Tuesday, August 17, 2010

American Propaganda

A few of you here know of Mr. Gatto, and his writing.  I typically like what he has to say.  So, I'm putting up his latest piece here at COTO, and inviting him over to the Obvious side.   Feel free to add an Avatar for the piece if you have one in mind.

By Timothy V. Gatto

When will the people of this nation understand that those they trust to guide them and protect them have nothing but contempt for them? Everyday there are people who have no work and have used up their 99 weeks of unemployment insurance, they are called the 99%'rs. Every day the people of this nation look into their television sets and hear the propaganda of a nation that is hell-bent on empire because they fear their own imminent collapse. This won't affect the trans-national corporate hierarchy; they will just move to another country, it's all the same to them. There is no patriotism and no loyalty to the United States among those that sit on the mantle of power.

The majority of Americans are decent, hard-working people, but they are none the less" stooges. They have been indoctrinated from birth to believe in a set of core values that are designed to keep them subservient and docile. They are the victims of propaganda that emanates from the government and the corporate media, designed to lead them to believe that we are "defending democracy" even though we have no real democracy of our own.

We exist under an oligarchy and have existed under it from the time of our nation's inception. The Constitution was designed not for the common man, but for those that had the wealth to exercise power. In everything that we see and hear, the powers that be (and have always been), tell us that we under threat. What are these threats? The answer is that a threat is anything that will allow those wealthy people that run this nation to make a profit. The profit motive is what drives this nation. It has destroyed the lives of ordinary citizens, workers and our military and shows no sign of abating.

The current war in Afghanistan was orchestrated so that our military expenditures could be justified, so that military armaments could be produced by the Military Industrial Complex while the American public learns about the war from the corporate media from bloodless, sanitized, government approved footage that makes the war seem more like a football game than human carnage. Meanwhile, as this nation sinks into irrecoverable debt, the military spending goes on and on. The American people know that something is wrong, but they can't come to grips with the fact that those elected to see to our general welfare, really don't give a damn what happens to the common man. The corporate world has become global, what happens to America does not concern them, the bottom line; profit"is really their only bottom line.

The fact that 80% of us only own 7% of the wealth of this nation is not talked about. The fact that corporations and the rich pay less percentage of income than the middle class is not talked about. The fact that the middle-class is almost gone is not talked about. While our industry has been outsourced to other countries, Wall Street makes money by moving financial inventions such as derivatives around like a classic shell game.

Capitalism is looked upon as something sacred. The mantra of "Free Enterprise" has been hammered into our heads by corporate propaganda since birth. Rarely does one read about the government's shooting of men, women and children by the military and corporate goons when this country tried to implement trade unions. Our "revised" history books make scant mention of the imprisonment of the "Wobbly's'" during the Wilson Administration. Every major attempt to improve the lot of the workers in America has met with resistance from not only from the Capitalist bosses, but from the government that was charged to look out for its people.

The so-called "Tea-Partiers" are deluded and indoctrinated. They oppose taxation in its entirety. They are brainwashed to believe that taxation of the rich will result in job losses and an erosion of the middle-class. They can't help it; they are hammered everyday and have no idea that they are being manipulated by the oligarchs of this nation to do their bidding. Look at the professional politicians that are supported by the tea party, they are almost to a man (or woman) rich. Who is fooling who?

It is time to hold those in power responsible. This has nothing to do with a political party or even politics itself. The time for politics has come and gone. Working "inside the system" has come and gone. The "system" is their "system". We need to mobilize and take action against those that would make us serfs. We need to take to the streets, and by our numbers convince this corrupted government that we are becoming ungovernable. Control is their only sacrament, only when they feel that they will lose this control will they be supplicant to the people.

When King Louis the 14th asked his Prime Minister if this was another protest, he replied "No Sir, It's a Revolution".

timgatto@hotmail.com Read Tim’s book "Complicity to Contempt" and His Novel "Kimchee Days or Stoned Cold Warriors" from Oliver Arts and Open Press

***This piece “borrowed” from:  http://www.opednews.com/articles/American-Propaganda-by-Timothy-V-Gatto-100817-531.html


  1. First things first.

    As has been explained before, money is a fiction, and the "debt" now strategically crippling all our countries likewise does not exist. It is a fiction, and the so-called "lenders" should be told "Nothing doing. Forget it."

    That at least would be a start.

