Do right, use your head.
Get together, break your bread.
Yes, together, that's what I said. --Blind Faith
It is getting more difficult to take my fellow residents of dominionist krakkerland seriously, especially the krakkers here in Duckburg. They will lap up the Klown-of-the-Week GOP circle-jerk effluvia like there really is a “political process” or a “government” or a “country.” They do not seem to be the least bit concerned about the NDAA coffin-nail; they just want to “win” the “election” like it’s another Colts game. They seem to revere stupidity as some kind of virtue, and it’s really dangerous to laugh at them… because they really ARE dangerous. After a ten-year intensive memetic/ academic study of Nazi Germany, the krakkkers flat-fuck freak me out.
How does one cope with this kind of bat-shit crazy? Just about everybody with the brain of a grape realizes the Iraq invasion was a “bad idea,” a “policy difference” although there was little “difference” among the sock-puppet “representatives” back in 2003. Here in Duckburg, the krakkkers were going ape-shit trying to out-flag and out-yellow-magnet each other. They still are. Now the least brain-dead are admitting to being “Ron Paul supporters.” Oh nice. One guy is the solution to everything. Sound familiar? Deutschland erwache? You can almost smell the Krupps and Junkers trying on the “Ron Paul” puppet for size on their iron fists.
Everybody must be fed. Not the kind of “Fed” the Paulies are on about, and unless you like the idea of being caught between an iron hammer and Robespierre anvil, it is time to concentrate on clean water, food, energy and information. Anybody can start on their own beginning with a decent water filter. Energy is the hinge between energy, environment, economy and peace. President Paul will be wearing the same deer-in-headlights expression as Bammo before the teleprompter or Bash behind My Pet Goat. Mr. 80-year-old sock-puppet will be equally useless as all the others. He “believes” the play is “real” because he thinks he is somehow involved.
There was this guy at #occupy. He had a sign that said "Food Not Bombs" (you know- ANYBODY could be "Food Not Bombs") it's a "terrorist organization." He was serving up stew and he said, "...feed the people. Everything else is bullshit." He is correct. Even people who value "Air Jordans" more than their civil rights. Because now they are fighting to "buy" stupid shoes. What will they do when they can not "buy" food... at any price- because "money" is worthless or the food is not there? They are used to a steady diet of Fascist Sandwiches: "There will be many people who believe if they "cooperate" they will be spared the horrors of police state brutality."
These are my neighbors here in krakkerland. They buy the lie- all the way to the end. They festooned their cars with flags and yellow magnets after 911- and call themselves "912 patriots," because the faux-kitch "wave of patriotism" following that false-flag was sold to them like basketball shoes. They rarely bite the hand that feeds them, but they could. There are a few paradox waking up to "Ron Paul," encouraging and discouraging at the same time because they almost get it. Almost. They still want a cure-all quick fix that does not exist. There are wiser options, but they are long and complex. Converting the krakkers from jewels to joules is a prescription for survival.
Preaching to the choir here on COTO. We got some kind of mutation that makes this stuff "OBVIOUS" (to us). I do not know about HAARP or fluoride or aliens... but nothing is a surprise any more. What is OBVIOUS is there is a strong cabal that has every intention of killing us in vast numbers. This is not about "tyranny." It's about fucking death- large-scale and by-design. I doubt that it has anything to do with "one-world government" or "Agenda 21," but nothing surprises any more. It does not matter... we will know them when we see them... and when we see them it will be too late. I can contribute this- as a grateful recovering propagandist and "marketing" dork: Duckburg is "typical."
Duckburg is meta-typical for the USA. It has been a leading test-market for over 50 years. It leads (for its size) in cars/restaurants per capita... the fattest and stupidest people on earth. There is about 1% of the population I consider brothers and sisters and would willingly lay down my life for them. Likewise, there is 1% that I would shank dead with no more thought than flicking a booger. The demographic/ psychographic combination here is truly amazing. They cram hydrogenated-corn-oil glop into their faces on a scale that would truly astound the rest of the world.. whoever studies such things. They are proto-typical of the Reich's "obedient workers."
That's the thesis, "libertarians." Do you buy it? Do what you like.
Everybody must be fed.
agenda 21 one world etc, is the label, the end result will be what we have seen or read of in recent past, whatever you call it the average Duckville resident is in trouble.
ReplyDelete"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to it being done at all."~Frederic Bastiat
ReplyDeleteSay whut?
I caught a bit of it, seems this guy is having phone sex with the Pope...
Agenda 21 is one click from Agenda 22. Too easy to see that fabian chess move. Certainly Krakkkerland is a rightmight leaning mini republic. Duckberg must be a stronghold as they see themselves surrounded by the commie pukes with fetuses on pitchforks.
ReplyDeleteIf liebrals weren't such hypocritical socialist control freaks and the kneejerkcons weren't such hypocritical humanitarians, I'd go party at most conventions.
Ron Paul represents the Nurse Ratched for the in-patients of both wings of the assylum. He's still the doctor. Someones got to keep the order, stop the chaos and prescribe some meds. He may be a prozac for the populace but we are terminal on our current path.
Newtonian the mechanic called Mitt the second most dangerous man next to Obama. Now I ask you, "Is that anyway to talk about your brothers?"
Late lents,last lenience. Poop Pius the turd has spoken. Mumbo jumbo.
ReplyDeleteHows aboiut them femur files doc ? I am faunching at the proverbial bit to take a glance at that thang.
ReplyDeleteStill being vetted I presume mi amigo. Will advise.
ReplyDeleteI got the mumbo from a comment on the last link on the Waldo article above. Some fanatic stuck on CAPS for pages...there were some sections in broken English, but most of it was total spazmata.
I advise that you keep presuming until it is time.~Will
ReplyDelete"No grape will be skished before it's time,"~Gallows Bros.
OPUS DEI....all caps... could be a Mel Gibson rant....
ReplyDeleteWaldo, what the hell are you doing in Duckburg?
ReplyDeleteSimple human empathy and compassion dictates in a person of conscience that everybody should be fed. The "must" of it - is a command. One that is difficult to achieve in this complex world. There are a lot of factors involved even with the best of intentions driving. Then to factor in that as a general and practical reality that the driving is not at the present moment done by those with the best of intent - now we are looking at some real problems.
ReplyDeleteMore specifically those problems have become trouble.
No matter how my mind approaches this, it always boils down to dethroning the present system. Doing what can be done on local and community levels to feed the hungry present in ones sphere is well and good. But it is not sufficient as a long term fix to this larger problem of the ill intent of the powers that control the system.
Of course this is the Big Oogabooga woowoo god we are talking about slapping off his throne...and we got our jawwing in on that one quite a bit already.
"New FEMA documents that confirm information received from DoD sources that show military involvement in a FEMA-led takeover within the United States under partially-classified Continuity of Government (COG) plans. It involves not only operations for the relocation of COG personnel and key officials, population management, emergency communications and alerts but the designation of the American people as 'enemies' under a live military tracking system known as Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA).
ReplyDeleteFurther, this Nov. 18, 2011 FEMA-released plan National Continuity Programs (NCP) Program and Mission Support Services (PAMSS) [PDF] linked at the website outlines a scenario that overlays with eerie accuracy the bigger picture sketched out by concurrent calls for troops to keep order in the streets of places like New Orleans, as well as other bombshell documents like those released from KBR seeking to activate contracted staff for emergency detention centers and for services like fencing and barricades, as well as numerous agencies and think tanks who've prepared for civil unrest and economic breakdown in America.
The military’s blue force tracking technology has been adopted since 2003 in Iraq and used in theaters like Afghanistan to quickly distinguish “Blue” friendlies (including U.S. forces and allies like tribal forces) from “Red” enemies. However, on the U.S. homeland battlefield, it is the American people who will be designated under “red,” whereas cleared occupying personnel are tracked as “blue” friendlies by their ID transponder badges. The designation was set-up to reduce “friendly fire” incidents.
ReplyDeleteBlue Force and other related programs like Geospatial Information Systems (GIS), Continuity Analysis and the Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4) operations named in the document electronically track and verify the location and clearance of COG-related personnel, the usage of emergency shelter facilities and their components as well as the military’s friendly/enemy designations– creating a matrix for live monitoring and control coordinating with FEMA databases during martial law or national emergency scenarios.
For instance, FEMA acknowledges in its documents the use of Blue Force tracking systems and other geospatial information systems to monitor the capacity and usage of its facilities under the National Shelter System and other programs. Preparations for the orderly control of the masses have already been put into place.
