A friend of mine from the Detroit area sent me this video tonight. Believe me, I am no fan of David Duke, however facts are facts and he's got them 100% right here. This is an excellent compilation of zionist crimes and lies.~jg
Ha! Will,you'll never know:) Regardless of the fact that I agree with everything he says in this video (how could I not?) I still think he looks kinda ghoulish in this video
The Truth is not exclusive to even the most flawed men. I've heard truth from every skuzzball who ever ran for office. They just forget it as fast as they said it.
David Duke must want a US seat badly as he has put together a very acurate video and placed it timely in view.
It will be the committee's goal to drive Fat Lazy Slothlike Zombies in America to the brink of maddness, hunger and hardship before we go to kill. But we will go to kill. Why would this not come to pass.
Were were in Iraq, a year after 911 on a yellowcake fairy tale by a yellowbellied fairy President. Just think what shifty Barry Shinola can do.
I'm not a fan of Duke either...I was just dukin' ya {grin}.
No...the truth of the matter is it's every man for himself {sorry girl...Lol}
No gov. no org. no nothing is going to put the brakes on now. It is what it is and it ain't pretty.
When we see lollipop people poppin' like bags of jiffy-pop in some massive rally near future wise--we will get the real picture of what these "magic weapons" really are. This will shiver everyones timbers.
"Once there was a way to get back homeward"...long past now. We have a trip through the valley of darkness. Put on your hiking boots and keep something sharp up your sleeve.
"Second, “Zionism” is a complete semantic load of fucking crap. It is a powerful meme..."--WP
The Protocols - No. 9 -
"... we, the lawgivers, shall execute judgment and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare, we, as head of all our troops, are mounted on the steed of the leader. We rule by force of will, because in our hands are the fragments of a once powerful party, now vanquished by us.
"And the weapons in our hands are limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless vengeance, hatreds and malice. "It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds.
"We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, restorating monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the task; each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established forms of order.
"By these acts all States are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace: but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super-Government and with submissiveness."
You're right Jersey, Anyone with two brain cells to click together knows that Duke is an identity cult racist. He is just trying to ride the tide of awakening Americans to the Zionist threat and turn them with this newest spittle. He's about as sophsticated as an old southern sherrif clansman...y'all.
He is also part of the ongoing attempt to start an holy war against the Christians and Jews, and the Christians and Muslims. He stands for hate and nothing else.
If we don't learn to distinguish between the Zionist overlord and the 'lesser brethren' there will be rivers of blood--innocent blood running in the streets of America. It looks like that is what is coming at any rate.
Keep your wits about you my friends--white water ahead.
"There is no...." There is no WP. Zionism is like everything else. Call it what it is. A rosicrucian by any other name is still a heaping pile of lies. There is no Mafia. They were just Criminals. There all criminals so lets call them what they call themselves.
Stop using that repetitious alpha logo, it is tired. We know who the committee are and the names they use for long division. There is no Jack-the-Bear. It's John Ursidae. How do you like it?
These names were all fine until they rang sour. Now they don't exist. Talk about the grand delusion.
White water-black death. The words will be banished and all free thought a crime. If you can't adjust to the committee linguistics and rules you will find the undertow.
The phony intelligence used to induce our March 2003 invasion of Iraq has been dusted off. This time it’s being deployed to take us into Iran.
Same scam. Same storyline. Same fraud—even featuring some of the same players.
Except that this time around their deception lacks the broader context required to gain traction for their phony content. That key difference makes today’s perpetrators far more transparent—for those willing to look. ***************************[\\ll//]*******
Perhaps a more reliable source to lay our chips down on.
The keywords there rogue are.. "for those willing to look". Still too many unable or unwilling to do that. Look at them all protesting against the mosque in nyc. Idiots need to get a clue that it wasn't arabs that killed 3000 people on 9/11.
Yea...the mosque thing...running through the email circuits of the rightwing bimbo crowd. My mom gets emails from her friends at least once a week.
I had to dress down one of my moms friends that I have known since I was a lad, pointing out that this was simply hysteria...a smart woman too. A shame.
It doesn't matter how smart you are if you aren't paying attention.
