Specifically, the Texas congressman said that the former president was pretty happy about the events. After all, said Paul, the attacks served as pretext to finally put American troops overseas in what instantly became a justifiable reason for war.
“Think of what happened after 9/11,” Paul told a crowd of around 1,000 in Ames this week. “The minute before there was any assessment, there was glee in the administration because now we can invade Iraq, and so the war drums beat.”
What’s more, said the presidential hopeful, is that a decade later, the current administration is creating excitement themselves over what is erupting with enemy forces overseas.
“That’s exactly what they’re doing now with Iran,” said Paul “I think extremists have taken over,” said Paul. “They’re the ones that run the foreign policy and that convinced us as a country to go along with all these wars.”
Former Bush administration official Ari Fleischer fired back at Paul’s statements, saying simply, “The man is nuts.”
Ha ha ha ha...yea that's it Fleischer, you fascist warmongering turd. \\][//
With the House having voted 406-17 to “close” portions of the meetings and avoid public scrutiny, members from both chambers and both parties are meeting in a secretive conference committee to work on reconciling the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. On the military detention provision, their main task is going to be to find a solution that can pass both chambers (again) and not draw a veto from President Obama.
Contrary to popular perception, the Obama Administration is not strongly opposed to the provisions in the bills that would authorize indefinite military detentions for U.S. citizens. Here’s what the Administration had to say in a Statement of Administrative Policy on the Senate bill:
Section 1031 attempts to expressly codify the detention authority that exists under the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) (the “AUMF”). The authorities granted by the AUMF, including the detention authority, are essential to our ability to protect the American people from the threat posed by al-Qa’ida and its associated forces, and have enabled us to confront the full range of threats this country faces from those organizations and individuals. Because the authorities codified in this section already exist, the Administration does not believe codification is necessary and poses some risk. After a decade of settled jurisprudence on detention authority, Congress must be careful not to open a whole new series of legal questions that will distract from our efforts to protect the country. While the current language minimizes many of those risks, future legislative action must ensure that the codification in statute of express military detention authority does not carry unintended consequences that could compromise our ability to protect the American people.
As you can read for yourself here, Section 1031, affirming the “authority of the armed forces of the United States to detain covered persons…” does not contain an exemption for U.S. citizens. Section 1032, mandating the military detention authority be used for terrorism suspects, does, but that is the section that the Obama Administration says must be removed or else he will veto. The Administration has been stressing the need for flexibility in their powers to collect information and incapacitate terrorists, which likely means that they want to retain the power to detain suspects outside the context of war and the Geneva Convention protections that would apply. The secretive conference committee may still be able to overcome Obama’s veto threat while also codifying the power to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without having to charge them or give them a trial.
Current law (Padilla and Hamdi SCOTUS decisions) indefinite detention of U.S. citizens is basically admissible. The amendment clarifies that Section 1031 does not change that. But 1031, with the amendment, still does something important — it expresses congressional support for the authority to detain U.S. citizens that has already been advanced by the executive and judicial branches.
From the Congressional Record:
Mr. LEVIN, "Is the Senator familiar with the fact that it was the administration which asked us to remove the very language which we had in the bill which passed the committee, and that we removed it at the request of the administration that this determination would not apply to U.S. citizens and lawful residents? Is the Senator familiar with the fact that it was the administration which asked us to remove the very language, the absence of which is now objected to by the Senator* from Illinois?" [*Udall]
Ah yes yes yes, now give me some more of your ra ra ra jingoberry bullshit about “the land of the free and eht home of the brave”...ha ha ha, fucking idiot Amerika. \\][//
I watch them over the bleak comedians doing standup these days. I frankly find nothing more amusing than these debates, seriously I am sincere. Pure comedy in a global tragedy.
Fleischer has no ammunition anymore. Once out of the loop like Bush, they just have no writers offering them material. Zionists fabricators and propaganda retorts don't come cheap.
Holyrood east is where the best actors and scriptors gainfully unemploy the masses while lifting heavy wallets.
If you look back to all EO's and draconian bills to curtail the freedoms of people, they always follow an event or if opposed vehemently they preceed a correction event to clarify the true meaning and spirit of the measure.
We can see this and the Patriot act re-upping as a prelude to a kiss. And with toxic lip gloss for certain.
I watched the history channel repeat the crystal skull hoax made for 911 debunking and ufo acient aliens.
Everytime I see the skull produced by forensic sculpting the woman looks more and more like Hillary Clinton.
“It is obvious what’s been going on. You have to start acknowledging these people for what they are, and that is moral degenerates who are basically sociopaths and psychopaths. Meaning they don’t feel any sympathy or empathy for other human beings. The only thing they care about is themselves. They will do anything. They will steal. They will lie. They will cheat. They will lie to your face. They will look in the camera with this tremendous earnestness and lie with fork tongues through their teeth in order to advance their wealth and power. And if we, as a people, don’t get real about this, if we keep having these Pollyanna visions that these people are all on our side and they are really looking out for us. And they are doing the best they can . . . We will be cork screwed into the ground and this nation will be reduced to a smoldering rubble. You’ve got to wake up.”~Ann Barnhardt \\][//
I've known some girls with storybook names like that: Gayna Shareen Sci-Fi Queen {yup official LA Sci-Fi Con 80s} Fiona Pervis, an Aussie, Maxi Day, a perfume model...Babydoll Fontaine a Cree Indian “maid” from Winnipeg.
Another was Havoc Hazard...The first time I heard of the Protocols of Zion was in 1985, from a girl named Havoc Hazard {yup her real name}. A pretty thing too. Her dad was a revisionist historian. She made ceramic dolls. I met her at Stanley's on Ventura Blvd. In the Valley of the Dolls. She explained it to me in such a way as to make me curious. It wasn't for a few years, until I got the Internet that I found and read it.
