The American Prison and the Normalization of Torture recent drops attributed to early release and military service. Criminals made in prison, delivered as assassins to NATO and then returned to work for the government tyranny. It's called the revolving door which works in the corp-political system as well.
Hey Puddy! Saturday started off as a brilliant clear blue sky day in upstate SC. Then, the chemjets hammered HARD all day from up north to the south. A massive onslaught of spraying I haven't seen for some time. Looks like you witnessed it as well by the pics you put up? A Bug's Life. Makes me want to bugout.
ReplyDeletePD, whaddya think about the postulating by Kirwan in this article?
I would pipe in with the tube to the bladder to play this little ditty as to Kirwan's and a lot of other analysis along that line.
ReplyDeleteMy postulate is the whole "Strategy of Tension" is being staged for the {anti-} benefit of the domestic populations of all of the "nations" involved - it's just World Theater in UltraMax. WWIII will be a Rugby Match that won't strike because the sulfur is actually made out of powdered sugar from last years baked yams.
This scenario is dedicated to the proposition that all deals have been made and the new world order is the wedding cake that need no slicing to eat - issa done deal.
But they will make a jolly good show of building up the adrenaline in the glooble oodience and get a run on the cleaners for bleaching yellow stains from millions of undies, and other assorted absurd commercial ventures they have prefabricated for the mushroom folk.
Film at eleven, debunked by midnight, refurbished by next morning, cycle daily with new images. Cut and paste until you run out of digital glue.
Bread and Circus with java and Turkish tobacco...coming right up, going right down. Call your broker for details.
Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack
ReplyDeleteOn the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbour, the attack that propelled America into the Second World War, a declassified memo shows that Japanese surprise attack was expected.
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan's devastating bombardment of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to "open conflict."
Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled "Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States," it flagged up Japan's surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined "Methods of Operation and Points of Attack."
Telegraph UK 12/4/11
Of course much more than this has already been revealed proving that the attack was allowed to happen for the very purpose of inciting the US population to war. The Japanese were in fact provoked deliberately to gain this response by them.
The "federal [read: National] government" has been a serial liar from it's founding. It is especially blatant when one considers "The Indian Wars" and the way every single treaty with the Native Nations were abrogated and ignored.
ReplyDeleteThe US had engaged in acts of war against the Japanese for several years prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor with the express intent of creating the reaction finally given by Japan. Roosevelt is on record during this time period of exclaiming that the US needed a war above all else to pull it out of the depression that the New Deal was having no litigating effect on.
[See: Stinnet]
This is a historical review of the situation leading up to Amerikan entry into WWII.
ReplyDeleteWorld War happens when China goes on guard on the west and RUSSIA attacks Israel which is an attack on the Judeo-Christian world.
This war will be technological and serviced by Mossad-CIA Russia and US. The enabled Islamic armies in the regions of the 'stans' Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and possibly northern parts of Afghanistan aided by Libya, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi and Syria, Magog.
The IRAN-ISRAEL scare is just fear frequencies. IRAN is RUSSIA post cold war. Russia is Gog and the Great Whore EU and the US will unleash the beast of EMP and we will see the great quake and tsunami from the Cumbre Vieja in the palms of the Canary Islands.
China will suffer the plagues and millions will die. The armies will come here to America and arrive through the doors of the NAU from the north, west and Mexico. Americans will die from the tsunami and Pestilence, disease, and bloodshed.
Departure of the elites may be in space for some but most will be in Antartica, northern polar bunkers and assorted other DUMB's. They have no enemies outside of those who will die. Twenty years of thievery has been mainly to purchase passage into the limited safe houses.
EMP is the issue for it has to eliminate the threat of M.A.D. via nuclear holocaust. That's my nutshell view on twentyfive years of war games and scenario. 2013 is the big year, though the subtle events start March 2012. The emergence of the New "Old world Order" begins 2019 after seven years of transformation and ninety percent depopulation.
It will take seven years alone just to bury the dead. If you survive you will need a strong back and a shovel.
Ditto. Full overcast by 3PM
ReplyDeleteI just cant read anymore this week Willie but does this indicate FDR, Stalins knowledge of the attack as indicated by FDR's zionist cabinet and the embargo's to Japan while in conflict with China? Does it indicate how they knew Japanaes culture and saving face? Knowing the response, it would bring the Congress and American sheeple to a fighting posture for the European Rothticks and set the stage for the state of Israel under the leadership of the "Whiteboys"
ReplyDeleteDon't say America wasn't warned.