  2. Master Flakster, you are totally correct that money is a "fiction"; as far as Fiat monies and Federal Reserve chicanery go.

    I hear MI is beginning a unique barter system among citizens and business owners which cuts the Fed Res notes out of the picture -- I'm liking it, and anything resembling it!

    I don't believe any politicians or other people's representatives have the balls or means to say "toss off" to the Illuminati Fed Bankers.

    But Society as a whole can demand sound money with tangible and tradeable qualities, and say "Refuse to Use" (my new slogan perhaps) Fiat monies of any kind.

    But first, this Biggest of all Frauds perpetrated against mankind must be recognized by mankind, as the fictional chains that bind them in such a real manner.

    Imagine...the illicit and psychopathic power the bankers have wielded over the centuries with Fiat monies! You can instigate wars whenever and wherever you want (as the Rothchilds do and have done), and pay off and arm "both" sides to kill each other -- 'cause YOU make money from thin air, and pay everyone with it, while charging interest!

    It is time to put an end to this Scam of all Scams. When we do, get ready for the wars.

    But give the addresses of the bankers to the fighters on both sides and let them know this is the enemy of all.

  3. Excellent article Tim.

    I remember when he left OEN snooze because Krawl stated that people should abstain, refrain from using the word Zionist.

    As in Corporately owned Zionist media. Spoon feeding the mendacious pabulum to the credulous, apathetic proles.

    If I could digress for a moment to note that the chemtrails today here in Philadelphia and I am sure the entire East Coast are F'n "obscene!"

    Some thang is a brewing,

    Perhaps "Mother of All Bombs" (MOAB)

  4. Nice piece. I would ask Mr. Gatto, "what street corner? Date? Time?"

    It is easy to say get out in the street. Harder to organize effective protest targeting a productive outcome.

    Socialism is clearly the only answer, via 911 Truth.

    But the S word freaks out many here.

    I agree with the first 17 COTO points but the last one about schools are indoctrinating kids for the NWO Socialist agenda, I would have to take a pass.

    As a teacher I know questions about 911 can be inserted into the curriculum. Sure the texts are fucked(no mention of all those murdered trying to form/join a union, etc) but in my estimation the texts count for about 15-20% of what is actually taken away. The teacher contributes 80 something percent. ALL of my students since 2003 know that there are many unanswered questions about that fateful Sept. morn lo' these nine years ago.

    I understand that a humongous effort has been made over the lasrt 100 year to brainwash us into believing socialism is a dirty word. It has been extremely successful. But we must be clear. Our planets ONLY prayer is ending capitalism.

    NOT some kind of corporate socialism, but a real people's socialism. I ask all those who are still conditioned to fear socialism......where you also all wigged out about the black helicopter invasion of the early 80's? Remember? The UN was taking over.

    One world government of the people is our only hope. The fear you have been trained to feel about any steps in that direction are understandable if it is a corporate socialism............but it does not have to be like that.

    Ditch the fear. Embrace the love. We can create a utopia. No war, greed under control. No poverty. We as a species have the intelligence.
    We just need to evolve. It is what we do. Open yourself to the possibility of a glorious future. We must visualize it. Then make it happen.

  5. Camusrebel, I was with you until you espoused 1 World Government, which I would stand against. That is a centralization of power which breeds the kind of megalomania we're seeing now.

    Frankly, I don't believe it is possible to govern such a disparate group of entities as homo sapiens. Sure, there needs to be humanitarian-based rules, and a point of things that defines right or wrong, or again we get this abysmal "anything goes" lawlessness that we seeing running rampant.

    As Gatto states, there needs to be accountability, and Now, but not from the next generation of sellout, morality challenged politicians and administrators we call "people's representatives".

    Perhaps, if a majority of humans would/could progress to the equivalent COTO-like level of being able to spot Evil, Liars, Bull Shit, Conspiracies, and such like -- then the megalomanical psycho crime shit and fraud might get dealt with...post haste.

    Kudos for a positive spin though CR.

  6. I always say we all and I mean ALL need to get out in the streets to show our power in numbers. But then I remember the many high tech(and low tech) weapons they have at their disposal to use against us and I wonder what it would really be like if our attempt to take our country away from the criminals were to take real form?

    Even if we were all armed to the teeth, a lot of innocent people would be slaughtered in the effort.

    Don't you all wonder the same thing?

