Kirwan cuts to the chase in the article below:
This is the video following the article, noted as reference # (3)
Obama 'Baiting' Next American Civil War Why would he do that?
Oooh! That's a scary picture of a gun there. It would seem logical to be more fearful of THE ONE POINTING the gun at you, than of the gun itself. Doesn't that go without saying?
You must realize that the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, when attacked by the very government sworn to "protect" it, this Unalienable Right "not to be infringed", when overridden by fiat, represents a Line-in-the-Sand for a great many patriotic Americans. That the "Patriot Act", itself an abomination obliterating Constitutionally-Guaranteed Unalienable Rights, has been re-upped, and then the NDAA followed shortly, you can clearly see the End Game of a rogue government.
Is there a line-in-the-sand for Americans? Most certainly there is a line-in-the-sand for the Controllers, the manipulators, the designers of the "New World Order".
This is not hyperbole, it is FACT as you too can read and hear the swoosh of vanishing Freedoms. History teaches us that despotic tyranny steps in to fill the void when Freedom is obliterated. What have the Clinton, Bush, and Obama years done to personal freedoms, long held rights, and the U.S. Constitution? This is an easy one folks! LOOK at Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and consider the state of being they have been "changed" into? Look what is going on in all the other countries, what is planned for Iran, look at the state of the Palestinian People. Grok what is planned for the former USA. CHANGE was advertised, CHANGE was promised, CHANGE is at your doors.
Perhaps The People will now "get it" why all those Executive Orders and reams of legislation have been passed openly and covertly. To "legitimize" that which was formerly illegitimate, in fact Against the Law, criminal, even treasonous. Its been so easy -- just CHANGE the law by edicts. Pen mightier than the sword. Remember in the years to come when YOUR FREEDOM was sold out from under you.
Two choices are available...embrace the change. Or resist the change. Out of the thesis and anti-thesis will slither the synthesis intended. Unless...
Can you believe its been this long a'comin? This was the first piece I penned when I found the Coalition of the Obvious. It was early in the morning on AUGUST 3, 2009. I couldn't sleep, so I wrote. It is not a time for sleeping now either. READ IT for history's sake:
***Bonus 2nd Helping
The following diatribe was found in a bottle, an SOS washed up on the shores of "Just in Time. Can you make anything from it?
The view from the Moral High Ground upon which ALL American Citizens stand is pristinely clear…
Unalienable Rights cannot be extinguished by force, by pen, edict, or aliens. As the saying goes, “what part of ‘unalienable’ don’t you understand?”, or “what part of ‘shall not be infringed’ don’t you grok?”.
Propaganda is catapulted over the walls of reason, splattering like Humpty Dumpty. All the King’s Men, servile to a fault, stand at the ready to protect ole Humpty Dumpty, his bankster buddies and systems of control, in spite of the fact they’re only serving Egg Fool Young like the smiling waiters at a Chinese take-out dive.
It must be pointed out, MUST be pointed out – that people who get their news “information”, their marching orders, their mind control script, from ANYthing mainstream media-made, are getting “Sur-reality”. Read Rappaport’s “mind control flicker effect” piece at When advertisements come across your radio, TV, newspaper (who reads those anymore?) do you notice them? Do you despise these force fed sales affronts? Do you automatically turn the channel? Are you offended by the constant barrage of Selling banging against your sensory organs? Perhaps you do. Then what happens? Then some news person, or shill like Rush Limbaugh comes on, and you’ve let your guard down. The Obvious “Ads” have been strained and eliminated. Now The Show is on, and the familiar broadcaster/anchor works their magic. This entire “programming” is created to confuse, and direct your mind in illogical ways it should not go. Familiarity, cadence, opinionated buffaloing, fancy word play, quoting info sources and statistics you’re not going to get around to looking up, its THE GAME played upon modern day Americans. The stakes are high!
What we are witnessing is a steady drip, drip, drip of the CHANGE these treasonous bastards “promised” us. How has it played out? Take a look at the magical art of turning white to black, evil to good, false into truth…
What we have here is a morphing of the logical, foundational Values and Unalienable Rights, with them being extinguished/removed over several corrupt Administrations tenure. It actually goes way back to the 1800’s, particularly 1913, and the recent blatant Treasons of the misnamed bastard “Patriot Act”, to the NDAA, and shortly the removal of the 2nd Amendment. The supposed “elected Public Servants” (sic) perform the transmogrification rites of using treason to change the “Law of the Land”, and then call those who do not accept the revised black to white CHANGE as treasonous “terrorists”. Looking back, we can now see how Obvious They have been. And yet, The People cower in fear, as nothing makes sense, and what was once Good, is now Bad. While what was very Bad, is now supposed to be viewed as Good because of some edict or proclamation by a public potentate. This is how the CHANGE was to be injected into the minds of The People – confuse the herd with illogic, baffle em with bullshit, and make the independent American feel helplessly dependent on big daddy.
A short history reflection is called for here. Remember the Native Indians who roamed and called home this giant continent of North America? Now the individuals who are not from here, are not native to this continent, refer to it as “the Homeland”, a distinctive Nazi term. And as we consider the fate of the previous residents of North America, the Native Indians, we can find value in considering what happened to them at the hands of foreign White Men and a centralized government on the East Coast. To “clear the land of its inhabitants”, the instigators and visionaries of CHANGE demonized the Native Indians as “savages”, and commenced to attack them with the most savage and inhumane of tactics, better called atrocities. – It is at this point that I recall the Bush administration, V.P. Cheney in particular, and their slimy attorney general dog Yoo, working mightily to make TORTURE somehow “legal” now. A real WTF! moment in America’s recent history. John Choon Yoo (born July 10, 1967)[4] is an American attorney, law professor, and author. He is a Republican[5] and a former official in the United States Department of Justice during the George W. Bush administration. He is best known as the author of the Torture Memos concerning the use of what the CIA called enhanced interrogation techniques. Let’s note the schools attended for the hell-of-it: Harvard University, B.A., Yale Law School, J.D. Subversive schools that regularly populate America’s administrations with subversives. I recall two other controversial A.G.’s – Alberto Gonzales, and Michael Mukasey, both duplicit sycophants for the implementation of CHANGE you had better believe in – or else!
And so a great band of bloodthirsty men liberated an entire continent from “the savages”. The recent crop of bloodthirsty men (and women) have been busy “liberating” Iraqis, Afghanis, Egyptians, Libyans, Palestinians, Syrians, and others from “totalitarian dictators”. The Obviousness of the hypocrisy flashes across our intellect and sears our conscience (hopefully), as we have stood by seemingly helpless to do anything to stop the Mass Liberation.
We have seen the most recent administration, following on the heels of that horrible reign of the Bushmaster, also leave TORTURE on the table, while working steadily to abolish the entire Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution. What was once done behind the curtain and in the shadows, is now a public promise to impose the totalitarian police-state these malformed creatures have salivated over for so long.
Bush, Jr. said he would rather be a dictator, and called the Constitution a “goddamned piece of paper”. What these petty perverted Dictators are doing is spitting on High Ideals, Moral Codes, the Rule of Law as it was drawn up to Benefit mankind, rather than subjugate mankind. They spit and shit on the idea of personal FREEDOM for The People they were entrusted to lead. They demand the freedom to enact any and all edicts which suit their purposes, while demanding that AN ENTIRE COUNTRY BOW TO THEIR RULERSHIP! History has seen this so many times before. This is age old stuff, as history repeats itself again in the technology age. We have seen the reels of past inhumanities, and now humanity reels at the real possibility of reliving the horrors still fresh in our memories.
Americans take heed! The People of the World must take heed! For we are on the cusp of another Turning, where the “Architects of Change” have formed their own twisted version of a “more perfect union”. A union, like a mafia, where they are about to shake down the whole Town, this being “the Homeland” that they desire for themselves. And so grandiose are their imaginations that the entire World is their target for absorption into their open maw.
NOW is the time when all good men and women make known their allegiance and their character. A repeat of the sordid and heinous events of the history our parents and grandparents witnessed should not be a necessary evil. For evil is never necessary.
Laughnmatter ~ “But we all know where this is heading. Hopefully it will backfire. (no pun intended) Almost everyone I know and talk to that understands what’s going on knows that this is the line in the sand. History will once again repeat itself should they try to confiscate the guns. That will ignite the 2nd American Revolution. Personally, I think it’s long overdue. Not that I’m hankering for violence, I have, and am still hoping for a bloodless revolution, or one with minimal blood-letting, but the longer this goes, I’m afraid the more blood will be spilled”. This is why I say, “The view from the Moral High Ground upon which ALL American Citizens stand is pristinely clear…”
To a great majority of Americans, and I’ll expand that to “a great majority of the world’s people” – understand very clearly what Tyranny feels like, looks and sounds like. They’ve seen and experienced it perhaps, and certainly witnessed it as most countries are suffering and laboring under it’s heavy hand in one form or another. People understand very clearly who is the aggressor. It is patently OBVIOUS when the rules and rhetoric are changed by fiat by some administrator, who then attacks you. The LIARS and usurpers are seen for what they are. The Native Indians were not “savages”. The Iraqi people are not “terrorists”. The Afghan people are not “terrorists”. They are all just people who want to live, and let live. Like most Americans. The American People are not “terrorists”. Terrorists are as terrorists do.
Kudo's Boomer, well spoken
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely in the pocket Boomer.
ReplyDeleteYou did a splendid job here, I second those kudos.
Oh by the way Boom, now I realize that you saw the next post over without the actual article. I posted the graphic first, so it would be on top...I haven't seen the graphic appear yet {???]} just one of those stupid little white boxes.
Wordpress can be real stupid like that with graphics works....grrrr
Gracias V1.
ReplyDeleteHypocrisy knows no bounds with these apparatchiks and administrations. Its astounding!
"Eric Holder: executive orders on gun control?"
"That’s the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that ran Operation Fast and Furious, in which U.S. law enforcement allowed drug cartels to purchase weapons in this country and smuggle them into Mexico".
Hey Johnsonas! You're always reading aren't you? We'd like to hear from you!
Perot put it best ,the "suckin sound".
ReplyDeleteHey COTOers My rant 3 raches held by zetas cartel has been # 1 for ages now. Hows about that masta-bate-tory sopho-moronic rant ,eh kiddies ?
These marionettes are liable to find what Yamamoto stated when asked why he didn't carry on the the US west coast. "Because there'd be a gun owner hiding behind every blade of grass". The divide has started in earnest I'd say.
ReplyDeleteDas cuz Korn is King....YOU be duh man, uh dood...
Swung by Sports Authority again today to see what was going on in the "hunting" section. Same story. Some bare spots on the ammo shelves, certain common calibers all gone, and ladies and guys buying, buying, buying GUNS! That's whatz for Christmas.
ReplyDeleteYou might say, observing the peeps, they don't put any trust in the government "protecting" them. Wise move.
Stewart Rhodes of "OathKeepers" weighs in on the "give me an inch, we'll take a mile" BS of the gun-grabbers:
Tripped over this and liked it --
ReplyDeleteBoomer do you think the human assets and fiscal cliff are one in the same?
Do you think that the economy is going to fixed by reducing the liabilities to match their assets?
Is it just coinky dink we were having the discussion we had in 2010 about Chinese troops in Haiti, Mexico and training exercises in the US. Homeland security drills, ammo buys, MRE's, Coffins, Rail Systems with shackles, Denver underground, FEMA camps, mental illness and psychotronic weapons.
Let's take you blast from the past with yoo-hoo and the Bush box boys and remember that the Iraqi army faced these weapons and collapsed in days. Do you think they are worried about the guns we have?
The video is spot on but the guns are the hook. In their war games the Iraqi model is ON THE TABLE.
I tell you this again. Everyday now is the last. I smell the roses and chemtrails everyday now.
Yoiks...whatta subtext...aye?
ReplyDeleteHere come da judge.
"Military style assault weapons"???
Thars the catch. What are they really?
It is cosmetic...this is bullhoony.
The utter hypocrisy hits me like a maled me back.
The scariest part will be the forced psych exams of everyone in these here divided statuary. Paxal for all, the loony bin for the resisters.
Put on that smiley face, say grace and martha.
Nobody's shooting at them here in their yard. How would any public figure know who to trust? Even isolating underground or on mil bases...they've pissed off an awful lot of folks. You have illegitimates throughout the elites, and tossing the entire U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights will be viewed as the absolute Treason that it is. That's taking this Game too far for many. Once you're attached to that, you have sided with a Coup against the entire population of Americans. That's 300 Million people you are going to Dictate to as a Rogue administration.
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. is not 1930s-40's Germany or anywhere else. I believe you are assuming they will be able to wield their Will upon the battlefield of the U.S. with shock & awe. I see 100 million monkey wrenches thrown into their machinery. 100 Million junkyard dogs or more defending their home land from dual citizenship traitors, illegitimates, really, against a bunch of puffed up personalities who are high on their lofty positions while selling the entire country out. Well, they're going to roll the dice apparently.
ReplyDeleteI know I know. More preaching to the choir but this is just a reminder
There lies the deeper agenda of 21. It creeps in by way the path of good intentions.
ReplyDeleteThe guns stay where they are but under the techno-un legal system you are deemed a virus requiring the scarlet letter. It can only be administrated under a panoptic, FS surveillance grid and a mark.
Safety first, over sovereignty carried out by a fraudulent science and assault that will label all freemen as pathologically predisposed for a pre-crime per-disposed scenario.
Religious, philosophical, constitutional, conspiratorial and recalcitrant positions will be deemed markers of this fraudulent system and surely needing to be sequestered ,reeducated and infused into the types of theatrical brainwashing and stagings we see now.
Current systematic government gang stalking, blackballing, psyops and civl rights breeches can make any honest citizen a target and a potential loose canon or lone wolf.
Thank you very much for that post V1!
ReplyDeleteYes, Greenspit -- the traitorous gator who has accumulated a river of sorrow and blood upon his black soul.
ReplyDeleteHere's one for you Boomer that I'm sure is up your alley
Turbeville is a clean concise writer.
ReplyDeleteI like his style, have read him before. Good stuff.
Thanks V.
Reflections on the Brandon Turbeville essay:
ReplyDeleteI think it in the nature of politics; the process itself - one that sees to "Organization," that produces "Leaders" - those 'active men' who by their activities gain POWER.
And we know the corrosive nature of political power, we have seen these cycles turn throughout the centuries if we have paid attention to the lessons of history.
It is the organization of "government" itself that is the mistake. It is in the individual giving his power away to any collective idea that is the mistake.
Any collective activity must be viewed as exceedingly temporary, for the "consensus" achieved to put it into motion is certainly temporary. And many will be to the point of thinking, "this is not what I was counting on..." before any long term idea is fulfilled.
I will repeat that I think "government" is a juvenile concept, one that the human race needs to find the maturity to grow out of.