Friday, December 23, 2011


Many of the documents and links are disappearing from the grid -As are the people who have seen the underground. I had over a hundred links on DIA and Dulce and now they are mostly unclaimed domains.

My source MSB say the recent Denver 5.3 haarp quake blamed on fracking, mining or other A type phenomenon was instead a bio incident either accidental or perpetrated by a patriot.

As I have reported from Phil Schneider and my own research, the DIA DUMB is the biological and EM weapons storage facility. The DUMB rail systems have been under construction since Cheyenne Mountain in the mid fifties. The rail/tunnels now connect to Mt. Weather [HPSF] and Iron Mountain the biological event in August this year was the reason for the quakes in Virginia and Colorado. Tunnel systems from Cheyenne to Los Alamos and connecting to Dulce [DSD-3]

Denver designated White mountain is nothing more than Auschwitz-Birkenau, Chelmo and Treblinka combined with three or four major rails extending to designated under/overground FEMA points.

This video provides some indication of the "shower heads" bio release for tunnel holding facilities.


COINTEL crap regarding the alien reptilian connection whether they stage this event like they did for Phil Schneider may or may not be the useful tool for fools to travel the rails to death. They could decide on the NASA bluelight white star comet or a nuclear or bio assault or opt for the triumvirate of terror and exercise all three.

What we have are common Nazi Eugenecists and run of the mill Luciferian pedophiles psychopaths speaking of a Utopian New World Order where children are toys and Santa visits everyday.


  1. Merry Christmas! Skies totally flocked horizon to horizon from day/night chemtrails.

    Capstone at DIA -- March 19, 1994 = 3 + 33 = 333.

  2. Hmmm...? Totally blue blue skies here...after gray drizzle most of the week.

    My cap is stoned - can't recall the date...the long and winding buzz...

    Singing 'Jingle Balls' in slo-mo makes spookytoons.

  3. Denver was trailed and their storm coming here and Indiana.

    And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.


  4. Enron, Taliban & Warburg: The Untold Story

    A deep look into recent history with a lot of dots and connecting pop beads for your Aha Necklace...

    Da Poop Scoop.

  5. Gramm Blatant Leech - See Pax Americana tr. Britannia -

    The transition: Pax Americana (germanica)- Oil 1980 - 2008 the decline of the Anglo-Saxon Protestant powers/resurrect the Holy Roman Empire [Vatican]

    The stabilizer for transition in the battle for Assyria

    'Pax Mafiosa' This comes first followed by the return to Britannia World Order.

  6. The reason that “the revolution will not be televised” is because a real revolution will realize that the television is the main tool of the state that must be extinguished in the first strike.

    You can imagine the panic and confusion of the TVZombies when their screens go black...

  7. Without Faceboob and Twittle, they will be unable to communicate in full sentences to neighbors and authorities.

    A mass of incoherent babble much like Ms. South Carolina tring to read a map.

    Number 4 on my list is a shortwave transistor and a large sum of money to spend.

  8. The corporate media believes that outrages agreed to by both parties are not news.

    Cinéma Vérité exists at the intersection of film conversation, culture and criticism. And is also the psychological projection that if it is seen on the screen it is real...even more real than actual experience. [See: TVZombie]
    However as it is mainstream television is actually, Cinéma Fantastique. The corporate media believes that outrages agreed to by both parties are not news.

    Mass Delusion. Yes, just like the Germans held, it's not a police-state until the Gestapo comes for you.

    Obama has claimed the power to imprison people without a trial since his earliest months in office. He spoke in front of the Constitution in the National Archives while gutting our founding document in 2009. So why not pick the 220th anniversary of the Bill of Rights to further codify its elimination? President Obama has claimed the power to torture “if needed,” issued an executive order claiming the power of imprisonment without trial, exercised that power on a massive scale at Bagram, and claimed and exercised the power to assassinate U.S. citizens. Obama routinely kills people with unmanned drones.

    From, NDAA:
    “Nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.”
    “Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.”
    “The disposition of a person under the law of war as described in subsection (a) may include the following: (1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.”
    “The[...X'd out..] President may,[...], waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the [...] President submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.”
    President Obama wanted a bill that limited him in no way, and he is likely to issue a law-altering signing-statement that further removes any offensive limits on absolute tyrannical power. This type of signing statement is another example of something done secretly by Bush, exposed, turned into a temporary scandal, denounced by candidate Obama, then utilized by President Obama, formally established by executive order, and now more or less accepted by everyone as the norm.
    The corporate media believes that outrages agreed to by both parties are not news.

    A large majority of Republicans in the House voted to eviscerate our Bill of Rights, and the Democrats split 93 to 93. In the Senate both parties overwhelmingly voted “Aye.”~David Swanson

    The corporate media believes that outrages agreed to by both parties are not news.

  9. Critiquing a pathological culture becomes a frustration and bore as the general unit, widget, digitized “person” in such a culture has no comprehension of what is discussed in such a critique. Homogenized Hive Mind is extant in this technocratic society.

    So one tends to seek out communication with other critics, to find some common ground and approach for understanding, perhaps even alleviating the pathology in some way. And here thar be dragons.

    Yes here lies the danger because the hive mind has built-in self-denial/self-defense mechanisms. The present discussion of the military police-state gives some indication as to just how dangerous it really has become.


    Mass insanity and "blissful ignorance"

  11. So I point out it is dangerous to speak out against a draconian state. It is practical and rational. What is not practical is to react in fear. That is an emotional reaction and not rational. As hysteria can be an explosion of tightly packed suppressed fears, it is essential that these be addressed rationally prior to crisis.

    What is to fear? Death? Pain?

    We all die at some point at any rate. We shall all experience pain in our lives.

    Worse than those two is delusion, for it is a type of death that the walking dead experience, a twilight world of hazy being, no matter how excited their emotions half of their facilities are effectively shut down. The simple confusions this will produce in daily life are hidden in the subconscious of the hive-mind widget, and remain their as a collection of on the shelf off brand fears with no labels.

    These generic fears are the ones that explode into hysteria in real crisis. The TVZombies being plunged suddenly into the actual world that they never knew – consciously - existed.

    Again, all of this becomes obvious in hindsight, as such historical analysis such as 'They Thought They Were Free', a collection of interviews with common Germans who were in the Nazi Party, collected post WWII.
    But as Santayana warned, “Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to relive them.” and later noted by Hegel that, “The majority of people never learn the lessons of history”.

    It is perhaps ironic that it is Hegel's own dialectic which promotes even more synthetic ignorance among the general public who are manipulated by technocratic perception manipulations.

    I don't have any general answers to the present cultural dilemma, I can only frame the problem as best I can. The answers are always personal, dependent on the comprehension one can draw from such a frame. This is all addressed therefore to those who are aware enough to understand it. As it is said, one can lead a horse to water, but cannot make it drink.

  12. Only in amellika...


  13. sympathetic nervous system paralysis and right to left. Dysfunction of fight-or-flight and emotional dysregulation should be the call of the day.

    Instead the chemical assault and EM plasma wave circus that is television has teeth. Assuming Polyvagal Theory you can identify the masses by one of many precursors.

    Previous trauma conditioning - developmental
    current dissociation disorders - repression
    dependent personality-acceptance "the please disease"
    Cognitive dissonance
    Developmental abuse
    narcissism and sociopathy
    Drugs - Vaccines
    Vegetative vagal dysfunction (physiological)
    and flat out incomprehension and stupidity

  14. It is truly a paradigm shift of sorts that the violence that will be initiated by the segment of citizens throughout the world will largely identify them as healthy human subjects.

    ie Ted K was an example of a critical thinker who evaluated the situation and as a TI gangstalked vitim like Bruce Ivins and others becomes forced to flee, attack or self destruct.

    When in the triad or H Dialectic the transition from attacker and victim is reversed and the Homogenized Hive Minded manipulated by the Dark entities can play this out on reality TV.

    The dynamic here is so insidiously evident in Ted K to Ruby Ridge to Bruce Ivins. Only the government and the Monarck Media and mental deficient audience can overlook the Ruby Ridge back shooting women and babies and move to dismiss the reality.

    If we were not healthier ourselves COTO could find their emotional circuits overloaded to the point of parasympathetic shut down. We can follow a very smart fellows observation.