  7. Munich, it's what's keeping us roasting like chickens on a bbq spit. This heat and humidity is unbearable. Like I said on John K's post about the gulf, I think they stepped up the spraying to heat up the east coast so they could blame the fishkill on the heat not the toxins they've destroyed the Atlantic ocean with.

  8. "Don’t you all wonder the same thing?"--JG

    Yea...it's a mouse trap. You must have seen the recent thing in Canada. Mix in a few cops as agent provocateurs and burn some copcars...wingo, paints the whole crowd as terrorists.


  9. Yea, the evil ones hold all the cards but we still have the power of our numbers. The best way to defeat them is to get off the grid. Easier said than done for the majority of us.

    What we really need is a military coup worldwide ala Venezuela/Hugo Chavez.

  10. ""Socialism is clearly the only answer"...Camus

    Naivete is never the answer. Sorry.

    Socialism is coercive...it must be. People aren't going to support the slackers no matter how High Tuned and loving they think they may be.

    You need to learn the history of social experiments, and WHY they never worked.

    A socialist government is tasked with providing all of your essential needs. In order to do this the government must have the authority to delve into all of your essential concerns--this is the definition of despotism. This is the essential element, it cannot be resolved by daydreams.


  11. Ahhh...Jersey...Chavez?

    Just the Left portion of the Hegelian Left/Right dialectic.

    Only Liberty can afford true Justice. It cannot be enforced by even soft despotism.

    But this is a long conversation that would take up pages of back and forth.


  12. Yeah, well the time to "take to the streets" is long gone as well. LONG gone. Nobody seemed to notice the DLC and the RNC... oh well... just "dirty fukkin hippies."

    They even let the Teepers wave their cute little pop-guns around... as long as they herded themselves en-mass into the proper designated area... where the interlocking bands could pipe them home to Jeebuz.

    A General Strike is the last hope for a "peaceful" solution... but now that we're climbing all over each other for nickle-ante shit-jobs... THAT ain't gonna happen. There is no "working within the system" because there is no system.

    And no "changing the government" because there IS NO "government." A revolution within the military may be in the cards... but it's a long shot... and "stop-loss" only breeds dissociation.

    The Fat Lady has left the building.

  13. Will, I wasn't speaking of Chavez specifically though I'd rather have him as president than any of ours. Did you see the documentary "the revolution will not be televised?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibt0bjlFizs

    I was talking about the U.S attempted coup of Chavez. Irish film makers got the whole thing on tape. America's lies about that country do not stand. Talk about a stand up and cheer ending... Hollywood couldn't have done it better. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's really eye opening. Id' like to see our military overthrow the sickos that rule this country and take it back for the people.

  14. "A revolution within the military may be in the cards… but it’s a long shot… and “stop-loss” only breeds dissociation. "

    Yea, I have to agree with that. I feel that's our only real hope however faint it is. The flickering candle of freedom is about to be blown out by a powerful blast of a police state on steroids.

  15. Yea...I'd like the sickos knocked outta here as well.

  16. There is nothing wrong with the "Hegelian dialectic" as Hegel conceived it MAH MAN. What is wrong is when two artificial "opposing" positions are presented and then artificially "argued" to a pre-arranged "centrist position."

    That;s not a "dialectic." It's garden-variety bullshit.

  17. What would this Revolution look like?

    What could be the starting point? Then, how does it Roll? From the ground up, round and round the perimeter? Or does it go for head shots of the snake? Is it Militarily run by white hats? Do the cops filter their own, and neuter the wacko authoritarian sicksters? What are People's Militia's capabilities, assets, and mission?

    Just who will have the juice to say "No More" to the connected political criminal cliche and their Fed Res fundies? Then, investigate with real facts, and impose legitimate sentences.

    Maybe one monstrously large U.S. Citizen Class Action Suit seeking Total Damages?!!! Fiat Debt B Gone.

  18. "people aren't going to support the slackers....no matter how loving"

    No slackers, Everyone works 3 days a week, 6 hours a day. Zero unemployment. Most jobs will be in the new "old folks homes" Super nice top-of the-line, squeaky clean with lots of spiritual fun, music, laughter and love. So nice, the main cause of fear based greed, ending up old and broke, treated like shit, will be an ugly remnant of the past.

    One world government, not of coercion, but of respect, dignity, and oh yeah, did i mention..................love, is a must to get a worldwide minimum wage and to abolish standing armies. No other way.