ReplyDeleteAs Alex Jones has said throughout the past decade on his heroic radio show, the military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan was a test run for what's coming: the military occupation of America.
The drones, the battle-tested troops, the high-tech gadgets, the trigger-happy mercenaries, will all be used against the American people. Farms, houses, families, dreams, will all be destroyed. The ruling financial raiders will take no prisoners alive.
The banksters in Washington and London have pillaged America for a century and brainwashed its outstanding military to pillage and burn the rest of the world. Now the time has come to burn America down. They want America to be consumed by the fires of hell.~Saman Mohammadi of disquietreservations
Yes Puddy, more than anything the provocation was first and foremost to get the Amerikan military into the European theater, it was the back door for the US to crush Germany from the west, while the Soviets crushed from the east, like a vice, the pincer action.
ReplyDeleteHitler of course had been groomed for sometime, and his education on what the Jewish International was up to in Germany, among many of the nations. He was prepped to establish the the 'Antithesis' to the Communist 'Thesis', and the ultimate synthesis of this algorithm would be the establishment of Israel.
Remember as well the Fabian plans for China with Mao. The Japanese Empire had no place in the plans of the Fabians.
It was Japan and Germany that would be destroyed and reconstructed as neocolonial regimes for their respective regions. Both East and West Germany were a continuation of the dialectic synthesis throughout the period known as 'The Cold War' - which we see came to the fruition with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and a new cycle of synthesis emerged as 'The War on Terror'
'The Great Game' is what all of this has been called in the planning circles - you know their names. Huntington and Brzezinski are two of the stars of this dialectic. There are many more as well, Kissinger comes to mind - but the whole 'National Security Establishment' is and has been involved in this as a conduit for the agenda of the Rothschild Zionist/Fabian cabal.
As you can define it yourself, this umbrella is wider and involves a large group of blueblood families from auld European lines. The Vatican must be mentioned as well, with it's ancient ties to the Roman Empire and the legacy and template it carries forward.
Hi Puddy,
ReplyDeleteOf course this is all derived from the playbook of Saint John the Divine - which I agree is the template the Cabal is following.
I don't think they seriously believe that this Armageddon will take place. I think they plan on orchestrating it so that the appearance of it takes place but try to control it without total nuclear destruction occurring.
THAT is their major miscalculation - a "mistake," {divine intervention if you will} will prove the adage; "best laid plans of mice and men..."
So we are in agreement - I just don't thing the holocaust is intentional on the part of the planners at the very top of the pyramid. There are complex reasons for maintaining this view, mainly metaphysical ones - or you could use the word spiritual as well.
ReplyDeleteI have the same detector and did the same test after recent snow. It was the same results. My entire yard was lit up. Same response.
I love Dr. Rosalie
and Turtles bay at Ki Moon
The Gathering Storm of Dictatorship in Europe
I'll read this next week. Thanks. If George S. Patton, Smedley D. Butler and James V. Forrestal were alive today they'd be calling Obama the "King across the Water" as he himself believes he is.
ReplyDeleteObama is a remorseless elitist megalomaniac in the proverbial sheeps clothing. Oh wait that is a Fabian.
They just provide the means to destroy ourselves. People underestimate the dog eat dog principles and the power of psychotronic weapons and ENMOD.
ReplyDeleteThey won't need to do anything but what they have been doing for years. Just up the frequencies and we'll all hang ourselves.
Don't mistake this scenario with them having to operate it. The minions, administrators and suicide bombers will do that. Mostly we will enable our own funerals. This whole Zero Point effort is to bring to the forefront the necessity to educate the masses to understand that Satan is EMR, technocracy and science the chemistry for compound chaos and massive madness self inflicted.
The lemming running off the cliff is best example to picture the panic. Dividing the effects of zombism, total fear, murderous rage, self preservation and confusion are enough to do it.
Don't let intellectual reasoning shadow the reality of a superstitious, mind altered or pandemic ridden populace, without means or resources not to become the very playbook of Saint John the Divine in a contemporary setting, repetetively reinforced and multifactorially presented in planned culture driven convention.
I saw this show after Charlie Rose. Tavis and Prince. I was glad someone got this on youtube. Dick Gregory is a smart old bird in many ways.
Yehovah's at least were smart enough to save days not voting. I laugh at myself a lot and that's a good thing.
Blacks in America are the place to look for the technology we will all know well soon enough. The beast is invisible but very deadly.