    "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - A Einstein

  15. Yes, we sit. Armchair warriors. Or, couch potatoes. Or, keyboard insurgents? Or, old farts with a conscience. Or, protesters in the street, making a statement by non-violence though being brutally "corrected" to understand who is in charge. Or, a fly on the wall, taking it all in, whilst the other flies fly down to the turds to spew and gorge... geez! What a selection to choose from the smorgasbored (sic-ness) of salami, headcheese, and exotic fruits.

    "Frame the problem?" Yeah. The problem are the frames we are proffered. THAT, is the BS. One must bust through the cages, the frames, the matrix, the barbed-wire-of-the-mind that is promoted as "the only choices available". When you're free in your head, you cannot be incarcerated or beaten. When you're free in your soul, the soul-less can only envy your state of being. This is where we want to be! This is where we are free! The mutant lizards can never achieve this "peace", which explains there need to control and destroy. Screw That, and Them! They cannot win, they cannot take your soul. All they can do is...dig holes. They cannot build. Up. Their works are all verboten, failures, empty and void of substance worth living for. So, what's the point? As they saying goes, "What shall you gain if you win the world, but lose your soul?".

    Chew on that cud lizards. The warm-blooded are always above the cold-blooded. You can never ascend. For there is no "heat" emanating from your cold innards. Pity...

  16. At any rate COTO,




    A prayer for this night and always.

  17. "...old farts with a conscience."

    That one will do for me. I need no specialty handle to hold this cup.
    It's what the cup is holding - not the handle. Issa toes that count, not the sandal. it's the not the wax but the light atop the candle.
    Randy dandy spandex dandle. See? Flatulent me.

  18. I posted an article about this a while back when PD first mentioned DIA. I knew nothing about it at the time. How on earth can you explain away a horrendously scary looking blue horse with red eyes, those hideous murals or buildings over a 100' high erected erroneously(???) and then buried underground still intact. What??!!

    I'm not sure about the sprinklers. Could be in case of fire? Internment camp or refuge for the elite? Can't be both, can it? I think not because I don't think the evil ones would want to be that close to the "animals" no matter how large those tunnels are.

  19. Righto... Great, back to our regular scheduled 'programming'.

  20. "spew and gorge"....:) Boom that paints the perfect image for me.

    I'd bet not many sheeple would see the XXXmas con as such an event. I'd bet some doubloons that the man from Nazareth was not born on this day. Santa and his Mithra like con game have vested many a mutton.

    Detox must come first. All the precursors must be dumped. A reboot first and then "virus free" programming must begin.
    The Zero-point awaits for those who do not decide to leave comfortable baggage in the hard drive. Whether dependent, narcissitic or greedy materialism, these are the ones that snare the humps on the hill and we cannot afford any of them.

  21. Are you making pancakes at 5:30 am? :) mmmmmm

    I have been convinced that Denver is the processing/fusion center for extermination. It is the largest complex and from a geographic and geological standpoint makes the most sense.

    Immaturity, ignorance and naivety along with btrauma conditioning and media a-reinforcing have the grunion in a state where they think the Third Reich was a made for movie event.

    The fact that they cannot put a face to psychopathic totalitarian eugenics in a 21st Century techno-model is beyond belief.

    The line in the sand for them will be at the time they are sitting on a 40 ft tunnel chamber with a Nazi depicted mural stormtrooper with a gas mask telling them they are going to be relocated to a Hawaiian Beach Resort or better known as a Alaskan Siberia FEMA camp. The sprinklers? Just tell them strip for delousing before they leave.

    Oh come on Puddy........They wont do that. They are groping your three year old and dumping granny out of her wheelchair. What could I possibly say to this pinhead?

  22. Nazi maggots. Like those that crawl around in a cow pile you flip over with your shoe in a pasture. Then, blackbirds swoop down, and peck and slurp those maggots up. You stand back in awe and disgust, and someone notes with a droll musing..."Hey, those blackbird's gonna get the shitznazis".

    I feel better now.

  23. Yea Nazi/Commie synthesis of the dialectical cycle has left us in a totalitarian pile that keeps piling up. mountains of it. Islands of it rising from the seas...

    Where's the remote? Gotta change channels here. Giddy-up.

  24. So true the athiest commie campaigns killed ten times more than the holocaust. I laugh at the religion kills crowd. As deluded as the AGW lemmings.

    Everyone has a religion and theirs is just scientific authoritarianism. Ego worship is the universal theme. Adolph was almost fuzzy compared to the Soviet/Mao mad cows.
