Tuesday, July 17, 2012

LIVE: Joe Arpaio Press Conference Today 7/17/12

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alVzyfptF80&w=420&h=315]

 courtesy of http://www.art2superpac.com/joe.html
Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse investigating Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility have been promising more major revelations since their March 1 press conference, and now another event has been scheduled to unveil new information.

Arpaio told WND a press conference will be held July 17 at 2:30 p.m. local time at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Phoenix, Ariz. read more

Eastern time: 5:50 PM - Central time: 4:30 PM

w.art2superpac.com/joe.html - Live Feed Link

Previous conference: http://www.art2superpac.com/joe.html

source: http://beforeitsnews.com/story/2392/043/Live_Feed_Of_Sheriff_Joe_Arpaio_Obama_Investigation_News_Conference_July_17th,_2012.html


  1. boomerangcomesbackJuly 17, 2012 at 1:38 PM

    This has been interesting. The evidence/facts are condemning for the pResident, and more so, the shuck and jive that has been going on to "hide" information that should lawfully be before every American's eyes.

    Some of these formerly "little league" softball throwing reporters seem to have suddenly morphed into pit bull reporters defending Obama's "rep". Interesting again.

  2. boomerangcomesbackJuly 17, 2012 at 3:16 PM

    Geez! Only my wee comment here, and less than 20,000 listening to the Arpaio live feed most of the time...out of 300,000,000? That spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E. So does the facts on the ground and in our face of the pResident's removing of Constitutional "Rights". Oh Hell! Let's just call them God-Given Rights, like for Self-Defense, Free Speech, etc. Infowars is lighting up some of the issues lately, but most sleeples are asheep.

  3. http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_phoenix_metro/central_phoenix/sheriff-arpaio-holds-another-news-conference-on-president-obamas-birth-certificate

  4. Another one for the archives of the obvious.

    Here it is folks, just the facts.

    Oh? What's that? Facts don't matter? But aren't facts obvious? Still doesn't matter? H-m-m ...

    And of course we have Joe asking Congress to "look into this." That's rich. Congress. I guess for some unknown reason Joe thinks Congress is what? Not corrupted?

    We shout into the darkness only to hear our own words echo back silently. But we do not stop. If we stop the darkness we swallow us.

  5. boomerangcomesbackJuly 18, 2012 at 2:56 AM

    Yeah, Puhlease...Somebody, Anybody, please look into this?! How about you gatekeepers and complicit conspiracy coverups in congress? No? You pass? Maybe just a peek? Or a charade at least?

    Well...Kirwan suggest "This Must Happen":


  6. "...the darkness "will" swallow us ..." oops

  7. I had a conversation with Boomerang and we discussed the event for this year as a assorted biological attack. One that begins in sectors and vectors to worldwide component based outbreaks.

    Oz down under has been reporting on Hand Foot Mouth as one of these components. H7N2 is a variant as well I believe has been weaponized.

    I discuss the year of the torch and the red ring of the fifth Generation Warfare for the committee ruling minorities oplan for "natural" unnatural killoff culling.

    This "wildfire" the US will burn but the world population will see heavy hits from this and other vectors. Dengue, Anthrax, eboli, superbug. flesheaters, morgellons, TB, Smallpox, Measles etc.

    More Than 381,000 Infected In Chinese Outbreak - beforeitsnews

  8. You have seen the DEMons sheriff candidates attack Arpaio for focusing on deflection of AZ's problems.

    I remind the good sheriff that Fast & Furious is the issue and Barry Davis Soetoro Liar III and his criminal Attorney General Eric Holder are the problem for his state as well as ours.

    Fight on Joe. Coto knows and so do you. Wait for Mittens to come to Barry's defense.

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93cullaHRQc&feature=player_embedded

  10. lol ... yeah, Mittens would do that.

    They should just share the presidency. Maybe that's what they'll do this time. Both the votes and the EC are split exactly 50/50, and to not have the same fiasco they had with Bush/Gore, they simply share the office. Make everyone happy.

    Forgive me for bringing this up once again, but how can this much absurdity go on?

    You don't have to answer. I know, it just never ceases to amaze me.

  11. boomerangcomesbackJuly 25, 2012 at 7:24 AM

    Ramifications of the Fraud:

