Friday, May 28, 2010

3 Monkeys


  1. All of them guilty! Sentence all involved to being waterboarded with the oily water of the gulf until near death. Then force feed them shellfish, contaminated with oil and disbursement chemicals, until death mercifully ensues.

  2. Dear Lady, we both know that nothing will happen to these cretins, other than them making even more money off this disaster.

    I'm looking for Barry to start pushing the Cap & Trade tax as a way to "deal" with this problem.

    If you read the Times-Picayune you'd be reading that BP is restricting press from access to photographing the millions of dead fish along our coast. Barry comes down for a photo-op and BP buses in a couple hundred clean-up crew people for the occasion, and than buses them out right after he leaves.

    This whole thing is staged. And I'm 95% convinced that this was no accident. No direct proof, just a series of coincidences. For instance, at the very time of the explosion the captain of the rig was entertaining a group of suits from BP and MMS that were there to give the rig a "safety award". April 20th is Earth Day, and Hitlers' birthday. And we all know how these cretins love to play these games.

    Anyway, tempers are increasingly getting hotter as this travesty unfolds. My hope is that the reaction to this isn't also going to be controlled by those that created the problem. Problem, reaction, solution.

    By the end of this year we won't recognize this country.

  3. Lovely work!
    The three monkeys, I think, are derived from a relief in a Buddhist temple in Nikko, which was part of Ieyasu Tokugawa's summer home (but Wikipedia might contradict me). I interpret them as a play on a particular Shinto/Buddhist prayer, the Rokkon Shojo (Six-rooted Purification), to translate part: "With your eyes, see all manner of evil, but with your heart, see none; with your ears, hear all manner of evil, but with your heart, hear none," etc., going through the six senses, including thought. It is wise counsel for dealing effectively with bullshit. The odd part of it, though, is that when it gets to the mouth, it says "With your mouth, say all manner of evil, but in your heart, say none." I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one.
    With any moralisms such as this, which are meant to empower people, you get twisted interpretations from the sociopaths, which Lobaczewski called "paramoralisms," which they use to their own advantage and turn the original intent on its head. An example would be the reverse interpretation of karma to a kind of "manifest destiny," in which the poor are said to deserve their misery, because it is a sign they were evil in a previous life. All it is is self-serving malarkey, but they manage to further victimize their victims with it. Religions are rife with it.
    I think Ieyasu Tokugawa was not a sociopath despite being a ruthless leader, because he put an end to several centuries of constant warring and initiated an era of prosperity and flourishing culture--the opposite of what GW Bush did. I think either he or the artisans he commissioned made note of a common paramoralism (i.e., "turn a blind eye and deaf ear to suffering and don't say anything") and satirized it with the three monkeys. Maybe I'm all messed up, but I suspect that whatever interpretations you read of it are just that: interpretations.

  4. I know M, I know. It just felt good to write it and visualize it for a moment.

    I saw the tar ball pickers on the beach that wouldn't tell the vapid CNN talking head who sent them there despite her fervent badgering. (all part of the game I'm sure). They were even referring to the beach combing brigade as a possible scam yesterday on CNN.

    Even with a scorecard, I can't keep track of their convoluted machinations anymore and what they are trying to accomplish with the sheeple who are slowly awakening day by day in a very pissed off mood.........and they KNOW it.

  5. makes me want to cry ...

  6. Keep the faith M. Easier said than done. God bless you and everyone including the sealife in NOLA and along the Gulf Coast. I hate these mother fuckers!

    Blowout preventer problems were known as early as 2002

  7. Like the artist, I too am very suspicious of alot of 'coincidences' and inexplicable fuckups (they claim that's all it was) with this sick blowout. What BP proposed was so crazy and unusual that the Schlumberger crew called their own chopper to bail inmediately off the rig.
    I enjoyed your perceptive comments, Patricia. Definitely all life is dancing on the head of a pin when interpretation at origin becomes an immense redirector of intent. I imagine speaking truth to power as talking about who's doing the evil and its significance to society, but don't know exactly what the monkeys meant. Personally I am not fond of the rhesus monkeys when they become cheeky, but loved the monkey's face in "Baraka" the film about the 1991 solar eclipse. These are the inscrutable bandari at their finest.
    Tokugawa was a rare case of effective top down reorganization of an entire society which had exhausted its wood resources and lost its game. During the shogunate Japan reforested to survive. Its top down forestry practices ended a tragedy of the commons that threatened to depopulate Japan. This is a pretty rare example and cannot be taken out of its context but it has some lessons as an anomaly.
    The self sufficient closed shogunate was ended by US Pacific hegemony which went on to steal Hawaii at the point of a gun, later to illegally annex Hawaii as US territory (a military base)without the required treaty. Japan was finally completely destroyed as an independent nation with nuclear weapons after playing the colonial game itself to join in the new lusts for power.
    Japan today is one of the most dumbed down societies on earth, on a par with Israel and the US and England and all the rest. I know, I use JAL, so their taxpayers subsidize ME, but there are other clues. In the film, "White Light, Black Rain", twenty year old kids on the street in Hiroshima don't even know their city was devastated in 1945 by Einstein's nuclear weapons. Their reactor at Monju is trying to operate but has problems, in fact, one "fuckup" like in the Gulf with the oil well and Japan is unliveable in big necrotic blotches of plutonium contamination. Japan today is not Hokkusai and its not a very good bet for the future especially as they cannot resist the falseflagging of the Cheonan and have to accept US military domination for their assigned role in the NWO. They like us are totally screwed.
