Friday, December 9, 2011

Let it blow, let it grow, let it snow - 12/9/11



  1. Those skies look pretty good compared to the recent assaults here in Upstate New York.

  2. I took pictures yesterday. They sprayed super heavy B4 the precipitation came in earlier this week. Then the drizzle and rain blew out of here leaving blue sky. Wasn't long before they went back after it again, and I took about 15 pictures because I was so pissed! Can't allow the humans on the ground to enjoy a blue sky day no?! Anyways, today is a complete "whiteout", and they're still out there traversing the sky spraying even more. How opaque does it need to be?

    Also, I noted the day I took pictures, another jet traverse the sky at the same altitude as the sprayers, and he left zero contrail. This is always a confirmation of the nefarious StinkJets.

  3. Gray skies and drizzle here...Two days ago blue skies with some crisscossing pissspray.

    A time machine would come in handy...a Wayback Machine way way back.

  4. "Humanity is under attack from so many directions, it is difficult to count the ways. We are under attack from the skies and through the poisoning of our air through massive chemical spraying complete with Alzheimer's and dementia causing aluminum sulfate and cancer causing barium. Fukashima radiation, Corexit spraying and the resulting toxic rain from the Gulf oil spill is running rampant over our country and not one ounce of mainstream media coverage is afforded to these dangers. Prevention and remediation from these dangers are not put into place by our present government.

    Our water is being systematically removed from the country by Nestle, and our water tables are being systematically compromised by environmental toxins and of course many Americans are consuming water permeated with IQ-lowering rocket fuel (i.e., fluoride). Our food is being poisoned through the rampant use of cancer-causing MSG products, and the unlabeled, unregulated and cancer-causing Monsanto GMO's.
    Under the guise of fighting terrorism, Americans are now facing illegal detention, torture and murder. .."

    ~The Road to Tyranny ­ Let Me Count the Ways - David Hodges


  5. The finishing touches of the establishment of a tyrannical government are being put into play as I write these words.
    Many of you, because of your political and moral advocacy, have a bull's eye on your back. As with all patterns of tyranny from Stalin to Hitler to Mao, the chess pieces have been laid into place for your final demise. The police state grid is in place as are the FEMA death camps. WWWIIII will soon be upon us. They will be coming for your guns under the coming martial law which will accompany the coming war. As with all tyrannical governments which confiscate guns, they will be coming for you following the disarming of the American people. Read your history! The playbook of the globalists is located in your former 10th grade World History books. This is the unmistakable pattern of tyranny!!! ~Ibid


  7. Check out the latest at on FEMA camps...!

  8. The Vatic guy is talking very serious about the same subject:

  9. Don't fear -- hang out in your happy place.

  10. MARCH is the date. I'm certain. This MF Global is one of several more scams coming to light. Another move for the EU must be coming where the fire sales are being grabbed like Lehman, WAMU, CIT, GGP and others. Land Grabs and deriatives that will eventually pay off.l

    George Soros bought 2 bil in MF Global (EU Trash) bonds today and likely got it for .10 on the Euro.

    Farmers were the largest sector in the MF fucking by Corzine GS lmt. He's Corkscrew Corzine as when he dies they will have to screw him into the ground.

    Expect this my comrades. Huge ENMOD event for March 15th 2012 and expect food prices from screwed farmers and weather wars. Famine for third world and not a damn dollar in aid coming out of your 1000 bucks in new taxes.

    Buy your food now, storable, dry beans, rice, sugar and salt. canned goods too. Gas prices will increase to 08 levels again and the ranks of unemployed will stand in line for fema camps and innoculations.

    Dunne - over and out.

  11. “They will hold us to blame...”~David Bowie

    This is exactly what has happened; the warmongering maniacs waging their insane empire have turned around to blame the people for the mad state of the world.

    That in itself is blithering madness. It is they who have engineered this predatory dog eat dog world.

    It is done for political power, they provoke crime by driving it, and then use the fact of it as an excuse for police powers. It is a global shakedown by the protection racket. The violence and activities of both sides are driven by a central power.

    The power to enforce the law lies legitimately with the state – but that state is illegitimate by reason of acting beyond the law that grants the authority to it. For such a state to continue in existence justice is not merely corrupted but nonexistent.

    Under the strategy of FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANANCE the battlefield is the whole planet – even inside your home. You are due for inspection at the time of their choosing whether there are grounds for it at all.

    All that is needed is suspicion which is based on nothing but intuition, and “security theory,” which is spoken in panoptic language.

    And this is the reality on the ground, right now as I write this.

    The fact that it is attempting to be codified into “law” is an aside. The facts are it is now and has been a panoptic maximum security state. The state has claimed total authority by more than it's mere words, but by its brutal actions. Such actions are not the sanction of a legitimate state, but are in fact the actions of a rogue out of control military police state.

  12. I know you are not into it, and even dismiss it, but your call of March 15, 2012 is shown of the Timewave Zero graph right on that peak that plunges from that point all the way to August/September bouncing in a trough all the way to December.

    Uh...yea, we all know what the graph means to the guy that created it.
    December 21st is a complete paradigm shift for the time/space continuum.

    This current era began with a plunge right at the time of the 2008 financial crisis began - which has been the driving force for all happening since.

    Well buckaroos, what does is a complete paradigm shift for the time/space continuum, mean to you? Toast or Jam? I am rooting for the Jam, the ho-down jamboree. "Come on sing along everybody knows this song..."

  13. Sorry... i've been off line all day. Everyone did get sick. Myself for close to a month and i haven't been sick in over three years. It bites because i lost my bragging rights. But, yeah, everyone i know including someone who lives a two hour drive away, got sick.

  14. The future has arrived...

    ...and it is really pissed off.


  15. I read where Indiana is leading the way for busting into houses with no warrant necessary. Not that that is really something we're seeing elsewhere. I guess Indiana made a "law" so they "legitimized" lawbreaking of the Constitutional/Bill of Rights protections. Squirrelly rationalizations by the nuts.

  16. Yea Boom, Indiana is just doing the 'case law' - the reality is in the streets nationwide - you know the old swat-a-doodle do.

    They've been selling their chunky burgers for decades now, oft times with that special hot sauce.

    But hell, I got a great cuppa java here, and my birds are having a ho-down with their bells and hanging toys singing the chirp-a-loo...
    What, Me Worry...

  17. BTW for all the COTOcoots that were worried about her, I got an email from Jayjee this morning and she is doing fine - not to worry.

    Just busy with holidays and work and a bit burnt out on the bad news bears.


    9/11 University, “About Us” doesn't identify “us” in anyway shape or form – it is totally anonymous. Why would that be? Perhaps because the debunked crackpot Judy Woods is behind it...? There is no way to know because they aren't saying. If they do not stand behind their work and identify themselves why buy it?

    Again their whole thing revolves around bashing Professor Jones.

  19. In 2005 the banksters re-wrote the bankruptcy rules. The bill was laughably known as the "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act", and toughened bankruptcy rules for students and ordinary consumers even more. But it did something else nobody noticed at the time.

    It created a "Chapter 15 bankruptcy process" for "international financial institutions".

    Download the bill in PDF form from here: (click on "text of legislation" and then the PDF "as passed")

    On page 157 (PDF page numbers) it sets rules for a "chapter 15":

    § 561. Contractual right to terminate, liquidate, accelerate, or offset under a master netting agreement and across contracts; proceedings under chapter 15

    (a) Subject to subsection (b), the exercise of any contractual right, because of a condition of the kind specified in section 365(e)(1), to cause the termination, liquidation, or acceleration of or to offset or net termination values, payment amounts, or other transfer obligations arising under or in connection with one or more (or the termination, liquidation, or acceleration of one or more)— (1) securities contracts, as defined in section 741(7); (2) commodity contracts, as defined in section 761(4); (3) forward contracts; (4) repurchase agreements; (5) swap agreements; or (6) master netting agreements, shall not be stayed, avoided, or otherwise limited by operation of any provision of this title or by any order of a court or administrative agency in any proceeding under this title.

    So all of those various financial deals such as a "swap agreement" or "forward contract" get paid first BEFORE anybody else the bank owes money to - such as, say, depositors?


  20. I've been shuttled off to "Freeze" search lost the page 2x very quickly. That is very odd as I've never experienced it whilst I was sitting on a page and just scrolling down. What's Up?! Glad to hear JG's O.K.!

  21. The sky here is remarkably clear with a big WEREWOLF round moon coming up.

    I understand there is to be a full lunar eclipse wherein it will turn rust red for the period of the coverage by Earths shadow.

    If you have never seen one, it is a beautiful cosmic event.

  22. Are you talking about while being on COTO here that happened Boomer?

    I've experienced some odd things trying to access and such - but never something like you describe there....???

  23. Ditto Wanda. Hadn't a cold in fifteen years and got a lolapalooza. Started with sinus infection and then a head cold unlike I ever remember. Master blasting needed to decongest.

  24. I have a gal friend here and her kids are there. She tells them everday to get ready to scoot to the hills here when the midwest event takes place.

    I have predicted Illinois but Indiana, Ohio and Michigan are in the triangle. And I know "Indiana wants me.

  25. I expected it as well. Good for her. This is not easy, the thing called the truth and it's good to take a break and act like nothings happening.

    I have a few moments like that once in awhile and then I see Anderson Coopers face.

  26. Peseta ?

    "a Spanish provider of Wi-Fi wireless services, is moving funds to Germany because it expects Spain to exit the euro."

    “It is now, officially, too late to save the Euro zone: the collapse of the entire edifice is now not a matter of if but rather of when.”

  27. Do Dr. Judy, Go!! Scalar and thermite, Hurricane vortex in the Atlantic on record. Woo woo!

  28. Some PDF assault virus hit me the other day. Attemped a full erase but I caught it. You have to have backup and top virus software anymore to have a chance.

  29. I've never see it so bright as well. Put the goggle on it and it is High lumens. Very interesting indeed.

  30. Remember there are several bailouts. The have only used two types so far. Get ready for the most interesting variety coming.

  31. Yeah. while I sitting here reading this thread. Zip! Off to the Freeze page twice.

  32. Y'all see this myth-busting revelation?

    "9/11 Flight 93: - Who Was 'Let's Roll Hero' Mark Bingham When 'His Picture, Profile And Obituary Were Ready To Go 13 Days Before September 11th'?"

    Faked? "Whyyyy, that would mean somebody LIED!?"


  33. Give me the essentials of this story here Boom - the site won't open for me...

    There is proof that this obit had been prepped 13 days before the event? That is some great smoky barrel lip prints.

  34. Our boy R. Dean is some mediocre blase tootie fruiter, aye?


    Uh, didn't we see this same charade with Hank Paulson, and others?

    This "Game" of "Woe, Woe -- We Must Borrow More to Save the _________________(fill in the blank with the latest Yank)" is simply played in different countries with foreign language scripts. I mean, humanity is letting these criminals scam one country's population, then move on to another, and nobody puts it together ---> We're ALL getting screwed by the SAME GUYS!!!

    Howz about we band up against the "Common Criminals" plaguing US ALL?! Animals like elephants pack up for defensive purposes against threats. To survive, WE are going to have to use our instincts. If it is NWO against mankind, country by country, then mankind "as a whole" must band together as humans without nationalities, See the Enemy = Stop the Enemies. The momentum of the onslaught against nations has really ramped up; whether financially/economically, militarily, political instability, upheavals are erupting everywhere! Why?

    The same games are being played. Think! Compare to history. Just in the last few years, the Middle East takedowns were rather similar. The "contagion" is not the derivatives folks? Its the bankers and politicians and their operatives that are the disease, the contagion. NOT ONE of these people has been held accountable! Start naming them to yourself, as you think about all you've read, all the fraud attributed to the names, think about them! Same crew. Same names. BIG NAMES! Start typing them in here. From whatever country you're from. Who are the individuals still running things, still in the mix?

    Recipe = Go Ahead and Type Out the Recipe for Chaos as You See It!

    Who are the Advisors to Presidents, and Heads of State. When and where were they in years past, what'd they do. Well -- HERE THEY STILL ARE! Whaddaya know about that?!

  36. Ron Paul says the coming Global Meltdown may be the worst the world has ever seen -- .

    Yah! All the same retreads in and out of the revolving doors, and those noted world improvers names, and the same names in the corporate financial houses are still running their rapacious organizations, instead of sitting in jail. Hmmmm. What would Columbo say here?


  38. "Don't worry about it - Americans don't read." Allan Dulles ...

  39. "What would Columbo say here?"~Boom

    He would say, "Oh...I almost forgot, there's just one more thing I want to ask you..." That's always the slammer.

  40. Mark Bingham: Picture, Profile And Obituary prepared 13 days before 9/11.
    “There is a rather large blunder on the part of CNN & the AP Press; Mark Binghams Exif/IPTC data shows as 8/30/2001. Some 13 days before 9/11, complete with a working bio and obituary, all carefully prepared, or in this case, not so carefully prepared some two weeks before 9/11! It is no wonder that CNN went removing so many hundreds of pictures from their CNN Memorial page, only weeks after breaking the Mike Rivero/John Wenckus story. Mark Binghams picture being one of them.

    There are some major issues and incriminating evidence in the digital IPTC data. And it is damning. Does anyone here think that it is a coincidence that Mark Binghams picture was removed from the CNN Memorial archive, especially when we now know that the picture was prepared weeks before 911 chock full with an obituary & has this information openly available in the Exif data? The original picture of Mark Bingham showing the exif data of 8.30.01 can still be viewed at the Web Archive.”

    The official 9/11 tale has been shredded by independent investigators, every miniscule bit has been and continues to be brought out into the light and shown developing as a vast fraud from top to bottom. The whole story is a hodgepodge of bullshit and perception manipulation. Only a zombie can put any credence whatsoever in the official narrative. As Dulles points out, that is why this story sticks in dumbstruck Amerika…

  41. "Ron Paul says the coming Global Meltdown may be the worst the world has ever seen"

    Yea Boom...being as likely as it is that the "meltdown" will be nuclear and global, it is sure to be the worst.

    And it just may be before any new president has the time to take office...if my clockulations are correct.

  42. On December 8 in Mexico City, Stephen Lendman received the prestigious Journalists Club of Mexico's (Club de Periodistas) annual International Journalism Award at an elaborate internationally-broadcast ceremony on television and radio.

    My congratulations go out to Lendman. I read his prodigious output on Rense all the time. He is really down with it.

    Remember him from OEN as well, he participated in the forums occasionally.
    He's been doing great work and deserves the credit he has just received.


  44. A tribute to Stephen Lendman is definitely in order. Great guy.
    One thing about the Mark Bingham story, somewhere in there it postulates the entire Flight 93 passenger roster was fictitious, but I don't think so. My friend was on it and to this day the best I can figure is they were disembarked in Cleveland into the NASA hangar. Cleveland's mayor made a statement that was disappeared subsequently, about which flights landed there while the airport was hastily evacuated. In any case whatever went down in PA did not leave seats and body parts.
    I think these Mark Bingham scenarios are dreamed up by really stupid people in the military who have no fear of anyone and not much incentive to be careful. Only they fit the profile of near complete incompetence.

  45. "Along with Stumpf, the CEOs he (Obama) met with included Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase & Co., John Mack of Morgan Stanley, Vikram Pandit of Citigroup Inc. and Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs Group Inc.".

    “They agreed on the need to update the framework of regulation,” Gibbs told reporters".

    What does this inner-circlespeak really mean? Let's guess...ummm, since none of these banker criminals are in jail, it must mean that the 'framework' for regulation will be 'fixed' to provide additional security for the bankers so that None of them will be investigated, charged with fraud and worse. And that nothing regarding accountability will be allowed to surface. Evidently, Mr. Obama just legitimized their Banking Skills. Thanks der leader. Our expectations have been met yet again. Good Job Brown-Nosir!

  46. That santa acts like a motorized dummy from disneyland.


    Its refreshing when Ron Paul tells it straight out!


    Such hard workers. The People of America should Reward them!

  49. Wonderful News! Free Housing! This map shows you how to get to your closest hostel/hotel. They even provide free transportation i hear...

    FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders


  51. Yes Mary, I have always thought the Cleveland NASA hanger as the most believable scenario for the combining of all the passengers into a disappearing module of some sort.

    Who knows if there are tunnels under the airport leading straight to Hades or some rendering plant for Purina Alien Chow?

    As far as "fictitious cast" I have read that even all the people in the twin towers didn't exist or die in some of these bizarre science fiction stories coming from Angsterdam - or where ever they have the monkeys on typewriters. You have to be three shades past the bongos to write some of the stuff I've read on some 9/11 sites.

  52. Stumpf never need TARP funds. He was liquid city with drug money laundry.