Ahhh...Grape skishin' time...
ReplyDeleteYes, Do Right -- Use Your Head!
ReplyDeleteAdding to your "Wake Up!" call info Rogue1, I add 2 important pieces for people with brains to read: Read it All!
By the way, in my estimation, ALL the machinations boil down to only 2 choices for the "frogs" (i.e. People):
1) Freedom "from" Tyranny
2) Compliance and Complicity "with" Tyranny
Ask Who wants which, and decide which you choose for yourself, family, country, and children. It is that simple. Two paths, and you can walk down only one. Each leads to a destination. Where do you want to end up?
1) "Are You Sure You Want To Do This?"
2) "Oath-Keeper Stewart Rhodes on the Rise of Authoritarianism and How US Law Enforcement Can Take a Stand for Freedom"
Rhetorical Question here:
ReplyDelete"If American Citizens are designated as "Terrorists"...what does that make the illegitimate designators, especially considering they are the ones usurping the Constitution and Bill of Rights?"
I know for a fact that all of this months "news" comes from an old Twilight Zone script that was never produced for TV.
In nature, when the climate rapidly changes, the only animals that survive are those with adaptive skills, mobility and backup resources (squirrels store food for a reason). In human society, when the mechanized production climate of readily-available foods, goods and services suddenly disappears -- even for a short while -- you will observe a sudden and shocking shift in the human gene pool towards those who have the foresight to plan and prepare rather than those who live day by day, partying, consuming, copulating and laughing it up.
The more complex a society becomes, the more the loss of efficiency in just one small area of service or manufacturing ripples across the entire economy, magnifying its negative impact.
I have pointed out the inherent dangers of this "just-in-time delivery system" to others for years, to be greeted with glazed over eyes...
The fat lady is bending over and the ass is going to rip on her tights...[Lesson? This will not be pretty.]
The Lies of Zion
ReplyDeleteIn 2001 the US 'Government' pinned 9/11 on Afghanistan and Iraq – it was a lie.
Now ten years later, they are trying to pin it on the new bogeyman if the Mid East, Iran:
December 15, Manhattan Federal Judge George Daniels said he'll sign an order accusing Iran, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda of 9/11 responsibility.
In response to a lawsuit brought by family members of 9/11 victims, he claimed Iran provided material support to Al Qaeda. He based it on fake evidence and spurious testimonies from three Iranian defectors. Their affidavits remained sealed during court proceedings.
In late December, Daniels assessed Iran $100 billion in damages. According to attorney Dennis Pantazis:
"We have worked over eight years, consulted hundreds of intelligence experts, reviewed thousands of documents and reports and traveled to three continents and multiple countries to interview eyewitnesses. The ruling stands for the proposition that no matter how big or powerful evil is, it will always be revealed."
His rant omitted clear evidence of CIA and Mossad involvement, not Iran, Hezbollah or Al Qaeda. Among others, David Ray Griffin's exhaustive research exposed the 9/11 lie.~Lendman
Yes Flying RogueSquirrel. The sheeple expect everything will be the same every day. When they flip the electrical switch -- Vwalah! Instant light, instant TV entertainment and snews, instant coffee, instant food from the microwave, instant job, instant money honey, ready fuel for the flintstone wagons, instant heat and A/C, instant medical care, blah, blah, zombies...
ReplyDeleteGeez, whatta bunch of sleep-walking sheep!
Only the 2x4 of reality hitting em smack in the forehead will wake them up, too late to fend for themselves and their loved ones. That's what a cushy life will do to you -- make you fat, stupid, and expendable. Some refer to it as culling the herd, which is pretty apt, sorry to say.
For the preppers, it will be dicey. How so for the sheep?
This news is sooo last week, Rogue1! I mean it jokingly of course. How much did taxpayers get charged for this idiot's "study"? There is no end to the blasphemy and lies of the warmakers. Funny...I keep noticing they're the ones who keep waging the wars, enriching their MIC friends, killing other people, while still remaining (oddly)...alive?! There's a freaking passle of these pokes from the Vietnam era still doing the same thing, and you know who I mean. Ahh, yeah demons, we've noticed!
