From the original Hebrew Scriptures YA was the celestial bang and the creation of heavens and earth. These are kept very well hidden and many deceptive forgeries have replaced them.
The Gulf oil spill could be the point for a special earthquake even if they can contain it for now. For those who have the spirit, a scorecard to help keep the game into view. For others they can skip to the next posting.
GENESIS 6 - YA - The Big Bang and Master Plan.
1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2That the sons of YHWH saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. [angels, fallen]
3And YHWH said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.
4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6And it repented YHWH that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
SEVEN: The Committee rules
GENESIS 6 - The Committee plans
1Abolish Sovereign Governments
2Abolish all private property
3Abolish Inheritance
4Abolish Patriotism
5Abolish Family
6Abolish Religion
SEVEN: Usher in the New World Order
1 Rev. 6:2 A WHITE HORSE Its rider carried a bow and went forth conquering and to conquer. This seal portrays the going forth of YHWH's Warning Truth concerning COUNTERFEIT: Baptisms, Sabbath Days, Messiah's and Bibles. Beware!
2 Rev. 6:3-4 A RED HORSE Its rider was given a great sword and proceeded to take peace from the earth. This seal tells of wars, revolutions and bloodshed on an unparalleled scale. The great sword symbolises world wars involving many nations.
3 Rev. 6:5-6 A BLACK HORSE Its rider held a pair of scales and weighed out food at extremely high prices. (e.g. a whole day's wages for two measures of wheat). This seal brings to view world-wide famines when prices for even the barest of life's necessities will spiral out of control. (A whole day's wages for two measures of wheat).
4 Rev. 6:7-8 A PALE, SICKLY HORSE Its rider's name was Death and Hell followed him. This seal symbolizes pestilence and disease epidemics of various kinds which will lay low millions of people.
5 Rev. 6:9-11 SOULS UNDER THE ALTAR Souls were heard crying for justice. They were told to wait for a while till a further martyrdom took place. This seal reveals a further persecution of YHWH's people, a persecution as intense as any which occurred in the past.
6 Rev. 6:12-17 CELESTIAL SIGNS
A great earthquake.The sun turned black.The moon turned blood-red.The stars (meteorites) fell.The sky was rolled back as a scroll.Earth's population was terrified.These are literal signs in the physical universe. When they occur blind panic will overtake the inhabitants of the world.
Note: The real Messiah YESHUA does not return to earth during this seal. But another will.
Revelation chapter 7 is inserted between Seals 6 & 7 THE SEALING OF YHWH'S SERVANTS By divine authority the devastation of the earth, the sea and the trees was delayed till the servants of YHWH were sealed in their foreheads and right hands. 144,000 Israelites were sealed. The Mark of the Beast must be rejected prior to the seventh seal.
Rev. 8:7 Trumpet 1 A third of the earth, a third of the trees and all the green grass were burned[with aluminum,Barium and radiation]. This damaging of the earth, the sea and the trees will only take place after the sealing work is completed (Rev. 7:3). The Trumpets, in other words, cannot even commence their destruction till all 144,000 Israelites are sealed. The terms earth, sea, trees, grass, fish, ships etc. may have symbolic as well as literal meanings. But it must be remembered that ONE THIRD OF MANKIND are slain at Trumpet No. 6, so it is most unlikely that these terms also represent mankind. [Chemtrail successes happening now? We are dying from these now and contributing to the one third number.]
Rev. 8:8-9 Trumpet 2 A third of the sea became like the blood of a dead man. A third of the fish perished and a third of the ships sank. [Happening now?]
Rev. 8:10-11 Trumpet 3 A third of the rivers of water were made bitter and many people died. [the next event]
Rev. 8:12 Trumpet 4 The sun, moon and the stars were then darkened by a third. [2012?]
