Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's the End of the World as We Know It.....

Oklahoma tornado/hail storm  ....   May 10, 2010...."Oh my god, I've never seen anything like this!"


  1. 10 May 2010 was a real ripper by the looks of things, but looking at these and other video clips from that day, I can assure you of one thing and one thing only, this is nothing new. It looks a lot like my home town and in many of the video clips it IS my home town.

    We had a hailstone in the freezer for over three years waiting for the insurance to ask for it, which they never did. It was larger than a baseball and we picked it up off the front seat of a chevy after it and a bunch of others demolished the windshield. Of course we had to wait until the big stones quit coming down. One of those things on the head and you is dead.

  2. you guys sure do things in a biiig way:-)
    beats Melbournes effort earlier this year.
    I heard a lot of farm animals were killed, poor things no shelter and had no escape.:-(

  3. Curt, no doubt about that. Hailstorms are not that uncommon. However, what IS uncommon is the increasing intensity and frequency of such storms not only in Ok but elsewhere in the country and world. My belief is HAARP and chemtrails are the main culprits of our new "weather systems."

    That one video of the people in their house being pelted by those big iceballs crashing into their windows was as creepy as any sci fi movie I've ever seen.

  4. Oz, I ALWAYS think of the animals in these situations. The oil spill in the gulf has me sick over those poor innocent sea creatures and birds caught up in that man made sludge disaster.

  5. I think it was 1975 I drove through Wichita Falls Texas. 6 funnels had gone right across the town. It looked like Hiroshima. I remember the first time I saw a tornado,all the hairs on My neck stood on end. I have lived 54 years and only until 2008 had I heard of a tornado in New York. Something is definitely going on,and it aint good.
