It sure is mellow razing in the grass
(Razing in the grass is a gas, baby, can you dig it)
What a trip just watching as the world goes past
(Razing in the grass is a gas, baby, can you dig it)
I can dig it.
He can dig it .
We can dig it. What's happening on the grassy knoll?
Fireworks. Not the closing ceremony kind but another opening ceremony.
Like the Munich Games in 72?
Bigger and better. It's a gas.
I gathered that from your a capella. Is it India and did I hit the home run with Area 53?
Well you didn't hit it out of the park at Wrigley, but you were damned close.
We still are trying to sift through the frequencies there and we've had some fun along the way.
Yes and I enjoyed Mr. Boomerangs comeback on that. Very funny in a what I would call a tragic hero worthy of Aeschylus. Living being worse than death.
So I asked you about your trip to India with the grease devils. Is al-CIAda planning my event for Punjab?
Well the gas masks are in Syria now aren't they?
They shipped them to the wrong location. Isn't that just like the committee? Little Syria Girl says she believes a false flag to raise the stakes for regime change but the Russians are at the pier and I don't think it's world war three.
That's unlikely certainly. As you can sense, there's far too much else more pivotal than the Syria spring. Though it represents a great distraction and as in all main stream higher frequencies, certainly people are dying but at no more than here or China in the schematics of the blueprint.
Well I look to the visuals of Aurora, Denver International and Syria and find the frequency to be hard to ignore. There is a meaning and clue there. I'll stick with my terror attack in India to make the Bhopal event seem like a fart. The ol' triple cross again. Syria is a window, the frame of reference for the USA. It is us isn't it. The battle of opposing forces in a double cross with the X-factor of the usual false flag. Scripted, framed, filmed and soon to be in the can. I can see jews dead, Christians and Sunni as well. Holy war, civil war, a hatefest.
We love to hate. Assad, hate him. Muslim brotherhood, hate em. Al-qaeda, hate em. Skinheads and neo-nazi's, hate em too. Problem is, the people hate. Hindu's hate too. They hate the Sikh's and the Muslim and vice-versa. The committee hates them all unless they hate equally. The Sikh's, the Muslims, Jews and Christians. The real ones. The poor ones.
It's all about the cordon sanitaire and divide and conquer. From that position they can most effectively win the mind wars. Their covert operatives, false flag, rebel rousing, media spin in frequencies that create forces so powerful and offensive they burn into the heads of the unsuspecting and susceptible.
The power of Mars. It's war in thought and fear and loathing that move it. Agenda 21 is a certainty as is the One World Order. It's just a matter of who is in the frame and who is out.
Is it a Kubrick Mars?
You know what I believe on that. We started this symbiosis on the Apollo Hoax. Titan of the frauds, for its time. Our love for Stanley was well entrenched in our back and forth for those early years. I know I was a UFO ninny then but I was in training at that time and I needed some serious deprogramming.
It's all symbology only. It's all in the timing. No coincidences, right?
Right. That you can't make a cell phone call from a plane to ground wave terminals let alone the dropped calls you get now calling across town, they expect us to believe that in this high solar period and radiation with a magnetosphere in turmoil that they can transmit data through the spectrum from the surface to two satellites and home. Please. Even the control room looks phony and every time I see it on MSM, the damned room is empty. Some security. I had to laugh at the actors all playing the roles like Opie Taylors Apollo 13, running around congratulating each other. What a farce. They've been pounding the Discovery Channel on the previous missions in 2004 when people were still in trauma over 911 and that fraud. It never happened as well. They couldn't crash a plane into WTC but they can pull this off. I think not. It's the next step in the big bluebook transition. This I know for certain. When I am standing in front of their firing squad, should I be so fortunate, I am going to be laughing my ass off over this NASA money pit. They spend our money like James Cameron and Spielberg in theatre and the rest goes to mind-control, bluebeam technology, scalar science and weather modification. They just have a bigger budget.
Where's your science on this?
This rover is called Curiosity.
Yeah, that's what a pedophile says to his small, weak victim. Let's explore your craters. Perverts. That's NASA, the DoD, Pentagrammers and the UN.
SO now we know the leap year 2012? A jump to Curiosity about the change of social norms. It's a testing ground to see how the Luciferian age will be received by the masses.
It's War, Not World War but a global guerilla warfare. General Tzu can teach everyone about the Guerilla War. It's GW5. Global Warfare inasmuch as the few can wage a terror covert operation and transform the entire enemy forces without firing a single shot. Five tier strategy in mind-body and spirit. Their weapon is energy. Control it all and deplete yours. Time is the Predator and the weapon.
And how we use that time is critical. Time is the measure of importance and it is key to their agenda and our survival. This is very important. They have fought the silent war for some time. The linear algorithm was simple and time was extended while it was carefully crafted over the period we can determine was zero. It has been their strategy to slowly and patiently use vast amounts of time.
Now its Fast & Furious. That is not just a name for gun walking and drug running. It's the phase now where they are racing the clock in 3D time. Running in the Fast Fourier transform. Before the awakening is completed they have to secure final completions of the financial, surveillance, police state, administrators organizations and bluebeam, the final staging. And they have to do it in synchronicity. Not one can happen without the others without leaving themselves vulnerable.
Yes the H3N2 which is going to spread in the US and globally. It is new, manufactured from Fort Detrick, a variant unseen before now. It is being underplayed by MSM frequencies but not smaller non committee members who have already raised the issues and concerns. I called it the birddogpig flu and bird dog smells a pig in this scam. The "Everything Vaccine" that will come out this year for trials. The goal, to get everyone vaccinated before they can get pregnant. Not that they couldn't add it to the bottled water and soft drinks. WHO would know? The FDA, ha! Avatar, Hunger Games, Contagion and the financial Titanic. That's four of the five tiers.
What's the fifth?
Get out the Bluebook, I know it's in there. The time is different for each one of us. They don't want a total zeropoint awakening at once. It will be segmental and that is how they win. Human nature dictates this phenomenon. The unified field is so buried under the chaotic smog of these ever-growing, rapid fire diversions, deflections and smog that the arrival of the people to the crossing of the Rubicon will not happen at the same time. When the authorities shoot down a grandmother in the street it may be for one but not another.
I myself have crossed. I have had it up to my ears with them killing black and brown people. Africa is a genocide. Invisible Children to the world. I'm not talking about that scam Kony 2012.
I heard on Aug 3, 2012 the criminal Senate unanimously passed KONY 2012 resolution. Hardly the last King of Scotland in the Dark Continent.
I'd have vetoed the resolution on the principal that Kony, a combination of Jim Jones and Idi Amin will make some phony money pit called a charity millions of dollars to be funneled into a eugenics program for Ugandan children. Angelina and Brad Jolie can push that Rwanda scam. I can't stomach this con game day after day and year after year. My friend Boomer reminds us of Haiti and that's my weak spot as is Africa. That's where death is sitting right now. The total of Syrian deaths to date equal a day in the Congo or Sudan. Where's CNN on that or the real Invisible Children scam. The GCC and Global Enterprise Triangle Cooperative, Murder for profit, yeah I know it well. Five tiers.
Was the Olympic event you predicted the EMP Blackout in India?
I wish it had been here instead. A few less days of Michael Phelps on camera or Anderson Cooper would have been a vacation of sorts for me. I'll leave it open and see if there's another anomaly worthy of that blackout. Those Indians persevere. Tough people but I think they are going to meet their match soon. They have hit four tiers and they are prime for the fifth. This is an important year for the ruling minority. As much as symbolic, it is the perfect year for them to celebrate the milestone of misery we have arrived at and with a profit to boot.
Mars, Deimos and Phobos, the children of fear and dread.
The children of Mars, we are. Every time we pop the can of cola or tweet some sweet, somebody dies. We know it.
Ahh yes, the phony space shit produced by NASA. Yes, PD, those guys in the "control(hint hint) room" looked like actors to me too. I dated a guy a few years ago who told me he believed "our" landing on the moon happened in a studio out in the desert somewhere. I remember the movie "Capricorn One"
ReplyDeletethat was all about that. I never cared either way so I only researched it after discussing it with him. Sure looked fake after that to me. I was never into rockets to the moon as much as I love Sci Fi. I still believe in ancient aliens though for several reasons.
Yes the biowarfare they are set to release on us and their everything vaccine ~sigh. They could do it so easily by just poisoning the water. Well, it's already poisoned but they could really top it off. Why don't they? I guess they prefer us dying slowly. Their big screen snuff film? Of course, they will scare everyone with their new flu so they will run for the cure. We know the "cure" is worse than the disease.
Oh and as for the Olympics and Michael Phelps..please. Funny sidebar..someone on facebook posted a picture of Phelps next to a photo of HP Lovecraft... uncanny resemblance !
ReplyDeleteI didnt' watch an ounce of it but to turn on lsm just to see what they are up to in the morning while getting ready for work. The girls were talking about the Olympics at work one day and I gave them my spiel about how kids that train for the Olympics are treated as poorly as those in the entertainment industry. That they are abused physically, emotionally and sexually by their trainers. That why do we admire kids that spend their whole young lives in the single pursuit of a "possible" fake gold medal? As usual, blank stares and the oh there goes debbie downer again look. Except one very smart, questioning girl said she saw it happening on a very low level with a very young girl she knows who was heavy into gymnastics competition. She saw the stress and the pushiness. She didn't like it.
Another baby step taken in changing the mindset of the sheeple fawning over the Corporate Games. Was nice to have a little backup at the office for a change;)
Seems to me Cap One was just as many holyrood Scottish rites of what they have acheived. If we all would just take the basic premise of what MSM Newsspeak wants to tell you is 100% BS, and what Hollywood tells you % of fact. We could advance a real plan for not only the US but the world.
ReplyDeleteIt's not an election anymore it's a annointing of a warlord, free from censure let alone prosecution. A Congress of go alongs under the highly evolved network of surveillance, blackmail, extortion, assassination and cover-up.
ET's or reptiles or fallen angles under a psychotic authority playing insect politics and evil pedgogy.
Razing in the Grass...Raisin in the Sun..
ReplyDeleteTwin loco motion, if ya got the notion and are out of lotion.
It's Allah drivin' the Impala down the streets of Valhalla, Vikings at the stop sign with Uzis in their Kevlar Isuzu praying to Sun Zu.
Just another day on the poopoo train..."Hey buddy can you spare a dime?"
The threshold to ecstasy or agony is the same doorway.
ReplyDeleteSo...walk don't run, the other is but one step too far.
That's how you and Michael do it. Step by step, and then it's Niagara Falls. It rushes through you like heroin and the brain goes into reboot.
ReplyDeleteIt all is all dressed so carefully on the AV plasma frame but the COTO eye sees only the naked reality of it's purpose. We can identify it quickly, classify it and forget the false message and intent.
Here's something that turned my stomach recenlty. A cooperative from Disney, Khazar Holyrood done in pictures courtesy of Annie Liebovitz. Russell Brand is as repelling a character as I have ever witnessed in a promotion to cult celeb status. What do wonders ever present more mind boggling than this dude?
Life is like a scene from runaway train at the 75 minute mark. Manny knows the Beast. The rest think there is some redemption some humanity but alas.
ReplyDelete"No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
"But I know none, and therefore am no beast."
"The world is grown so bad,
That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch."
We can contemplate what the complete lack of ethic, empathy and humanity must be for a power energy that has lived forever.
We can see clearly what THEY have to show for all of their "work". They have created an Apocalypse. It is creative Destruction, for THEY are Destroyers. This is easy to see, and WE are witness to their insanity.
ReplyDeleteNow you know why Apotheosis was my meme for this year. The spheres of influence have been mostly the communications. In lieu of the revelations we have digested tonnes of toxic waste entering into our hemispheres. What the chemical consequences are we cannot argue with it because we have no reference from zero.
ReplyDeleteWe also have negative references these day pre-natal to consider. It was the highest priority to develop the < program en-vitro as to deprive the mind and soul from ever knowing the Zeropoint.
From the outside spheres, well we all know the moneychangers who run the enterprise cartel and the thousand points of light which traverse through the NGO, Foundation and Media realms.
It's not hard to identify them as they do not covet the transition to Oligarchy though the deepest core of deciders still remains a mystery.
I like to think back to the Godfather frame of reference for the hierarchy of the MAFIA family system. I remember the meeting with Michael and Hyman Roth "Israel Strasberg" who as an actors actor and coach made A players out of holyroods B team.
What Meyer Lansky and Bejamin Siegelbaum were able to do was become respectable criminals in a global scheme to infiltrate Government and Religion centers. Murder Inc. is prime example of the system that never stopped at the door of these businesses. Just money laundering through legitimate business and payoff to officials, if extortion or blackmail didn't work. Death was honor for the Roman Liege and Commanders, while murder inc. ran rampant in the Black society of Rome.
I laughed to watch Michael find Hyman in a simple home in Florida eating a tuna sandwich. It would be interesting to know the deep core of the committee may be someone who appears to be an average Joe type. Someone pulling the strings may be sitting in a coffee shop sending a tweet.
We have seen estimates of Rock Roth wealth based up formulas with interest and time values, but without profit numbers and full scope of the drug trades it is conceivable that the two family empires may have 80% of all the wealth themselves. Pareto rule would give the Gates' and Carlos Slim a half or one percent.
Puddy check out this Major catastrophe in-the-making:
Excellent post and great comments.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering if anyone had thoughts re: the earthquake in Iran.
ReplyDeleteThe August 11, 2012 M 6.4 and M 6.3 earthquakes in northwestern Iran occurred as a result of oblique strike-slip faulting in the shallow crust of the Eurasia plate, approximately 300 km east of the plate boundary between the Eurasia and Arabia plates. The two earthquakes are separated by just 10 km in an east-west direction. Focal mechanisms, describing the style of faulting for the earthquakes, suggest slip on either fault planes striking roughly east-west, or those striking roughly north-south. Because these earthquakes are intraplate events, away from the main plate boundary structures in the region, precise identification of the causative fault(s) is difficult at this time, though their offset suggest they may be associated with an east-west striking structure.
2 Cin. Both over 6.0 One 6.3 and one 6.4.
ReplyDeleteLos Angeles California which had three 4.5 in Yorba Linda
A young ape awoke one morning having discovered within a dream, the magical world of Make-Believe, and evermore strived to make such a world real. ~ W. D. Whitten - 'Mescaline Jottering' 1968
ReplyDeleteA treatise on 'fear as the seed to imagination'
[written under the influence of psychedelia - grin]
ReplyDelete"Know then thyself, presume not God to scan;
The proper study of mankind is Man."
LeFevre's thesis is excellent...
But I would again suggest that, it is the apotheosis of the tool itself that is the proximate cause. This and the long wrought apologia for man's obedience to the tool, ie; "technology"
Again I refer all to Ellul and his tome: The Technological Society.
And I would assert that it is this very theme that is at the core of Kubricks masterpiece, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Fear negation of imagination, imagination negation of reality. reality a dream and the fear an abberation. MK apes don't dream they live in our abberation.
ReplyDeletePost the paper WDW, you masculine Mescaline apeman.
Like we did not know that the Drones were going into the hands of Al-CIAda, blamed on illegal arms trafficking. Shame.
ReplyDeleteWait that's fast and furious.
Janet's Fetilizer Bomb - predictions
ReplyDeleteDHS Preparing Oklahoma City Type False Flag Before November Elections?
"Post the paper WDW"
ReplyDeleteNah...It is written in longhand, and I'm too lazy to transcribe it to word doc...
Maybe some day {grin}
This is a concise treatment of "Disinformation -- and How it Works", by Brandon Smith.
ReplyDeleteA general understanding of the tactics should be grasped by every individual living in this present world of Lies & Liars:
Get out your F-Lie swatter, and you won't leave the F-Lies Wide Open!
You all better view this link here:
"Louisiana "SS" Police "Assaults" 70 year old Ron Paul legitimately elected State Central Committeeman".
When the morning stars sang together,
ReplyDeleteand all the sons of God shouted for joy?
From the link: "In addition, DHS is requesting that high density ammonium nitrate and RDX (the required booster) be delivered to an undisclosed government facility in downtown Atlantic City, NJ."
ReplyDeleteThat's getting pretty close to home (!)
Thanks for this update. I remember hearing of the judge's injunction (good for her). Hope this thing gets overturned...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. Didn't know about Yorba Linda.
ReplyDeleteI think over 200 dead in Iran - so sad.
perpetual military detention...yea, that sounds "constitutional" Lol...
ReplyDeleteTo think this even has to go to court...beeeeeeeeeezaaaaaaaar
The Salt Dome is old stuff. The toxic waste has been filled into these for years as a possible solution. The Wetlands Project knows where they are and thats where the major useless eater cities will be.
ReplyDeleteMister M should be aware of this and see what local chatter may be chirping.
Look at the right column links and you can get the most recent earthquakes of significance. THanks