Reblogged this on Johnsono ne'Blog'as and commented: Va kaip reikia tvarkytis su įstatymų nežinančiais ir įgaliojimus viršyjančiais pareigūnais, save vadinančiais "įstatymais nustatytos tvarkos sergėtojais".
Along these same lines My podiatrist is back in the slammer. It seems a cop gave him a ticket so he files a lien on tjhe cops house or something so the judge held him in contempt again. I find it easier just to ask for a jury trial and they just dissmiss the ticket.
We've had the Infinite WOT, Enduring Freedom, Kinetic Springs, Kite Runner midnight pedo express, evolution derivative wars, Occu-TT, Lattice Assisted Nuclear Meltdown, and now this new phenomenon.
I think I'll call it Ammonite Cold Fusion.
What a great start to the millenium. Friggin fantastic. Hat's off to the whiteboys and the windy city.
imagine this, not only is he pulled over but then is required to show the content of his lunchbox to make sure hes eating properly to comply with This Idiot proposal!! you really can't make stupid like this up, it has to come from expert Stupid!
Churches being "used" to promote flu-shots?
People want to know who's sponsoring this -- probably the Health and Human Sacrifices Dept. Add one more to the layered stack of attacks upon the populace. No! Nothing is sacred to the elitists.
Last Friday I went to Sen. Landreau's office. When they asked me why I was there I told them I was here to arrest her on charges of treason for voting to S-1867. They said she wasn't in. I told them I'd be back with a crowd. So far I have only one other person that will go back with me.
I'm trying to get my spy-camera pen to work in the hopes I can get footage.
Good to hear from you M -- Bad to hear the Bad news.
Defenders of the Republic and People are gearing up. Read the comments on this thread --
I think we all see the "Games" underway are real as so far as they a prelude to a major transition. Without "doomsday" in the picture, the reality of a formula is here.
I cannot express my absolute confirm that the millenium 2000 scare was the first of the Genisis6 program from 1(999) I'd post some of this formula if I was not feeling under the microscope now.
I am certain of the stalking because of wierd personal events. The millenium Y2K was a staged fear hoax and it was programmed to disarm 2012.
Once again 911 came a year later. The events are all in progress and include all three prongs (E=MC3) What happens for the reainder of the year and next year will be just as now but with a greater amount of force and 2013 should be the year for a unified committee assault. But the fact is even non-believers and sheeple should see that everything coming from the statisticians of the grid is complete and utter bullshit and the third world is in the throes of end.
PNAC - RAD doc
followed by holyrood piece of shit May 25, 2001
Pearl Harbor
Armageddon, Reindeer games and Pearl Harbor - MKULTRA
President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States Of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by Naval and Air Forces of the Empire of Japan. It is obvious that planning the attack began many weeks ago, during the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American military forces, [I regret to tell you that over three thousand American lives have been lost.] No matter how long it may take us to over come this pre-meditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. Because of this unprovoked, dastardly attack by Japan, I ask that the congress declare a state of War.
Analyst William Blum wrote in his Anti-Empire Report: "The secret to understanding US foreign policy is that there is no secret. Principally, one must come to the realization that the United States strives to dominate the world. Once one understands that, much of the apparent confusion, contradiction, and ambiguity surrounding Washington's policies fades away."
"Examine a map," Blum observed. "Iran sits directly between two of the United States' great obsessions--Iraq and Afghanistan ... directly between two of the world's greatest oil regions--the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea areas ... it's part of the encirclement of the two leading potential threats to American world domination--Russia and China ... Tehran will never be a client state or obedient poodle to Washington. How could any good, self-respecting Washington imperialist resist such a target? Bombs Away!"
There are new signs that this sharply escalating crisis is fraught with peril.
Pointedly, Admiral Kravchenko warned, "today, no one talks about possible military clashes, since an attack on any Russian ship would be regarded as a declaration of war with all the consequences."
The only thing protecting us here at home is the fact that there are thousands of Russian Spies Mafia Slavetraders and extortionists in the cities. Chicago may be the safest city in the country.
There is an egg shaped moon in the sky tonight that I here tell is going to be painted red like Mic's door in about three days - too bad it's too cold to dance naked with all the teen virgins out in the cornfield this time a year...might catch some sort of pneumatic device or sumpin.
