"The United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings....The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books,..", (Washington Post, 23 March 2002)
"Advertisements, paid for from CIA funds, were placed in newspapers and newsletters around the world offering inducements and motivations to join the [Islamic] Jihad." (Pervez Hoodbhoy, Peace Research, 1 May 2005)
"Bin Laden recruited 4,000 volunteers from his own country and developed close relations with the most radical mujahideen leaders. He also worked closely with the CIA, ... Since September 11, [2001] CIA officials have been claiming they had no direct link to bin Laden." (Phil Gasper, International Socialist Review, November-December 2001)
-Osama bin Laden, America's bogyman, was recruited by the CIA in 1979 at the very outset of the US sponsored jihad. He was 22 years old and was trained in a CIA sponsored guerrilla training camp.
-The architects of the covert operation in support of "Islamic fundamentalism" launched during the Reagan presidency played a key role in launching the "Global War on Terrorism" in the wake of 9/11.
- President Ronald Reagan met the leaders of the Islamic Jihad at the White House in 1983
-Under the Reagan administration, US foreign policy evolved towards the unconditional support and endorsement of the Islamic "freedom fighters". In today's World, the "freedom fighters" are labeled "Islamic terrorists".
These various "terrorist" organizations were created as a result of CIA support. They are not the product of religion. The project to establish "a pan-Islamic Caliphate" is part of a carefully devised intelligence operation.
CIA support to Al Qaeda was not in any way curtailed at the end of the Cold War. In fact quite the opposite. The earlier pattern of covert support not only extended, it took on a global thrust and became increasingly sophisticated.
The "Global War on Terrorism" is a complex and intricate intelligence construct. The covert support provided to "Islamic extremist groups" is part of an imperial agenda. It purports to weaken and eventually destroy secular and civilian governmental institutions, while also contributing to vilifying Islam. It is an instrument of colonization which seeks to undermine sovereign nation-states and transform countries into territories. --Michel Chossudovsky
Do go to original and read the entire article--it is the whole enchalada.
Chossudovsky is an exellent journalist. I go to global reasearch regularly to read his articles along with Andrew Gavin Marshall. They are both always spot on.
ReplyDeleteHere's part III of Marshall's series "the imperial anatomy of al qaeda" regarding 9/11
The only problem with their work is that only coto types read it. Those that need desperately to acknowledge the truth would rather not.
For PD.
ReplyDeleteIs that kenny boy Lay on the header hit list? I thought his death was faked and he's living on a tropical island in high style somewhere?
Thanks Jersey,
ReplyDeleteI'll check out the article.
A couple years ago I got THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF 9-11-2001 { a hundred five dollar book} from Research In Political Economy, edited by Paul Zarembka. They are in loose association with Chossudovsky's Global Reaserch org.
This book along with 9/11 SYNTHETIC TERROR by Tarpley are the deepest investigations of the event I have read.
I'd betcha the Hidden History one is much cheaper might want to look it up and see.
hi Jersey, if you think it's hard to get anyone to read should try downunder:-) they dont even believe the CIA does stuff like this at all..I mention Bay of Pigs and get blank looks. majority still think Kennedy shooter was the guy they used as a stooge too. chappaquiddick was a nasty accident..
ReplyDeletewe had one pollie that wasnt a willing go along...he took a swim..permanently, Harold Holt.
we have a lot now that NEED to swim!
Since September 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.
ReplyDelete“There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9-11 attacks, but investigators suspect that they Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are “tie-ins.” But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, ‘evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.
There is one huge problem associated with any effort to pin the blame for planting the explosives inside the WTC towers by this non-existent patsy stooge gang named Al Qaeda.
ReplyDeleteTo plant explosives prior to the demolition day would have required unimpeded access to every room, every corridor, every crawl space, every elevator shaft, every basement area with access to the steel support columns, right?
Who has access to all these areas? Answer: The security company who had the contract for security on the WTC during the period of time leading up to Sept 11, 2001. Morgan Reynolds wrote an article for years ago, where he identified the name of that now defunct security company – Stratesec. And, Reynolds also pointed out that the two lead principles associated with Stratesec were Marvin P. Bush and Wirt D. Walker III, the brother and cousin of the occupant of the White House on 9/11/01.