    Yes, we have been programmed to scoff at such ideas. We must fight the brainwashing. No human being will be wealthy. None will be more powerful than any other.

    Can it happen tomorrow? I know the odds and I know the PTB will not relinquish their grip around our necks just of the asking.

    Nobody answered if they partook of the black helicopter frenzy.

    Nine eleven is the key. When Sally Shoppingmall and Joe 12-pack wake up to how badly they were played..............paradigms will crumble in hours and days.....a vacum will appear. If we have done our work properly, visualizing a world we know is possible and demanding concrete steps that will lead us there.......the revolution could even be peaceful.

    Our goal must be taking back OUR airwaves first. Then, when the people have reclaimed ABCNBCCBSFOX for themselves, corporations will be history. Got to get ourselves
    Back to the garden

    I can see it. Can you?

  19. As WP says there is no government yet the people are so weak and fear0ridden they cling to it like a tit.

    Immigration scam for twenty years enforced the big welfare mammary that included 30 million illegals and now thirty to forty percent of the population that are legal.

    That's the plan. Another year and a half of social welfare and deficit thievery and when the next GOP Goon comes waltzing in that's when the fireworks fly.

    I say we file chapter 11 and sell California to China to settle. Then we move DC and the elites there to work as coolies.

  20. Our Goal is taking back each of US individually. Step out of the slavery codependency. Truly, a pillar of their propaganda needs to be exposed so everyone laughs or cries at the Great Lies that were told. Huge Frauds have been committed. A real forensic examination of one of the zombies would reveal the devastating ugly innards for all to see. Names, ruses, schemes and frauds, all crimes laid out on a nice white sheet.

    Then, make an example out this case study, and start looking around for more...

  21. From Tea-Klaners, Fox junkies, neo-cons and their psychophants, bible kooks, billionaires, and just garden variety wing-nuts, I understand an inability to get past a century of uber effective propaganda aimed at discrediting any idea of socialism or one government for one planet.

    Here, though, where so much erudition, wisdom and insight abound.......I would hope we could see that when we reflexively salivate in anger and fear whenever such ideas are whispered, we are just doing the bidding of them with their boot on our neck.

    Albert Einstein knew the answer was one government for the planet. Please consider that your instinctive disgust may, just MAY be the result of a lifetime of subliminal seduction by the serpent.

    In the inimitable words of JL......"Imagine"

  22. note: I borrowed the term "Tea-klaner" from someone (here i believe)

  23. Well now as far as "reflexively salivating" Mr. Camusesque, this is hardly the case.
    What you don't seem to get--and what I have tried to show you WHERE to get, the information, is that the ONE WORLD SOCIALIST PARADISE you ask me to "imagine", is exactly the template etched by the people you pretend to oppose.

    They tell you so in their very own words. YOU are carrying their football towards their goal post falling for this magical mystery tour bullshit.

    Do you think there can be no world government and have one world government?
    Seriously, you are thinking in circles. If you have government--any government to redistribute the wealth, you have "leaders" with POWER.
    Lord Acton's axiom; "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" isn't an axiom because it's a cute poetic rhyme—it is because it makes epistemic sense, is historically viable and psychologically true.

    Again, a government given the responsibility to care for a peoples every vital need—MUST be given the power to carry such a task out, which means the power to rule your every vital action. This is the definition of TYRANNY.
    This is the exact tyranny that is offered by the New World Order. So WHO is the reflexive dupe in this conversation?
    You have never taken my argument to task. You merely play your “love love love” John Lennon fairytale jingo lingo over and again.
    So explain to us, how does all of this loveydovie Utopian Shangrala work in a practical sense?


  24. "I don’t believe any politicians or other people’s representatives have the balls or means to say “toss off” to the Illuminati Fed Banker"

    Exactly. That is why they must be replaced. And not by similar editions, but by our drafted servants, who will HAVE TO work for US, rather than the bankers.

    For THIS reason, I say draft and control them, as I have previously described. And via them re-jig the system.

    This is not any 'ism'. It is rejigging the whole system to exclude the evident evils of 'finance'.

    And now watch anybody who argues simply to distract.

  25. "And now watch anybody who argues simply to distract."--Flak

    You can call on me by my name Flak, I don't mind.