Personally I am protected at home by two feathered familiars and the dimple in me chinny chin chin. \\][//
"The Justice Department on Friday handed over more than a thousand pages of materials detailing how department officials gave inaccurate information to Congress regarding the botched gun-running program, Operation Fast and Furious which put more than a thousand weapons directly into the hands of Mexican drug lords along the U.S.-Mexico border.
During his testimony, Breuer even expressed “regret” that he didn’t tell others about the unacceptable tactics used during the operation that the high-ranking Obama administration official not only knew about the ATF’s botched gun-running operation that put more than a 1000 weapons directly into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, he allowed it to continue."
Now those of a rational mind would see it is illogical and absurd that Breuer was acting on his own, and not under the oversight and instigation of his superiors. something of this consequence is part of overall US strategy. This strategy is not a friggin' secret gawddammy...and such a program fits into the jigsaw puzzle like lingum in yanni. Anyone who believes the Justice Departments story has never read the Kama Sutra, and have no idea of the way the real world works. \\][//
Now that the Corporation is the only entity retaining human rights in the US, now regulation of them is going to be dispensed with. The legislation passed today is H.R. 527. The other measures are H.R. 3010 and H.R. 10. \\][//
The road to the technocracy. Nameless under the corporate umbrella, derivative mystique, operated under facades in a vacuum by computational algorithm transactions with no oversight or transparency. Just another form of drone acumen targeting opportunity with deadly and felonius force, free from accountability.
That was prescient..., but I don't think a narcissistic psychopath is going to grok the gist. To him its a crock, it is. Because, he is bereft of emotional empathy -- real "feelings". A lying reptile. A reptile lying in wait, and seizing upon the moment. A "leader"? Oh my, my, sheeple. Check your wool, for you won't be wearing it for long...
Regarding the Iran Jewel that Robbers & Thieves who seek to Steal it All; after first burning off the people, and the entire surface of the earth covering the precious Oil Jewel and Rare Earths beneath their feet...
The maddening and saddening truth is (ala Pearl Harbor, or Vietnam, or the Fire Fighters and other public servants who died "Helping" their brothers and sisters on 9/11) -- Orders will be given "at the top", and will come down the chain of "command", and men and women who have been trained to "obey" without thinking will act. And in their acting, they will become the hands that wield the weapons designed to annihilate. They will be complicit. They will have brought into reality by their unthinking and unquestioning actions, the Evil Intent conjured in the psychopathic minds of madmen. From thought -to- reality. A most magical transformation of hate into physical destruction.
Only when thinking men and women interrupt the hate emissions of madmen and women, will immoral commands be thwarted. Will plans of desperation and greed be run aground. Will the Will of the People rise above the mutated and despicable will of a few psychopaths. Walk away. Your duty is to humanity. Not to some BS directive. Order? The orders are out of order! Ever thought of that? What would ever make you think that all orders that you receive are moral and sacrosanct? Think! From the beginning of time, men and women have been making war upon others in the mistaken belief that they served a greater good? Read your history. The wars that were "good" are few, and debatable. Do not become a pawn moved by the man sitting far away from the battle field, imagining his next moves to attain His desires. How many leaders around the world today are concerned about "their" peoples? I wager NONE! Lipservice from them all. Lies. Others die. They smile. Will you make them smile?
Issa grand ol'flag issa high flyin flag...oompha oompha ompah foo...
Give me a hoot, give me a toot, give me a rah rah rah for the symbola you know the land of the fleas on the grave...
I look forward to the cosmic forensic report. ~ww
“You got to believe” he said with an ironic grin. Believe in what, you might ask? Well, I guess we have to go back to Mithra to answer that question cause it's all grafting and always has been. Time to call in another surgeon, I guess.”~Les Visible \\][//
To be clearer as to my first reply---that jingoberry hotschnobble voodoo chant given by Mr. Cop himself, Jack Webb, was recited in the late 50s.
At that time Amerika was no less a police state than now. It was just hidden in the closet. Very few understood this at the time. None of this was mention, codified openly, it was all national security and for the most part unquestioned.
The enchantment was even more wide spread in those days. This "Golden City on the Hill" song and dance has been bullshit from the get go. \\][//
Why would the Obama administration actively send 30,000 sniper rifles, assault weapons and firearms into Mexico even while claiming to follow an anti-gun stance back in the USA?