"These people are nefariously trying to destroy everything in this country. It’s called the Cloward-Piven strategy. Go in and destroy and collapse the entire economy, everything and then rebuild a new Marxist, Socialist, fascist state out of the burning rubble of this destruction. This is intentional. This is nefarious. This is not a function of incompetence. It’s a function of malice of forethought and conscientious theft and destruction.”~Ann Barnhardt
And for this to be news to anyone in December of 2011 is truly tragic. The whole scheme is there in black and white in the Protocols. \\][//
It's been said this is a dream world and it doesn't take an acute capacity for observation to see that it is so. It's not just a dream world. It is also a sleep world; a deep sleep world and a world in which some number are awake or partially awake and the percentages of that depend on the impress of material culture on the collective mind. People think with their stomachs and their sex organs and their primary drive is survival, often no matter at whose expense. That is what makes selfishness the preeminent mind set in material culture and also what puts The Tribe in charge of perception, because they believe in nothing but the material imperative.
It is truly amazing to me how transparent the lies are and how colossally stupid, genus humanis ordinarius is. There is no question that change is an imperative because the present direction has them dropping down on to all fours within a couple of generations. “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. ~Visible \\][//
http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2011/12/11/bfp-exclusive-developing-story-hundreds-of-us-nato-soldiers-arrive-begin-operations-on-the-jordan-syria-border/ BFP Exclusive- Developing Story: Hundreds of US-NATO Soldiers Arrive & Begin Operations on the Jordan-Syria Border According to first-hand accounts and reports provided to Boiling Frogs Post by several sources in Jordan, during the last few hours foreign military groups, estimated at hundreds of individuals, began to spread near the villages of the north-Jordan city of “Al-Mafraq”, which is adjacent to the Jordanian and Syrian border. According to one Jordanian military officer who asked to remain anonymous, hundreds of soldiers who speak languages other than Arabic were seen during the past two days in those areas moving back and forth in military vehicles between the King Hussein Air Base of al-Mafraq (10 km from the Syrian border), and the vicinity of Jordanian villages adjacent to the Syrian border, such as village Albaej (5 km from the border), the area around the dam of Sarhan, the villages of Zubaydiah and al-Nahdah adjacent to the Syrian border. Another report received from our source in Amman identified an additional US-NATO Command Center in “al-Houshah,’ a village near Mafraq. Our Iraqi journalist source in London provided us with the following related information: “Some of the US forces that left the Ain al-Assad Air base in Iraq last Thursday, did not come back to the USA or its base in Germany, but were transferred to Jordan during the evening hours.” ~Sibel Edmonds
Considering that the Russians have made it very clear that they will not countenance this sort of thing yet again - one must wonder what this madness is about to lead to. If one were the wondering type, that is. \\][//
Judge Andrew Napolitano asks the questions everyone should be asking...
How is it most Americans seem to always come up with the wrong answers? A shrug of the shoulders, and "I don't know"? Or an apathetic "what's the point?"
It seems to me that you must ask the right questions to get to the right answers. Why are we so dumb, why are we so numb?
That the Strategy of Tension is profitable for the status quo in all the nations involved in a boast-fest.
The "Outside" enemy is always used to congeal national leaderships.
Elaborate mating dances look like battle in some species.
But there is no doubt that a lot of the "extras and stuntmen" get snuffed for real in many of these stage shows. And in the BIG GAME, one is always looking for an advantage, or weakness to give a sucker punch on. \\][//
ADL cruci-bots are on their way to pummel You with stale bagels until thou repentest of thine anti-semen-ism or until thou givest up the ghost,,,poof !
And how he was a captive in Dresden when Allied bombers "killed 250,000 people in 24 hours and destroyed all of Dresden — possibly the world’s most beautiful city. But not me."
And how his captors put him to work carrying corpses. "Civilians cursed us and threw rocks as we carried bodies to huge funeral pyres." \\][//
And I recall the ledge giving under me on the side of a mountain as I had turned my back to the mountain to call down to my fellow climbers. My head hit stone as I first fell. I was knocked cold.
The next thing I recall is a voice calling my name, I reached out with my right hand and grasped. I held something there. As I came to I was being showered with rocks and pebbles and earth, large stones falling inches away. I looked up to see a huge boulder tumbling down towards me. It hit a slight ridge of rock and bounced over my head so close I could feel it graze my hair.
I had turned my head down and into my shoulders as tight as possible. So I was looking down as it dropped beyond me. I followed with my gaze as it hit the side a couple of bounces and then splattered on the rocks far below just at the edge of a river.
I was hanging over a cliff from my armpit down. I looked up to see I was grasping a root that came out of rock and went back in a loop. It was like a handle to a large coffee cup...and it just happened to be there when the voice called out... I ended up getting 17 stitches in the back of my head to close the split in my scalp. But the skull was fine, and I didn't have a 'concussion'. But I do have a guardian angel. I have met her several times on this long and winding road. \\][//
Great recount of your experience, Rogue1. Happenstance, Coincidence? Yeah, some of us have kept our Guardian Angels working harder than others might, aye?
Kinda like analyzing 9/11 "coincidences". At some point along the journey of discovery, "coincidences" can no longer account for what has transpired. Something bigger is going on.
As far as those 'guardian angels', they can manifest in quite astounding human form. At least twice appearing as huge powerful men - just suddenly appearing whilst I was surrounded by groups of other men intent on malice of forethought.
Absolutely eerie on reflection, but so welcome at the time {grin}.
There have been times when that voice calls my name that seem like ordinary moments. But I always pause for a moment of reflection. I don't know what I may have encountered had I not paused...[?]
Another moment I recall is flying along a deserted FWY in the wee morning hours at close to 100. I remember being in the far left lane, with the meridian fence a blur to my left. Then waking to that voice and seeing myself plummeting right at the far right lane fence - just in time to correct before hitting it. Talk about coming full awake like a jolt of lightning hit me....wow. That one rattled me enough to get off a couple exits later to call on a gal I knew in the vicinity, who took me in for the rest of the night.
Other times it is more a sudden impulse. Sitting at a counter in a south Texas road side diner in the 60s, in the middle of nowhere, when a bunch of the local redneck boys came in and stood behind me and my long haired pal. They were making all the typical wisecracks about long haired hippies, when I just spun around on the swivel stool, put a cigarette in my mouth and said, "anybody got a light?" All the sudden several lighters were out and I chose one and puffed. Next thing you know they are just all curious about who we were, where we were going and got real friendly as we chatted and told them about being in a band and heading to California. And what started out seemingly sinister became a real pleasant experience. \\][//
The Syrian regime, which has endured nine months of civil unrest spurred by the Arab Spring as it swept across the Middle East, has armed its medium-range missile arsenal with chemical warheads.
