Friday, May 21, 2010

Wayne Madsen Reports on BP Oil Spill Press Blackout - Alex Jones 5/20/10

Madsen reporting from his new post in Chicago drops a few other info bombs yesterday including the fact that Lake Michigan may become BP's next victim and Obama's & Emanuel's early dealings in Chicago..~jg


  1. Jersey, what a ripper! great find- can't believe I managed to miss it at AJs shame on me:-)
    I just played part One, and I am knocked sideways! how the hell can stuff like this get by? Its simply stunning that No One..with the truth has managed to get heard..till Madsen.
    or are there a lot of disappearances/ sudden riches happening?
    Tell a REALLY BIG LIE, and then some!

  2. No kiddin' Oz, while I listened to this I was thinking.. holy crap!

    Alex also had a guy by the name of Charlie Veitch on.(love police). He's a Scot and a real hellraiser. I LOVE this guy. I'm going to post his interview with Alex. He deserves the space :)

  3. Besides Madsens good reporting, I want to know why does Jones have those white lines in the background of his show that resemble chemtrails?

    Stop the first video at 1:20 and just look at them. Pisses me off!
    Why is he doing this? He knows about chemtrails.

    Then again these white lines have been incorporated into "every" so called news channel backgrounds, especially the weather.

    After a clear blue sky day yesterday, the first in many weeks, the sky today is filled with more fake clouds.

  4. Rand Paul want's to repeal the civil rights act?????

    How low will they go? To the bottom. Desperate and terrible liars. The leaky liberals NWO shills have drank the blue fluoridated koolaid for too long.