To answer that question, you need to understand P.R.S -- Problem, Reaction, Solution. It is the "playbook" that governments use to get what they want, which usually involves: 1) Disarming their populations, 2) Taking away all their rights and freedoms, and then 3) Ruling over their people as tyrants with complete power.~Health Ranger
To clarify this a bit more; by injecting these weapons into a violent sector, the gun violence is bound to increase to unbearable levels. It is at this point that draconian gun legislation could be passed by a public demanding a solution.
Rather than Holder and all involved in this getting their balls blown off politically and being neutered by the criminal laws they are guilty of perpetrating, the ATF can now demand more power and bigger budgets.
Yes, they are fucking getting away with this, because the whole government is nothing but a criminal racket itself – through and through. This is adequately shown to be so from many angles and approaches on these pages. \\][//
"The general population of this country are nothing but children that always seem to look to others to provide what they should have been providing for themselves when it comes to 'deciding on-what and how to focus in the living of their own private lives. Instead we have apparently embraced the latest form of Big Brother from 1984 that unforgiving zero-tolerance, bigoted, biased control freak that we call the POLICE-STATE just to relieve the lazy from having to make any decisions for themselves!"~Kirwan
It is blatantly Obvious! There is no way in Hell to defend against the Obvious. Only to distract, and Lie, none of which removes the Stain of Guilt, a bright, bleeding, red spot on the white tunic of American exceptionalism and imperialism. How long will The People continue to deceive themselves and allow themselves to live in delusion? Probably right to the Jumping Off Point, because Media has corrupted their minds. They want to believe fictions in place of reality. What a sad, sad way to experience life. Because you can't handle reality, turn on the TV, zone out, and go shopping. Nothing is real in make-believe land except the vast corrupted reality hiding behind our delusions. It was written in the book of Revelation that "they" will be given "strong delusions". Delusions that "they" want and "choose". I am understanding what it was saying now. Don't get hung up on personal beliefs. Just understand, that this insight has come to pass in a powerful way. Perhaps human nature has always preferred delusions to reality, I don't know. I do know I prefer truth and realness to lies and fictions. So we must ask ourselves -- does it matter? Yes or no is all we've got here.
Interesting views from a Washington "insider". Joe American is clueless as to how the "game" is played in D.C. This offers just a glimpse. Politics -- so many wonderful human beings involved, aye? Pick your analogy -- "you ain't gonna get drinkable water out of a urinal"....
What's up with the timing of Saudi Arabia's Prince saying they ought to have nuclear weapons? The current Iran issue in relation to this concept?
Reblogged this on Johnsono ne'Blog'as and commented:
ReplyDeleteVa kaip reikia tvarkytis su įstatymų nežinančiais ir įgaliojimus viršyjančiais pareigūnais, save vadinančiais "įstatymais nustatytos tvarkos sergėtojais".
Ha ha ha...and then the copper didn't have the gumption to chase the guy down - what a silly bunch of dodo...
Hey Johnsonas, can you translate that into englais for us mono-lingual folks?
ReplyDeleteI'd say this copper is now infamous in his district. So sorry...LOL2X
The global financial system is in a "self-reinforcing process of disintegration."~Soros "The consequences could be quite disastrous."
ReplyDeleteWell he should know, it is Soros and his buddies that designed this disintegration. [DMaD]
ReplyDelete"that's how to deal with legally pigally"
Along these same lines My podiatrist is back in the slammer. It seems a cop gave him a ticket so he files a lien on tjhe cops house or something so the judge held him in contempt again. I find it easier just to ask for a jury trial and they just dissmiss the ticket.
ReplyDeleteGet Your Korny Kreations third world war souvenir skull clamps for when it all goes to pieces.
ReplyDelete"'Que up! And skewer the brat wurst" Or...what do they call that in England is it?
ReplyDelete"Let's have some Bangers and Mash!"
I must be vibrating at a low level...BUT! The angel-wing Victoria Secret gal's chakras looked to be in alignment and "glowing".
ReplyDeleteWe've had the Infinite WOT, Enduring Freedom, Kinetic Springs, Kite Runner midnight pedo express, evolution derivative wars, Occu-TT, Lattice Assisted Nuclear Meltdown, and now this new phenomenon.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll call it Ammonite Cold Fusion.