I have believed for some time that the real perps of 9-11 (Israeli Mossad & their PNAC neo-con 5th column inside the Bush Administration) have been blackmailing our government and threatening to spill the lentils on 9-11 as a means of goading the USA to continue to attack more enemies on the endless list of nations that Israel wants us to destroy for them. The next nation on that list is Iran.
A new war will change the subject and the news headlines about 9-11 will ‘suddenly disappear’. Could that be the motivation behind this latest 9-11 ‘expose’, people?
Is a message being sent to our government criminal leaders to get a new war going PRONTO, or else you’ll be facing arrest, charges of high treason, mass murder for your complicity in 9-11?
ReplyDelete"Going after bin Laden" has served, over the last nine years, to sustain the legend of the "world's most wanted terrorist", who "haunts Americans and millions of others around the world."
Michel Chossudovsky, September 10, 2010
September 10, 2001 were confirmed by a CBS News Report. Osama had been hospitalized one day before the 9/11 attacks.
How on earth could he have coordinated the attacks from his hospital bed in a heavily guarded Pakistani military hospital located in Rawalpindi.
Bear in mind that the Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi (under the adminstration of the Pakistani military) exclusively "provides specialised treatment to Army personel and their immediate family". Osama bin Laden must have had some connections in the Pakistani military or intelligence to be admitted to the hospital. He was, according to Dan Rather's CBS report, provided with "treatment for a very special person".
If the CBS report by Dan Rather is accurate and Osama had indeed been admitted to the Pakistani military hospital on September 10, 2001, courtesy of America's ally, he was in all likelihood still in hospital in Rawalpindi on the 11th of September, when the attacks occurred. In all probability, his whereabouts were known to US officials on the morning of September 12, when Secretary of State Colin Powell initiated negotiations with Pakistan, with a view to arresting and extraditing bin Laden.
The CBS report is a potential bombshell. It invalidates the Osama bin "legend" created by US intelligence. It casts doubt on the notion that Osama was the "mastermind" behind the 9/11 attacks. It points to coverup and complicity at the highest echelons of the US administration.
President Obama has confirmed that "capturing or killing al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden remains a high U.S. priority" for his role in organizing and coordinating the 9/11 attacks from his hospital bed in the urology ward of the Rawalpindi military hospital. If Osama were not behind the 9/11 attacks, the entire "war on terrorism" construct would collapse like a deck of cards. the Obama administration would not have a leg to stand on. Moreover, its justification for waging a war in the Middle East and Central Asia rests on the shaky justification that "America was under attack" and that the government of Afghanistan (Taliban) was complicit in the 9/11 attacks.
For those who think that talking about 9-11 is just fantasizing or being unpatriotic, let me point out that John Farmer, a former Attorney General of New Jersey who was the Senior Council to the Official 9/11 Commission has written a book and in there he bluntly states that the story and the conclusion of the 9-11 Commission are "entirely and inexplicably untrue." So even the Chief Council for the 9-11 Commission says the story they told us is not true.
Septembe 11, 2010
Lrts get into the WAYBACK MACHINE, and see how we actually got here:
The Culture of Violence in
the American West
Myth versus Reality
The Not-So-Wild, Wild West
This is REALLY interesting...check it out. \\ll//
Will, thanks for all your keen insights to the history of 9/11. I'd just like to mention too the fine research of Christopher Bollyn over the years on Israeli involvement on 9/11.
ReplyDeleteAs for Bin Laden, another CIA/Rothschild mafia made man, remember the obvious Bin Laden-Bush business associations in oilcos and Carlyle Group where they got together the morning of 9/11 for a Superbowl style party in Warshington? Hollywood couldn't write better scripts. This is how they operate a criminal syndicate, with trusted family and associates vetted through joint task criminality, brazenly carrying out botched jobs with media covering up. Obama already did his underpants bomber, he's in the club too. Expect more FF, sure. The US government is now corrupted totally from within by these people who have stolen so much from our people. Americans mostly have no clue who has scammed them for so long. History has never been explained to them. Oklahoma City was obviously a government falseflag yet most still don't know.
As the zionists control money they have ascended so far they have gotten very brazen and careless, now not much caring to disguise what they do except with well chosen doublespeak and Big Lies. Like Ari Sharon said, they control us.
