Friday, December 9, 2011

Derivative Doo Wop ~ An oldie but a goody



Our present knowledge does not allow us to do much more than compare the relation of the psychic to the material world with two cones, whose apices, meeting in a point without extension – a real zero-point – touch and do not touch.

So the Futures Market is up for grabs for those who can direct the energy with the help of historical data. Those who have the truth can direct the future. Those who have the false are fair game. Play with the forward lookers and interest insiders and listen to their frequencies and interference and you wind up in the void. They keep the frequencies changing all the time and that works in their favor until the music stops and there is one or more chairs missing.

You can wait to find the zero point by losing all your power but that is the hard way. Then you can truly be the Naked. As Warren Buffett likes to say, you only know who's swimming naked when the tide goes out.




  2. "The higher the monkey climbs the more of his ass you see"

    Old Haitian saying.

  3. I am intrigued about the missing minutes of the interview. I would surmize that the content was way too inflamatory for the sheeples to hear. The graft has reached such a supercharged mega cluster-fuck it boggles the imagination, but dont YOU spit on the sidewalk or its the slammer. My foot doctor is back in the cooler over a freekin traffic ticket, I hope the old folks feet dont fall off from the diabetes.

  4. “A basic mathematical as well as political principle is at work: Debts that can’t be paid, won’t be.” ~Prof. Michael Hudson

  5. Now...If I could only get a private lap dance from this honey haired gal for about an hour...


  7. waah waahhh... their "munny" was "frozen." cry me a fookin ribber.

    the "farmer" who couldn't buy "seeds" because his $200 grand was "frozen??" wtf??? I mean... WtFF???? Most of the farmers I know get pinched when they gotta scrum up $2K for the PARTS to fix their TRACTOR (themselves, of course).

    who the FOLK buys $200K worth of SEEDS??? what kind of "farmer" moves his "capital" into Global Houseocards ConfiCorp... to "hedge liquidity" before he goes out to slop the fukkin hoggs??? could it be... ADM? Monsanto?? SATAN????

    What total and complete fucking bullshit... and not the REAL bovine exhaust kind either. Moving the butter n' egg money over to Hoggle Doggle and Cornhole LLC to leverage their exposure for doodle basis-points??

    Who WRITES this fucking krap???

  8. rogue,

    Happy Festivus

  9. "the biggest derivatives dealer among U.S. banks"

    "The derivatives team at JP Morgan, (including Blythe Masters), was a pioneer in the invention of credit derivatives such as the credit default swap. The first CDS was created to allow Exxon to borrow money from JP Morgan while JP Morgan transferred the risk to the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development. JP Morgan's team later created the 'BISTRO', a bundle of credit default swaps that was the progenitor of the Synthetic CDO."

  10. "...whoever has money “invested” in this game at this point deserves a king size lollipop up the chute..." -ww

    yah-HOOO!! MY sentiments egzz-zakly!!! they should be more worried about their fucking heads ending up on sticks. The nooz is full of the "investors" this and the "investors" that...

    Major Clue: the "investors" are lick-spittle working-class toadies wonking spreadsheets and wanking e-trades on behalf of the third-tier-up "senior executives" who care naught about anything but keeping their tongue up the a-hole of some 3rd-generation pork and the "investment managers" who have nice hair and "manage" millions of grandmas' "retirement funds."

    There ARE NO fucking "investors." Just a bunch of mid-level "managers" living paycheck-to-paycheck just like everybody else. The smart porks are liquid and mobile and the stoopid porks are identifiable and ostentatious with hedz-a-waiting for pike food.

    "Capital," just like "government" no longer exists.
