Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What else are they not telling us?

Dead fish. As far north as Massachusetts.




  1. Yea..."Hot water"...All up the East coast...where many who are connected with the larger conecting of dots have been waiting for the repercussions of the Macondo dead zone spreading.

    No putting the dots together on a national scale, just these isolated local reports, sighting localized rational. The gulf stream has stalled. the water cooks.

  2. Yea it's cooking with toxic oil and corexit. I'm absolutely positive now of weather manipulation to create the endless heatwaves in this area to give them their excuse for the fish kills.

    Coto saw this coming months ago. I live just 30 mins from the Atlantic Ocean. This destruction of the ocean and all it's inhabitants + the resulting human illness soon to manifest all along the coast makes me feel physically ill and I haven't eaten the fish nor had a swim in the ocean all summer. It's a sickness borne of emotional exhaustion from all this madness.

  3. Twisted Administration Responses Might Be:

    > "Hey! Free Fish". Serve em up! No Frying Necessary.

    > They're Just Fish. They Were Going to Die Sometime Anyways.

    > No Comment. We Have an Iranian War to Start to Protect Our Freedoms and Spread Democracy.

    > Don't Believe It! It's Just a Fish Story!

    > Who Can Predict What Silly Fish Will Do? They're Crazy!

    > Obama Says He'll Go Fishing There Anytime -- We'll Get Back to You On That.

    > So...You're Saying This is a Triple F? A False Fish Flag? Have Some Conspiracy Nuts With Your Fish Sandwich wudja?!

    > We Intend to Build a Fish Boom to Keep Out These Alien Fish From Our Borders. Nancy Pelosi is Pushing Another Legislation Bill Out of Her Colon Right Now -- H.R. 665+1, "Fish Boil". The Senate Appropriations Committee is Beginning a $700Billion Survey Right Now.

    > HAARP & BP Together Are Now Helping Humanity By Driving Fish to Shore, Saving on the Expenses of Boats, Bait, Fishhooks and Fuel.

  4. The pernicious agenda is now in motion, the destruction of the ocean, you ain't gonna need No suntan lotion.

    And where is all of the commotion? There's NONE!

    Chemtrails, keeping the sheople docile.

    Poppies...Poppies. Poppies will put them to sleep. Sleep. Now they'll sleep!

    RIP Margaret Hamilton

  5. Strategy of Tension...don't let it get to you...take that emotional balm of ANGER to replace your feeling of helplesness, "I'm as mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"....

    Never forget and never give up--every little bit here on COTO adds to the ballance.
    Things are tipping--they ARE tipping. Only 20 % of the colonists supported the break from the British Crown.

    I keep up with the 'rightwing' sites as well--they have the Zionists figured out as well, the smarter ones.

    Keep a cool head. Don't shoot 'till ya see the whites of their eyes. {grin}


  6. I am mad as hell!! But still sick at heart. You can't imagine how much I hate these bastards... Oh wait, yes you can!

  7. http://www.rferl.org/content/Russian_Scholar_Warns_Of_Secret_US_Climate_Change_Weapon/2114381.html

    The Russians know that they are under attack.