Well this struggle is going to hit the [RESET] button, I think that is a given.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure where that is going to land us. It could be quasi pre-industrial, with enough information and parts to start over more quickly, it could be harsher and land in a medieval mode, and almost worse case would be stone age - the totally worse scenario would be the eradication of species.
It could even be a total paradigm shift into a new experiential plain. And my best intuitive guess is the last concept. And there; "Thar be dragons" meaning a mystical unknown we can barely imagine, that has been imagined and re-imagined throughout the ages. And some of those imaginings seem harmonic with what I imagine it could be...and yet until 'manifest' remains mystery.
I have had a preview, but it is simply incomprehensible to put in time/space material life language. This glimpse was pregnant with infinite possiblilties, and all on a basis of choice. There is delight but terror in that as well...the thrill of being - a new dream. I don't think it will be without drama, and comedy and tragedy. A place of dull boredom? No.
Hah...I ponder is because this hovers there in my consciousness always these days, like a melody that plays along with the events of my experience, a "prologue" well recognized somewhere deep within.
I appreciate the fact of the awareness of the weaponry and the warfare being waged on all of this in this interview.
ReplyDeleteI will have to say however that the views of Price I see as tending to the superstitious.
What I mean by that is that the imagery is archaic. What is there about archaic imagery and language that makes it superstitious? There is the possibility, more a probability, of this language and imagery being taken literal.
But how is such alien imagery from out own experience to be taken literally? Our own imagine seeded when we were too young for discernment. Try as you may one will only come up with an 'interpretation' of such archaic -and translated from at least four previous- languages.
Of the millions of readings and constructions of these “Gospels” we find millions of interpretations, and a general consensus that undulates through time and history, even up to the present.
What then do "the prophesies" mean? That is very much up to you to decide as the consensus is not firm but wavers and changes moment by moment.
"For of those to whom much is given, much is required. And when at some future date the high court of history sits in judgment on each one of us--recording whether in our brief span of service we fulfilled our responsibilities to the state--our success or failure, in whatever office we may hold, will be measured by the answers to four questions:
ReplyDeleteFirst, were we truly men of courage--with the courage to stand up to one's enemies--and the courage to stand up, when necessary, to one's associates--the courage to resist public pressure, as well as private greed?
Secondly, were we truly men of judgment--with perceptive judgment of the future as well as the past--of our own mistakes as well as the mistakes of others--with enough wisdom to know that we did not know, and enough candor to admit it?
Third, were we truly men of integrity--men who never ran out on either the principles in which they believed or the people who believed in them--men who believed in us--men whom neither financial gain nor political ambition could ever divert from the fulfillment of our sacred trust?
Finally, were we truly men of dedication--with an honor mortgaged to no single individual or group, and compromised by no private obligation or aim, but devoted solely to serving the public good and the national interest."
good link up there wildroot... and the metal detector... dam.
ReplyDeleteI could say this is the long-awaited Marxian world-revolution... but I won't. Red storm rising and all that. But the Truth is: the future is Green- one way or another. Clean: water, food, energy and information.
It may take a decade... or a century... or a millennium. How far will the great die-off go? We may all ride out on the wings of a ghost hawk. Who knows?
"Iran's semi-official Fars News Agency reported the country's armed forces claimed to have shot down an RQ-170 that violated Iranian airspace along its eastern border. A senior Pentagon official confirmed that the military had lost control of an unmanned plane and was working to determine the cause."
Leading off with a sentence I ended remarks above, I want to follow the thought just a bit further:
ReplyDelete>'What then do "the prophesies" mean? That is very much up to you to decide as the consensus is not firm but wavers and changes moment by moment.'
To be sure since the book of Saint John was written and became widely beheld, the phrase, “How could it be more clear, this obviously refers to this age, just look at the situation and how it fits allegorically.” For centuries this type of interpretation has surrounded the book.
Projecting today's technological imagery onto an interpretation of this archaic vision, is no different than all that has come before historically.
Yeats', 'The Second Coming' used this imagery as a response to WWI – THIS was surely the End of the World. And so it was for a time for so many...but alas it wasn't THE end of the world that is envisioned in Revelations.
I am not arguing directly that we are NOT facing such, I am merely pointing out that we have been here before in man's mind – but it wasn't actually so. That it is an obvious eventuality is certainly clear however. The nature of man veritably demands it. Or so it certainly seems.
shit William hat was clear and neat, didnt take ages to work out what you meant:-)
ReplyDeleteI agree, too many done deals already done, the civvies are just the bums on seats for their show.
heard a flash on that, I hope they did snaffle it intact..will put the wind up the dronecrowd. suspect the odd Two explosions were drone caused. guess Iran got pissed off bout that
ReplyDeleteWho said, all the Obama foreign policy comes out of Chicago by the "Whiteboys?"