This ones for you Waldo, a tall cool one that refreshes:
"The right's latest weapon: 'Zionist editing' on Wikipedia 18 Aug 2010 For years now, Wikipedia has been a fierce battleground between the Israeli right and left. One key battle was over the entry for Bil'in and whether the weekly struggle at that village near the security fence should be described as violent... Now the Yesha Council of settlements and another right-wing group, Israel Sheli, are embarking on a Wikipedia battle: Zionist editing on the Web-based encyclopedia. The first course was held yesterday in Jerusalem. "The idea is not to make Wikipedia rightist but for it to include our point of view," said Naftali Bennett, the director of the Yesha Council."
Also look up CAMERA, another wiki editing org from the brains of Zion. And when you finish doing that, bring in the dog and put out the cat......{grin}
A huge trove of newly declassified documents subpoenaed during a 1962-1964 Senate investigation reveals how Israel’s lobby pitched, promoted, and paid to have content placed in America’s top news magazines with overseas funding. The Atlantic (and many others others) received hefty rewards for trumpeting Israel’s most vital – but damaging – PR initiatives across America.
And so Congr-ass has set on this for forty fucking years...ain't that a yellow zionist ducky in the tubby? No Wankopaper--no Zion here, it's all in yer majynashuns pussybird.{grinning like a skull}
...and the comments too... propagandists have tried to revise history long before there was wiki writing... the names chiseled off Egyptian obelisks for example.
What- is there an echo in here? Didn't I read this on another post that echoed all the red-baiting on "American Propaganda?"
What- are you intent on providing examples of "American Propaganda?" I'm a Cold-War Kid. I've heard them all.
"Jack the Bear" lyrics were meant to be go with an instrumental by Duke Ellington... and the simplified melody is very similar to the marching cadence drummed into the heads of US boot-camp recruits.
Yea...another blow mind for me was last night..er early this morn, there were seven flags from Holland, all landing around the same time. I didn't scope onto them--all from the same town tho'.
Reason I took note is a recent article on "antisemitism" growing in Holland...???
COTO has some pretty open views on Zionism, again--just intuition. \\ll//
For myself, it will always be "Occupied Palestine", there is no "Israel" in my book. I don't recognize it. There is no legitimacy for this "shitty little country". \\ll//
"Like the grotesque picture of Dorian Gray locked away in the attic, Israel gets uglier with each act of cruelty, and no amount of canned hasbara or phony “anti-Semitism” conferences can make it look pretty. What Israel was and what it did in 1948 is being revealed in what Israel is and is now doing. The reason Israel can’t hide from its history is that it has stagnated and history has caught up with it." Greg Felton
"I wish the good people in that country (and there are many), who see the crimes their govt is perpetrating (again there are many) would overthrow the corrupt inhuman bastards."--JG
Yes indeed--but as you well know we face the same madness in the US--this impunity has a deeper secret origin--the Crimson King, the House of Rothschild.
This is the root that needs uprooting--but only a burrowing bunker bomb of expose' will reveal this rats nest.
This is why I say the pen is mightier than the sword.
And what about these kids? http://www.whywerefuse.org/
We are brothers and sisters to the ones with the courage to resist... and we know very little about how many there are. It would do to remember that the US is despised as well around the world... for equally valid reasons.
There are many Israelis who detest the warmongering pigs who run their country as much as we do our own warmongering pigs. Time will bring about the decline of "religious" states... if they survive the die-off
I made that point in the post above this one...that the US is no without liablity and the citizins of this nation have the same responsablility to resist this evil, to point it out, and to stand against it.
Waldo, I agree. I didn't think it was necessary for me to make the point about the U.S. since we all are already aware of that and discuss it constantly.
However, we can and do criticize the U.S. for it's atrocities against us and the world but the minute one tries to do the same against the murderous criminals that rule Israel, you get slapped with being anti-semetic and a"holocaust denier." I say enough of that double standard.
"Antisemitism" is simply a tool in the hands of the perpetual victims, the "Chosen People"; a weapon of defamation by the Orwellian "Anti-Defamation Legue".
"To make the occupation palatable to ordinary Israelis and the rest of the world an ideological war is also underway, Wind said. She told the audience that the “victim mentality,” in part a result of the Holocaust and other examples of anti-semitism, is used to create a distrust of the world — a distrust that is “very harmful to the peace movement” in Israel." http://antiauthoritarian.net/NLN/?p=684
What makes me want to hurl is this... blind hatred for Arabs is ALSO "anti semitism,"
"While the term's etymology might suggest that antisemitism is directed against all Semitic peoples, the term was coined in the late 19th century in Germany as a more scientific-sounding term for Judenhass ("Jew-hatred"), and that has been its normal use since then." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti_Semitism
(hey- if yer gonna keep using rense, i'm gonna keep using wiki)
Although most Israelis are "secular" (just like most USAns), FEW will admit they are not "Zionists" for the same reason that most Murrikans would not admit they are not "Christians," even though the practice of both "principles" has evolved to label-only... a meme for "self-identification."