According to a report published by the Sabah daily Sunday, Damascus armed 600 one-ton chemical warheads to use in the event of a foreign military intervention. Furthermore, President Bashar al-Assad ordered the deployment of 21 missile launchers along its border with Turkey. Syria’s medium-range missiles that can be equipped with chemical warheads have a range of up to 1,300 kilometers and would include the southern and central provinces of Turkey. \\][//
Fuku is one big cover-up. A poor one at that. And you'd think they would cover-up the radiation, containing it, rather than whatever stop-gap measures they're doing...'cause they ain't working! Like the Gulf Oil mass poisoning, then spraying a UK banned substance "Corexit" off America's shores, all of this BS is "managed" to exacerbate the problems, not fix em.
Keystone Kops on steroids, managed by politicians bought by corporations. A recipe for a mega-disaster built on top of mega-disasters. That's what we keep seeing. I see an M.O. here, not unfortunate coincidences.
"Obama Raises the Military Stakes: Confrontation on the Borders with China and Russia"
This article by James Petras; reveals a set of assumptions and denials in the frame set in the title alone. It is the "personalization" of system that I abhor here, and constructions based on such jejune political analysis by so-called "scholars," "experts," and "authorities."
While there is much to agree with and good information in this article, it yet still leaves an impression that if another personality were in the office of the presidency, that there would be another policy in place. That is patently absurd.
Petras speaks to, "disintegration of puppet regimes in Somalia and South Sudan," while failing to mention that Obama's regime in the US is no less a "puppet regime" of the larger neo-colonial Zionist Empire. This isn't to accuse Petras of being a Zionist toady, but to illumine his academiac conditioning and programming.
The part Obama plays is of POTUS, or “the great dictator”. The script is prefab, although the delivery may be set at a unique tempo and measured by a personal accent, it is nevertheless a continuation of a long playing agenda. The language Petras uses although in the popular vein of understanding, fails to deliver this central point in his analysis, and here there are misgivings.
However, the immediate situational analysis is important in this article nonetheless, so it should be read and assimilated. \\][//
Corzone had a “romance with risk that produced a panic.” according to CNBC. Wow, talk about spin. Yea, make this sick ratfuck racketeer seem, “romantic.” That is the mainstream bullshit parade for you.
I can't think of a crowd that deserves what is coming to them more than these stupid Amerikans. The congress is in the marble halls squatting turds and calling it “legislation,” wiping their ass with the Bill of Rights. And the dumb-fuck TVZombies are sucking the electric tit, with their brains on neutral as they float through Lollipop Land.
Mention the truth to these widgets and they quiver apart like an old wagon rolling down a rocky steep. Their eyes roll back in the sockets and their tongues loll like old damp socks. And then comes the purple rage for popping their little daydream bubble. Then the spew of TV script like sour vomit. Gawblesmarkah,~ww
It brings one to a state of wonder...one gets a sense of Dante's title, THE DIVINE COMEDY. \\][//
Within the verse the truth scampers from tree to tree, peeking at you, calling out in a soft voice -- "I am here...". Should one listen to the sounds of the woods, or with their ear to the ground, they might find a resonance resounding, a frequency that tells what is coming, though unheard by the bipeds tromping by unawares. In the distance, the rumbling of war may be heard by the careful, the Indian-minded earth-aware soul. Long before the long-black-train arrives, those with ears will have vanished before the storm. Possessors of magic? No. Simply willing to listen to the sounds that others ignore.
No sense can be made of the insane goings-on we are witness to these days. Observation tells us madness abounds all around us. We should seek a quiet place to contemplate and live simply. A sickness of the mind and soul is spreading like a contagion. The only flu shot we should consider is the "flew" shot, where we fly away out of the way of the blitzkrieg of crazed predators and mindless drones obombing, obombing, obombing the world to "protect" and defend "freedom".
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Disney" wtF???
The sock-puppets know the die-off is here: http://www.alternet.org/story/153368/%22these_people_may_be_as_crazy_as_their_statements_indicate%22%3A_why_a_former_gop_staffer_quit_the_party/?page=entire
Here in krakkkerland they're nattering about the "socialist" occupiers... the few who are still braving the weather. The pigs are trying to git while the gittin's good... and the demagogues are getting loonier and loonier.
It doesn't take much time, no...not much time at all, to make a common-sense call on the sanity of warmongering psychopaths. This article -- http://antifascist-calling.blogspot.com/ -- "Very informative link above about the long history of plans to attack Iran...and that mysteriously intact drone..." tells the sad and pathetic story of warped minds intent on wasting blood and treasure to accomplish...what? Its all a clusterfuck when paranoid power freaks freak-out about some "threat" they've conjured up in their sick minds. They're so busy planning, spending Trillions on "national defense stuff", spying, moving materiel and munitions, and that FUN, FUN, FUN war-gaming mindwarp nightmare magog, they cannot ever come back to sanity. Look at the country of Iraq? How much did we spend and freaking "lose" somewhere in the desert? How free are the Iraqi people feeling? Those that are still alive, of course. Should we count the D.U. irradiated mutants we created, or is that just tough luck?
We can't even count the cost of one of these humanitarian travesties can we? Why would we ever start more? Well, WE don't start them, plan for them, or anything else. We pay for them, and so do the victimized countries. For Ever. Someone is starting them though. Someone is steering the mechanized machinery and it is not The People. With a little thought you can figure it out sheeple.
What do you suppose Iran, the Middle East, the WORLD will look like if these psychopaths decide to push buttons? Will We the People of ANY of the countries involved and those that receive "blowback" be better off? Safer? Does using nukes make the world a safer and better place? If you think so, go stand in the Iranian desert and get a close-up look. All these "planners" and wargames schemers -- will any of them or their families lose their lives because of their maniacal actions?