ReplyDeleteU.S. official says no sign Iran shot down drone,0,6728345.story
Isn't "U.S. official" an oxymoron? I imagine this US Official who signs off on all these plebeian psyop reports is a programmed javascript and a DOM attached to a aquarium with an octopus named Occu-pi or maybe Saul.
Dead Birds in NC 11/30/11
ReplyDeleteThe Lingo Lariat = fun with language.
ReplyDeleteLexiludi Tootie Frootie, aw rooty.
When everything is as clear as archival glass, how many ways can you say it before you reach for the sauce, some Tabasco-moto flambe to spice the plate triangulate?
Criticisms keep flooding in:
"Too clever by a half."~Der Acadoomia Flood Council Ltd.
"Full of himself."~Fot da Smoople Magazine
"Elephant skin leggings would be tougher."~High Undies Corp.
"It doesn't matter, he's cute."~Teen Management Cruise
"But then again, just maybe."~Rearmount College Library Review
Remember why they used canaries in coal mines...
"Russia will downgrade its diplomatic relations with Qatar following an attack on the Russian ambassador by customs officers at Doha airport, the Foreign Ministry said on its website on Monday."
Canaries in coal mines. Check. Good thing to have. Flip the bird.
ReplyDelete"Give up your Rights! We'll protect you..." ~ legislative terrorists
"Shut up! You have no Rights!" ! Lindsey Graham, and 96 other Congressional traitors.
Give Up?! To Criminals?! You can't legislate away common-sense and inalienable rights. You've come to rob the wrong diner...
Glock; check.
ReplyDeleteMossberg; check.
Katana; check.
Attitude; check.
"A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." ~ Saul Bellow
ReplyDeleteThanks Puddy, that very thing has been on my mind these last few days, as we see Amerika shrug over S. 1867.
The words of Santayana swirls mercilessly through my mind as well.
It's not as though the reality of it is not already on the ground - it is codifying it blatantly in "Law" that shivers the timbers. Still the same old TVZombie yawn.
Moby Dick appears on the horizon - the chase is on...
Call me Ishmael.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul article – good.
"Ron Paul is committed to paying Wall Street's debts. Paul is committed to paying Wall Street's debts. His recently-published "Plan to Restore America" is an austerity handbook that puts the costs of free trade and bailouts on the backs of poor people.
It cuts or eliminates school lunches, WIC, assistance to Indian reservations and other basic social welfare programs, the environment and what is left of labor unions, while reducing taxes on the wealthy (including elimination of capital gains and inheritance taxes) and corporations."
Von Mises, Von Hayek, and next generation Austrian school economics are already know as they are being applied over much of the world at this time, and be summed up by Naomi Kline's phrase, 'SHOCK DOCTRINE'.
The extreme militarization of American police forces has been brought to public attention by the tactics employed against Occupy protesters, which often appear more appropriate to counter-terrorism operations than to the control of non-violent protest. According to investigative journalist Max Blumenthal, however, the proper term for this ruthless suppression of dissent should be "Israelification."
ReplyDeleteIn an article which begins with examples of American police training alongside Israeli security forces, Blumenthal writes, "Having been schooled in Israeli tactics perfected during a 63 year experience of controlling, dispossessing, and occupying an indigenous population, local police forces have adapted them to monitor Muslim and immigrant neighborhoods in US cities. Meanwhile, former Israeli military officers have been hired to spearhead security operations at American airports and suburban shopping malls, leading to a wave of disturbing incidents of racial profiling, intimidation, and FBI interrogations of innocent, unsuspecting people. The New York Police Department's disclosure that it deployed 'counter-terror' measures against Occupy protesters encamped in downtown Manhattan's Zuccotti Park is just the latest example of the so-called War on Terror creeping into every day life. Revelations like these have raised serious questions about the extent to which Israeli-inspired tactics are being used to suppress the Occupy movement."
Not only dissidents but even ordinary criminals may be treated as terrorists under the Israel model, which can also include the routine use of torture. Karen Greenberg, director of Fordham School of Law's Center on National Security, told Blumenthal, "After 9/11 we reached out to the Israelis on many fronts and one of those fronts was torture. The training in Iraq and Afghanistan on torture was Israeli training. There's been a huge downside to taking our cue from the Israelis and now we're going to spread that into the fabric of everyday American life? It's counter-terrorism creep. And it's exactly what you could have predicted would have happened."