Rev. 9:1-12 Trumpet 5 FIRST WOE! The Bottomless Pit (Abyss) was then opened and an evil host led by Abaddon the King of the Abyss came forth. They proceeded to torture all mankind for five months - all except those who had received YHWH'S Seal at the time of the sealing. These believers were supernaturally protected from Abaddon's power. The Abyss is a place - or condition - in which God has imprisoned a host of evil angels. Abaddon, the King of the Abyss, is a demon of great depravity. At this Trumpet, he is given leave to torture and brutalize mankind for 5 months: that is, all except the servants of the Most High who accepted the Seal of God in their foreheads and right hands (minds and actions) at the time of the sealing.
Rev. 11:14 Trumpet 6 SECOND WOE! Four mighty angels were then loosed from the Great River Euphrates. Aided by a force of 200,000,000 they killed ONE THIRD OF MANKIND. At this time the holy city is trampled under foot for a period of 42 months (3½ years). YHWH'S Two Witnesses also preach to the world during this 42 month period. At the end of this woe the Beast who ascends from out of the Abyss will kill the Two Witnesses; but after 3½ days they are resurrected and carried to heaven in great glory. During this seal, ONE THIRD OF MANKIND will be slain. The Beast, who we are told also rises from the Abyss, could well be Abaddon the Destroyer, the Lawless One, the Son of Hell, the Exterminator from Sheol. His Mark is the age-old counterfeit of YHWH'S Signature and will again manifest itself when the bogus sabbaths of Christendom (Sunday, Christmas, Easter etc.) are enforced by law throughout the world.
Rev. 11:15 Trumpet 7 THIRD WOE! This is a time for YHWH's anger, his judgement of the nations and the rewarding of his saints. At this Trumpet the kingdoms of this world will pass to their rightful ruler, the Messiah of Israel. YESHUA, the Son of YHWH, will return to earth at this Last Trumpet. The Beast will vainly attempt to make war with the returning Messiah, but he will perish in the attempt. YESHUA"S millennial reign of peace will then begin.
well done indeed!
ReplyDeleteI see a large amount of the prophecies I used to ignore are in truth very correct.
Its our job to stay alive and warn and defend.
I see the false sabbath is going to be enforced in Europe.
Germany and the popes mob are way too chummy-cutting the EU to 10 also fulfills prophesy, and it sure appears to be coming.
I see katlas looking unsettled, Vanuatu had a 7 quake..if BP screw up?more, that is..
18months isn't that long, and we have an awful lot goin down.
ReplyDeleteRight on target Laurel. Sunday nonsense. People cannot look at the gregorian and count to seven.
I can't expect them to follow something like the Bible codes or doomsday dates
:-) what is a problem is , that while its seemingly designed to affect the muslim faiths worship too, it will also affect those who Can read and count.
ReplyDeleteroman church at its sneakiest yet again.
remove the opposition any way they can. bet they are polishing the implements.
No One expects the spanish inquisition indeedy!
Losing one third due to a hebrew god should make people examine all their mafias alot more closely.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Fed mafia to begin with? If they worship Yahushua we might understand the one third loss to paychecks. Their old mafia once hung a red six pointed star in front of their house of finance, the symbol of Saturn. Chances are they worship a god like Yahushua. Watch the hell out! Stay safe! Support the Constitution!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, theez mafia have to dance on the head of pin underneath all the veils of secrecy to carry out one last financial Hail Mary which for others just comes naturally refinancing with a revolving line of credit. Liquidity is not a problem, its the exposure, agh. See, the Fed mafia have to buy the excess US Treasuries nobody wants with the money they print out of thin air, one of the simplest tricks of the gods who always come through with keep bond prices from collapsing. But to hold off fatal insolvency from a flood of debt will require the willpower of reformed sinners, at least until the camps and new songs are ready for the people. We lost a few there.
Remember tulips and how that currency collapsed so fast? Remember the demolitions on 9/11 and how they dropped Nelson and David's last valiant erections with the pyroclastic flooding of lower Manhattan? Not that they had them up very long. We'll soon find out of course. But that swift coup d'etat for the old humanistic time is how it will go once the stage is set.
What USS Liberty crewman can forget the raw power of Yahweh?
Back in the day when Yahushua or Yahweh followers were spanking the Levant, native pagans called them "Yahoos" and the term perpetuated itself to this day in popular culture.
A well known "yahu" today is the notorious Bibi or B. Netanyahu, who, present near the attacks on 9/11 and 7/7, said 9/11 was good.
Obama was to be their new messiah. Eighteen months later how's it going?
The waters are already poisoned with fluoride and other toxic chemicals. We can expect the toxicity of our drinking water to continue to increase. This in turn causes more cancer and more "sudden' death. I believe the third trumpet may have already sounded.
ReplyDeleteThe tulip collapsed over the same type of triad and minipulation we are watching now Mary. That's for certain.
ReplyDeleteThese same Khazars and Turks live on. These pigs in search of bulbs and truffles will find the booty where ever it may hide. Easily found in the Talmud and all subsequent pagan scriptures once they scattered to the four winds.
Not to be confused with the Levites and Leviticus. They were never spanking the Lavant. You missed the purge. The mafiusu you identify is are the Marfud composed of Khazars, Donghu and Babylonians from these nomadic scattered gods of sun.
Bibi's, Rothsies and Rockies all rose out of this dungheap and scattered to the empires in history.
The red shield Khazar and red star Babylonian and the Mongol red Soyombo just Zionist clues to the family of marfud who wouldn't know YHWH from Lotan. They lay in facade of YHWH but study the arts of the Kitab al-Azif, the Necronomicon and other softer texts like Moby Dick and Gulliver's Travels.
I'm glad you mentioned Yahoo's as J. Swifts "Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts is a clever imaginary satire of history of the conquest of the illuminati into the continents and power centers. As the world renown rosicrucian and freemason he found much satire in the committees agenda to subvert true religion and present those as Yahoo's.
Indeed the Mafiusu, think of us as assets or yahoo and those involved with their sheeponomics are assets and you and I may be considered yahoo's, not because we do or don't follow YHWH, but we because we have in Swift's description become vile and savage creatures, filthy and with unpleasant habits, resembling human beings but less valuable than Equine.
Flesh will be the new currency soon enough. For the committee, less expense and harder to counterfeit. I've watched the yahoo's die on all continents. Not useless eaters just non-perfoming assets.
Puddy, you just blew by me with that riff.
ReplyDeleteOut of curiousity,do you consider yourself a judaeo christian believer, a pagan, or something else? Care to comment to clarify your points?
Mary, I am for the most part Judeo-Christian though I reject some biblical canon and accept some apocrypha. I reject all domination
ReplyDeleteBeliever in supreme omnipotence. One diety known as YHWH and believe GOD's name was used is in the New Testament. Though the King James version is acceptable, I use the KJV but reject the nomina sacra and use the Hebrew Tetragrammaton.
Conspiracy 101 - All Roman canonical versions.
The Palestinians are the real Hebrew bloodlines from Yemen to Egypt to Iran to Palestine.
The Palestinian Talmud (Gamara) is replaced by the Khazar Babylonian Talmud which is Satanic and an abomination and used in Israeli Zionist
rabinnical law. Many Jewish people there are follwers of Vayoel Moshe a strong anti-zionist position and they should be supported as we here who are J.C. and oppose the government zionist movement in our own country.
These zionists Joos and not Joos at all and the remaining diaspora that is the true bloodline tribes of Abrahm have been scattered from Spain to Yemen and Ethiopia to Russia since the first century. Those who remain in palestine are slated for extinction as elsewhere once they are found and tracked down.
The saving grace is that many were converted to pagan Islam and Christianity by unholy roman crusades through the ottoman empire and down through history by Khulafah Rashidun, Cossacks, Kazakhs, Nazi and many others.
The fact is you are more likely to be of Hebrew blood than anyone in Israel. The End Game will eliminate all remaining Christian and Muslim peoples in hopes of eliminating all the bloodline at the hands of the zionist Malfud.
I worhip on the true Sabbath known at Saturday (Saturn) and follow the commandments as best I can. How about you? Please reply.