Why do people fight for psychopaths? Honor? Whatever...I'm tired of this shit. You can't make sense out of insanity. But we can stop the insanity. Pull the insane way away from places of "power". They cannot handle it responsibly. Powerdrunk drivers always drive their countries into the ditch after running over and killing innocent bystanders. We've seen these crimes too many times to expect different results. Now they're talking about Nukes!!! Please, someone take away the keys from these idiots.
I didn't put it up because I believe him, Rogue1. I too say, show me something good and positive happening. Where are the "Good Guys" in this world? What are they waiting for?
I second your congrats on the Puddy Chemtrail Carol! PD is a creative whiz with those things.
Well Boom, I see lotsa good things in the circus. Like all the clowns running 'round with their pants hanging down. It is like Toto lifted the curtains and anyone who is actually paying attention can see what empty sacks of fecal air they all are.
They are whacking themselves in a certain sense. A race to the bottom of the cesspool.
But yea...Old Benny, he's still got his woowoo wrap slung about his loins...give him a cheer for optimism but get him an optometrist. \\][//
HAW! The Ranians stole our spy-toy! ...and won't let us have our oil! Waahhhhh....
Lump o' coal for you USAon boojiggers... lotsa fun when the ice-storms (wot used to be snowstorms) start takin' down yer grid, kid! The good guys are coughin' and nursin cases of the sniffles... in #occupy camps all over the great white north!
eye usta bee on lotsa "political" forums... then started hanging out on Snarking Chump... til getting "banned" for saying: 1. 911-inside job 2. Izz-reel (aka Fort Oil-patchy) is run by war criminals, and 3. NO difference between Repo-crumbs and Dumbo-crits. Talk about OBVIOUS...
Same kinda shite that gots ya "banned" from OESnoooz. NOW the weeny-hedz here in krakkkerland are bickering about "munny" (which aint real) while the icecaps melt (which is). Oil has peaked. Climate has changed. It's OOO-VERRRR.
...but not in krakkkerland: http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/10/its-trap-conservative-base-comes-grips-occupywallstreet
Yea...I member the OEN thangoid of cormz - Im thunkin up a guy named Davy Jones and a guy named Thomas Negron, and maybe you wuz round that time on Amazoomy. //[*]\\ ____
I see attrition, euphemistically referred to as "austerity" simply bringing the Amerikans to their knees right at home...and begging to get into the camps for a cup of soup.
I think there will be dragnets - but these will be more focused, like getting a hold of dissidents...hmm...maybe people like us. A general round up of the TVZombies would be costly and totally worthless to their schemes - far as I can tell. \\!!//
Just go with the simple straight-forward point that 1 day your "routine" gets messed up Bad, and ___________(name of sheep) kets gettled and macial faced, then renditioned without air-condition, to a place unknown. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. Remember that?
Anyways, attrition will definitely be a happening to the smaller percentage people. I'm quite sure its their turn.
Yeah, you're thinking now like a reptile with a right brain left cross crew cut fist-a-cuff. Thatz how youz come down with the Viruzzzz... Is that plural? Does it get an (es) or an apostrophe? Maybe an apostrophe somethin or other, 'cause thats what we really got here -- An Apostrophe!!!
“If the world wants to make the region insecure, we will make the world insecure”: Iran threatens to shut Strait of Hormuz with military exercise [Daily Mail UK 12/14/2011]
Wow! That is an astounding proposition. If this takes place...O'me O'my – Things are going to go woowoo fast!! \\!!//
Yea, it's the "biscuit" in the apostrophe as Zappa would put it.
The tacit knowledge in the gap between the dream world and the empirical world of tactile "reality".
Now...yes now that Iran has seemingly had it to the gills...things should start to sizzle in the pan. Swoop that whoop and keep yer fanny covered. \\][//
In another passage, he told the assembled soldiers: “Never forget that you are part of an unbroken line of heroes spanning two centuries—from the colonists who overthrew an empire, to your grandparents and parents who faced down fascism and communism, to you—men and women who fought for the same principles in Fallujah and Kandahar, and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.”~Oboomba
No seriously...can anybody buy such unadulterated bullshit?? My gawd the man is foaming at the mouth blithering insane! ! ! Even to be willing to read this oink in public...jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez \\||//
Ron Paul says Bush was thrilled with 9/11
ReplyDeleteSpecifically, the Texas congressman said that the former president was pretty happy about the events. After all, said Paul, the attacks served as pretext to finally put American troops overseas in what instantly became a justifiable reason for war.
“Think of what happened after 9/11,” Paul told a crowd of around 1,000 in Ames this week. “The minute before there was any assessment, there was glee in the administration because now we can invade Iraq, and so the war drums beat.”
What’s more, said the presidential hopeful, is that a decade later, the current administration is creating excitement themselves over what is erupting with enemy forces overseas.
“That’s exactly what they’re doing now with Iran,” said Paul
“I think extremists have taken over,” said Paul. “They’re the ones that run the foreign policy and that convinced us as a country to go along with all these wars.”
Former Bush administration official Ari Fleischer fired back at Paul’s statements, saying simply, “The man is nuts.”
Ha ha ha ha...yea that's it Fleischer, you fascist warmongering turd.
No...you're right, I won't even watch the stupid shit "debates."
ReplyDeleteIt's just distraction by clowns veiling what is really going on in the halls of the cong-rats right now....
ReplyDeleteWith the House having voted 406-17 to “close” portions of the meetings and avoid public scrutiny, members from both chambers and both parties are meeting in a secretive conference committee to work on reconciling the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. On the military detention provision, their main task is going to be to find a solution that can pass both chambers (again) and not draw a veto from President Obama.
Contrary to popular perception, the Obama Administration is not strongly opposed to the provisions in the bills that would authorize indefinite military detentions for U.S. citizens. Here’s what the Administration had to say in a Statement of Administrative Policy on the Senate bill:
Section 1031 attempts to expressly codify the detention authority that exists under the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) (the “AUMF”). The authorities granted by the AUMF, including the detention authority, are essential to our ability to protect the American people from the threat posed by al-Qa’ida and its associated forces, and have enabled us to confront the full range of threats this country faces from those organizations and individuals. Because the authorities codified in this section already exist, the Administration does not believe codification is necessary and poses some risk. After a decade of settled jurisprudence on detention authority, Congress must be careful not to open a whole new series of legal questions that will distract from our efforts to protect the country. While the current language minimizes many of those risks, future legislative action must ensure that the codification in statute of express military detention authority does not carry unintended consequences that could compromise our ability to protect the American people.
