Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A housewife heroine

A lady named Angie called this in today on Jones so I found the doc and hidden in plain view is the straight poop.

chosen courses of action; and providing continual updates on the strategic relocation of government activities.The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/Protection and NationalPreparedness Office established the Continuity Readiness Cell (CRC) within theOperations Division, National Continuity Programs (NCP). As part of a coordinatedFederal Executive Branch effort, the CRC offers the Secretary of Homeland Security, theFEMA Administrator, and other senior leaders and decision-makers with an operationallevel focused upon executive branch continuity, to include issues and readinesscapabilities required to ensure the continuation of the eight National Essential Functionsand Federal D/A Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs) in an all-hazardsenvironment.Other efforts of the Operations Division include initiatives such as Operation Rendezvous(OPRON), Task Force Rendezvous, the development and integration of the Federal (andMutual Aid) Emergency Response Official (F/ERO) Repository system, NationalSecurity Special Event (NSSE) contingency support, disaster relief, and humanitarianassistance contingency support. Additional efforts of the Operations division includeGeospatial Information Systems (GIS), Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA),Continuity Analysis, and Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4).

In the second line from the bottom you see "Blue Force Situational Awareness" . Ordinarily one wouldnt think much about the phrase, but it is military jargon for freindly forces being pitted against enemy forces "red team" but the document is a domestic emergency preparedness plan, go figure.

You can get the whole demonic 22 pages by searching :



  1. "“Blue Force Situational Awareness” .

    Yea, that is war games jargon. But in such games the Blue team is the defender and analyzing team for all conflict scenarios. So they would be the ones with the scoop on combating any scenario that "goes live"...which gives one little confidence when considering how several scenarios being gamed went live - and nothing prevented the events of the day. In fact it is known that the war games were part of the diversion.

    Don't worry though, there is some red team out there gearing up to go with one as a piggyback carrier for a new "event", that's why the blue teams are hep on their contingency response plans.

    Pick a number any number from the above menu...which will the next EVENT be?

    Sometime sooner than later?

    There's an "accident" just waiting to happen.

    According to reports from the Daily Kos and Russia Today, a company specializing in night raid equipment was awarded a 23 million dollar contract from the Department of Defense and subsequently went on to lobby for the NDAA which has given the government the power to indefinitely detain American citizens.

    Surefire LLC openly lobbed for the House version of the NDAA, a bill many have claimed has effectively ended the Bill of Rights, months after receiving the 23 million dollar contact from the DOD.

    Why would this company be receiving a contract which could outfit at least 30,000 troops with new and updated night raid equipment when the U.S. is supposedly pulling troops out of Iraq and, to a smaller extent, Afghanistan?

    Why has this same company gone on to lobby for a bill that has turned the United States into a war zone?~Intel Hub

    Because all the pros play quid pro quo.

    BOSTON -- The following statement on the conviction today of Tarek Mehanna may be attributed to American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts executive director Carol Rose:

    In Mr. Mehanna's case, the charges against him have been based on allegations of such activity, such as watching videos about "jihad", discussing views about suicide bombings, translating texts available on the Internet, and looking for information about the 9/11 attackers. Historically, government prosecutors have used conspiracy charges as a vehicle for the suppression of unpopular ideas, contrary to the dictates of the First Amendment and fundamental American values.

    After the ACLU of Massachusetts submitted a memorandum of law in support of Mehanna's motion to dismiss the parts of the indictment against him that were based on protected expression, U.S. District Court Judge George O'Toole denied permission for the memorandum to be filed with the court.

    Decision today threatens writers and journalists, academic researchers, translators, and even ordinary web surfers.

    El Supremos in their black moo-moos squat a pootypatty on all our heads.
    And the fan sprays on...

  4. Future Riot Shields Will Suffocate Protestors with Low Frequency Speakers

    Crowd control tools like the LRAD Sound Cannon emit bursts of loud and annoying sounds that can induce headaches and nausea. But Raytheon's non-lethal pressure shield creates a pulsed pressure wave that resonates the upper respiratory tract of a human, hindering breathing and eventually incapacitating the target. The patent points out that the sound waves being generated are actually not that powerful, so while protestors might collapse from a lack of oxygen reaching their brains, their eardrums won't be damaged in the process.

    And like Roman soldiers joining their shields to form a large impenetrable wall, these new riot shields can actually be networked together to form a larger acoustical horn, vastly improving their range, power, and effectiveness. There's no word on what the long-term medical implications might be if you find yourself on the wrong side of one of these shields. But I imagine the unpleasant experience is not unlike being force choked from afar by Darth Vader.

    FILE UNDER: Sci Fi Police State.

  5. Yea they already had active denial,a sort of microwave oven without the steel cage to hold it in,instead its focused on protesters to cook the skin. Really a nice way to redress grievances, on protesters.