ReplyDeleteThis is worth the short read and follows the tread of the thread:
Oh, 1 more thing... dog poet has another transmission that beats the hell out of TV. COTOites can check out "Blitzkrieg der Wunderbar, Together we Are" at . If you like the stimuli, then keep scrolling down and read some of his other recent posts. Ya gotta get out of the box to really play in the sand!
ReplyDeleteVisible always makes a swell toast when he raises his glass.
ReplyDeleteI wonder where the host of this particular thread is? Nada word from him after setting it up.
From the title I keep thinking of "Everybody Must Get Stoned"...and making up words to go with that melody...
"Well they'll feed ya when yer drivin in yer tank
They'll feed ya when yer playing with yer shank
They'll feed ya when sitting getting head
They'll feed ya when you've peed in the bed
But I would not feel so all biped
Everybody must be fed"
Yer a kick in the tire(d) ass Rogue1!
ReplyDeleteMaybe he's rollin his papers?
"Maybe he’s rollin his papers?"
ReplyDeleteHa ha, thass good too Boomer...I wonder if waldopapers roll?
Do they need filler?
or maybe folding them into waldorigami.
if ya must know- eye been scrubbin the boot-marks off me ass from the last two threads. it's not easy being green. lemme tell ya- ya get no respect.
ReplyDeletefirst, ya gotta listen to all that "al gore" schmeeze. no matter how many times you say cap'n trade be a crock... you still gotta listen to all that "globalist one-world government" hoo-hah. and then when ya say there already IS a "globalist one-world government... been there for about 100 years. and THEN,,, it goes into all that "george soros" does eat oats.
and little lambs eat ivy. HERE are the kind of mental giants we got here in dominionist krakkerland:
People as me what I believe most? It's TOAST
ReplyDeleteRise of Authoritarianism. What I can't get is the rise part?
ReplyDeleteIt's been since the Sumerians. Just simply we have been too, but the intellectual dumbing down and smokescreen is clearing because the EMR system of towers, bases, satellites and original setup are shifting and they cannot spray enough skies to prevent it.
The bottomline coming in predictions.
Quite heavy chemtrails southward yesterday. The layout that should be Obvious to Everyone. Freaking backlit near sunset as to highlight the incredible number of passes made by the bombers. Yeah, I'm going to call em chemtrail bombers because that's what they are. May their cargoes explode in their face, the ground crews suffer extreme exposure, the manufacturers and haulers be overcome by their own poisons, and most of all the stinktank stinkers and designers of such hellacious plans and orders rot from the inside out. May they have a crappy New Year!
ReplyDeleteTruly Gross Food Regulations. Making Laws by Lies. Absolute Tyranny invoked and enforced again for "Protection and Security".
ReplyDeleteBeyond the pale, only complete rhubarbs and rutabagas are blind to this strategy by the control Freaks.
yep- the pyramid (aptly named) hierarchy has been going on for 10 thousand years... probably since agriculture. "globalization" has been going on ever since ships.
ReplyDelete"they" are trying to control the food because they know... everybody must be fed. very few people willingly starve. "Ron Paul" is the last crumb for everybody who still believes "electing" somebody changes anything. One last sop to the proles as the paper "financial system" goes through the final stages of collapse.
naturally the FEMA camps will be "for your own safety." it worked in Europe. once that goes down, there WILL be resistance from the coercion industry... the kops and military folk... but most will kill for food. don't need to read old scrolls to predict that one.
the "security" lie should be OBVIOUS by now... but the stupid-heads in krakkerland are still worried about mooslims and messikans and all the other brown people who wanna git their hank-hill riding mowers and occupy their astroturf lawns. the "true conservatives" here are flat-out fascists.
does no good to bring that up because they don't know what "fascist" means.
"does no good to bring that up because they don’t know what “fascist” means."
ReplyDeleteYea...I've come to the clangklooshun there is no use to talk to the nits without wits about anything but whatever practical business you might need to do with them. Maybe make note of the weather smile cha cha cha...anything deeper than that leads to major angst for me.
You know where the Dominatrix Jezoidals come from doncha Waldo? Yup, that's Zionista too. No natch Kristos thar...issa infiltration ass well.
Like you I am Surrounded in Domino Sound 360 degree oinkbooger screech.