The "Jewish State" is doomed... as are ALL "religious" states.
It's bad enough when people start slapping labels on others without knowing what they mean... it gets really weird when people start slapping labels on THEMSELVES without knowing what they mean.
Why aren't you a fan of David Duke Jersey? {grin}
ReplyDeleteHa! Will,you'll never know:) Regardless of the fact that I agree with everything he says in this video (how could I not?) I still think he looks kinda ghoulish in this video
ReplyDeleteDontcha think so too?
The Truth is not exclusive to even the most flawed men. I've heard truth from every skuzzball who ever ran for office. They just forget it as fast as they said it.
ReplyDeleteDavid Duke must want a US seat badly as he has put together a very acurate video and placed it timely in view.
It will be the committee's goal to drive Fat Lazy Slothlike Zombies in America to the brink of maddness, hunger and hardship before we go to kill. But we will go to kill. Why would this not come to pass.
Were were in Iraq, a year after 911 on a yellowcake fairy tale by a yellowbellied fairy President. Just think what shifty Barry Shinola can do.
I'm not a fan of Duke either...I was just dukin' ya {grin}.
ReplyDeleteNo...the truth of the matter is it's every man for himself {sorry girl...Lol}
No gov. no org. no nothing is going to put the brakes on now. It is what it is and it ain't pretty.
When we see lollipop people poppin' like bags of jiffy-pop in some massive rally near future wise--we will get the real picture of what these "magic weapons" really are. This will shiver everyones timbers.
"Once there was a way to get back homeward"...long past now. We have a trip through the valley of darkness. Put on your hiking boots and keep something sharp up your sleeve.
When the fall occurs all manner of false-leaders will try to fill the void. It is during that time we will face many of our greatest dangers.
ReplyDeleteThere will be many David Dukes emerging as things get worse. The pace is quickening.
"There will be many David Dukes emerging as things get worse. The pace is quickening."--M
ReplyDeleteYea, that is the problem with mayham...especially game planned mayham.
The NWO pez dispenser is full of little Dukoids to plop out on us as we run through the streets looking for anothe phony hero to save our shit for us.
"Second, “Zionism” is a complete semantic load of fucking crap. It is a powerful meme..."--WP
ReplyDeleteThe Protocols - No. 9 -
"... we, the lawgivers, shall execute judgment and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare, we, as head of all our troops, are mounted on the steed of the leader. We rule by force of will, because in our hands are the fragments of a once powerful party, now vanquished by us.
"And the weapons in our hands are limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless vengeance, hatreds and malice.
"It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds.
"We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, restorating monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the task; each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established forms of order.
"By these acts all States are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace: but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super-Government and with submissiveness."
\\ll// Yea, merely a bullshit meme
You're right Jersey, Anyone with two brain cells to click together knows that Duke is an identity cult racist. He is just trying to ride the tide of awakening Americans to the Zionist threat and turn them with this newest spittle. He's about as sophsticated as an old southern sherrif clansman...y'all.
ReplyDeleteHe is also part of the ongoing attempt to start an holy war against the Christians and Jews, and the Christians and Muslims. He stands for hate and nothing else.
If we don't learn to distinguish between the Zionist overlord and the 'lesser brethren' there will be rivers of blood--innocent blood running in the streets of America. It looks like that is what is coming at any rate.
Keep your wits about you my friends--white water ahead.
"There is no...." There is no WP. Zionism is like everything else. Call it what it is. A rosicrucian by any other name is still a heaping pile of lies. There is no Mafia. They were just Criminals. There all criminals so lets call them what they call themselves.
ReplyDeleteStop using that repetitious alpha logo, it is tired. We know who the committee are and the names they use for long division. There is no Jack-the-Bear. It's John Ursidae. How do you like it?
These names were all fine until they rang sour. Now they don't exist. Talk about the grand delusion.
White water-black death. The words will be banished and all free thought a crime. If you can't adjust to the committee linguistics and rules you will find the undertow.
ReplyDeleteSafe? Maybe not you but me I know where to perch. Hall monitors, those pathetic wimpy world weenies. Boooo!
