Monday, December 31, 2012
Ken O'Keefe - Sandy Hook False Flag Psy-op
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Hawaii State Registrar Alvin Onaka Has Publicly Certified To AZ SOS Ken Bennett : Barack Obamas HI Birth Certificate Is Legally Non-Valid And The White House Image Is A Forgery.
Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:11
BREAKING NEWS – Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery.(TOH).
As reported to AL HENDERSHOT, Editor of The Obama Hustle.
Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery. He also confirmed to KS SOS Kris Kobach that the information contained in the White House image is NOT “identical to” that in the official record.
Many of you have replied to concerned constituents that the matter is settled by the public statements of Hawaii officials, the HDOH birth index list, the newspaper birth announcements, and Obama’s posted short-form and long-form birth certificates. Onaka’s disclosure – the only one made by a HI official under oath –negates all that and fits the vast legal and forensic evidence collected so far, some of which is in my affidavit (privately posted at for NE criminal case #B2-119.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Commander, Mike Zullo (both of whom initially disbelieved the skeptics) have both signed affidavits saying there is legal-quality FORENSIC evidence that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and draft registration are forged.
Onaka has now revealed the REASON for the forgery: to hide the non-validity of the birth record. Evidence in my affidavit proves (among other things) that the 1960-64 birth index includes non-valid records.
Onaka’s disclosure is proof of results-altering election fraud in every state in this country, since fraudulent filing documents were used to place Obama on every state’s ballot. Absent a non-Hawaii birth record, Obama doesn’t even have a legally-determined birth date, place, or parents so nobody can lawfully say he meets the age or citizenship requirements to be President – and yet every Certification of Nomination falsely swears that he is eligible.
EVERY electoral vote for Obama is thus now LEGALLY KNOWN to be fraudulently-obtained and must not be certified as lawful on Jan 8th. As with the Sandusky case, those with knowledge have legal responsibility to act, and that is now you.
Our President has committed perjury 6 times by swearing (in AZ, NC, and WV) that he is eligible, knowing that he has no valid HI birth certificate (and claiming a Kenyan birth in his bio until 2007), and let his spokesmen pass off two forgeries as genuine on his behalf. He knowingly allowed a decorated military surgeon to lose his life’s savings and retirement and spend 6 months in prison for simply wanting to know if his combat orders were lawful, or whether they Constitutionally had to come from Joe Biden instead – who OPPOSED the “surge”.
It appears that many felonies have been committed. An impeachment must precede a criminal investigation and trial, so failure to impeach is obstruction of equal protection & the rule of law – without which, none of your life’s work even matters because the laws you make will only be enforced when politically expedient to the powerful. A banana republic.Read the full story here.
2012-12-29 12:04:12
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Project Flicker, Sandy Hoax: Never waste an opportunity
RADIO SHOW - 12/8/12
You can listen to Hatrick Penry [Patrick Henry] try to get this info over to Pete who is a lunatic, like Alex Jones, but he apparently has labeled Santilli as another STRATFOR psyop like INFORWARS/STRATFOR aka Molly Maroney
FOIA Documents
Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS)
Final reports for 20 Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) Investigations, 2005-2009 [PDF 4.2 MB - 12-Jul-2010]
List of Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) investigations closed October, 2008 – January, 2010 [PDF 1.6 MB -
Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
List of all Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigations closed 01-January-2007 – 13-November-2008 [PDF 6.9 MB - 16-September-2009]
Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General (IG) final report and closing memo for Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) Operation Flicker, 2007-2010 [PDF 3.3 MB - 06-Sep-2010]
After research, I believe the 5200 employees represents 3000+ in Pentagon and over 2000 names of high level executives and banker types as well and after researching the .pdf's I believe it is linked to Sandy Hook and the death of Adam Lanzas Mother and not the cointelpro regarding Libor. This investigation was whistle-blower brought to the attention back in early 2007, long about the time The Dark Knight was on the storyboard. This is the rabbit hole I want to investigate.
Hatrick Penry is on Wordpress and I need to get him to consider looking into it as well. Apparently he will no longer deal with Pete after threats from the lunatic Santilli.
Child Porn Epidemic in Defense, Intelligence, other Agencies.Thousands of Pentagon Personnel Bought or Viewed Child Pornography with Impunity.5,200 Names involving the Pentagon Paid for Child PornographyPentagon fails to investigate suspected child porn users among employeesProject: Operation Flicker FOIA document.CNN does not mention the high number of suspects, notice how it is downplayed.
Boiling water freezes instantly in Siberia (0:38)
Dec. 20 - Boiling water freezes instantaneously in Siberia as temperatures dip below minus 40 degrees Celsius. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)
Russians Freeze to Death in Worst Winter Since Stalin's Great Purge
Who's kidding who. The Committee haarp boys are taking it out on the people and not the pootie man.
Cold Kills 40,000 Every Year In The UK
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Won't Get Fooled Again?
A further stirring of the COTO pot.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Sandy Hooked - The best whodunnit of 2012
These parents never got to see their children's bodies. They were taken to a "funeral room" with white caskets in them and told.. that's your daughter/son over there. Up until that time, each family's house was guarded by a police officer. Maybe that's why they show absolutely no honest parental emotion at the slaughter of their child. They never saw them dead so they don't believe it? Nah. I don't believe that for a New York second. ~jg
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Wanna hit an info motherlode?
Monday, December 24, 2012
I'm not Scrooge
Here is the audio recording of the LP Album I still have fifty years later. It's one of my treasures. Sir Lawrence Olivier and the London Philharmonic. It speaks to me still more than ever. Enjoy the master actor and the wonderful music in a classic version of a Christmas Carol.
Cody-Lisa announceKaylee Michelle Ledford - born 12/21/12 11: 51 PM just a 5 pounder but well and with mom at home
Banking on Crisis, Banking on Nonsense, the d'Elites Get a Truth Enema.
[caption id="attachment_21046" align="aligncenter" width="150"]
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At the end of Benjamin Fulford's weekend newsletter posted (I know someone who receives the weekly post), he states, "The situation is less clear in the US but it seems that the Sandy Hook murders have provoked the exact opposite reaction from what was intended. The inconsistencies in the official story, the videos of laughing actors suddenly turning into grieving parents, the reports of multiple gun-men etc. have outraged military and law enforcement types. It was, as a gnostic illuminati leader put it, a fatal mistake.
However, many of these dangerous and desperate criminals are on the loose and can still carry out other atrocities. That is why we must keep our powder dry and stay alert so that we can make sure to finish the job".
SO... WE might surmise that trained investigators, police, agency spooks, people that were intimately involved and on the ground in Sandy Hook (and other "thinkers" across the nation) must have their investigatory "hairs" standing up on the nape of their necks as they process the putrid outputs of the MSM and their crony McPhonies.
Good on COTOCREW for raising the BullShit Flag right away. Good on Willyloman for doing the same. Here's his latest post exposing the NY Khazar bastards like Bloomberg and Cuomo for despicable criminal actions -- .
Seriously? Can we not say that New Yorkers and most anybody else with functioning greay matter can see in a New York Nanosecond -- the duplicity, the elitist hubris, and dark evil streak of these creatures?
I'm sure Ghoulieish Giuliani will pipe up anytime as well.
See...Predators and Psychopaths cannot help themselves? They're predictable reptiles.
My Christmas Wish is for ALL THE "WHO'S" in WHOVILLE to WAKE UP to the facts falling all around them that the "Santa" (Satan) Public Figures who seem to populate the important positions of Power, Prestige, and Possessions -- are in fact -- the GRINCH(es), who STOLE every thing that wasn't nailed down.
No folks! It ain't that you haven't worked hard enough, been good enough, planned effectively, blah, blah, blah. YOU WUZ ROBBED! NOW WHO ROBBED THE WHO'S -- WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?!
Merry Christmas...
"The man was also accused of launching a trio of attacks on September 11".
"Formal Reprimand Issued To Flatulent Federal Worker"
It may be noted that most things Federal are noxious to other people, and may often be construed as creating a "Hostile" environment. "a sanction that was delivered to him in a five-page letter"? Really? 5 pages?
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Time to Get Away From the Dregs -- Put Up Something That You Enjoy!
I'll start off MUSIC SUNDAY with the link from a band called "Hurts". I like their other stuff I went and listened to on YouBoob. Nice staging, melodic, classy with some sensuality...
What guy wouldn't like this one?
'More Cowbell' from the Reaper
Yosemite Sam Yahoo and the Cartoon Bomb Revisited
Max Egan & Ken O'Keefes breakdown on Israeli lobbyist Patrick Clawson's (how do you spell puke) suggestion of using a false flag event as a means of initiating conflict with Iran.
Commentary from a Gaza roof top.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
re: Sandy Hook/Libor
re: Sandy Hook/Libor
by Former White Hat
This is Operation 7-11 of Project Strawmen. Millions around the world were cloned over the past 5 years, and have been activated for false flags like this. There will be more situations where clones will be activated to create fiction: shootings, riots, terrorist bombings, etc.
You ask: are they that sloppy? We are figuring it out. Look: they want you to figure it out, with all the little clues in movies, dates, and names. They are telling you: “We can get away with this wag dog, think of what we can get away with next.”
Hint: Project Bluebeam fake alien attack.
Hint: faked assassination.
Do not believe any news put out there. The Cabal has its agenda, and it is not to take US citizens’ guns away. Look at who is profitting by increased gun sales. They want you to start shooting at one another and even them, because then they can declare martial law and strip you of all your rights, instead of one.
This is the 3D Hell I have been talking about all alone. I am sorry to see this timeline go this way. If you are reading this, you have chose this world, karma keeps you here, and you must fight…or become a slave.
I will not be doing the Dec 24 interview on radio. In the two timelines I went to and did it, it was a disaster, and lead to Bobby Joe Fannin murdering a person that clone thinks is someone but is not. Me. Once again, he gets it wrong after being so sure.
I have more to say over the next two “days.” I may have to time step back and fix things that go wrong.
Temporal mechanics!
Accept no clones!
Good day!
The Sandy Hook Massacre - performed by the traveling acting troupe, the Crisis Players(maybe? or a reasonable fascimile)
Active Shooter Crisis Actors Target Mall Shootings via Visionbox (or False Flag Shootings R Us) ~jg
DENVER, CO, October 31, 2012 -- A new group of actors is now available nationwide for active shooter drills and mall shooting full-scale exercises, announced Visionbox, Denver's leading professional actors studio.
Visionbox Crisis Actors are trained in criminal and victim behavior, and bring intense realism to simulated mass casualty incidents in public places.
The actors’ stage acting experience, ranging from Shakespeare to contemporary American theater, enables them to "stay in character" throughout an exercise, and improvise scenes of extreme stress while strictly following official exercise scenarios.
The actors regularly rehearse scenarios involving the Incident Command System and crisis communications, and appear in interactive training films produced in both 2D and stereoscopic 3D.
Producers Jennifer McCray Rincon and John Simmons formed the group to demonstrate emerging security technologies, help first responders visualize life-saving procedures, and assist trainers in delivering superior hands-on crisis response training.
For example, with a large shopping center, the producers review all security camera views and design dramatic scenes specifically for existing camera angles, robotic camera sweeps, and manually-controlled camera moves.
The producers then work with the trainers to create a "prompt book" for the actors so that key scenario developments can be triggered throughout the mall shooting simulation, and caught on tape.
The actors can play the part of the shooters, mall employees, shoppers in the mall, shoppers who continue to arrive at the mall, media reporters and others rushing to the mall, and persons in motor vehicles around the mall.
Visionbox Crisis Actors can also play the role of citizens calling 911 or mall management, or posting comments on social media websites.
During the exercise, the producers use two-way radio to co-direct the Crisis Actors team from the mall dispatch center and at actors’ locations.
Within this framework, the exercise can test the mall's monitoring and communications systems, the mall's safety plan including lockdown and evacuation procedures, the ability of first responders and the mall to coordinate an effective response, and their joint ability to respond to the media and information posted on the Internet.
Security camera footage is edited for after-action reports and future training.
Visionbox is a project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center. Crisis Actors is a project of the Colorado Safety Task Force established by Colorado State Senator Steve King.
Shakespeare was right...all the world IS a stage. Particularly where there is a need for murder and mayhem. ~jg
COTO graduates - From Korn Country
The Sandy Hook Hoax Map
Friday, December 21, 2012
Dead by Guns: One Violent Month By CATHY CORMAN Harold Wayne Carver II, M.D., could not be more pleased
Harold Wayne Carver II, M.D., could not be more pleased. Asked to explain how guns work, the balding, graying, bearded giant in suspenders theatrically begins selecting bullets from the vast assortment he stores in a deep cardboard crate in his Farmington office. By the time Carver examines his patients, it’s too late to talk to them about the physical properties of gunpowder. By then, they’ve been toe-tagged and body-bagged.
“A gun is a device for imparting energy to tissue at a distance,” he says, the precision of his words contrasting starkly with his actions. Rummaging through his box, he absentmindedly holds bullets between his teeth even as he continues to talk. “First, it’s mechanical energy: The bullet going fast. Then, it pokes a hole and delivers energy to tissue as it slows down. The problem is that, usually, the bullet destr
oys things other than the tissue it touches.”
wAyNe cArVeR`pSyChOpAtH
"IT WASNT a tent! it was this magnificent THING!!"
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: Could you say and spell your name.
CARVER: Yes, sure. I hope you all put this in your calendar because in 31 years, and 26 as chief medical examiner, this is only the second press conference I've given. It's H. Wayne w-a-y-n-e, Carver, c-a-r- v-e-r, and it's the second. That's why I don't use the H. Because when my father asked my grandfather, he said fine, but as long as you never call him Harold.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE REPORTER: Can you just real quickly, did they set up a tent in the parking lot?
CARVER: It wasn't a tent. It was this magnificent thing. And it's sectional and it sticks together with Velcro and then they stake it to the ground and electricity and lights appear from the department of emergency management. And I think it came from the army but I'm not sure. I think it's these things that they use in to set up field hospitals very quickly, mobile hospitals.
Frankstown Township: Pumping up the Volume
Mass shooting in Pennsylvania: At least four reported dead
The Altoona Mirror reports that the gunman, whose name has not yet been released, was killed during the shooting. Blair County District Attorney Richard Consiglio confirms that additionally two other men and a woman are now dead.
According to the Tribune-Review, investigators believe the shooter may have opened fire on random people while riding in a vehicle. When he encountered law enforcement, a shootout began.
Two Pennsylvania State Troopers were injured during the shootout the Wheeling News-Register reports shortly after noon local time on Friday. A third officer was injured in a car crash during the ordeal.
Voice of Russia, RT
21 December 2012 a gunman killed two mens and a woman outside of the Juniata Valley Gospel Church on the Juniata Valley Road in Geeseytown. In a gun battle with the police injured three policemen. The alleged perpetrator died in the shootings. - wikipedia
Open a new can of Altoona
Voodoo Ritual 2
The state is a mythical concept, a jejune concept, one that humanity needs to find the maturity to grow out of. The unquestioning acceptance of this myth, one saturated with internal contradictions, is that which defines the ‘TVZombie’.~Willy Whitten
Television as an Altar
[] Media and the Pathological Society
In the technocratic society, the culture is merely the scum grown in a petri dish.
“The exploration of media content is a focus of some scholars who examine how current and dominant views may be perpetuated through mass media as a form of ‘normality’. Such as views of sex and gender, certain professions and social classes, race, ethnicity and culture. This extends to the global arena in how news and entertainment frame countries and cultures to the rest of the world.”~Ella Shohat & Robert Stam
"The medium is the message" is a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived.
The phrase was introduced in his most widely known book, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, published in 1964.[1] McLuhan proposes that a medium itself, not the content it carries, should be the focus of study. He said that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not only by the content delivered over the medium, but also by the characteristics of the medium itself.
For McLuhan, it was the medium itself that shaped and controlled “the scale and form of human association and action”.[2] Taking the movie as an example, he argued that the way this medium played with conceptions of speed and time, transformed “the world of sequence and connections into the world of creative configuration and structure.”[3] Therefore the message of the movie medium is this transition from “lineal connections” to “configurations”.[4]
Extending the argument for understanding the medium as the message itself, he proposed that the “content of any medium is always another medium”[5] – thus, the content of writing is speech, print is that of writing and print itself is the content of the telegraph.
McLuhan understood "medium" in a broad sense. He identified the light bulb as a clear demonstration of the concept of “the medium is the message”. A light bulb does not have content in the way that a newspaper has articles or a television has programs, yet it is a medium that has a social effect; that is, a light bulb enables people to create spaces during nighttime that would otherwise be enveloped by darkness. He describes the light bulb as a medium without any content. McLuhan states that "a light bulb creates an environment by its mere presence."[6]
Likewise, the message of a newscast about a heinous crime may be less about the individual news story itself — the content — and more about the change in public attitude towards crime that the newscast engenders by the fact that such crimes are in effect being brought into the home to watch over dinner.[7]
Hence in Understanding Media, McLuhan describes the "content" of a medium as a juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind.[8] This means that people tend to focus on the obvious, which is the content, to provide us valuable information, but in the process, we largely miss the structural changes in our affairs that are introduced subtly, or over long periods of time.[7] As society's values, norms and ways of doing things change because of the technology, it is then we realize the social implications of the medium. These range from cultural or religious issues and historical precedents, through interplay with existing conditions, to the secondary or tertiary effects in a cascade of interactions[7] that we are not aware of.
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television – Jerry Mander 1978
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television argues that the technology of television is not a neutral or benign instrument or tool. The author argues that in varied technologies and institutions such as militaries, automobiles, nuclear power plants, mass production, and advertising, the basic form of the institution and the technology determines its interaction with the world, the way it will be used, the kind of people who use it, and to what ends.
The author argues that far from being "neutral," television predetermines who shall use it, how they will use it, what effects it will have on individual lives, and, if it continues to be widely used, what sorts of political forms will inevitably emerge.
The four arguments are:
Hello Fellow Frogs -- the Water is BOILING!!!
Kirwan cuts to the chase in the article below:
This is the video following the article, noted as reference # (3)
Obama 'Baiting' Next American Civil War Why would he do that?
Oooh! That's a scary picture of a gun there. It would seem logical to be more fearful of THE ONE POINTING the gun at you, than of the gun itself. Doesn't that go without saying?
You must realize that the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, when attacked by the very government sworn to "protect" it, this Unalienable Right "not to be infringed", when overridden by fiat, represents a Line-in-the-Sand for a great many patriotic Americans. That the "Patriot Act", itself an abomination obliterating Constitutionally-Guaranteed Unalienable Rights, has been re-upped, and then the NDAA followed shortly, you can clearly see the End Game of a rogue government.
Is there a line-in-the-sand for Americans? Most certainly there is a line-in-the-sand for the Controllers, the manipulators, the designers of the "New World Order".
This is not hyperbole, it is FACT as you too can read and hear the swoosh of vanishing Freedoms. History teaches us that despotic tyranny steps in to fill the void when Freedom is obliterated. What have the Clinton, Bush, and Obama years done to personal freedoms, long held rights, and the U.S. Constitution? This is an easy one folks! LOOK at Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and consider the state of being they have been "changed" into? Look what is going on in all the other countries, what is planned for Iran, look at the state of the Palestinian People. Grok what is planned for the former USA. CHANGE was advertised, CHANGE was promised, CHANGE is at your doors.
Perhaps The People will now "get it" why all those Executive Orders and reams of legislation have been passed openly and covertly. To "legitimize" that which was formerly illegitimate, in fact Against the Law, criminal, even treasonous. Its been so easy -- just CHANGE the law by edicts. Pen mightier than the sword. Remember in the years to come when YOUR FREEDOM was sold out from under you.
Two choices are available...embrace the change. Or resist the change. Out of the thesis and anti-thesis will slither the synthesis intended. Unless...
Can you believe its been this long a'comin? This was the first piece I penned when I found the Coalition of the Obvious. It was early in the morning on AUGUST 3, 2009. I couldn't sleep, so I wrote. It is not a time for sleeping now either. READ IT for history's sake:
***Bonus 2nd Helping
The following diatribe was found in a bottle, an SOS washed up on the shores of "Just in Time. Can you make anything from it?
The view from the Moral High Ground upon which ALL American Citizens stand is pristinely clear…
Unalienable Rights cannot be extinguished by force, by pen, edict, or aliens. As the saying goes, “what part of ‘unalienable’ don’t you understand?”, or “what part of ‘shall not be infringed’ don’t you grok?”.
Propaganda is catapulted over the walls of reason, splattering like Humpty Dumpty. All the King’s Men, servile to a fault, stand at the ready to protect ole Humpty Dumpty, his bankster buddies and systems of control, in spite of the fact they’re only serving Egg Fool Young like the smiling waiters at a Chinese take-out dive.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
9/11 Neutron Nuclear DEW (Part 2)
Truth is a diamond that is surely pure
Truth's an antidote, the virus curer
Truth is the lock on the door - not the keys
Truth is the confession that brings you ease
Truth is the answer to the main question
Truth is the part you forget to mention
~Franklin Ryk 1998 (@ 12 yrs)
Please forgive me for this minor detour in topic from the recent "slaughter of lambkins" and how it represents a new thesis of the Helgian Dialectic, for which there will be an antithesis and final synthesis to lead the sheep astray. We can already see them going after guns and the internet.
I feel compelled to bring up a 9/11 topic mostly just to hedge my bets in case the world really does end on 2012-12-21 as per the Mayan Calendar. I will want to be able to stand before the Supreme Architect of the Universe and say that I sought to reveal (9/11) truth right up until the end.
When, as I expect, we wake up on 2012-12-22, this article about events from 2001-09-11 won't be totally out of place in the sense: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (George Santayana). Participants of this forum already speculate about heinous misdeeds to come, some of it with nuclear aspirations.
The Belief: 9/11 was not a Nuclear Event
Ask the average yeoman in the 9/11 Truth Movement (911TM) why 9/11 was supposedly ~not~ a nuclear event, their answer will undoubtedly reference the works of former BYU professor of (nuclear) physics, Dr. Steven Jones, such as: "Hard Evidence Repudiates the Hypothesis that Mini-Nukes Were Used on the WTC Towers".
David Icke on Energy Vampires and December 21, 2012