I do regard 9/11 as a big mistake however for the zionists and their central banking positions, and it could take them down, just you wait and see, The eagle is alot more powerful than the defenseless Palestinians. For the Israelis to think they can shit on America dancing and celebrating the 9/11 attacks was a huge, I mean huge, mistake. To attempt something this brazen with so many Americans eyewitness to the lies, is tempting fate the Americans won't wake up and do something about Israel and its bankers looting the US. So many people are studying how money is created, 9/11 falseflag, how societies collapse, the Rothschilds, what's in our 'food', how medicine is a scam, radiation, eugenics, etc etc I think because 9/11 woke us up that we have to do something or they will slaughter all of us some deceptive way or another, and they have so many ways.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding us of Christopher Bollyn, a brave and relentless researcher for the truth. I have followed his work closely over the years.
There is so much--so many angles that expose the demonic Zionist House of Rothschild...everywhere one peers the "hallmarks" and fingerprints of these monsters appear. A year long 24/7 documentary would be needed to explain all of this in proper detail.
If the people would only wake up to the most blatant of it...that the so-called "government" is nothing but a criminal syndicate fronting for the Central Banking Cartel. That ALL of their problems come from that one central point.
Well...something seems afoot...something novel this way comes.
Just wanted to add, Will, since you're a history buff, and Afghanistan is taking blame for an act (9/11) it never did, could not do placing demolition explosives....I was in Kabul about a week prior to the first socialist revolution in 1978 while the country was kind of in a lockdown. I was only there in transit to Iran and the west, crossing Asia overland.
ReplyDeletePrior to that, what really happened to Zahir Shah, the last unifying king of Afghanistan? During 1972-3, Nixon and the CIA destroyed Afghanistan's traditional sovereignty. In the same year they kidnapped Timothy Leary on arrival at Kabul airport on his way to stay with the king's nephew. Nixon bribed Zahir Shah $47 million to destroy the Cannabis fields and allow in Christian churches. No shit Zahir Shah became unpopular suddenly in Afghanistan. That was how the CIA destabilized the country. It is recounted in Robert Clarke's book "Hashish", not on the net. This goes back to the Brotherhood of Eternal Love from Orange County, Nixon's constituency, and designating Leary on the lam from federal prisonbreak as the world's most dangerous it's Bin Laden, get it?
In 1978, well I have no proof but what I heard on the street in Kabul, it seemed like everything was playing to a script because the Afghans all knew the Russians were coming for their resources. I asked the US Consulate what they thought was happening and they pretended to have no clue, but now I suspect they were doing agent provocateur stuff to accelerate Brzinski's plan.
I was just traveling through by the seat of my pants, having hitchhiked Pushtunistan through the Khyber Pass, hanging out in Landi Kotal in the tribal territories. You'd better believe a young blond in levis can make bandoliered tribesmen behave like little lambs. Risky but it worked for me right up to the Afghan border where I changed into a long skirt and shawl, not being THAT crazy after all.
Wow Mary, what an adventurer you are.
ReplyDeleteTrading the sacred herb for 'Christian' churches...isn't that the story of an upside down maniacal world?
What has happened to Afghanistan is such utter blasphamy it causes the angels to retch. All of the Mid East...Hell, the entire world.
Do you know why a carnival is successful?
Because the average person is a chump.
Hmmm, I met Timothy Leary at Terminal Island minimum security prison near Long Beach. The manager of my band was housed there for three years on drug charges. The star of the TV show COMBAT...can't recall his name, he was there too, at the 'celebrety table' {hahah}at visisting hours...Liddy for awhile too.
ReplyDeleteLeary was an interesting guy...always a big smile on his face, no matter the circumstances. He was pals with John C. Lilly too, the guy that let the dolphins loose. Lilly was intersted in our band...the laser light show aspect of it mainly.
All those guys were Illuminati. I got strange vibes being around them...intuition.
Also, I know a gal that just went to Afghanistan to teach...she just got there about three weeks ago. We were going to email and keep in touch--but her email is monitored and I can't deal with that--that may have been the source of a trojan I got recently.
The world is vibrating at such a weird frequency now...can you feel it?
Rogue Man, the entire WOT is a misdirection as you know, always chasing Boogeymen Phantoms from a poor ancient culture country that is not well understood by "freemen", and therefore easily demonized. AND, the U.S. establishment, including our erstwhile ally Zionist Israel Always points at the wrong countries as Villains.
ReplyDeleteAfghanistan...Iraq...what a joke! As subsequently was documented and established as Fact -- neither of those two countries were involved in 9/11; unless some agents were trained at CIA "schools" there. Everyone seems to forget it was the large Saudi contingent of the 19 "Arabs" that were fingered, but later found to still be alive.