ReplyDeleteJohn? I thought his first name was Leon...Ursidae.{grin}
ReplyDeletePD... :) :) :)
ReplyDeletebtw, I had to look up the Jack the Bear / John Ursidae reference.. ha! good one
ReplyDeleteBy Jeff Gates · August 18, 2010
The phony intelligence used to induce our March 2003 invasion of Iraq has been dusted off. This time it’s being deployed to take us into Iran.
Same scam. Same storyline. Same fraud—even featuring some of the same players.
Except that this time around their deception lacks the broader context required to gain traction for their phony content. That key difference makes today’s perpetrators far more transparent—for those willing to look.
Perhaps a more reliable source to lay our chips down on.
The keywords there rogue are.. "for those willing to look". Still too many unable or unwilling to do that. Look at them all protesting against the mosque in nyc. Idiots need to get a clue that it wasn't arabs that killed 3000 people on 9/11.
ReplyDeleteSO many sheeple to awaken, so little time......
Yea...the mosque thing...running through the email circuits of the rightwing bimbo crowd. My mom gets emails from her friends at least once a week.
ReplyDeleteI had to dress down one of my moms friends that I have known since I was a lad, pointing out that this was simply hysteria...a smart woman too. A shame.
It doesn't matter how smart you are if you aren't paying attention.
This ones for you Waldo, a tall cool one that refreshes:
ReplyDelete"The right's latest weapon: 'Zionist editing' on Wikipedia 18 Aug 2010 For years now, Wikipedia has been a fierce battleground between the Israeli right and left. One key battle was over the entry for Bil'in and whether the weekly struggle at that village near the security fence should be described as violent... Now the Yesha Council of settlements and another right-wing group, Israel Sheli, are embarking on a Wikipedia battle: Zionist editing on the Web-based encyclopedia. The first course was held yesterday in Jerusalem. "The idea is not to make Wikipedia rightist but for it to include our point of view," said Naftali Bennett, the director of the Yesha Council."
Also look up CAMERA, another wiki editing org from the brains of Zion.
And when you finish doing that, bring in the dog and put out the cat......{grin}
ReplyDeleteWhere you can read the whole story...even though I know you won't.
"...He’s Jack the Bear of world renown;
ReplyDeleteHe’s Jack the Bear from out of town.
Jack the Bear is in cahoots
With big galoots in pin-striped suits.
Jack the Bear ain’t got no roots
Except the ones inside his boots."
"Jack the Bear has heard the news;
ReplyDeleteHe says that when you snooze you lose.
He says you reap just what you sow.
Now Jack the Bear has … gotta blow."
"Now Jack the Bear has … gotta blow.”
ReplyDeleteYea Jack Bear can blow me too.
So we are playin' "The Riddler" tonight aye chromeskull?
"Everybody funny--now you funny too"--Booker Z and the Jaguars
ReplyDeleteBy Grant Smith | Pulse Media | August 18, 2010
A huge trove of newly declassified documents subpoenaed during a 1962-1964 Senate investigation reveals how Israel’s lobby pitched, promoted, and paid to have content placed in America’s top news magazines with overseas funding. The Atlantic (and many others others) received hefty rewards for trumpeting Israel’s most vital – but damaging – PR initiatives across America.
And so Congr-ass has set on this for forty fucking years...ain't that a yellow zionist ducky in the tubby? No Wankopaper--no Zion here, it's all in yer majynashuns pussybird.{grinning like a skull}
...and the comments too...
ReplyDeletepropagandists have tried to revise history long before there was wiki writing... the names chiseled off Egyptian obelisks for example.
/// don't go back.
WEll now that's some relevant history Mr. wikireader...blow it off because "hey standard practice all through history, whats new..."
ReplyDeleteYou now full well why I brought this to your attention captain bangaroo.
I know nuthins relevant 'cause it's all words and words are poopoo in Waldoworld.
Love it champ, you're an invisible container that still can't hold water.
I'v noticed that you never actually say anything Waldo. It's handwave and then nonsensical rhymes...rather autistic d'cute.
ReplyDeleteBut then, you are a delightfully funny character {grin}
What- is there an echo in here? Didn't I read this on another post that echoed all the red-baiting on "American Propaganda?"
ReplyDeleteWhat- are you intent on providing examples of "American Propaganda?" I'm a Cold-War Kid. I've heard them all.
"Jack the Bear" lyrics were meant to be go with an instrumental by Duke Ellington... and the simplified melody is very similar to the marching cadence drummed into the heads of US boot-camp recruits.
