They were a beautiful people,what a shame they had to die and be maimed for the more than equal. Happy Hanukah.
And although they say its over,it aint over. Just like he said he wouldnt sign the indefinite detention bill,lies on top of lies with murder topping,treason as the cherry on top. Want some blood to wash it all down with ? Too bad blood cant be declared a danger to the environment.
And Happy Hunkashit to you too Korn.
ReplyDeleteLooks like we get more Purim skairum from the Chosenoids.
“Because you sacrificed so much for a people that you had never met, Iraqis have a chance to forge their own destiny,” he said. “That’s part of what makes us special as Americans. Unlike the old empires, we don’t make these sacrifices for territory or for resources. We do it because it’s right.”
ReplyDelete~Oboomba at Fort Bragg
Yea, it IS like being gagged with a spoon...
It’s now been exactly 24 days since I reportedon the ongoing joint US-NATO secret training camp in the USAir Force base in Incirlik, Turkey, which began operations in April- May 2011 to organize and expand the dissident base in Syria. I broke that story on November 21. Still, not a peep in the US media, and that includes the corporate-foundation backed phony, aka Alternative Media.~Sibel Edmonds
Well, that's not how the mainstream is going to tell this story – these parts are always left out, even if under pressure they are mentioned, the info goes down the memory hole as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteThey stick to the phony script regardless of how much is actually hanging out. This technique actually works. The TVZombies do not remember from hour to hour as they are pummeled with spin and fizz.
The viewing audience is on Alpha-wave dope, connected emotionally but not critically.
No matter how often this fact is stressed about the effects on the human psyche while watching television, so few seem to keep it in their pocket. Those who do, keep well away from the brainwashing machine.
I think the tribe had it in the bag able to lie outright without concern even before TV, but TV made the control they already had, a slam dunk. After awhile following the stories, people lose all imagination of their own and stop connecting dots. TV's a powerful propaganda tool. William Fox a Hungarian jew developed the talkie technology, I think it was jointly with GE.
ReplyDeleteEarlier this week a local radio personality was blabbing about the Iraq War,, and came to the conclusion that "It has been worth it!". Yeah numbskull, erasing an entire country and culture has been "worth it" for you to feel better about yourself after the FF of 9/11 (which the guy is oblivious about). Just like Madeline Alldumb's statement that the death of 500,000 Iraqi children from the "sanctions" imposed upon the country, "I think it was worth it!".
ReplyDeleteThe Iraqi's are "feeling the love and freedom" for sure. Perhaps that's why yesterday the Iraqi's in Fallujah were burning American and Israeli flags?
The fantastic news for today is, the financial "cost" to American taxpayers for this wonderful war of humanitarian generosity has been assigned a "number". A bargain at $4 TRILLION fiat dollars. Only slightly over the couple hundred million originally estimated. We "misplaced" and "lost" somewhere, more than the original estimates. You know, its hard to keep track of cash when you're shipping entire planeloads of pallets of the stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall Dumbsfeld stating that the Iraqi War would pay for itself with oil profits? This is how it goes in Fantasyland... Do pass that NDAA, because Americans need to be protected from themselves and everything else on the planet. Its sure to be "worth it".
"When you're watching TV, you are having someone else's dream."
ReplyDelete~Terrance McKinna
Ya know's hard now to cast the mind back to the time when the police state was hiding in the closet. Before it came out in all it's in your face jackboots and black uniformed storm troops.
ReplyDeleteAnd now that it is here and so obvious STILL they will not mention the term, "Police State," only the Orwellian euphemisms like "Homeland Security" etc.
The term "full spectrum dominance" can be used with out their cognition of what that really is: TOTALITARIANISM. It means it directly, "full spectrum" means "total" state/military dominance is the definition of 'Totalitarian'.
So what can be said for dumbfuck Amerikans that can't put 2 and 2 together? They are dumbfucks, there, that is what can be said. If it walks like a dumbfuck, and talks like a dumbfuck - chances are real good, it's a DUMBFUCK.
ReplyDeleteIn Less than 24 Hours Congress Could Vote to Change the Internet Forever
Does anybody know how this vote went? This story from IntelHub is two days old..
Well...I guess we have all been anticipating the end of free speech web...
2012 sounds like the year we will loose it.
Fuckin' Joe Lieberman...Somebody needs to turn him off and kick his ass down the road. Pack him up and send the little twit to Israel. Hell, ship out the whole so-called "government."
Made me fuggin sick to the core of my bowels. First Movement
ReplyDeleteBeethoven - Symphony No. 9 op. 125 - Second Movement
What a legacy this eternal zionist war, huh ? On a positive note, its almost over when armageddon begins.
ReplyDelete"This law of reciprocal maintenance governs all of life and applies to man as well as in his relation to Mother Nature. The world is not made for man, as we have been taught; both are made for each other. Man’s destiny and the destiny of the earth are interdependent. The evolution of the one depends on the evolution of the other, the survival of one on the survival of the other. Man is not separate from the cosmic process; he is himself part of the ecosystem he observes out there, and he must serve the evolution of the world as well as his own. That is the law of the cosmos, even as the palaeolithic shaman defined it many millennia ago."
ReplyDelete~G.I. Gurdjieff & the Hidden History of the Sufis
The following is something I wrote to Makow in response to his recent post; 'Why Satanists Fail':
ReplyDeleteBrother, I put here down back at the bank of the river. Why do you still carry her?
Believe, has it's modern connotations and meanings. However it is derived from the Sanskrit - "beleva", bel, meaning war, rebelliousness, juvenile...etc..
eva means, eve, earth, earth mother, nurturing, etc.
In Sanskrit the combination of the two words is a form of expressed opposition - bel verses, eva.
This sense of the word still maintains in the modern term, "true believer".
This may be a round about way to address it, but what I see herein is banter by those who have not thought things all the way through, and are thus in attendance to superstitious thinking. What manifests from such thinking is fear.
This is fine if your purpose is that of the tale around the campfire, the chill, delight and thrill with a spooky story. It certainly is an entertainment. However, as an intellectual investigation as to what it is we are experiencing on the material plane, I find it lacking and jejune.
To wit; We assume a Source. This is obvious in the dialectic presented in this site's discourse.
It is assumed as THE Source, as we are prevailed with such certainties herein.
This presumed Source is Omnipotent. Is this granted here?
Shall it also be endowed with Omnipresience? It would be appropriate considering the presentations oft presented here.
What then can be the place and meaning of some opposing force to such a Source? Your idea of "Satan", "Lucifer", the devil? It must be admitted that in presuming omnipotence and omniprecience of the Source, that this opposing integer is also a creation of the same Source. It would then, I should think, follow that the Source of creation has something in mind for have creating this oppositional reference point.
This is not rocket science, these are straight forward and simple concepts, and where they lead is what I meant from my comment at the beginning; that things have not been thought all the way through. I mentioned fear. For this is what I see - those stuck in fear of "the devil", stopped their thinking and are caught as if in a spell by the awesome fear it projects. Think it through - it has no power than that given it by the Source, and that power ends when the belief in it ends. One does not reject the power of the Source by rejecting the power of the devil, one more truly grasps the power of the Source in this way.
Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth - Good Will Among Men.
God Bless Everyone.
This is where the secular humanist and the judeo-cristo dudes have their differentses. We believe we are not indigenous to this planet but were brought here by an intergalactic genetic engineer. The New Jerusalem clearly being depicted as a spacecraft coming down to earth. The monkey-men, well they are prone to sling shit and eat banmanas.
ReplyDeleteThe only Hell that exists is the one created on Earth by human beings:`
ReplyDeleteJose Padilla, a US citizen, was lawlessly held over three and a half years in military and civilian confinement as an alleged "enemy combatant." Charges against him were spurious. Yet he was denied due process, tortured, brutalized, dehumanized, and transformed in solitary confinement to drooling mush.
Emotionally destroyed ahead of his civil trial, his lawyer said he resembled "a piece of furniture," unable to represent himself properly in court.
Yea...I've read some great science fiction predicated on this proposition Korn. The one of the judychrispenoidal ideation you memshion.
ReplyDeleteYes "clearly" that is a spaceship ala Reviton woowoo, rolly scrolls and thermite sparklers and all. It will be Transformers 13 on the plains of Megeddo stampeding into megadeath and we will see Charlton Heston's huge carved face on Mt Hairyfat laughing like a hynie eennah - in surround sound like a Lucas film.
No doubt about it...for thus it is written. "So it is said, let it be written," Yule Brenner {same movie as Heston}.
So, "bang gong and sing along - right on"~T-Rex
Secular Humanist indeed....Lol
ReplyDeleteThe is NOTHING secular in what I am speaking to -nada.
I am speaking theological and spiritual terms here, to draw the conclusion that it is secular is to misread, miscomprehend and bend that written in clear and plain English.
Putin dubs McCain 'nuts' {Lol -an obvious fact~ww}, says US drones, commandos killed Gaddafi
ReplyDelete“All the world saw him being killed, all bloodied. Is that democracy? And who did it? Drones, including American ones, delivered a strike on his motorcade. Then commandos, who were not supposed to be there, brought in so-called opposition and militants. And killed him without trial,” Putin explained.
“Mr. McCain is known to have fought in Vietnam. I believe he has enough civilian blood on his hands. Is it that he can’t live without such horrible disgusting scenes as the butchering of Gaddafi?”
“Mr. McCain was taken prisoner in Vietnam and was put, not just in jail, but in a pit! He sat there for several years. Any person would go nuts from that!”
Hah...I bet McCain pissed in his booties hearing this.
Well "those people" hate us cuz we got Mcdonalds and skinny jeans, so we just hafta kill them all. Reminds Me of being in Mexico. Some wacko would stab his old lady 70 times and the mex.cheaples would say " OH ! how he loved her "
ReplyDeleteOh that "love" does come in some strange assorted flavors...
I had a karate teacher in Acuña that got in a fight over a boy´s town prostitute and got knifed and died. Dude had a family and i never would have dreamed it. Love launced a thousand ships and sank ten thousand.