    My problem is that you say you have "already described"...and I do not see any practical plan that you describe. I see a general wish to organize something via the web. This is a matter of marketing. Do you have any chops in marketing? I don't detect any here thus far.

    All I see is you calling my practical questions "distraction".

    So, lets have it. Give me some hint, how are you going to organize this?
    I got a spot that gets me hot, but you ain't been there yet. I want well thought out strategy here--not more pipedreams bullshit.
    Give me something I can get my teeth into. Both you and Camus have lollipops floating in your heads as far as I can tell.

    So rathe than these spurious charges of my "distracting", lets have some meat in your sandwich, and no more jelly beans.


  26. Told you.

    Well, I am not interested in entertaining the distraction element, so he can put a sock in it. And the rest of you can wake up to the activities of this individual. You will find he is there to block everybody ellse. Just count the number of his comments in proportion to the rest..

    Is COTO here just for this? Or is COTO here to be run into the ground so easily?

    THIS is how they work. Watch.

  27. Hegel who viewed the state as Gods footsteps on Earth is no problem?

    I take it you have read some of his carousel diatribes? The verbose choo choo train woo woo. The man was a mystic dressed as a practical philosopher--working backwards from a set premise. An avowed Prussian statist. Ivory tower bullshit.


  28. The same oink aye Flak. You have no plan, just candywords.

    I challenged you to say something practical--and you come back yet again with this "distraction" crap.

    Yea--we can both leave it up to everyone else to see. Fine with me.


  29. I don't want one world government enforcing one economic order whether it's socialism or fascism because as Will said it becomes tyranny. I want restored sovereign humanist governments able to function independently of each other and to trade when mutually agreed, We must end all private central banking debt ponzis or face periodic collapse and confiscation. World order is already here and it grows steadily worse for liberty while its acolytes spray about the love. Einstein was a shill for zionist settlement in Palestine before he pushed development of weapons of mass destruction and global governance. Don't even try to sell me this snake oil about the love and Einstein, cuz there's no love for the Palestinians and victims in Hiroshima, Campusrebel.
    I advocate micro capitalism or family proprietorships because it already works that way all over the world without coercion. Microcapitalism is natural and will outlast all other systems once corporations are abolished. Microcap's what people do besides socialist food stamps to cope with reality. If you want a revolution to bring change, just end corporate capitalism and leave our family initiatives and sovereignties alone. The revolution we need must free ourselves from secret private banking operating through socialism and fascism.
    People might serve in a global socialist regime until the shortages and austerities begin, same as they serve now in fascism, but ultimately they will have to take stock of reality and feed themselves and make markets probably to do so. With a declining economy I don't think clinging to a sinking ship is better than swimming for land independent of all the socialist state and its tyranny. One world order is already behind all the wars destroying our uniqueness and independence, and our liberty.
    Let those who want it do what they will with socialism at their own expense, not mine, for I know that unless you unseat the secret masters controlling social finance, you will end up a slave in a collectivist system no better off than before.

  30. The people of Hiroshima were and the Palestinians are victims of capitalism sparky, not socialism.

    Maybe write less. Think more. The black helicopters were not real.

    I would rather follow Einstein's advice than Fox news.

  31. "The people of Hiroshima were and the Palestinians are victims of capitalism sparky, not socialism."--Camushithead

    The people of Hiroshima and the Palestinians are victims of Zionism/Crown, not a financial system, but an agenda to end financial systems and establish a world wide feudal slave system.

    Your grasp of history needs new break pads, 'cause your wheels keep spinning past the dime.

    What is this "no black helicopter" shit? Another of your bumper sticker yahoo sayings?
    Are you part of a tag team here pinko?

  32. Sorry Mary, I thought I was responding to hybrid.
    As you know, I cannot always help when confronted with condescension not sinking to a similar level.

    It is a fascinating topic/discussion and I hope we can keep it as snark free as possible.

  33. Camusrebel. Consider that a 1 World Government must by it's definition be "imposed" upon the peoples of the world. This disqualifies it, among the other frightening aspects the thought presents.

    I'm a grown up. I don't want a Daddy governing me. Especially, a one size fits all, authoritarian Daddy -- 'cause that's what you'd get.

    There is simply no way you can take a large "blanket" called the 1 world government, and throw it over all peoples, cultures, and commerce of the world -- and have it work. You cannot govern effectively "out" on a such a distant perimeter from the central node "brains".