But the Bug in the Butter as I see it, is the linkage between Bush, Snr. & Jr. to the Carlyle Group and old well established Saudi alliances going back years. The ONLY two Groups that got the U.S. Govt. "Skedaddle Hot Flight Open the Closed Airspace and Out You Go TreatmentT" were the Saudi VIP's and some Israeli's I believe. The Dancing Israelis danced on back to Israel when the heat died down, and other misdirections filled the MSM airwaves.
bin Laden "deadness" for years is fact as other writers have established. That U.S. news agencies continue to "resurrect" him and his "legend" clear up to today, tells me it is a farce and psyop of exploding underwear proportions. I still find it quite the inside joke to have 9/11 pinned on a guy named Osama -- and then, supposedly Americans elect another Muslim named Obama?! WTF!!! Sick humor, and they must laugh their asses off at the idiot American proles who'll believe anything real that comes out of the TV or MSM periodicals.
"I still find it quite the inside joke to have 9/11 pinned on a guy named Osama — and then, supposedly Americans elect another Muslim named Obama?! WTF!!! Sick humor"--Boomer
ReplyDeleteYea...think about the power of the turn around agit prop there...not just Osama/Obama, but on top of that a fucking Hussien! They can lead the masses ANYWHERE at the tinkle of a bell. Awsome.
I visited with my mom awhile ago--she is sitting watching that "Memorial" crap on is utterly sickening the hot dog flavored water from the chocolate starfish.
Wow. Maybe Custer's "Last Stand" was a psyop... know Waldo, I guess that isn't beyond the imagination given the "outrage" of the day. It had that "hollywood" quality even before movie time.
ReplyDeletePretty interesting perspective in DILORENZO's book, aye?
"it is utterly sickening the hot dog flavored water from the chocolate starfish". Rogue-ish 1
ReplyDeleteA Crustacean allusion -- I love it! A Gulf Fiasco FF cioppino (not sure how to spell it, but I'm close) with a glass of BP dirtwater jerkwater bi-polarism broth.
What an apt description you hurked up of today's 9/11 Slo-Mo Replays on all the Zionist owned MSM channels!
A riveting repeat psyop reinforcing the Bush administration's Flamenco {Flaming} Fantasy Bedevilment.
COMMITTEE: {Hey, the Play worked once before on the Big Stage -- let's run it AGAIN until they ('Merican Eagles) defend it?!}.
Wait-a-hotdog-minute! We've thrown it "over their heads" all day long, and they still don't know how we're lined up. Just for Fun, let's run it up their Gut, right into the Heart of their defense? They've got NO teeth, we've already knocked all of them out and left them scattered on the battlefield (yes fans -- they mean Our Heartland/Homeland turf).
Hey, just a minute...we've got a call from The Guy up in the Booth. He said to tell Coach to run the Next FF Play right up their Butts! The ole "Out & Up"... the audacious Secret Sphincter Student Body Left, Right Cross razzmatazz!!! He said, "they're not looking for it, they'll never expect it! Rub their dicks in the dirt some more Red/Blue Team. The pathetic Eagles are sitting ducks!
'Merican Eagles Team in complete disarray:
"Who, Who...Who Dat?" "I want my Mama!"
We already screwed your Mama, Boys! Daddy's here for YOU! Come and get it!
Just wheezin and breezin here, com-patriots. "Daddy Committee is standing there with his pants down around HIS ankles thinking He's going to get off AGAIN!
Do you think the 'Merican Eagles are going to let Him? it the ole Counter Play we got up our pant leg. Daddy C is Right There across the line of scrimmage "inflagrante delicto", licking his chops!
The ole Swarming Defense Bull Rush Blitz seems like a good one to pull out of the playbook 'bout right now...make em scramble for their lives.
" yous gettin smart!"
ReplyDelete...after the Beer-can Beagles scarf down their 99th Daddy-shorts butt-nugget "smart pill," if this starts sellin cliks and eyeballs- wal- whoop-a-dee-dee it's Santa Claus.
"this" referring to the "inside job" meme. pronoun reference error. jus drop a quarter down the slot in my fat smooth head.
ReplyDeleteboom and will..."I still find it quite the inside joke to have 9/11 pinned on a guy named Osama — and then, supposedly Americans elect another Muslim named Obama?! WTF!!! Sick humor”–Boomer
ReplyDelete"Yea…think about the power of the turn around agit prop there…not just Osama/Obama, but on top of that a fucking Hussien!"