"I don't know but I've been told..."
It's the "postmodern paradigm," Jack. "Language is inherently unstable." Critics try to equate this with "relativism," which- in many cases- it is.
ReplyDeleteBut throw roguewilly a meme, and...
"He comes on like Jack the Bear."
On 8/20/11 at 15:40:01 an Israeli flag showed up at COTO landing on the 9/11 shock opera article by Scott Creighton/Loman.
ReplyDeleteInteresting: a Tel Aviv email add on a Windows 7 system through Firefox Internet engine. Mossad?
Just wonderin'
Hmmmm that is indeed interesting. I'm wonderin' too.
ReplyDeleteYea...another blow mind for me was last night..er early this morn, there were seven flags from Holland, all landing around the same time. I didn't scope onto them--all from the same town tho'.
ReplyDeleteReason I took note is a recent article on "antisemitism" growing in Holland...???
COTO has some pretty open views on Zionism, again--just intuition.
For myself, it will always be "Occupied Palestine", there is no "Israel" in my book. I don't recognize it. There is no legitimacy for this "shitty little country". \\ll//
ReplyDelete"Like the grotesque picture of Dorian Gray locked away in the attic, Israel gets uglier with each act of cruelty, and no amount of canned hasbara or phony “anti-Semitism” conferences can make it look pretty. What Israel was and what it did in 1948 is being revealed in what Israel is and is now doing. The reason Israel can’t hide from its history is that it has stagnated and history has caught up with it." Greg Felton
"I wish the good people in that country (and there are many), who see the crimes their govt is perpetrating (again there are many) would overthrow the corrupt inhuman bastards."--JG
ReplyDeleteYes indeed--but as you well know we face the same madness in the US--this impunity has a deeper secret origin--the Crimson King, the House of Rothschild.
This is the root that needs uprooting--but only a burrowing bunker bomb of expose' will reveal this rats nest.
This is why I say the pen is mightier than the sword.
And what about these kids?
We are brothers and sisters to the ones with the courage to resist... and we know very little about how many there are. It would do to remember that the US is despised as well around the world... for equally valid reasons.
There are many Israelis who detest the warmongering pigs who run their country as much as we do our own warmongering pigs. Time will bring about the decline of "religious" states... if they survive the die-off
Yes Waldo,
ReplyDeleteI made that point in the post above this one...that the US is no without liablity and the citizins of this nation have the same responsablility to resist this evil, to point it out, and to stand against it.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that Israel in an outpost for the criminally insane.
I pity the human Israelis who have to live along side these maniacs.
BTW JG, same Tel Aviv address on site right now.
ReplyDeleteSame story landing.
Waldo, I agree. I didn't think it was necessary for me to make the point about the U.S. since we all are already aware of that and discuss it constantly.
ReplyDeleteHowever, we can and do criticize the U.S. for it's atrocities against us and the world but the minute one tries to do the same against the murderous criminals that rule Israel, you get slapped with being anti-semetic and a"holocaust denier." I say enough of that double standard.
"Antisemitism" is simply a tool in the hands of the perpetual victims, the "Chosen People"; a weapon of defamation by the Orwellian "Anti-Defamation Legue".
ReplyDeleteThere's no business like bullshit.
Yeperdoo, willyroot.
ReplyDeleteAs Maya Wind told her audience at Staten Island:
"To make the occupation palatable to ordinary Israelis and the rest of the world an ideological war is also underway, Wind said. She told the audience that the “victim mentality,” in part a result of the Holocaust and other examples of anti-semitism, is used to create a distrust of the world — a distrust that is “very harmful to the peace movement” in Israel."
What makes me want to hurl is this... blind hatred for Arabs is ALSO "anti semitism,"
"While the term's etymology might suggest that antisemitism is directed against all Semitic peoples, the term was coined in the late 19th century in Germany as a more scientific-sounding term for Judenhass ("Jew-hatred"), and that has been its normal use since then."
(hey- if yer gonna keep using rense, i'm gonna keep using wiki)
Although most Israelis are "secular" (just like most USAns), FEW will admit they are not "Zionists" for the same reason that most Murrikans would not admit they are not "Christians," even though the practice of both "principles" has evolved to label-only... a meme for "self-identification."
The "Jewish State" is doomed... as are ALL "religious" states.
It's bad enough when people start slapping labels on others without knowing what they mean... it gets really weird when people start slapping labels on THEMSELVES without knowing what they mean.