    And why are their brains better than mine or anybody else's as far as telling me how to live my life? Why do you argue for the strait-jacket of imposed socialistic governing when independence = freedom?

    You're seeing a ruling fucking cliche here in America with the Bush,Clinton,Bush jr., worse than Bush Obama hierarchy. Yeah, they'd like Jeb or Hillary in their next. We're seeing "centralized" elite governance and it is diseased and corrupt on a monstrous scale.

    Freaking let people live their lives, protect and care for them. But screw all of the co-dependent socialistic programs that encourage slackers.

    Hey -- get off my fucking land, out of my face, and piss off guv-boys. I should be charging You for dirtying my property with your soiled soul. See? Instead of the reverse or inverse -- Them telling me I can't dig here, pay these taxes, let them look up my ass whenever they want...see what I'm saying?

    1 World Government will always turn into an Orwellian Nightmare, not Utopia.

    > And I am not mind-controlled either by the influences alluded to. Y'all have to look at your own selves as well.

  34. Can we see a show of hands who was/is fretting about the black helicopter invasion?

    I would also love to know if any here agree that
    "Barry is a socialist".

  35. Wow, "pinko", that's classic. Very John Birchian.

    Quite the Pavlovian response. Good doggie. Protecting your masters as you have been so well trained to do. Without thinking, using pre-programmed arguments. Zero unique individual thinking skills used. Eeeexcelent!

    We are evolving. The positive forces of the multi-verse "want" us to become what we are capable of. As we progress out of the fetid swamp of archaic abominations like capitalism they are there to assist us.

    When you all say, it can never happen, no way, it has always.....you are stuck in the past.

    Think new thoughts... Imagine a future your grandchildren's grandchildren will thank you for.

    To equate socialism with facism is ridiculous. As I mentioned earlier, the Soviet Union was created as an example of how evil socialism could be by the Western elite we all know so well.

    You guys all picture socialism run by people like Cheney, Skeletor, Rove, Soros, Ghoulianiand their reptillian overlords.

    I am talking about a socialism run by the McKinneys, Kuciniches, Zinns, A Roys, Dali Lamas, david Ray Griffins, Richard Gages and regular Joes and Josephines of the world.

    Of course this can only happen after 911 blows up viral, bith parties are outlawed and we take back our airwaves and begin dismantling capitalism.

  36. See Mary. Agent Provacateur running under the globalist socialist education system.

    Harvard and others divesting now from Capitalism? Hardly. Just moving it to China another Capitalist/Socialist Fascist regime.

    Can't sell either here. Your so-called Tea-Klaners are ADL, SPLC and FBI zionist shills. Your neo-Cons are the antithesis of Global green control freaks and the bible kooks are trapped in Israeli-Tamud divide and conquer.

    Now for your billionaires like Soros, Strong, Gates Buffett and the rest, they are Fabian Zionist or Jesuit Masonic collaborators who married into the family of Luciferian Globalists many many years ago. Lots of Liberal labels in this gang.

    The education tenet of COTO should be in the top ten. The RED TEAM Socialists create the wars by design with Techno/Psycho planning and the BLUE TEAM Masonic capitalist produce and direct it much as Hollywood does it. [Avitar]

    The University/Ed system has sufficiently sold the Evolution/Science/Socialist agenda but as theorem and with the burden of proof determined that GOD, Creationism, Constitutional History and meaning had to be removed.

    This damn neutral internet must just piss you off.

    Einsteins gift was primary to your Capitalist collaborators scheme. Easy problem-reaction-solution here. The Globalist's Reichstag, Lusitania, Maine, Pueblo, SSLiberty, Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, 911, Hindenberg wears pretty thin with the BP Oil spill.

    Oh well if at first your bad science fails the litmus, try try again BP. When Waldo and Camus get their 911 truth, their Manifesto will have to be rewritten to include the one world doctrine as the end to these means.

    Capitalism is BS but it's here. When operated under Soverign Nations with clear limits on monopoly and non-interference on competition it works as well as anything else.

    Once it is hijacked by UN-WO slavetraders and eugenecists and their red/blue team administrators, it becomes worse than fascism.
    Clearly these teachers are myopic or agents. But I told you Mary that Camusrebel was one.