That was one thing about "Liberal" California, the loonacy was "intellectual" rather than straight outta the dark ages. I miss that slight shade of sanity...and wonder how I ended up in krakkerland too. Somehow the fates smacked me across the continent in 2003. Crawling up here from south Georgia, was an attempt to get away from the constant rows of churches more numerous than gas stations down thar...but it's not substantially different here, just a different accent for the "Gawblesmarka" dialoghost.
there seems to be some kinda crack here in Duckburg... where everybody sez they're a "true conservative" (whatever that is)-- except for a few of us old hip-pies who are still alive. the rift seems to be between a) fat grumpy old people who don't want to pay any taxes and b) the freaked-out bible-bangers who are the tools of the "rich" people (by Duckburg standards).
ReplyDeleteHere anybody with a few grand to throw around can take over just about any organization. The publikan partei was sewn up over 100 years ago (right after the Civil War) by the anglos und der dummer-kritik partei was sopped up by the car-dealers and nagger-baiters in the 50s (right after WW2). So that leaves the "churches" that are private fiefdoms of real-extate ankle-biters and bank drones.
course they ALL ginst "big gummint" and "taxes," but the bible-banger puppets have been trained to squeal bout "abortion" (killing babies) and anything else that has anything to do with genitalia in general. the bible-puppets are starting to annoy the grumpy old people who are way too busy trying to show how "patriotic" they are to have any energy left to be "active in church work" in the Holy work church of work church... work. church.
they tend they lawns like mad crazies to show how much they work hard when they aint in church working hard in the church work... church. because when you aint working you should be in church... working church. work. when you aint at war-mart buyin cheep krap, that is. getting a good deal from the elder-berry in yer church on the largest car you can possibly buy with the biggest wheels.
cos if ya keep on joe-the-plumbing, you kin be a big wheel too.
2 stories that compliment each other as per the war propaganda building up against Iran:
ReplyDeleteSlip-Sliding to War with Iran By Robert Parry, Consortium News - this one I don't have the URL for.
This by Gareth Porter is concerned with the fruitloop 'court case' having the finding that Iran was behind the attacks of 9/11.
"A court case resulting in a "finding of fact" that Iran assisted al Qaeda is a tapestry of recycled fabrications and distortions of fact from a bizarre cast of characters.
Behind a mysterious December 22 Associated Press story about "finding of fact" by a District judge in Manhattan Friday that Iran assisted al Qaeda in the planning of the 9/11 attacks is a tapestry of recycled fabrications and distortions of fact from a bizarre cast of characters.
The AP story offers no indication of the nature of the evidence in the case except that former members of the 9/11 Commission and three Iranian defectors provided testimony. What it didn't say was that at least two of the Iranian defectors have long been dismissed by US intelligence as "fabricators" and that the two "expert witnesses" who were supposed to determine the credibility of those defectors' claims are both avowed advocates of crackpot conspiracy theories about Muslims and Shariah law who believe the United States is at war with Islam."
Clare M. Lopez and Bruce Tefft, both former CIA covert operations case officers,and are both well established Islamophobes connected to all the hallmark lunatic 'Thunk Tanks' and mercenary woowoos.
ReplyDeleteThese two are acting as "expert witnesses" in the case of wormwood sawdust above.
oh yeah... like Eichmann was the "Jewish expert?"
ReplyDeleteQuestion for ya, wildroot: do you think they a) actually BELIEVE that shit, or b) act like they do because it's good for their "long-term career path, or c) they've internalized it because it's a combination of both or d) are totally sick-fucks because it doesn't matter or d) e) f)... and beyond... yadda yadda durdle dur dur durdle?
No offense intended... but "crackpot conspiracy theories" is kind of our stock-in-trade here at COTO. Some of this bullshit is so far-out that few will believe it because it "seems" so far away from the existing "dominant narrative," ...and to SOME of us... the "dominant narrative" (like "representative government") is so crack-brained it needs a "counter-story."
ReplyDeleteMaybe we are ALL crazy...
It is a deep question and mystery to me too Waldoroo.
ReplyDeleteI think taken on a case by case basis we would find all of the above and probably surprising variations on those themes.
A lot of con artists know that to con oneself successfully is the making of the most successful con. Then their students are oft simply conned and the coattails of success are grasped by going along with the teachers. But in all of them - ALL of them is the center of a totally sick-fuck. Or at some point they would vomit all this poison out.