Link is to a short pps presentation on "how" you keep your "Rights"
ReplyDeletePlease reflect on the gigantic Number of lives lost in the 20th Century by those who gave up their Right-to-Bear-Arms. It is a duty for every living soul to fight and protect their families and things you've worked hard for. It is honorable to stand and protect those who cannot defend themselves. It is a pity some are too ignorant or misguided to take responsibility for themselves. If they are lucky, someone else may save them from themselves by standing tyranny down. Check the numbers -- Check the history. Don't be a dumb sheep -- they get slaughtered!
ReplyDeleteThe Obama regime’s objection to military detention is not rooted in concern for the constitutional rights of American citizens. The regime objects to military detention because the implication of military detention is that detainees are prisoners of war. As Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin put it: Should somebody determined “to be a member of an enemy force who has come to this nation or is in this nation to attack us as a member of a foreign enemy, should that person be treated according to the laws of war? The answer is yes.”
Detainees treated according to the laws of war have the protections of the Geneva Conventions. They cannot be tortured. The Obama regime opposes military detention, because detainees would have some rights. These rights would interfere with the regime’s ability to send detainees to CIA torture prisons overseas. [Yes, Obama is still apparently allowing "extraordinary renditions" to torture people abroad.] This is what the Obama regime means when it says that the requirement of military detention denies the regime “flexibility.”
The November 17 letter to the Senate from the Executive Office of the President says that the Obama regime does not want the authority it has under the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), Public Law 107-40, to be codified. Codification is risky, the regime says. “After a decade of settled jurisprudence on detention authority, Congress must be careful not to open a whole new series of legal questions that will distract from our efforts to protect the country.”
In other words, the regime is saying that under AUMF the executive branch has total discretion as to who it detains and how it treats detainees. Moreover, as the executive branch has total discretion, no one can find out what the executive branch is doing, who detainees are, or what is being done to them. Codification brings accountability, and the executive branch does not want accountability.
Saw that Rogue1. To be expected, aye? Sociopaths just do what they do. By the way, saw something somewhere saying the guv was giving free mil-spec gear to all law enforcement agencies. Christmas comes early in some parts!
ReplyDeleteIt is a war against the sane by the mad.
Christmas is bound to be a very weird one this year...and I suspect 2012 will begin with a bang.
ReplyDeleteSome calendarics indicate that this may be the last year of the present paradigm. We certainly have entered a ZOOOOOM torrent.
Some mystery story, adventure tale and morality play this has all been. Aye kids?
Somehow, my response to the above when abover...
ReplyDeleteFound the ditty about "".
The population is who needs milgear and bullet-proof vests. Shoot! We have to pay for em? Tasers, phasers, and lasers too?
"Over 46 MILLION in the U.S. on Foodstamps"? Really? That doesn't sound like our People's Representatives know "Jack" about running Shit, now does it? We'll just infer all the fuckups and fuckyoutoo's by the management team are intentional. Certainly we can infer why NOW is a damn good time for the admin team to hoist up NDAA S-1831 on a population that is already down and out. All rise and salute the Patriot Act as well -- for protecting us from our freedoms and keeping the real criminals from prosecution. Yee hah!
"It is a war against the sane by the mad" ~ Rogue1
ReplyDeleteAnd I am mad about the insane!
Maybe this thread will work:
“World War Three starts tomorrow, and America is going to loose.”~School boy on September 8th 2001
Whatever happened to the idea:
School is prison
That video "comparing" prison to modern schools is one of the most graphic displays I've seen of a society being mind-controlled with a FEAR agenda. Completely offensive in the realization of what is being done in the name of "education". Long gone in American history is the little old school house in a country town. What is being offered to American Family's children today is constant surveillance, concrete and metal surroundings, metal detectors, and an imposed "system" of control under the guise of "education: and protection". I am appalled, even knowing this before hand. Seeing an A/B comparison of schools with jails makes it very clear what the "Agenda" of the elites is -- control and servitude of the masses. For the elites, lawless predatory feeding upon the slaves and world at large. If we don't approve WE have to do something about it.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul's views on Israel get me well as his disconnect from 9/11 and Israeli linkages. Also, Fukushima, and others:
here is a cool article one wrh that shows just how much warning we had, and how deliberately we allowed it to happen. starts off with a pic of the local Honolulu newspaper from a week before the attack with
ReplyDelete:Japanese may strike over weekend". includes data on when we broke what codes, what embassy staff tried to warn FDR, and much more.