EXACTLY!! I thought I was the only one that noticed the utter insanity of that. It's a sick joke played upon the people by the PTB without a doubt.
Try any of the books by David Ray Griffin for good detailed research on 9-11 , or "House of Bush, House of Saud by Craig Unger for details on how the business interests of both shrub the elder and son's are intertwined with Saudi Arabian princes including the Bin Laden family, also goes into the Carlyle group (James Baker and Cheney involved with that as well..
ReplyDeleteWe've got enough wax't poetic here for several candles, wick'm and light'm, for the folk these scoundrels slaughtered that day...and all the maniacle serial murders since; there, here, and everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThere can be no amen, until there is justice.
Yea, thanks Brad, we did pretty much leave a lot unsaid about David Ray Griffin; who is a mainstay, truely a master sleuth, meticulous.
ReplyDeleteI am only vaguely familiar with Unger, I'll check him out. This case is blown wide open...the perps are glowing like isotopes. It is a big complex systemic problem laying in plain sight.
The grist of revolutionary change.
Let there be no rest for the wicked. Karma come 'a callin soon.
ReplyDeleteYea, my own mom said to me this morning, if I hate the United States so much why don't I move somewhere else....Lol
ReplyDeleteShe sat and watched all that bullshit "Memorial to 9/11" all day long yesterday.
She said she had taped a program for me {?} about all the "conspiracy theories and how thay arent true"...sent my through the roof. Here is a woman who doesn't know anything but what her TV tells her--fills her head with sad, so sad.
Talk about 'Divide and Conquer"...aye?
Damn. \\ll//
Will, what fun you met the good doctor Leary at T.I. I never met him but know his life story from researching the cultural phenomenon of the sixties. He was definitely a flawed character coming from an alcoholic background who nevertheless for a time had some true insights. Interestingly he was never busted for LSD and was in the pen for just a few joints his daughter had that he took possession for at the border, entering the US. He was sprung out of San Luis Obispo with Brotherhood money, but a CIA connected group did the actual jailbreak. During his last incarceration he completely lost the path and never came back to what he was preaching in the sixties, liberation.
ReplyDeleteAnswering down here because of squeezing margins.
Leary is a mysterious case. We are dealing with a powerful spiritual substance when we look into Acid.
My take is that Leary was manipulated into a Psyop--that to bring acid into the society. It was little understood by the occult cabal; the Intel clubs.
Leary himself went far beyond the controlers comprehension. There was Blowback on a vast scale when it was realized by the controllers that they had opened a Pandora's box of uncontrollable Muses.
This is why the 60s/70s splintered in their hands. For the first time in centuries they were affraid. Attempting to create yet another 'controlled opposition', they opened a floodgate of true chaos, that they have even yet not leashed.
According to Bollyn, it looks like Ehud Olmert flew out on 9/11 from NYC on El Al.. he was definitely in NYC the day before and gone by the end of the day on 9/11. Netanyahu was in NYC on 9/11 and London on 7/7. Bin Ladens met with pappy Bush at Carlyle group meeting in Warshington the morning of 9/11. It could not be more obvious.
ReplyDeleteThere are no secrets, just failed attention spans.
Yes Will there is a basis to assume acid was an experiment that got out of their control. As evidence, the story of Mary Pinchot and JFK which is discussed in Leary's autobiography "Flashbacks".
ReplyDeleteI was always intrigued by the book in French about Pont St. Esprit, "Feu de St. Antoine", now revealed as a fifties CIA acid experiment. But in Leary's defense, I believe he escaped their control way back in West Point and only came back into their control after they kidnapped him in Kabul. Pinchot (ex wife of CIA Cord Meyer) said JFK had gone much further than they expected....shit yeah he began to print US currency, started the Peace Corps, fired Dulles, planned to pull out of Nam, challenged Israeli lobbying, banned atmospheric nuclear testing, etc. That is what happens in complex and beautiful systems operating far from equilibrium, they take novel turns due to the inherent power of strange attractors.
The CIA probably killed Pinchot to keep her quiet.
..."systems operating far from equilibrium, they take novel turns due to the inherent power of strange attractors."
ReplyDeleteAnd there seems no lack of potential counter weight flavors and colors beginning to hum the tuning fork.