Here is the audio recording of the LP Album I still have fifty years later. It's one of my treasures. Sir Lawrence Olivier and the London Philharmonic. It speaks to me still more than ever. Enjoy the master actor and the wonderful music in a classic version of a Christmas Carol.
Cody-Lisa announceKaylee Michelle Ledford - born 12/21/12 11: 51 PM just a 5 pounder but well and with mom at home
Thank you for the reading of A Christmas Carol.
ReplyDeleteAnd congratulations on your Christmas angel Cody and LIsa.
Youre up late. Peace bra!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to all and a special message to Michael.
Watch your keester brother. :)
1: 32 AM: I am up late because shit always goes down on Illuminati eve
US deploying troops to 35 African countries
[The United States Army will be deploying troops to nearly three-dozen African nations in the coming year.
Soldiers based out of Fort Riley, Kansas’ 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division will begin training in March 2013 in order to prepare for a project that will send troops to as many as 35 African nations, the Associated Press reports.
Citing a growing threat from extremist groups, including those with ties to al-Qaeda, the Department of Defense is hoping to install American soldiers overseas in order to prepare local troops there for any future crises as tensions escalate.
Earlier this month, DoD sources with insider knowledge told the Washington Post that US troops will soon be en route to the nation of Mali in order to thwart the emerging threat of Islamic extremists, including al-Qaeda aligned insurgents. With the latest news from the Pentagon, though, Mali will be just one of many African nations hosting US troops in the coming year. ]
read more:
HAITI, NWO and under the RADAR
Leo Wanta Wantagate Dec 8 2012
Aye! A big congratulations to Cody Lisa on another fine creation and addition to their family!
ReplyDeleteGood article V. It's endothermic scalar heaters. The chemtrail metals provide the nuclei and the chemistry is what I refer to as the cocktail.
ReplyDeleteBluebeam - covers the entire spectrum from DoD radar to pathogens. The race for dominance of space is our space. Outer space is off limits but it will be the only habitable space soon.
I'm in Fahrenheit theatre here trying to get sheeple to connect the dots of Radar, Enmod and psychological/physiological repercussions. You know the drill. First you get the deer in headlights look followed by complete shutdown. Then they get sick and run off to the White coats to get a shot.
How do you get people to understand they control things like Sandy Hook-Hurricane Sandy, when they can't control their own thoughts?
Find one in a hundred and you are doing very well.
I know what you mean PD. I haven't been at this as long as many of the mainstay COTO'ers but when my moment arrived, I became obsessed, did massive amounts of research (still do) and felt it was my duty to fellow kind to get the word out, (waste of effort). Got over that some time ago. Every so often though, in conversation that I take care not to initiate. I get to step up on the soap box and have some effect on people where I actually turned them onto doing their own research. I've ran into people though that have surprised me by their grasp of things. Then there's the others.
ReplyDeleteWhat I have read in them is that for the most part, people are uneasy and although they can't put their finger on it, they instinctively know something's not right.
I'm the consumate scrounge when looking for parts and pieces for my projects, seems to be working for me upon following leads on subject here. As I find them, I'll post them on C1. Keep it interesting and keep them looking, gets frustrating at times but is there any other way but to keep on keeping on.
Congrats on your arrival, 21/12/12? what an interesting time to emerge onto the planet.
How does Cuomo and Bloomberg get their message across? Kill firefighters and cops. Sway the vote.
Human remains found at home of gunman who ambushed firefighters
How long have they had this MK Asshole on ice?
Yes yes...
ReplyDeleteI remember the very last time it snowed here. I looked out the window and, that is weird. It was falling fast, like rain rather than drifting down in flakes. It was more like falling pebbles.
I talked to my mother about it, said it was weird...she was, as usual far deep in the zombie zone and asked if I had eaten yet....Lol
But it definitely wasn't normal snow. It was like slush falling out of the sky.
We'll see what kind of snow the projected blizzard brings with it. It is already a day late. Was spozed to hit this morning and now it's night and still no snow, no rain, no nuthin but angry gray sky.
Gotta tell ya Willy, this snow is different. We get all kinds of weather events this time of year but this snow was almost like it was plastic. I made that determination before I stumbled across this article. I've experienced many wet sticky snows over my life but this one was almost like it magnetically bonded itself to things and continued with that characteristic for about 3 days afterward. It's been on the 0 degree C range during the day but at night went down to - 4 to 5 degrees and still acted the same. In finding this article, I had one of those WTF moments.
ReplyDeleteI'd mentioned a couple times that it falls like bee-bees here. Smaller but they sound like crystal when hitting the patio table or car. heavier than the flakes of olden times.
ReplyDeleteMore interesting analysis on Sandy Hook (pic of 3 guys in the woods), and more at .
ReplyDeleteWilly Loman comments on the firefighters at
P.S. Don't forget they've gone back to killing firefighters/first responders like 9/11, if this is indeed another MK FF.
There's a bunch of good stuff on here -- just scroll down on the link, you'll get a chuckle:
Bill burr explains the left right paradigm
Thanks for posting the article V along with your personal experience w/weird snow.
ReplyDeleteNothing about the weather is normal anymore. We had fog last week...fog in december.. unheard of. One day last week, I went out to get in my car for work and had this weird frost like substance on my car windows. I say frost-like because as you mentioned about the snow, the stuff was more like that plastic peel off glass frosting than ice. It was very weird, especially since it wasn't even cold enough for any kind of normal frost.
BULLSHIT is right soon as I heard someone was shooting at firefighters I thought, OMG, they are stooping lower than low. Yea, another false flag.
ReplyDeleteMore interesting stuff re: Sandy Hook AND Aurora...
ReplyDeleteSheilaaliens does great work..
Those are good..thanks Boom :)
ReplyDeleteI LIKE Bill Burr.
ReplyDeleteBtw PD, I think of you as anything but a Scrooge. Love the Laurence OIivier reading of the Christmas Carol :)
ReplyDeleteKaylee is beautiful...look at those long fingers..I see piano lessons in her future.
ReplyDeleteWater shows intelligence. If a persons thought processes can alter the innate patterns in a drop of water and water is a conductor bar none. The question is, what effects will EMR have on it? I'd say quite dramatic. Do the evil ones know it and the high probability's there, do they use it? Magnetic plastic snow, weird frost? They've with-held much from us, I'd say watch for it, stuff like this could be a forewarning, something's in the air.
I picked this up on Loman's site:
ReplyDeleteIn Arkansas...
“[Police are] going to be in SWAT gear and have AR-15s around their neck,” Stovall said, according to the Paragould Daily Press. “If you’re out walking, we’re going to stop you, ask why you’re out walking, check for your ID.”
Citizens who don’t comply may be charged with obstructing a governmental operation, according to Stovall. For “people who buck us…we are prepared to throw your hind-end in jail,” he promised.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
"Why are you out walking?"
When did it become against the law to take a walk???
This reminds me of a real short sci fi story I read when I was in HS...
Anyone taking a walk was a 'suspect'...the idea was of course twilight zone horrific when I was that age...but, hey here we are in that very fuckin' TWILIGHT ZONE.
"How long have they had this MK Asshole on ice?"
ReplyDeleteEver since he killed his grandmother with a hammer.
"His mother died recently and left a note that donations could be made to the local fire department. Thus, they are trying to spin that as the motive, but it hardly makes any sense."~Willy Loman
If the guy was a psycho it makes all the sense in the world...he was massaging his mama at the old folks home to get what she was going to be leaving for himself. When he found out he had to share that with firefighters...well look at it through the eyes of a soulless psychopath.
Where he got hold of the rifle is the key...probably through the mayors office, a Bushman .223, just like the Sandy Hooker.
I can't even see my truck out front, it is solid white about 7 inches all ' truck looks like one of those Hostess snowballs with coconut sprinkles....and it's STILL snowing...
I never heard of him before...Burr that is, but he had some good points.
Hmmm....Jonathan Lee is a real fruitcake. I wonder if he was one of the real Aurora shooters.
ReplyDeleteHe seems to have a "thang" for Holmes doesn't he?
Why would somebody be incarcerated at a Federal MEDICAL Center if he wasn't deemed a psycho? You need MEDS for wirefraud?
Everything about all of these cases is a box of loonytoon balloons.
Still snowing Will? Is it that weird sticky snow?
ReplyDeleteThe wind is howling here like a horror movie. It's raining and the temps are RISING. REALLY??? the end of December at night and the temps are RISING!~ I just heard's the kind of weather when we were kids we'd scare ourselves and say, "it's the end of the world!".... sure sounds like it.
V, I can feel it comin' in the air tonight.......oh, lord.........
Her hands and feet look like adult miniatures. In a month or so she'll begin to fatten up to a lil' pudge, right?
ReplyDeleteWalMart raffle. "YOU'RE A WINNER, PSYCHO"
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the chemtrail and toroidal vortex in the background???
ReplyDeleteJohn Lee Hooker? 10 yrs.? He's been recruited.
ReplyDeleteI did a 4 hour seminar today on Numbers theory and an hour in chemtrail rain. I'm wasted. Hold the fort down COTO.