As you can read for yourself here, Section 1031, affirming the “authority of the armed forces of the United States to detain covered persons…” does not contain an exemption for U.S. citizens. Section 1032, mandating the military detention authority be used for terrorism suspects, does, but that is the section that the Obama Administration says must be removed or else he will veto. The Administration has been stressing the need for flexibility in their powers to collect information and incapacitate terrorists, which likely means that they want to retain the power to detain suspects outside the context of war and the Geneva Convention protections that would apply. The secretive conference committee may still be able to overcome Obama’s veto threat while also codifying the power to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without having to charge them or give them a trial.
Current law (Padilla and Hamdi SCOTUS decisions) indefinite detention of U.S. citizens is basically admissible. The amendment clarifies that Section 1031 does not change that. But 1031, with the amendment, still does something important — it expresses congressional support for the authority to detain U.S. citizens that has already been advanced by the executive and judicial branches.
From the Congressional Record:
Mr. LEVIN, "Is the Senator familiar with the fact that it was the administration which asked us to remove the very language which we had in the bill which passed the committee, and that we removed it at the request of the administration that this determination would not apply to U.S. citizens and lawful residents? Is the Senator familiar with the fact that it was the administration which asked us to remove the very language, the absence of which is now objected to by the Senator* from Illinois?" [*Udall]
Ah yes yes yes, now give me some more of your ra ra ra jingoberry bullshit about “the land of the free and eht home of the brave”...ha ha ha, fucking idiot Amerika.
I watch them over the bleak comedians doing standup these days. I frankly find nothing more amusing than these debates, seriously I am sincere. Pure comedy in a global tragedy.
ReplyDeleteFleischer has no ammunition anymore. Once out of the loop like Bush, they just have no writers offering them material. Zionists fabricators and propaganda retorts don't come cheap.
ReplyDeleteHolyrood east is where the best actors and scriptors gainfully unemploy the masses while lifting heavy wallets.
Yea...I'm waiting for one of these bags to come off with:
ReplyDelete"When I am elected President I will move to Jerusalem and sit personally in the Kinnesit to hear my orders. Gawblesmerka."
If you look back to all EO's and draconian bills to curtail the freedoms of people, they always follow an event or if opposed vehemently they preceed a correction event to clarify the true meaning and spirit of the measure.
ReplyDeleteWe can see this and the Patriot act re-upping as a prelude to a kiss. And with toxic lip gloss for certain.
I watched the history channel repeat the crystal skull hoax made for 911 debunking and ufo acient aliens.
Everytime I see the skull produced by forensic sculpting the woman looks more and more like Hillary Clinton.
Skull of Doom
“It is obvious what’s been going on. You have to start acknowledging these people for what they are, and that is moral degenerates who are basically sociopaths and psychopaths. Meaning they don’t feel any sympathy or empathy for other human beings. The only thing they care about is themselves. They will do anything. They will steal. They will lie. They will cheat. They will lie to your face. They will look in the camera with this tremendous earnestness and lie with fork tongues through their teeth in order to advance their wealth and power. And if we, as a people, don’t get real about this, if we keep having these Pollyanna visions that these people are all on our side and they are really looking out for us. And they are doing the best they can . . . We will be cork screwed into the ground and this nation will be reduced to a smoldering rubble. You’ve got to wake up.”~Ann Barnhardt
I've known some girls with storybook names like that: Gayna Shareen Sci-Fi Queen {yup official LA Sci-Fi Con 80s} Fiona Pervis, an Aussie, Maxi Day, a perfume model...Babydoll Fontaine a Cree Indian “maid” from Winnipeg.
ReplyDeleteAnother was Havoc Hazard...The first time I heard of the Protocols of Zion was in 1985, from a girl named Havoc Hazard {yup her real name}. A pretty thing too. Her dad was a revisionist historian. She made ceramic dolls. I met her at Stanley's on Ventura Blvd. In the Valley of the Dolls. She explained it to me in such a way as to make me curious. It wasn't for a few years, until I got the Internet that I found and read it.
"These people are nefariously trying to destroy everything in this country. It’s called the Cloward-Piven strategy. Go in and destroy and collapse the entire economy, everything and then rebuild a new Marxist, Socialist, fascist state out of the burning rubble of this destruction. This is intentional. This is nefarious. This is not a function of incompetence. It’s a function of malice of forethought and conscientious theft and destruction.”~Ann Barnhardt
And for this to be news to anyone in December of 2011 is truly tragic. The whole scheme is there in black and white in the Protocols.
It's been said this is a dream world and it doesn't take an acute capacity for observation to see that it is so. It's not just a dream world. It is also a sleep world; a deep sleep world and a world in which some number are awake or partially awake and the percentages of that depend on the impress of material culture on the collective mind. People think with their stomachs and their sex organs and their primary drive is survival, often no matter at whose expense. That is what makes selfishness the preeminent mind set in material culture and also what puts The Tribe in charge of perception, because they believe in nothing but the material imperative.
ReplyDeleteIt is truly amazing to me how transparent the lies are and how colossally stupid, genus humanis ordinarius is. There is no question that change is an imperative because the present direction has them dropping down on to all fours within a couple of generations. “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. ~Visible
ReplyDeleteBFP Exclusive- Developing Story: Hundreds of US-NATO Soldiers Arrive & Begin Operations on the Jordan-Syria Border
According to first-hand accounts and reports provided to Boiling Frogs Post by several sources in Jordan, during the last few hours foreign military groups, estimated at hundreds of individuals, began to spread near the villages of the north-Jordan city of “Al-Mafraq”, which is adjacent to the Jordanian and Syrian border.
According to one Jordanian military officer who asked to remain anonymous, hundreds of soldiers who speak languages other than Arabic were seen during the past two days in those areas moving back and forth in military vehicles between the King Hussein Air Base of al-Mafraq (10 km from the Syrian border), and the vicinity of Jordanian villages adjacent to the Syrian border, such as village Albaej (5 km from the border), the area around the dam of Sarhan, the villages of Zubaydiah and al-Nahdah adjacent to the Syrian border.