    I have the black CH-47's flying over weekly here. I know where the UN is. Everywhere. Your Russian, Israeli, and European troops and spies are here under the controlled SB1 and UN




    Vigilant Guardian was the pretext to 911 so what does the Vigilant Guard NLE exercises mean Camus. Please go get some therapy or stop drinking the fructose koolaid.

  37. I would also love to know if any here agree that
    “Barry is a socialist”.--camus

    It is becoming increasingly obvious that you are lost in this L/R, Capitalist/Socialist bullshit paradigm and haven't progressed beyond civics 101.

    And this covertsnark pissing over "black helicopters" is a transparent twirly game unworthy of serious comment.

    You are in serious need of practice comrade.{grin}


  38. "Zero unique individual thinking skills used."--camusfecaloid

    This is pretty funny coming from a shillmiester that hasn't spouted anything but hundred year old marxest bullshit.
    You keep shooting blanks and claiming you hit the bullseye.

    It might piss me off if you weren't so transparently a cottoncandy brained off the shelf shill with little actual social engineering skills. You are an amateur punk.
    And you make my day, supplying me with such delicious ammo to stuff back up your red shill ass.{giggles}

  39. Camus... Barry is NO socialist.. Or wait, yes he is a corporate socialist. He sucks and we tried to warn those at oen just what a shill for the big boys he was. No one listened.

    I voted for Ralph Nader. Does that sound John Birchy to you Cam?

  40. "Give me liberty or give me death" has been the Call of the Wild for mankind for eons.

    History is replete with bad examples of "give me more government", "give me bigger government", give me a centralized government".

    Independence on an individual level, with common-sense Responsibilities for one's actions should be the goal. Conformity to 1 size fits all government mandates is a mass illusion/delusion in my estimation.

    I want independence, not dependence. Any by the way -- Kucinich sold out on Obamacare after his ride on Airforce 1. In the big government system, everybody gets bought -- and the governed get sold.

    That's how it looks to me.

  41. No JGirl, sounds very un Birchified. Just that long ago worn out relic "pinko" gave me flashbacks.

    You have always disagreed with me politely and I can dig it.

    If I remember correctly you are even mature enough to question some of your own beliefs.

    When we begin to love more and fear less everything becomes possible.

    Sometimes a cloud is just a cloud and HAARP may not be behind EVERY odd weather happening.

    Yes, you guys figured me out. I'm a shill, an agent provaceteur even. I am a shill for Mother Earth. I will help to destroy capitalism before it destroys her.

    All humanity can live in peace on a clean healthy sustainable planet. We can choose to fight for what we know we desreve and what is possible or we can accept our slavery and actually work with the forces of evil by not even at least imagining a world where they are eliminated.

  42. Call of the Wild, a classic by my favorite socialist of all time, Jack London.

  43. Whether you are a shill or simply stupid doesn't matter to me Camus.

    I have given you a simple equation to either deconstruct using some form of logic, or accept.

    You refuse to address it as if it has not registered to your brain. I therefore conclude it does not register in your brain. It is either that or purposeful avoidance. Stupid or shill, it's your call.


  44. Jack would have crapped his pants to see the committee running this humaitarian concept under a world order that hates the very thought of peace via live and let live.

  45. Yes, London was an individualist if there ever was one.

    I don't know whether these clowns are mixed up tootiefruitloops using heros as badges to enter our conversations, or downright hasbarahounds. But like I said, it matters not which--they fucking glow in the dark.


  46. It is a bizarre twisting of logic.

    What is this?

    "We are evolving. The positive forces of the multi-verse “want” us to become what we are capable of. As we progress out of the fetid swamp of archaic abominations like capitalism they are there to assist us".

    No comment. Speaks for itself.

    "I understand an inability to get past a century of uber effective propaganda aimed at discrediting any idea of socialism or one government for one planet".

    Camusdude -- the steady march towards 1 world guv is what is killing everybody. Are justifying the means to the end?

    "Socialism is clearly the only answer, via 911 Truth".

    The answer is 9/11 has been used to get to socialism as the answer for the NWO megalopsychos behind the deal.

    "One world government of the people is our only hope".

    You are certainly being clear about what you espouse.

    "Ditch the fear. Embrace the love. We can create a utopia". "Open yourself to the possibility of a glorious future. We must visualize it. Then make it happen".

    Do you realize how "Guru-ish" this sounds? It is utter rubbish. I visualize the plans of the 1 World Government blokes going up in smoke, but what wacky weed are you smoking?

  47. Boom and Patrick, thank you for disagreeing with me without sinking to the level of childish name calling and wanting to stick things up my ass.

    Boom, the "NWO megalopsychos" are capitalists.

    When we nationalize the airwaves, these pigs will be hung or imprisoned at hard labor.

    No rich powerful person wants real socialism because there will be no more rich powerful people.

    You think they want a universal minimum wage?

    Patrick, you bring BP into the mix. When we nationalize the energy sector they will get what is their due.

    Calling out the Rothchilds, Freemasons, Illuminati etc is all well and good. I am proposing a future where they not only will loose their power but will be eliminated.

    I know it sounds far fetched but we must make our wildest dreams known. Spoken. Put down in words.
    This way they can grow. And when 911 truth sends our current paradigm crashing down to hell, we will be all ready with a blueprint for utopia.

    Eat the rich. Property is theft. One love.

  48. and your wildest dreams hybrid?

    middle management? FEMA camp gaurd?

    do you even dream? A few days ago here a post was asking for solutions. By and large I found them all to be lamely pedantic. Long windedness is not a sign of original thinking.

    If we do not think big and outside the box we will remain small and confined.

    Do you really think the rich want there to be no more rich? Absurd on its face.

    Oh, hybrid I meant to ask u upthread a ways...you were upset Kucinich decided to back HCare. You implied because he changed his mind, after the infamous plane ride, his whole 41 year career was a sham? Did you know he was elected to the Cleveland City Council in 1969 when he was 23 years old? I was disappointed he caved but looking at his face coming off that plane, it was clear he saw or heard some bizarre shit up there.

    Maybe BO morphed into a lizard, whatever it was, he was definitely shook, bad. I worked for him in 2004. Have watched him under some trying circumstances, never seen his face like that.

    Anyway, wish we had a few more with his integrity.

  49. '...you were upset Kucinich decided to back HCare. You implied because he changed his mind..."-Camus

    You are confused, that was something Puddy said, not me.

    "Do you really think the rich want there to be no more rich? Absurd on its face."

    Power trumps 'rich'...that is what riches give you in an economic world. These bastards are in a full court press to dump the economic world...that is what feudalism is; Lords and Serfs. The economic game is then reserved for the masters between themselves.

    Dreams? My capacity to originality? Frankly Camus, I don't give a shit about your assessments of yours truly.

    You talk about "thinking outside of the box" while you are so firmly nailed in your mental coffin you think the echoes you repeat are your own original thoughts.

    Thanks for the lollipop \\ll//

  50. "You can’t live according to ideals you don’t actually live by. Do you lie to yourself or not? Do you make money?"--Les Visible

    Aye Camus?


  51. I pointed out the Kucinich caving, Rebel. You were naming off 'leaders' who you thought had the moral fortitude to be Kings and Queens.

    Here's one of my rules for spotting Megalomaniacs:

    If a man or woman actually "thinks" they are fit to lead nations, then they are narcissistic psychos and should probably be locked away from any tempting "power". Bush thought God was speaking to him. Obama thinks he's God. Twisted.

    Kucinich's cave busted the opposition to the HC scam. Yeah, something bad might have happened to him or his family (already did to his brother), but he'd been marching along fighting, and he was captured as a POW, along with all the other "righteous brothers". I thought it was the crowning moment of his political life, where glory turned into a shit sandwich...for millions of Americans.

    Whatever. That was yesteryear. Plenty more games coming right up.

  52. Now be honest Camus...how is life as a bee? Life in the hive mind?

    What was the plague in Camus' book by that title? Yes this is a test. You claim to be a teacher...what plague is it that Camus is talking to?


  53. "rules for spotting Megalomaniacs"--Boomer

    Yes, quite an intellignet assessment. I view it that way myself. Good articualtion.

  54. Look what a mess You have made here Gatto. You put the turd in the punch-bowl then sit back and watch the partygoers expressions. You were My freind,You have forgotten Me,ye have abandoned Me Timmy.

  55. "But Society as a whole can demand sound money with tangible and tradeable qualities, and say “Refuse to Use” (my new slogan perhaps) Fiat monies of any kind."
    Ron Paul 2012 !

  56. Gatto got the boot for stating the obvious,"Obama is a liar" I know,I was there and tried to be a mediator for reconciliation,it didnt work.Tim got the boot,then i got the boot,then lots more got the boot.