What a great start to the millenium. Friggin fantastic. Hat's off to the whiteboys and the windy city.
Do you custom fit those Korn?
ReplyDeleteOr one size fits all?
I wuz thinkin' of using super glue...
No,,,I got it;
Yup that's it, that stuff sets just like bone.
Fills nice too. Sticks to most anything.
ReplyDeleteNitty gritty analysis. Yes, every sign, every tea leaf is screaming this.
Icy dicey to helter skelter...
imagine this, not only is he pulled over but then is required to show the content of his lunchbox to make sure hes eating properly to comply with This Idiot proposal!!
ReplyDeleteyou really can't make stupid like this up, it has to come from expert Stupid!
Somethings Up...with Obombya going to Hawaii in Dec. for 17 days! Has he left the mainland for plausible deniability? I guess we'll find out.
ReplyDeleteThe Holiday Season in America -- the Season of Giving...
Churches being "used" to promote flu-shots?
ReplyDeletePeople want to know who's sponsoring this -- probably the Health and Human Sacrifices Dept. Add one more to the layered stack of attacks upon the populace. No! Nothing is sacred to the elitists.
Last Friday I went to Sen. Landreau's office. When they asked me why I was there I told them I was here to arrest her on charges of treason for voting to S-1867. They said she wasn't in. I told them I'd be back with a crowd. So far I have only one other person that will go back with me.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get my spy-camera pen to work in the hopes I can get footage.
I also saw a trainload of those double-decker transportation cars being rolled through the city the other day. The game is on.
ReplyDeleteThe city authorities also broke-up the Occupy Camp. The fascists attacked the camp at 4am.
Good to hear from you M -- Bad to hear the Bad news.
ReplyDeleteDefenders of the Republic and People are gearing up. Read the comments on this thread --
I think we all see the "Games" underway are real as so far as they a prelude to a major transition. Without "doomsday" in the picture, the reality of a formula is here.
ReplyDeleteI cannot express my absolute confirm that the millenium 2000 scare was the first of the Genisis6 program from 1(999) I'd post
some of this formula if I was not feeling under the microscope now.
I am certain of the stalking because of wierd personal events. The millenium Y2K was a staged fear hoax and it was programmed to disarm 2012.
Once again 911 came a year later. The events are all in progress and include all three prongs (E=MC3) What happens for the reainder of the year and next year will be just as now but with a greater amount of force and 2013 should be the year for a unified committee assault. But the fact is even non-believers and sheeple should see that everything coming from the statisticians of the grid is complete and utter bullshit and the third world is in the throes of end.
I'd remind COTO
ReplyDeletePNAC - RAD doc
followed by holyrood piece of shit May 25, 2001
Pearl Harbor
Armageddon, Reindeer games and Pearl Harbor - MKULTRA
President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States Of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by Naval and Air Forces of the Empire of Japan. It is obvious that planning the attack began many weeks ago, during the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American military forces, [I regret to tell you that over three thousand American lives have been lost.] No matter how long it may take us to over come this pre-meditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. Because of this unprovoked, dastardly attack by Japan, I ask that the congress declare a state of War.
The smart enemy attacks you exactly where you think you are safe. In the White Matter.
ReplyDelete"The millenium Y2K was a staged fear hoax and it was programmed to disarm 2012."
ReplyDeleteExactly my prognosis Puddy. Reset the clock to woowoo with that one they did.
"I also saw a trainload of those double-decker transportation cars being rolled through the city the other day."~M
ReplyDeleteHey, can you be a bit more specific here? Please describe these things so we know what exactly you are talking about.
I think I know what you mean - but I'd rather not guess on something so obviously important...
Analyst William Blum wrote in his Anti-Empire Report: "The secret to understanding US foreign policy is that there is no secret. Principally, one must come to the realization that the United States strives to dominate the world. Once one understands that, much of the apparent confusion, contradiction, and ambiguity surrounding Washington's policies fades away."
ReplyDelete"Examine a map," Blum observed. "Iran sits directly between two of the United States' great obsessions--Iraq and Afghanistan ... directly between two of the world's greatest oil regions--the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea areas ... it's part of the encirclement of the two leading potential threats to American world domination--Russia and China ... Tehran will never be a client state or obedient poodle to Washington. How could any good, self-respecting Washington imperialist resist such a target? Bombs Away!"