Hah...yea, anybody who isn't a "crackpot conspiracy theorist" in this crackpot inside-out and backspinning world is a crackpot.
ReplyDelete"Crazy" is certainly not properly defined by majority vote in a pathological society.
We may split peas in the very same pod Waldo, but I doubt any of us here as COTO is crazy. We are far along on the road of sanity. It may be painful in this mad medium we need swim in, but our sense of direction is true. {a mixed metaphoric spangle sparkler fer ya's}
Speaking of food fed eats etc.,
ReplyDeleteThis one is a mind bender...all out in the open as "policy":
Government to government plan to seize control of all foods
December 29, 2011 by ppjg
We have arrived in Never Never Land and it is just like an absurdest cartoon.
"Homeland Security, that bastion of domestic spies, paranoid fanatics and otherwise unemployable misfits has now come out with what it terms “natural security”. Under this umbrella of a newly created faux security system, food is now determined to be “at risk” and must be protected by arbitrary rules, regulations and oppressive enforcement because otherwise agricultural terrorists from parts unknown, neither identified nor identifiable, might somehow contaminate our food. Never mind that our food is constantly contaminated by bio-piracy outfits in their efforts to seize and control through highly suspect patented ownership of virtually anything and everything we might wish to eat."~Oakley
Obama says from Hawaii "Let them eat Coltan" while chewing his Pacific Prawn and glugging the Puligny-Montrachet. The Servants must be giggly about the whole affair. Meanwhile earlier he attended the Pearl Harbor memorial. No transparency there. Just an election op.
ReplyDeleteKrakkerland must be revving up for a Rick Perry revival.
The frequencies say the Moneychangers are pulling out all the stops to dig the dirt on RP. Not that there is much. He's the kill switch for the FED or a dead man walking. The polls and primaries will tell.
In reality lawn work is a labor of the insane. Much like Krakkerland election cycles doing the same thing and expecting different results.
ReplyDeleteMy yard is leaves and dirt and if the Association Nazi's were on the march I'd go green and Xeriscape with a putt-putt course.
That would create a tipping point for the loons.
That's what they said about Anton van Leeuwenhoek when he said little microbian armies were invading our armpits. Luckily he survived long enough to let the Krakkers see for themselves.
ReplyDeleteNow let us assume the Macrobes who make us look like the microbes. Krakkers can go back to their lawn mowing. Reminds me of the meaning of life [python] A trip to Nowhere.
And with each headline and force majeure from OZ the sheeple just go over that event and onto who screwed the Hilton last night.
ReplyDeleteYet we at COTO can add another conspiracy theory prediction in the "true" column.
Is Hilton still screwing?? I thought she had joined a convent and sewn her peepee shut. No...that was somebody else, maybe Mirtha Goy?
ReplyDeleteHey Boom, I just realized you had already posted that about the food police...sometimes the daze brings haze as to whut and what and that nuther thing...issa duplidocus a giant sauropod from the Land Unknown and predicated upon the bucking bronto, if ya ever was at the Dinotopia Rodeo. Beyond here, thar be dragons, that drag on and on and on, rather like some rogue post.
Americans know that something fundamental is amiss. They sense—rightly—that they are being misled no matter which political party does the leading.
ReplyDeleteA long misinformed public lacks the tools to grasp how they are being deceived. Without those tools, Americans will continue to be frustrated at being played for the fool.
When the “con” is clearly seen, “the mark” (that’s us) will see that all roads lead to the same duplicitous source: Israel and its operatives. The secret to Israel’s force-multiplier in the U.S. is its use of agents, assets and sayanim (Hebrew for volunteers).
Another insight to Zionist occupied Amerika. The Israeli angle, although an on the ground reality, is only one aspect of this occupation however, as it runs deep in the psychological operation of the Public Relations Regime, and is in fact as old as the "discovery" of the western continent itself.
From the White Sea, the new submarine Yury Dolgoruky handily sent joint Bulava's more than 3,700 miles to Kamchatka where they nailed both their designated targets. The Bulava Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) can carry up to 10 multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs).
ReplyDeleteEach warhead can be set for a different target, and can drastically negate any missile defense shield that relies on targeting each warhead — much like the U.S. Aegis system installed as part of the Euro Missile Shield.