Another report received from our source in Amman identified an additional US-NATO Command Center in “al-Houshah,’ a village near Mafraq.
Our Iraqi journalist source in London provided us with the following related information:
“Some of the US forces that left the Ain al-Assad Air base in Iraq last Thursday, did not come back to the USA or its base in Germany, but were transferred to Jordan during the evening hours.”
~Sibel Edmonds
Considering that the Russians have made it very clear that they will not countenance this sort of thing yet again - one must wonder what this madness is about to lead to. If one were the wondering type, that is.
ReplyDeletewow hot post william, guess the russians and chinese wont be long in responding either.
ReplyDeleteJudge Andrew Napolitano asks the questions everyone should be asking...
ReplyDeleteHow is it most Americans seem to always come up with the wrong answers? A shrug of the shoulders, and "I don't know"? Or an apathetic "what's the point?"
It seems to me that you must ask the right questions to get to the right answers. Why are we so dumb, why are we so numb?
Just remember the alternative possibility Oz >>
ReplyDeleteThat the Strategy of Tension is profitable for the status quo in all the nations involved in a boast-fest.
The "Outside" enemy is always used to congeal national leaderships.
Elaborate mating dances look like battle in some species.
But there is no doubt that a lot of the "extras and stuntmen" get snuffed for real in many of these stage shows. And in the BIG GAME, one is always looking for an advantage, or weakness to give a sucker punch on.
ReplyDeleteADL cruci-bots are on their way to pummel You with stale bagels until thou repentest of thine anti-semen-ism or until thou givest up the ghost,,,poof !
ReplyDeleteAwww...I was just going to put that video up Rogue1! Good Job!
ReplyDeleteDated May 29, 1945, a letter headed "FROM: Pfc. K. Vonnegut, Jr., TO: Kurt Vonnegut."
ReplyDeleteIt begins: "Dear people." It closes: "Love, Kurt - Jr." It informs his family that he is in an American repatriation camp in Le Havre after having been held prisoner by the German Army. It tells "in précis" how he was captured, transported in a cattle car and "herded ... through scalding delousing showers. Many men died from shock in the showers after 10 days of starvation, thirst and exposure. But I didn’t."
And how he was a captive in Dresden when Allied bombers "killed 250,000 people in 24 hours and destroyed all of Dresden — possibly the world’s most beautiful city. But not me."
And how his captors put him to work carrying corpses. "Civilians cursed us and threw rocks as we carried bodies to huge funeral pyres."
And I recall the ledge giving under me on the side of a mountain as I had turned my back to the mountain to call down to my fellow climbers. My head hit stone as I first fell. I was knocked cold.
ReplyDeleteThe next thing I recall is a voice calling my name, I reached out with my right hand and grasped. I held something there. As I came to I was being showered with rocks and pebbles and earth, large stones falling inches away. I looked up to see a huge boulder tumbling down towards me. It hit a slight ridge of rock and bounced over my head so close I could feel it graze my hair.
I had turned my head down and into my shoulders as tight as possible. So I was looking down as it dropped beyond me. I followed with my gaze as it hit the side a couple of bounces and then splattered on the rocks far below just at the edge of a river.
I was hanging over a cliff from my armpit down. I looked up to see I was grasping a root that came out of rock and went back in a loop. It was like a handle to a large coffee cup...and it just happened to be there when the voice called out...
I ended up getting 17 stitches in the back of my head to close the split in my scalp. But the skull was fine, and I didn't have a 'concussion'. But I do have a guardian angel. I have met her several times on this long and winding road.
Great recount of your experience, Rogue1. Happenstance, Coincidence? Yeah, some of us have kept our Guardian Angels working harder than others might, aye?
ReplyDeleteKinda like analyzing 9/11 "coincidences". At some point along the journey of discovery, "coincidences" can no longer account for what has transpired. Something bigger is going on.
As far as those 'guardian angels', they can manifest in quite astounding human form. At least twice appearing as huge powerful men - just suddenly appearing whilst I was surrounded by groups of other men intent on malice of forethought.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely eerie on reflection, but so welcome at the time {grin}.
There have been times when that voice calls my name that seem like ordinary moments. But I always pause for a moment of reflection. I don't know what I may have encountered had I not paused...[?]
Another moment I recall is flying along a deserted FWY in the wee morning hours at close to 100. I remember being in the far left lane, with the meridian fence a blur to my left. Then waking to that voice and seeing myself plummeting right at the far right lane fence - just in time to correct before hitting it. Talk about coming full awake like a jolt of lightning hit me....wow. That one rattled me enough to get off a couple exits later to call on a gal I knew in the vicinity, who took me in for the rest of the night.
Other times it is more a sudden impulse. Sitting at a counter in a south Texas road side diner in the 60s, in the middle of nowhere, when a bunch of the local redneck boys came in and stood behind me and my long haired pal. They were making all the typical wisecracks about long haired hippies, when I just spun around on the swivel stool, put a cigarette in my mouth and said, "anybody got a light?"
All the sudden several lighters were out and I chose one and puffed. Next thing you know they are just all curious about who we were, where we were going and got real friendly as we chatted and told them about being in a band and heading to California. And what started out seemingly sinister became a real pleasant experience.
ReplyDeleteThe Syrian regime, which has endured nine months of civil unrest spurred by the Arab Spring as it swept across the Middle East, has armed its medium-range missile arsenal with chemical warheads.
According to a report published by the Sabah daily Sunday, Damascus armed 600 one-ton chemical warheads to use in the event of a foreign military intervention. Furthermore, President Bashar al-Assad ordered the deployment of 21 missile launchers along its border with Turkey. Syria’s medium-range missiles that can be equipped with chemical warheads have a range of up to 1,300 kilometers and would include the southern and central provinces of Turkey.
Aww Korn...I'm not skerd, I got my super duper can of bug spray fer any of them critters sneaking round these parts.
Everywhere is Ground Zero in a nuclear world...
Doesn't the guy in the above video look like the alien in the pawn shop in the first MEN IN BLACK?
Spittin image.