There are new signs that this sharply escalating crisis is fraught with peril.
Pointedly, Admiral Kravchenko warned, "today, no one talks about possible military clashes, since an attack on any Russian ship would be regarded as a declaration of war with all the consequences."
The maniac demon Israel will not be satisfied until the whole planet is scorched embers.
The only thing protecting us here at home is the fact that there are thousands of Russian Spies Mafia Slavetraders and extortionists in the cities. Chicago may be the safest city in the country.
ReplyDeleteThere is an egg shaped moon in the sky tonight that I here tell is going to be painted red like Mic's door in about three days - too bad it's too cold to dance naked with all the teen virgins out in the cornfield this time a year...might catch some sort of pneumatic device or sumpin.
ReplyDeletePersonally I am protected at home by two feathered familiars and the dimple in me chinny chin chin.
"The Justice Department on Friday handed over more than a thousand pages of materials detailing how department officials gave inaccurate information to Congress regarding the botched gun-running program, Operation Fast and Furious which put more than a thousand weapons directly into the hands of Mexican drug lords along the U.S.-Mexico border.
ReplyDeleteDuring his testimony, Breuer even expressed “regret” that he didn’t tell others about the unacceptable tactics used during the operation that the high-ranking Obama administration official not only knew about the ATF’s botched gun-running operation that put more than a 1000 weapons directly into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, he allowed it to continue."
Now those of a rational mind would see it is illogical and absurd that Breuer was acting on his own, and not under the oversight and instigation of his superiors. something of this consequence is part of overall US strategy.
This strategy is not a friggin' secret gawddammy...and such a program fits into the jigsaw puzzle like lingum in yanni. Anyone who believes the Justice Departments story has never read the Kama Sutra, and have no idea of the way the real world works.
Keep the lint out of that dimple...may have barium in it.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the JGirl? MIA?
Now that the Corporation is the only entity retaining human rights in the US, now regulation of them is going to be dispensed with.
ReplyDeleteThe legislation passed today is H.R. 527. The other measures are H.R. 3010 and H.R. 10.
Yea...??? I don't know where Jayjee is. I wrote to her at her email a bit ago and never heard back there either.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what's up?
ReplyDeleteUS government openly admits arming Mexican drug gangs w/30,000 firearms - but why?
Harry Morgan Dies at age 96
The road to the technocracy. Nameless under the corporate umbrella, derivative mystique, operated under facades in a vacuum by computational algorithm transactions with no oversight or transparency. Just another form of drone acumen targeting opportunity with deadly and felonius force, free from accountability.
ReplyDeleteThat was prescient..., but I don't think a narcissistic psychopath is going to grok the gist. To him its a crock, it is. Because, he is bereft of emotional empathy -- real "feelings". A lying reptile. A reptile lying in wait, and seizing upon the moment. A "leader"? Oh my, my, sheeple. Check your wool, for you won't be wearing it for long...
ReplyDeleteRegarding the Iran Jewel that Robbers & Thieves who seek to Steal it All; after first burning off the people, and the entire surface of the earth covering the precious Oil Jewel and Rare Earths beneath their feet...
The maddening and saddening truth is (ala Pearl Harbor, or Vietnam, or the Fire Fighters and other public servants who died "Helping" their brothers and sisters on 9/11) -- Orders will be given "at the top", and will come down the chain of "command", and men and women who have been trained to "obey" without thinking will act. And in their acting, they will become the hands that wield the weapons designed to annihilate. They will be complicit. They will have brought into reality by their unthinking and unquestioning actions, the Evil Intent conjured in the psychopathic minds of madmen. From thought -to- reality. A most magical transformation of hate into physical destruction.
Only when thinking men and women interrupt the hate emissions of madmen and women, will immoral commands be thwarted. Will plans of desperation and greed be run aground. Will the Will of the People rise above the mutated and despicable will of a few psychopaths. Walk away. Your duty is to humanity. Not to some BS directive. Order? The orders are out of order! Ever thought of that? What would ever make you think that all orders that you receive are moral and sacrosanct? Think! From the beginning of time, men and women have been making war upon others in the mistaken belief that they served a greater good? Read your history. The wars that were "good" are few, and debatable. Do not become a pawn moved by the man sitting far away from the battle field, imagining his next moves to attain His desires. How many leaders around the world today are concerned about "their" peoples? I wager NONE! Lipservice from them all. Lies. Others die. They smile. Will you make them smile?