The Yury Dolgorukiy is a new Borei class Russian submarine almost 558 feet long and capable of carrying 16 Bulavas, or 160 nuclear warheads. The vessel was expected to be commissioned in 2011, and this test may be a final part of its sea trials.
Four days after the sub trial, Russia successfully launched an RS-18 Stiletto ICBM from a base in Kazakhstan that carried a brand new warhead also made to cut through missile defenses. The Stiletto can carry up to six of these warheads.
Russia's Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov told The Moscow Times he is not happy with the U.S. lip service being given to Russia over the Euro Defense Shield and will take appropriate actions to secure his country's defense.
Read more:
The Iranians may not shut down the Strait of Hormuz - but the Ruskies are obviously capable...
Man O'Man, March 2012 is looking dicey icy in a very refrigerated way.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince of a Thousand enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed"
Thanks for the rabbit story Waldo - I missed that one...I was playing rabbit myself at the time - running, hiding, slipping, and sliding...
ReplyDeleteSomehow I found my way back here to the warren.
1776 is over – it's OVER!
ReplyDeleteWe see, in the immortal language of Thomas Jefferson, “… a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object.” One that “… evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism.” The parallels are clear – and ominous.
ReplyDeleteYou like Ron Paul?
Figure this one out...
ReplyDeleteAND GOOD LUCK...we all are going to need it.
Well here it is the long spoken of and infamous, 2012 - we'll see if it lives up to it's premonition...
"Ultimately, I decided to sign this bill not only because of the critically important services it provides for our forces and their families and the national security programs it authorizes, but also because the Congress revised provisions that otherwise would have jeopardized the safety, security, and liberty of the American people," Obama said in Saturday's statement.
Ar ar...
spent the afternoon in caucus that i wanted to call "the crazy old peoples' caucus" but it was agreed that "gray panther caucus" had a better ring to it. whatever.
ReplyDeletethere is a lot of animosity against us boomers (rightfully so) because we sold out... and then fucked everything up. again- rightfully so- because who among us is most visible? bush, cheny and the chickenhawks... because the rest of us who walked the walk are invisible and out of "the media" because we dropped out... and STAYED that way.
the "kids" are waking up to what some of us (boomers) learned the hard way... there is no political process/ government/ country. they hope to change it through "peaceful protest." good luck with that. we gotta bring the teepers on board... who agree that everything is fucked up... but still adamantly believe that political process/ country/ government exists... and anybody who says otherwise is a whole bag of "isms" that the teepers don't understand... but are very emotional about.
Like "socialism." who-the-fuck... with a working brain... is a traditional "socialist" any more? yeh- "government," in the old/ traditional sense can bring about "change" faster and more efficiently... because gummint has a monopoly on coercion. well- kiss that shit goodbye... because there IS NO "government" (in our traditional "consent of the governed" sense).
so the neocon ideology is to "privatize" coercion... like the mafia. that works out well, right? contemporary socialists... such as Rick Wolff... advocate democratizing the workplace. Good idea- but I don't think we have time. The International Green position is: anything bad/good for the planet/environment is bad/good for us. You can "kick the can down the road" (Boehner meme), but the teepers' "road" is about three feet long.
Or about 90-days long in the ingrained (corporate 10q) mentality. Everybody must be fed. Therefore, the piggy-wig solution is to let a whole bunch of us useless eaters die... or overtly kill us if artificial selection is not happening fast enough. Sorry. Natural selection always trumps artificial selection.
And their artificial selection is falling apart.
The spectre of 1932: How a loss of faith in politicians and democracy could make 2012 the most frightening year in living memory
Just read that headline...obviously straight from the ass of some copywriter at the Ministry of Truth.
"Loss of faith" in racketeers and the ludicrous scam "democracy"??
What? Loosing faith in bullshit is the problem?
And then to read the phony lollipop history this article lays out, is some of the most retchworthy text I have encountered in some time. The world is run by and promoted by fucking lunatics - no wonder it's going to hell in a handbasket.
"gray panther"?...ha ha ha ha..
ReplyDeleteI like your moniker better.
Call it nature, the cosmos, whatever rings yer jinglies, it's gonna rise up and spit like a cobra this coming. All the signs are glowing like neon in a black desert night.
It'll be quite a show 'till the wave breaks on your personal shore.
