your browser view and/or windows screen view. What piece of crap are you working with?
ReplyDeleteBoomer and all: anytime you want a link of a superior article posted permanetly then tell me in the comment to post it to the category.
I'll be glad. I don't have the time I used anymore.
You've got to admit, this whole NWO manifesto bullshit order is playing itself out like a bad black and white grade B gangster movie only with a pedophilic drug induced theme. Allister Crowley, Albert Pike and AL Capone would have to be the patron saints with W, Obuma and crowd the bootlick boys and the all seeing eye the bent over puckered one eye. It's so pathetic, it's laughable. Better to laugh than cry. Crowd up to your hypno machine TVZombies, this Oke' Doke' show's about to hit high gear.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a valuable resource considering all of the data on 9/11 contained therein. It also lets the "debunkers" give a detailed profile of what lunatics they are. Like I said though, the combined two files are huge.
ReplyDeleteHow would you like it delivered Puddy?
The "mysterious object that had astronomers baffled," was more bullshit from the False Advertising Dept. It didn't have astronomers baffled, it had You Tube lookieloos baffled. It was an obvious and simple photo anomaly.
ReplyDeleteBut Wayne Madsen's comment was worth the soda ash...
Thanks for fixing the spelling of "steel" Boom...Lol
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the appreciative commentary.
I'll look at the files Puddy...they are huge, over 400 comments on each, and I'm not sure how to send them to you - sometimes PDF screws up the format, as you know, and we don't need to be taking the time to edit that goofy shit.
ReplyDeleteI have the old Explorer 6 and I know it is the problem, but I have issues with all the new browsers..."Intel Inside" ya know.
I'm almost sick enough of all this to cut the power and live by candlelight.
That would be a great movie to pull off for real...with the new digital magic they could make a movie like that...but the won't - and we know why.
ReplyDeleteIt's fun to imagine it tho'.
More incriminating info surfaces about 9/11 plane communications: