Thursday, May 20, 2010

Revelations 8.8


  1. yes, Oh my God is right, for it is only He that can save us now. Man having done his part is in no position to do what only God can create.

    It has now been let known that as much as 19-times the amount of oil is being spewed into the Gulf. It would have been bad enough with the original figures, but this ... this kicks us over the cliff.

    There is nothing left now but the screaming.

  2. M, I've been praying constantly, hoping that there will be some good news and this oil will stop spewing from the ocean floor. This never should have been allowed to happen.

    We as a species are screwed. We've allowed these corporate despots to ruin life here on Earth all in the name of greed. It is just so F'n sad and brings tears to my eyes knowing that this once beautiful area of water, the Gulf of Mexico could be vanquished.

    Yet I hear they were partying last night at the peoples house while the sea and the people of the Gulf coast are in peril. The disconnect is utterly astounding. There's only so much these people can tolerate.

    God, I hope they can stop this thing

    God bless you M. and your fellow brethren in NO. and everyone along the Gulf Coast.

    God help us all

  3. Hi folks,
    don;t know whats worse, the leak, or them again saying they consider using Nuke to try and stop it...
    now if its a loooong trench as it appears, and a nuke cracks the bloody thing wide open,..
    what Really sucks is that not One bastard that had a part in this headtrip will be jailed! every single one will weasel out of it, a mass clusterfuck as ever.
    while the people pay with their lives health and their environment.

  4. There is no denying what is in store for us now M. This is so horrifyingly true.

    If anyone missed Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones yesterday, I'm posting the videos here. According to his sources, Lake Michigan could be BP's next victim. He also discusses some very interesting stuff he's found out working in Chicago.

  5. Correct M, in so many ways to mention. Kudos.

  6. There is starting to be a consensus that they're purposely allowing the destruction of the Gulf region.

    Further evidence of this, is that they are not even discussing an already proven method of cleaning-up the spill.

    Check it out.


    What do the cajuns think about Kevin Costners oil suckers?

  8. Red algea could turn the whole ocean red. I dont know much about red algea,I get green algea when I dont change the dog water. I suppose red tide has something to do with red algea. Patricks smart he might know.

  9. I remember one red algae kill in Florida. Horrible.
    I don't think the oil can cause it.

    They thought it was from the miami cruise ships dumping their sewage tanks. They all do it not to have to pay for disposal at docks or they will dump partials. Sometimes it is chemical dumping and I think phosphates would do the trick.

    Slimeballs dumping slime. What else would you expect