ReplyDeleteFuku is one big cover-up. A poor one at that. And you'd think they would cover-up the radiation, containing it, rather than whatever stop-gap measures they're doing...'cause they ain't working! Like the Gulf Oil mass poisoning, then spraying a UK banned substance "Corexit" off America's shores, all of this BS is "managed" to exacerbate the problems, not fix em.
ReplyDeleteKeystone Kops on steroids, managed by politicians bought by corporations. A recipe for a mega-disaster built on top of mega-disasters. That's what we keep seeing. I see an M.O. here, not unfortunate coincidences.
ReplyDelete"Obama Raises the Military Stakes: Confrontation on the Borders with China and Russia"
This article by James Petras; reveals a set of assumptions and denials in the frame set in the title alone. It is the "personalization" of system that I abhor here, and constructions based on such jejune political analysis by so-called "scholars," "experts," and "authorities."
While there is much to agree with and good information in this article, it yet still leaves an impression that if another personality were in the office of the presidency, that there would be another policy in place. That is patently absurd.
Petras speaks to, "disintegration of puppet regimes in Somalia and South Sudan," while failing to mention that Obama's regime in the US is no less a "puppet regime" of the larger neo-colonial Zionist Empire. This isn't to accuse Petras of being a Zionist toady, but to illumine his academiac conditioning and programming.
The part Obama plays is of POTUS, or “the great dictator”. The script is prefab, although the delivery may be set at a unique tempo and measured by a personal accent, it is nevertheless a continuation of a long playing agenda. The language Petras uses although in the popular vein of understanding, fails to deliver this central point in his analysis, and here there are misgivings.
However, the immediate situational analysis is important in this article nonetheless, so it should be read and assimilated.
"I see an M.O. here, not unfortunate coincidences."
ReplyDeleteYea Boom it is a standard profile template that one.
So friggin' elementary it just gotsta make ya wunder at how long it works over and over and over again.
It's the world according to WTF?
Corzone had a “romance with risk that produced a panic.” according to CNBC. Wow, talk about spin. Yea, make this sick ratfuck racketeer seem, “romantic.” That is the mainstream bullshit parade for you.
ReplyDeleteI can't think of a crowd that deserves what is coming to them more than these stupid Amerikans. The congress is in the marble halls squatting turds and calling it “legislation,” wiping their ass with the Bill of Rights. And the dumb-fuck TVZombies are sucking the electric tit, with their brains on neutral as they float through Lollipop Land.
Mention the truth to these widgets and they quiver apart like an old wagon rolling down a rocky steep. Their eyes roll back in the sockets and their tongues loll like old damp socks. And then comes the purple rage for popping their little daydream bubble. Then the spew of TV script like sour vomit. Gawblesmarkah,~ww
It brings one to a state of wonder...one gets a sense of Dante's title, THE DIVINE COMEDY.
I love it when you're waxing all wobbly wrogue1!
ReplyDeleteWithin the verse the truth scampers from tree to tree, peeking at you, calling out in a soft voice -- "I am here...". Should one listen to the sounds of the woods, or with their ear to the ground, they might find a resonance resounding, a frequency that tells what is coming, though unheard by the bipeds tromping by unawares. In the distance, the rumbling of war may be heard by the careful, the Indian-minded earth-aware soul. Long before the long-black-train arrives, those with ears will have vanished before the storm. Possessors of magic? No. Simply willing to listen to the sounds that others ignore.
No sense can be made of the insane goings-on we are witness to these days. Observation tells us madness abounds all around us. We should seek a quiet place to contemplate and live simply. A sickness of the mind and soul is spreading like a contagion. The only flu shot we should consider is the "flew" shot, where we fly away out of the way of the blitzkrieg of crazed predators and mindless drones obombing, obombing, obombing the world to "protect" and defend "freedom".
The Maelstrom cometh, because men desireth it.
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Disney"
The sock-puppets know the die-off is here: http://www.alternet.org/story/153368/%22these_people_may_be_as_crazy_as_their_statements_indicate%22%3A_why_a_former_gop_staffer_quit_the_party/?page=entire
Here in krakkkerland they're nattering about the "socialist" occupiers... the few who are still braving the weather. The pigs are trying to git while the gittin's good... and the demagogues are getting loonier and loonier.
You gotta nice wax candle O'bright asswell Boomer.
ReplyDelete"..because men desireth it."
T'is so, in the way back of most minds is the hope that their aching bodies will be relieved of their cardboard heads.
I just keep wondering where Fulford's army of slinky Ninja ass-ass-men are hiding out???
ReplyDeleteThe must have been swallowed by the squirming shadows. Or turned to celluloid in old Bruce Lee movie reels...
ReplyDeleteLove your new Chemtrail Carol...Lol
What video do you refer to Waldo?
ReplyDeleteYea the demagogues are doin' the Funny Farm Bunny Hop this season for sure.
I've heard of "One-upmanship" but this "One-downmanship" is a whole new soap opera. They must be high on the suds.
It doesn't take much time, no...not much time at all, to make a common-sense call on the sanity of warmongering psychopaths. This article -- http://antifascist-calling.blogspot.com/ -- "Very informative link above about the long history of plans to attack Iran...and that mysteriously intact drone..." tells the sad and pathetic story of warped minds intent on wasting blood and treasure to accomplish...what? Its all a clusterfuck when paranoid power freaks freak-out about some "threat" they've conjured up in their sick minds. They're so busy planning, spending Trillions on "national defense stuff", spying, moving materiel and munitions, and that FUN, FUN, FUN war-gaming mindwarp nightmare magog, they cannot ever come back to sanity. Look at the country of Iraq? How much did we spend and freaking "lose" somewhere in the desert? How free are the Iraqi people feeling? Those that are still alive, of course. Should we count the D.U. irradiated mutants we created, or is that just tough luck?
ReplyDeleteWe can't even count the cost of one of these humanitarian travesties can we? Why would we ever start more? Well, WE don't start them, plan for them, or anything else. We pay for them, and so do the victimized countries. For Ever. Someone is starting them though. Someone is steering the mechanized machinery and it is not The People. With a little thought you can figure it out sheeple.
What do you suppose Iran, the Middle East, the WORLD will look like if these psychopaths decide to push buttons? Will We the People of ANY of the countries involved and those that receive "blowback" be better off? Safer? Does using nukes make the world a safer and better place? If you think so, go stand in the Iranian desert and get a close-up look. All these "planners" and wargames schemers -- will any of them or their families lose their lives because of their maniacal actions?
Why do people fight for psychopaths? Honor? Whatever...I'm tired of this shit. You can't make sense out of insanity. But we can stop the insanity. Pull the insane way away from places of "power". They cannot handle it responsibly. Powerdrunk drivers always drive their countries into the ditch after running over and killing innocent bystanders. We've seen these crimes too many times to expect different results. Now they're talking about Nukes!!! Please, someone take away the keys from these idiots.
the video at the top of the thread. maybe Disney is after me!
ReplyDeleteI didn't put it up because I believe him, Rogue1. I too say, show me something good and positive happening. Where are the "Good Guys" in this world? What are they waiting for?
ReplyDeleteI second your congrats on the Puddy Chemtrail Carol! PD is a creative whiz with those things.
"maybe Disney is after me!"
ReplyDeleteHmmm...teeny face, huge glasses...yup you'd fit right in their menagerie. Hide in the mousehole they'll never think to look there.
I didn't try the video...whatta wasteral of my pressyass time.
Hey were you ever on Amazon political forums?
Well Boom, I see lotsa good things in the circus.
ReplyDeleteLike all the clowns running 'round with their pants hanging down.
It is like Toto lifted the curtains and anyone who is actually paying attention can see what empty sacks of fecal air they all are.
They are whacking themselves in a certain sense. A race to the bottom of the cesspool.
But yea...Old Benny, he's still got his woowoo wrap slung about his loins...give him a cheer for optimism but get him an optometrist.
Yea Boom...Daddy had better take the T-Bird away.
The Anti-Fascist article is a good one Boomer, thanks.
Oh what an amazing time to be living through!!!
ReplyDelete[ \\!*!// ]
Another Day...Another Charade.
ReplyDeleteHere -- Pick a Card! Any Card. Find the Truth -- Win a BILLION Dollars. Yeah, Fiat Dollars.
There's 5 Cards of Truth in this Deck of 1,331,666,666, 666 Cards.
Good Odds, Huh?! Great Odds in Fact! Go Ahead, Wager Everything You've Got, the Truth is in There Somewhere...
HAW! The Ranians stole our spy-toy! ...and won't let us have our oil! Waahhhhh....
ReplyDeleteLump o' coal for you USAon boojiggers... lotsa fun when the ice-storms (wot used to be snowstorms) start takin' down yer grid, kid! The good guys are coughin' and nursin cases of the sniffles... in #occupy camps all over the great white north!
eye usta bee on lotsa "political" forums... then started hanging out on Snarking Chump... til getting "banned" for saying: 1. 911-inside job 2. Izz-reel (aka Fort Oil-patchy) is run by war criminals, and 3. NO difference between Repo-crumbs and Dumbo-crits. Talk about OBVIOUS...
Same kinda shite that gots ya "banned" from OESnoooz. NOW the weeny-hedz here in krakkkerland are bickering about "munny" (which aint real) while the icecaps melt (which is). Oil has peaked. Climate has changed. It's OOO-VERRRR.
...but not in krakkkerland: http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/10/its-trap-conservative-base-comes-grips-occupywallstreet
Yea...I member the OEN thangoid of cormz - Im thunkin up a guy named Davy Jones and a guy named Thomas Negron, and maybe you wuz round that time on Amazoomy.
Spherical in Nature.
ReplyDeleteThe whole point is to get through this with our sanity and humanity intact. After all - nobody makes it out of here alive.
ReplyDeleteSo...has anyone thought that the downed US drone just might be a Pandora's Box full of cyber-bugs and viruses? A high tech Typhoid Mary?
ReplyDeleteOf course this thing was carrying software as well as hardware. What sorts of little surprises might be dangling from a circuit path?
"Gonna take an ocean of Calamine Lotion..."?
Dreary message there Boom.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't see it going down that way...
I see attrition, euphemistically referred to as "austerity" simply bringing the Amerikans to their knees right at home...and begging to get into the camps for a cup of soup.
I think there will be dragnets - but these will be more focused, like getting a hold of dissidents...hmm...maybe people like us. A general round up of the TVZombies would be costly and totally worthless to their schemes - far as I can tell.
Just go with the simple straight-forward point that 1 day your "routine" gets messed up Bad, and ___________(name of sheep) kets gettled and macial faced, then renditioned without air-condition, to a place unknown. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. Remember that?
ReplyDeleteAnyways, attrition will definitely be a happening to the smaller percentage people. I'm quite sure its their turn.
Yeah, you're thinking now like a reptile with a right brain left cross crew cut fist-a-cuff. Thatz how youz come down with the Viruzzzz... Is that plural? Does it get an (es) or an apostrophe? Maybe an apostrophe somethin or other, 'cause thats what we really got here -- An Apostrophe!!!
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine the DOJ going after these criminals. Holder's the biggest of them all. Congresses real question. "Where's our cut"
ReplyDelete“If the world wants to make the region insecure, we will make the world insecure”: Iran threatens to shut Strait of Hormuz with military exercise
[Daily Mail UK 12/14/2011]
Wow! That is an astounding proposition. If this takes place...O'me O'my – Things are going to go woowoo fast!!
"An Apostrophe!!!"
ReplyDeleteYea, it's the "biscuit" in the apostrophe as Zappa would put it.
The tacit knowledge in the gap between the dream world and the empirical world of tactile "reality".
Now...yes now that Iran has seemingly had it to the gills...things should start to sizzle in the pan. Swoop that whoop and keep yer fanny covered.
In another passage, he told the assembled soldiers: “Never forget that you are part of an unbroken line of heroes spanning two centuries—from the colonists who overthrew an empire, to your grandparents and parents who faced down fascism and communism, to you—men and women who fought for the same principles in Fallujah and Kandahar, and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.”~Oboomba
ReplyDeleteNo seriously...can anybody buy such unadulterated bullshit?? My gawd the man is foaming at the mouth blithering insane! ! ! Even to be willing to read this oink in public...jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez