Friday, May 28, 2010

Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnology

Found in my email box this morning.........~jg

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is gaining a reputation for funding technologies designed to roll out mass sterilization and vaccination programs around the world. One of the programs recently funded by the foundation is a sterilization program that would use sharp blasts of ultrasound directed against a man's scrotum to render him infertile for six months. It might accurately be called a "temporary castration" technology. Read more about it here:

Now, the foundation has funded a new "sweat-triggered vaccine delivery" program based on nanoparticles penetrating human skin. The technology is describes as a way to "...develop nanoparticles that penetrate the skin through hair follicles and burst upon contact with human sweat to release vaccines."

The research grant money is going to Carlos Alberto Guzman of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Germany and Claus-Michael Lehr and Steffi Hansen of the Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research.

These are both part of the Gates Foundation's involvement in the "Grand Challenges Explorations" program which claims to be working to "achieve major breakthroughs in global health."

...breakthroughs like mass sterilization and nanoparticle vaccines that could be covertly administered even without your knowledge, it turns out. These nanoparticles could be used in a spray mist that's sprayed on to every person who walks through an airport security checkpoint, for example. Or it could be unleashed through the ventilation systems of corporate office buildings or public schools to vaccinate the masses. You wouldn't even know you were being vaccinated.

This technology is potentially very dangerous to your health freedom. Using it, governments or drug companies (which are all the same thing these days) could create a vaccine skin cream that's handed out and described as "sunscreen." But when you put it on, you're actually vaccinating yourself as the nanoparticles burrow underneath your skin and burst, releasing foreign DNA inside your body.

A history of covert mass medication

But why would the government medicate people without their knowledge or consent, you ask? They already do it with water fluoridation. Fluoride is a drug, and regional and national governments all over the world are using the water supply as a way to deliver the fluoride drug to people whether they need it or not -- and without any proper medical diagnosis or prescription.

So if governments are already covertly medicating people with fluoride in the water supply, they've set the stage mass-vaccinating people through similar channels, such as the air supply in buildings. And thanks to Bill Gates, this nanotechnology needed to pull this off is now being funded.

Is this really a "major breakthrough in global health?"

I suppose it is if you believe in covert medicine where you dose people with drugs or vaccines without their knowledge. Western medicine is so offensive to rational people that it can't even operate out in the open. That's why it resorts to covert contamination of the water supply in order to force the public to swallow its drugs.

Fluoride and covert medicine

Oh, by the way, to anyone who argues that fluoride is not a drug, remember this: According to the FDA, any chemical substance that has a biological effect on the human body is, by definition, a drug. Therefore fluoride is a drug, too.

Even more, fluoride is promoted with outlandish claims about "preventing cavities" by swallowing it, making it an "unapproved drug" according to the FDA. So how is it that this unapproved drug can be dripped into the water supply and forced upon hundreds of millions of people without a single diagnosis of fluoride deficiency or even a single prescription from a doctor?

The answer is that western medicine is so arrogant that it does not believe it needs to follow any rules, regulations or laws. It is a system of "bully" medicine where drugs are shoved down your throat by being covertly dripped into the water supply without your consent. So why should we believe vaccines will be any different? If mainstream medicine can find a way to force every person to unknowingly be injected with vaccines, make no mistake they will pursue it!

And such efforts will no doubt have the continued financial support of Bill Gates.



  1. I thought marriage was temporary castration,until the divorce anyway.

  2. I read this last month and it made me want to puke.

    Bill Gates was set up to succeed with Microsoft. He was ruthless in getting what he wanted and is a fraud. He was a committee dummy set up for success and has been their puppet since 1988.

    He is uninspiring, loathsome and a typical lefty extremist of the highest order.

  3. Gates is such an obnoxious loser but worse he comes right out in the open and promotes vaccines for population control. He lies about greenhouse gas as a lead in to the population control shuffle Explain the Doomsday Seed Bank again, Bill, with a chart, cuz I'm an idiot.
    It is truly scary what the capabilities for the population control people with nanotechnology will become at this rate. The nanoparticle effect raises the biological effectiveness of almost any substance including teflon which is not normally toxic in larger particles.

  4. That's what's so amazing to me Mary. That he comes right out and says it knowing the video will be all over youtube.

    It just shows the arrogance of these eugenicists and just how ignorant they think the masses are. Unfortunately, they are right. How many average citizens will ever know about their technological plot to do away with the majority of them before it's too late?

    When Bill Gates says he "loves" vaccines, the sheeple will assume he's a humanitarian and wants to save the poor souls in those nasty third world countries(and here) from death by horrendous disease.

  5. I couldn't agree with you more Patrick.

  6. This from a happily married man? Shame on you ! ;)

  7. add his geo engineering to that list..
    mary, teflon de gasses at cooking temps. I consider it not wortjh the risk to use, and the production is also bad for workers and the planet.

  8. I'm glad you mentioned teflon Mary. If anyone is still cooking on no stick China cookware you might consider Fluoropolymers add more to your poison intake along with your Crest and water.

    Sample: polytetrafluoroethylene

    Teflon PFTE was one of the discoveries cited when DuPont received the U.S. National Medal of Technology from U.S. President Bush in 1990 for its role in the development and commercialization of man-made polymers in the 20th century.

    That confirms it's poison.

    In Soil and water:
    Teflon is used to insulate data communications cables because of its outstanding properties, heat and chemical resistance. Used in Carpet and clothing as well.

  9. I'm assuming calphalon is a no no too. Best to stick to the good ole cast iron pans my mother swore by, eh?

  10. Yes and pure stainless steel, Crock pottery ovenware. Nothing Dow Corning or Dupont that's for certain.

  11. That's right about teflon cookware, best to avoid.
    I don't know all the ways in which substances can break apart into nano sized, but it must require high energy states. I do know that high temperature combustion is one way metals go nano and we have seen nanoparticulates from burning thermate on 9/11 and the US dirty bombing campaign with uranium weapons in south Asia. These small particles greatly increase the relative biological effectiveness of mutagens and carcinogens because they increase surface area and pass easily into cells, being the size of viruses.