Ya up for some surfin'? "Come on a safari with me".
Some times repetition instills comprehension and memory. May not help with the vestigial logic gland of certain gomers however.
ReplyDeleteCan ya believe that shit?! Jackoffs wanting to become Fookin Food Kops?! WTF! Predictably, stormtrooper fooking food kops, following the Hell's Kitchen's Chef's recipes. No logic from Us! No food for you!
Now, the bad stuff poison is good...and the good food stuffs are bad. "Because we say so! We are the food arbitraitors! See? We have this little 'official' piece of paper from the Top Chef. We have the License to fook with your food. You are useless eaters anyways? When we say swallow, you ask 'how many times Chief Food Chef'! No more Happy Meals for you useless eaters -- only sad meals, only bad meals".
And Then?
The Biggest Food Fight in the World's History broke out! A hell of a mess I tell's ya.
Those were "leaders"? I can't follow the leader, because I don't see any. Can't recognize a one of them. Do you think anybody knows what a real leader is? What they look like, what they do? Like the axiom -- actions speak louder than words. The hilarious and simultaneous really sick thing going on is that leaders are considered great leaders by the populations when they're really good Liars. Grok that. Puhlease. Solemnly. That's some weird psycho shit there! The more adept at lying, at twisting, at subterfuge, at ignoring what you said publicly in print or media, then doing the exact opposite...the higher qualified you are for being a great leader.
ReplyDeleteSociety is seriously bizarre and messed up.
Quit showing off warren beatty. You make us look like a kill of crayfish returning to our nests in the desert cacti. Er, slapping, hoofing, romping, and flatuating.
ReplyDeletedon't analyze that much.
It was just 11:11. Think I'll go to bed. You mean there's a party somewhere? If there's a party somewhere and you miss it, did it really happen? I hope for 2012, that the things that "should happen" will happen. Yeah...I got my own list. How about you COTO? If we don't decide, someone else will decide for us, and I've seen that horror movie too many times. Happy New Year starts here.
ReplyDeleteit's only 10:52 I'm not going to bed just yet.
ReplyDeleteTell ya what Boom, I gotta list of what "should" happen too.
We can both start writing our headlines to those stories, and see how fast 'reality' catches up with us. And when they don't, I guess we can sue and tell them it's some sort of mistake, they got it all wrong and we want our time back. Aye?
Have a Happy New Year got your own happy button, learn how to push it.
"When the facts don't fit your theory - change the facts"~Attributed to Einstein...but somehow I just can't imagine him saying it. Sounds more like voodoo than physics to me. But, hey, maybe A-bombs are voodoo.
Hah...sounds like a "great party" don't it? Join in a lock-down jamboree for great new years fun...jeeeeeeeeeeeezzoids
ReplyDelete"Our helicopters will be up in the air and checking the 200-block area around Times Square," Kelly told the CNN television network on Friday. "Everyone that enters the area will have to go through a magnetometry check." Horse-mounted police officers, bomb-sniffing dogs and police patrol boats are also part of the security deployment. "We have heavy weapons response teams that are in, you know, appropriate locations," Kelly said.
Yes, and Captain Kirk changed the rules on the zero sum game so he would win.
ReplyDeleteWith so many new "rules" comin down out of the Red Dawn Sky from the unelected "sanhedrin" world improvers, compliance is going to be a full time job; same with the enforcement.
If the rulers or rule-makers act outside the law (or laws of common sense, or unalienable laws, or laws of morality, or laws of human natures, etc., etc.), plus their standing as 'elected' representatives of the People, or even qualifying as sane human beings, or rule makers with no clue, or cruel makers unaware of the rules, and all other zany, wacky, and crazy attributes that can be fairly attributed to said figures...
Why would anybody follow such confusion? I believe the rapidity of the advertising program, and the stupidity of such clusterfuckedness is the the point. Can I get a witness?
Happy New Year COTO!
The Average American Ate (Literally) A Ton This Year
ReplyDelete1,996 pounds, or nearly one ton. This is an estimate of how much - by weight - the average American eats over the course of one year.
The figure comes from economists who crunched food consumption data collected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The USDA estimates that the average American is eating more than 2,000 calories a day. It's hovering around 2,700...
So all the fat assed Amerikans did some serious munchin' to acquire such stately figures...gawblesmarka.