Thursday, August 9, 2012

And then, there was "silence" for about the space of an hour

Due to lack of interest in the Haitians plight and administrative "Voodoo", the thread which appeared briefly was scrubbed for "national security" reasons. Reality has now been returned to regular programming.

Consider...if you don't see it, it hasn't happened. Like the donations and assistance promised to people in need, all has vanished into the ether, swept up, and deposited somewhere. When you hear "help is on the way", trust only in the history that has been rewritten for public consumption, for only it, is "historical fact".

Enjoy the blank whiteness of the witness below:

You may stop staring now


  1. Yea I didn't see it most clearly...I recall nothing at all. "I don't remember. I don't recall, I have no memory of anything at all"


  2. boomerangcomesbackAugust 9, 2012 at 9:20 PM

    Welcome to the Twilight Zone. I see you have your Peepers on.

  3. What happened to the post? I could not comment on it all day. What's the story Boomer?

  4. I reposted fro Draft. Also EOW and Cinnabonb's comments are going to spam and I have moved those to approved. We have a sabboteur in the crew. Walking the plank is in order when I find the scalawag. Aye?

  5. Puddy. There were no comments on the piece. Clotildajamcracker was the only "like". I just figured I'd pull it down, and make a point. With so much going on in our own backyard, maybe folks don't care about stuff happening "over there"? But we should, because what's gone on "over there", and tested, is now being rolled out here.

    History provides the methodology used by the Khazar banker reptiles, starting first with fiat money. We notice how politicians, countries' leaders "always" serve their masters, enrich themselves, and slash and burn their nation and peoples. Many are imposters, foreigners put into power positions to build their police states, eradicate dissent, and harvest all resources including people for The Cabal of banker family's at the top of the pyramid.

    When we look around, we see almost every continent being strip-searched and strip-mined by these demons. The events in the middle east over the last two years are prima facie evidence. Africa has always been an example. Consider the mass murdering dictators of last century and their deeds. Many were
    plants, financed by The Cabal. The U.S. provides a clear picture to date of the onward progress of "How They Do It". Technology is providing new means of depopulation and control. The False Flags are vast and growing in scope -- Haiti EQ, Indonesia EQ, Japan EQ, Katrina, 9/11, World Wars, etc. The EQ's and resulting tsunamis works well for them, so expect it again. If folks can't figure out and finger the perps for FF's like theater massacres, or temple massacres, no wonder so many are duped by the Kennedy and other assassinations, or 9/11 style FF's.

    It is not that humanity has gone crazy. It is that humanity has not woken up to see that the crazies use certain methodologies to rape the world of its resources. Disaster & Destructive "Capitalism" works for them.

    This is ALL SO OBVIOUS!

    How to inspire humanity as a whole to fight back for their very survival?

    O.K. that you reposted the thread, Puddy. It presents an example of the faux "leaders" performing the same lying alchemy that has worked for generations. I am continually sickened by the reality that humanity puts up with "leaders" who harm them, and sell them out at every opportunity, and then some.

    I ask the simple question -- "Can you trust these individuals with anything?"

    That you cannot is OBVIOUS. Nor can you trust their administrations, and others supporting them. The present right/left one,two Punch about to be delivered to Americans by ensconced plant or Romney and his wrecking crew also cannot be trusted, as evidenced by -- their continuous pathological lying. All the old "players" also populate their "teams".

    In this zero-sum game the only decision is --"Not to Play".

  6. What? The post disappeared??? I only checked in briefly yesterday, so I didn't notice. Strange doings indeed. Thanks for reposting. We should be concerned. Haiti is one of the poorest countries on the planet, and I don't know whether to be angry or sad that the poor always seem to be the last considered. Happens around my area, too. When the power went off after a recent storm, some folks were without power for around a week - in the heat! I can't be sure as I don't know all the neighborhoods, but it seemed to me as though the ones who waited the longest were in the poorest areas. Sigh.

    And thanks for getting my comments out of spam, Puddy. Hope my set up isn't doing anything it shouldn't.

  7. The Katrina-ma-bob was a good example of depop, foul-ups, and outright accentuating a disaster with inhumane inattention and Constitutional circumcision.

  8. No it's something to do when you post multiple links. You are fine and keep doing what youre doing :)