Issa grand ol'flag issa high flyin flag...oompha oompha ompah foo...
ReplyDeleteGive me a hoot, give me a toot, give me a rah rah rah for the symbola
you know the land of the fleas on the grave...
I look forward to the cosmic forensic report. ~ww
“You got to believe” he said with an ironic grin. Believe in what, you might ask? Well, I guess we have to go back to Mithra to answer that question cause it's all grafting and always has been. Time to call in another surgeon, I guess.”~Les Visible
To be clearer as to my first reply---that jingoberry hotschnobble voodoo chant given by Mr. Cop himself, Jack Webb, was recited in the late 50s.
ReplyDeleteAt that time Amerika was no less a police state than now. It was just hidden in the closet. Very few understood this at the time. None of this was mention, codified openly, it was all national security and for the most part unquestioned.
The enchantment was even more wide spread in those days.
This "Golden City on the Hill" song and dance has been bullshit from the get go.
Someone else having a go at it, trying to Wake Up the Sleeping Sheep!
ReplyDeleteVery good points in here:
Why would the Obama administration actively send 30,000 sniper rifles, assault weapons and firearms into Mexico even while claiming to follow an anti-gun stance back in the USA?
ReplyDeleteTo answer that question, you need to understand P.R.S -- Problem, Reaction, Solution. It is the "playbook" that governments use to get what they want, which usually involves: 1) Disarming their populations, 2) Taking away all their rights and freedoms, and then 3) Ruling over their people as tyrants with complete power.~Health Ranger
To clarify this a bit more; by injecting these weapons into a violent sector, the gun violence is bound to increase to unbearable levels. It is at this point that draconian gun legislation could be passed by a public demanding a solution.
Rather than Holder and all involved in this getting their balls blown off politically and being neutered by the criminal laws they are guilty of perpetrating, the ATF can now demand more power and bigger budgets.
Yes, they are fucking getting away with this, because the whole government is nothing but a criminal racket itself – through and through. This is adequately shown to be so from many angles and approaches on these pages.
"The general population of this country are nothing but children that always seem to look to others to provide what they should have been providing for themselves when it comes to 'deciding on-what and how to focus in the living of their own private lives. Instead we have apparently embraced the latest form of Big Brother from 1984 that unforgiving zero-tolerance, bigoted, biased control freak that we call the POLICE-STATE just to relieve the lazy from having to make any decisions for themselves!"~Kirwan
ReplyDeleteYup...itsa freakout...
I've been feel'n the same thing! where is jg? I'm worried!
ReplyDeleteIt is blatantly Obvious! There is no way in Hell to defend against the Obvious. Only to distract, and Lie, none of which removes the Stain of Guilt, a bright, bleeding, red spot on the white tunic of American exceptionalism and imperialism. How long will The People continue to deceive themselves and allow themselves to live in delusion? Probably right to the Jumping Off Point, because Media has corrupted their minds. They want to believe fictions in place of reality. What a sad, sad way to experience life. Because you can't handle reality, turn on the TV, zone out, and go shopping. Nothing is real in make-believe land except the vast corrupted reality hiding behind our delusions. It was written in the book of Revelation that "they" will be given "strong delusions". Delusions that "they" want and "choose". I am understanding what it was saying now. Don't get hung up on personal beliefs. Just understand, that this insight has come to pass in a powerful way. Perhaps human nature has always preferred delusions to reality, I don't know. I do know I prefer truth and realness to lies and fictions. So we must ask ourselves -- does it matter? Yes or no is all we've got here.
Gorby and Newt back in action.
Primadonna Pimps
Interesting views from a Washington "insider". Joe American is clueless as to how the "game" is played in D.C. This offers just a glimpse. Politics -- so many wonderful human beings involved, aye? Pick your analogy -- "you ain't gonna get drinkable water out of a urinal"....
What's up with the timing of Saudi Arabia's Prince saying they ought to have nuclear weapons? The current Iran issue in relation to this concept?