1. The patsy is always drugged at the time of arrest and or arraignment. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2. The patsy is always held in solitary and incommunicado. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3. The patsy is associated with a covert agency such as CIA or FBI or associated with government contract research.++
4. The patsy is always sentenced in the media before any evidence is presented or any trial.++++++++++++++++++++
5. After any incident with a patsythere is non-stop media coverage for three weeks or for months or years. +++++++++
6. The patsy is vilified in the media as a neo-nazi,domestic terrorist,drug addict or mentally ill. +++++++++++++++++
7. The SPLC has a file on the patsy and has been "watching" or "following" the patsy and he is identified as a risk but the alleged crime is never prevented by these MOSSAD operatives. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
8. Surveillance video of the patsy is non-existant,dissapears or is held for reasons of "national security". +++++++++++
9. A manifesto or "warning letter" is "discovered" either un-delivered by the US mail or found in the patsy´s home or auto by the FBI. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10. Localized news coverage on the alleged crime and patsy will vary greatly from nationwide syndicated coverage.
WTF boss ? No vids will appear playable from any damn post here,,, HELP !
ReplyDeleteJudge seals case so public cannot figure anything out
ReplyDeleteNo one questions media why they let out so much information it is now impossible for perp to get fair trial.
No lawsuits from families of dead people suing media for having to continually re-live the loss of loved ones.
Yea...a whole cast is in the wings known as, 'PATSIES R US'...
ReplyDeleteA Templar template for the Late Show.
Interesting post. I do have a question re: Rule #1 that some of you may have thoughts on.
ReplyDeleteLee Harvey Oswald didn't seem to be drugged or anything when he was arrested. He vehemently maintained he didn't do it. I almost always thought something was wrong with that "story" as, if he were in fact guilty, why didn't he stand trial? (Yup, that fact bugged me from a fairly young age...) I've done some reading about the JFK assassination, and certainly something else was going on.
Anyway, any thoughts about Oswald not being drugged?
Is that Patsy Cline? I love her songs(specially "crazy") but I had no clue what she looked like. Guess I do now!
ReplyDeleteHow about the patsy looks similar to, but not exactly like, the so called "shooter". Differences surely recognizable but small enough that people convince themselves "it's just the way his face is turned slightly or the camera angle"...As in the Holmes/Batman patsy.
This is gonna sound "crazy" as patsy would sing but the red haired Holmes, even in his drugged out, stupified state is less dorky and better looking than the "real" Holmes. It's not the same guy.
cinna... they didn't need to drug Oswald. They had already arranged his execution to take place 2 days after his arrest on 11/24.
ReplyDeleteWhat about Jack Ruby who shot Oswald? Is he considered a pseudo-patsy?
ReplyDeleteYou might extend the patsy list to the de' jure demonization of groups, countries, etc. Maybe that's too wide a swath to take on in this look see...
Patsies often kill themselves. Or, appear to have killed themselves. These tricks take many forms. There's probably a complete list of the choices to use to suicide folks.
Yea Jayjee...
ReplyDeleteSome of us might "convince ourselves"...Lol
Hi Cinnamon,
ReplyDeleteI would note that Oswald was an 'early' patsy...way back in 1963. Things have 'evolved' dramatically in the dark arts from those days.
One thing that 'They' learned from the Oswald incident is that even dazed and abused an innocent man is going to appear innocent to those who are perceptive.
I was only 16 when I saw Oswald shot live on TV...I knew instinctively that it was a set-up - as I was able to leap across the room and was hugging the TV by the time Ruby pulled the trigger. It was ridiculous.
I suppose now with Holmes we are bound to postulate that his own mother doesn't know the difference between her own child and a stand in...or that she is part of an acting troupe as well. Looks like, "We're all Bozos on this bus"...
Will, this is one of those cases of a "stand in". Not a goldbug hollywood actor but just another slave of the military "system". His mother could very well be involved in the deception. Don't forget about his background and his father's.
ReplyDeleteHave you done research into MK-Ultra? I know you have.........
This is why I think Goldbug is disinfo. His theory that hollywood actors are running around impersonating others is so preposterous that when it comes to real MK Ultra programmed killers, people will say.. oh that's just more Dallas Goldbug bullshit.
post the link. youtube
ReplyDeleteI beleive like WW that Oswald was having a coca-cola (pre-HFCS) and never fired a shot. Jack Ruby was a dead man walking with the big C and he was just a paid assassin. Oswald was in the program before it was refined, LSD and Pepsi.
ReplyDeleteKing, you did a fine list of the Patsy in-Clinations ala MK. I might add that Patsies alway stand by their man, who unfortunately are "handlers".
Loretta Lynn knows as she was an MK targeted individual. Nashville voodoo is big woo-woo as willie would say.
ReplyDeleteIf You have ever handled a Mannlicher Carcano 6.5 it is the WORST bolt action rifle ever made. I had one it was so bad I gave it away. It will only load with a stripper clip,without it it takes ten seconds to take the bolt out and feed a round.No clip was ever found,just the rifle and a slug. The clip falls out the bottom of the gun after firing the last round of six. If not all shots are fired clip is still in the gun. Worst junk I ever owned ,really.
ReplyDeleteSure Deb,
ReplyDeleteI have studied MKUltra for decades.
I am not forgetting anything about backgrounds. I am keeping it all in perspective.
My analysis of the photos is my own, regardless of who else analyzed them...I stand by my observations. But I won't force those on you if you see it differently.
I take everything a step/point at a time. I try not to presume anything, but look at what is there. I think the photos are of the same guy. Anyone else is welcome to their own take on it.
So...where's the real Holmes now? What does this subterfuge accomplish? Any ideas?
I'm always open for hearing a theory on why this would be the case.
I remember a Mauser being lowered down on a rope in the early afternoon of that day...that was conveniently never shown again on TV. But there are stills I think could be found on the web.
ReplyDeleteI have a still shot in one of the many JFK Assassination books I have I think the Livingstone book: Killing Kennedy, or the Groden book: The Killing of a President.
Anyway I don't think Oswald ever saw that Mannlicher Carcano.
I think the Paine's and Marina lied about the whole thing. Oswald carried curtain rods into the building that morning.
And yea, like Puddy mentioned, he was in the breakroom having a coke when the shots were fired...a cop confronted him just moments afterwards.
The guy in the crowd on the steps in the plaid shirt in front of the Depository was someone else, who was positively identified.
I think the Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal tells the story in great detail exactly who the shooters were..."the Mexican thing" as Nixon referred to it. Mexican shooter team from the 'Boys Christian Home' [Grassy Knoll], a CIA spotter team [DalTex bldg], and a French team [parade route] - shooting a classic crossfire.
Oh who knows Will. We just know they are deceiving us at every turn. It's all theater of the absurd. I still say the guy with the red hair in that video is Holmes' doppleganger..not him. Perhaps they have other uses for the real Holmes. But again, your guess is as good as mine because only the shadow knows ;)
ReplyDeleteRight on my frequency Willie. I think the french won the Cupie Doll. Ninety minutes from JFK to De Gaulle. As in the Duune theory the staging are always done with a minimum of three teams. None knowing the others plan. With all in the mix it's the firing squad scenario where only one knows whodunnit.
ReplyDeleteEven the team administrators are in chaos and therefore easily managed. A good conspiracy is always unknown. What makes JFK so delicious is that it's a veritable smorgasbord of parties who wanted to see him beheaded.
French Vietnam, Russia, Mafia, Hunt & Co., Moneychangers in the FED, NASA, Republicans, LBJ, Castro and JB society to name a few.
It's really a simple and quite effective stratagem.
I signed in, i.e., blundered my way through the curtain, just to say fantastic article. It is getting copied onto my hard disk so that I can pass it around to anyone in need of educating on the basics of Woowoo, a name I intend to drag out of the mud and attribute great credibility to. Oh yes indeed. (How deeply people sleep!)
ReplyDeleteThanks Pat, I dont know why I ruminate on all this kinda stuff.till My back aint got no bone.