My 16 year old just got a flyer from the recruiters. I plan to read the riot act to the school for sending that crap to My home.
Merry frickin chrtistmas.
[vimeo w=400&h=225]
On the Dark Side in Al Doura - A Soldier in the Shadows from Pulse TV & Maverick Media on Vimeo.
Perhaps we can claim these murdering ghouls were just that, some form of alternate universe phantom spirit...
ReplyDeletePerhaps we can face the fact that no, these are human beings that did these things - depraved beyond measure, but human nonetheless. I mean this of course in the genetic technical way of defining human.
In a moral sense they are far outside the boundaries of sane humanity which can be labeled in today's technocratic terminologies such as, 'Pathology'.
But "it don't take a weather vain to know which way the wind blows..."
Such character types make up much of the mythological history of "Western Civilization." These types have never had to be imagined, they have always been among us. This is what gives life it's knifes edge excitement aye? Regardless of what your big sister says there ARE real monsters in the world. And they are other human beings. If you think about it, that is the scariest part.
Beyond the actions of the grunt soldiers however is the system that condones this, allows this, in fact designs it into the training of the ground soldier. The psychological programs of dehumanization have evolved exponentially in the past few years Add in the super soldier drug soup and electro-hypnotic programming and the product is a brutal warrior-bot [in "best case scenarios" of the DoD and think-tank planning teams.]It won't be long if not already in the field that there are 1st stage Terminators v1.0, mostly an enhanced human warrior.
Such carnage as such as these will wreak in battle is beyond the sane imagination. And of course the great god of technology will continue to exponentially bloom with human killing machines that the system will turn them loose on all of humanity...and so the story is told in so many ways, because it is the logical arc of the charts that illustrate these things.
Xz x XxXyXz to the tenth place = Zzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnggg
The legendary "tipping point."
Now, real imaginative and prescient observers from any time can intuit thus in the nature of man and his engines of war. This has been the central character of large groups of humans for as long as we as a species can remember. Is it any wonder that the "prophets" of old would make warnings of such an outcome if sanity wasn't instilled in human beings?
Happy Souls Ties...
ReplyDeleteOnly 368 shopping days remain till the fat Mayan lady sings.
When you consider that most of Ron Pauls Political contributions come from the military rank and file and 76% of them are behind him, it could be that the very act of militarism on the hapless causes an awakening. That's anti to conditioning and may be why the elites are marginalizing returning vets. Probably they understand that in their wars of conquest are a realization to those that are their doing their bidding. My hope is, that should Ron Paul become president, he isn't just another turn coat in step with W and Obuma and the rest of the bought and paid for
ReplyDeleteI like a lot of what Ron Paul stands for (and has stood for, his record speaks for itself), that said not a lot has actually been accomplished during his tenure to change the direction of the country (world?)...he could be a real person, with real values...I don't know, I hope he is.
ReplyDeleteimo...If he is a real person with real values...then...either he'll get sidelined (JFK) or the system just doesn't care at this point in time..
Regardless, he does provide Hope to those needing it...
Some sickening stuff Kornisking...and true (for some units / people?)
ReplyDeleteGot to wonder why this is seeping into the public mind it the truth coming out? Or perhaps it's part of the destruction / loss of faith in the armed forces? Similar to what's been happening with local police forces...
I don't know, but I do know we're being manipulated at every turn.
Show me a happy soldier. The Green Zone. Where you create real terrorists by terrorists. It keeps Cheney's heart pumping and the Pentagram scum, pimping.
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious that in their planning, they knew that things would come to this point where they've set up their FEMA camps and are in the later stages of crashing the US constitution and are expecting an unco-ordinated knee jerk reaction rebellion by an unprepared populace. What they never expected is a rapidly advancing awakening. OWS took them by surprise and everything they've done to quell it has been awkward and over the top that has only accelerated the quickening. They keep getting caught but because they run the whole show, they've not been held accountable, YET!
ReplyDeleteThe question we're fervently asking is, are we at one minute to midnight or one minute after? If it's one minute after, we may already be screwed. If before, are we part of our own salvation or just awake bystanders helplessly watching this train wreck happen? Lets hope not.
ReplyDeleteKorn, I added the video. I have a nice collection of the grim reapers work. I'm pulling the evidence from this as well. Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteA-OK fearless leader.
ReplyDeleteHey Veri, I couldn't get my email to send this so I thought I'd drop you my answer here on that Cyclops story you sent me. \\||//
Communitarianism - the "Left" side of the synthesis to the New World Order. E-everything is smoke and mirrors [an ancient Mayan god, Smoking Mirrors - most likely named for a volcano god. Hey, that's just like Yahweh, 'He' was a Canaanite volcano god before getting recruited by the Tribe.]
See: "Open Source" v "Free Source" by googlong pong dong on yer bruiser.
And when you finish doing that, bring in the dog and put out the cat.
By the way wasn't the Cyclos a monster in the 7th Voyage of Sin Bad enough and you get sent to the office for a whack with the e-sack of shatter ax?
Well, sounds like poetic justice to me...and I heard it in surround sound at Mt. Hairyfat.
"We will squish no grape before it's time"~Gallo Layo'er
~Mane Frame
That's what you get when you start a town on astroturf - they grow up to be astrocities...
ReplyDeleteBring in the duck and put out the bat. Furlough begins tomorrow.
God or Yahweh (I lean more towards Mescalito), I can't wait til you get your computer glitch solved. I keep wanting to send you video's I discover and I can only send you short ones ( I'm average) my old flames told me that size doesn't matter. Ya right!
ReplyDeletegood on ya kamrade korn! i hope ya skins dey butts an don stop at da nutz!
ReplyDeletepeddling war-porn to my kiddies almost got em a trip to fist-sitty. eyes a pacifist too... but sometimes ya gotta resort to the 2x4 attention-getter.
This is a very good outline if you are somewhat flamboyant with the historical period:
ReplyDeleteFall 1941: Pearl Harbor and The Wars of Corporate America
by Jacques R. Pauwels
Maybe the twine unravels at the idea of spazivist, and that isn't really what it can be a conscientious objectroid and not necissarity beam a spazivist. Personal, and familial self defense is not the same as well recognized aggressive war. Which is justly objected to.
Turkey’s recent and sudden change of position on Syria is an excellent example illustrating the real meaning of Western Ideal Islamic government. Just check the headlines on developments in Syria-Turkey relations in the last few months, and you’ll see what is meant by a Western-Approved Moderate Islamic government, aka submissive puppy state governing under the banner of Islam and Allah for show while fully performing for their Western puppy-masters.Sibel Edmonds [one of the frogs that jumped the kettle]
Of course the bottom line in the 'social contract' between the state and it's subjects is this:
ReplyDelete“We say jump – You say, “how high?”
Some background history to go with the Sibel Edmonds piece above:
ReplyDeleteThe irrational deep-seated hatred which the Anglo-American foreign policy establishment holds towards Iran is rooted in the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which overthrew the Four Horsemen stooge Shah and nationalized Iran’s oil and banking industries.
The Eight Families banking cabal much preferred the mullahs to the leftists. By 1982 CIA and MI6 were passing targeting information to the Ayatollah aimed at Iranian leftist groups like the Tudeh Party, the National Front and the People’s Mujahadeen. The mullahs unleashed a reign of terror, assassinating over 4,000 Tudeh Party leaders, while torturing and imprisoning over 10,000 Tudeh members and supporters. In 1989 many of those imprisoned were sentenced to death. [412]
Khomeini banned Tudeh, terming them “Marxist satanic elements” – something even the Shah hadn’t done. The Tudeh Party spearheaded the Iranian Revolution through their Committee of 60 oilfield strikes in Khuzistan. The party earlier ushered in Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, whose attempts to wrest better terms from the Four Horsemen-controlled Iranian Consortium made him the target of a successful BP-financed coup in 1953.
The US was now once again helping Islamic extremists, this time to exterminate the Iranian left. One US official assured reporters that the executions “would not hinder the warming of US/Iran relations”. [413] Big Oil was dealing with the Ayatollah as well, secretly shipping Iranian crude to Saudi Arabia for refining.
ReplyDelete"We are concerned about the government's actions, which have restricted the universal rights of the Venezuelan people, threatened basic democratic values and failed to contribute to the security in the region," Obama said in the written interview.~story
>Ha ha ha...imagine that, after the Congress just passed the new indefinite detention bill, that was worked out specifically to give the state total dictatorial powers with no legal relief for the people in any shape or form. Now Obama has the gall to makes such remarks to anyone else is the flaming tip of white hot hypocrisy.~ww
Referring to Iran, Obama added: "Sooner or later, Venezuela's people will have to decide what possible advantage there is in having relations with a country that violates fundamental human rights and is isolated from most of the world."
Unbelievable theater of the absurd, total fantasyland bullshit.