Puddy, thanks for your thoughts on judaeo christian origins and what you believe. I don't believe what you do about this monotheistic tradition. I think Jesus of Nazareth was probably killed for being a Socrates or Osho exposing human self deception, and that he had pagan or cosmic beliefs that could never be syncretized. Also I spent the last few months in Asia outside the judaeo christian belief system, and I prefer that mindset to ours. I don't have a problem with your beliefs because you're clear where you stand and it's not on my toes as we witness this horrendous debacle unfolding around us. We both oppose human domination. Your work is proof you believe in freedom, like me.
ReplyDeleteI am a pagan. I don't restrict religiosity to any one day of the week, but if others are up for partying on Saturdays I might go along. Hump day is another good one to rejoice in living. They are all good, really.
I never practiced the false religions foisted on us and lost my faith in them long ago. I practice sacraments not sacrifices, tolerance and synchronicity, not regimentation. I don't believe in one god because it is obvious to me that the universe is not one single process and has infinite iterations some like life existing in a hyperdimensional state of complexity. Its time bound tendency toward novelty and complexity has shown itself vulnerable to reversal.
Every Mandibrot set produces a highly detailed subset ad infinitum. At what point do we put our finger on our god in the picture if we are unable to define an endpoint where only god exists at a point of origin? If the formula for self generation is itself imaginery by nature it becomes impossible to worship any one god. In fact novelty and newness work against monotheistic concepts of god. The truth is that we are capable of understanding history quite readily, and many other aspects of time and space, but we are unable to define mysticism. We can only try to synchronize our lives with core mysticism as an undefinable process with many facets.
If we point to one part of the process it quickly changes in I do reject the thinking of most westerners that existense only begins and ends with definable points of reference. It might or might not and if it doesn't the theory of singularity is disproven. Even time itself appears to be relative somewhat, not that I don't wear a watch and take care of normal business and live in this world like everyone else. It's a beautiful world precisely because it is alive at so many different levels and it loves its aggregate life.
Unfortunately pagans like me have really never been free in the last ten thousand years except wherever and whenever we could sneak in a little bliss, like at Bohemian Grove. The elites wanna party like pagans, drunk on power and dionysian revelry, but my thang is actually a little different. I might be seen pulled over at the side of a road watching the sun set, or find myself tubed into a break somewhere. Pagans would be fine with normal society if we had not had to endure centuries of witch hunts, wars and inquisitions.
Puddy, sorry it took so long to get back to you but I have been swamped with work since I got home.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Yes I understand from where you come. There is quite a bit of corruption and confusion in the heretical theologies. 450 alone in X*ianity.
ReplyDeleteI despise organized religion of any sort and have filtered and whittled it down to basic tenets and beliefs. I avoid the trinity like the plague.
Combining the science, philosphers and the original scriptures previous to Nicea have provided me with a basic foundation in which to view the universe. Infinite space, time, dimensional thinking can get overwhelming. Though I believe in a single creator, one being of six dimensions or more. Three space and three time.
The universe is infinite? Not as long as it is growing. There may be revelations and the finality for X as indicated in JC theology at which time the YA is concluded and all comes to a halt.
I see YHWH as this phenomenon. Omnipotent, all energy, all time, all space and in our three dimensional world which is in part in YHWH likeness, our purpose to acheive the same energy to move into the the infinite time dimension.
Love, the most powerful force. This could be the path or portal to it. Yeshua's presence and resurrection was the map for me. Therefore that is my ultimate goal. An experiment? Yes. Risky? I'm sure. Difficult? The hardest thing for human animals to do is to "Love thy enemy as thyself"
What paths we choose here on planet earth may likely determine whether we ascend or repeat the process again.
I had a psychic tell me once that I was a very old soul. I've heard this from others being told the same. For me, Yeshua was likely one of the oldest due to my belief. Created by YHWH, separate and distinct for his final movement in three dimension to lead us all into the heavenly realms of his universe.
Pagans all are we. The religion is Love and love only. Everything else is to me is self serving or cult like in it's rigid and segregating content or doctrine. I am a novice, unqualified to teach anyone. But so is everyone else.
I will try to use the time I have to better myself in this belief, that's all I can do. At some point I believe I will have stop damning the enemies. I have concluded that the spacetime is set and the events are unchangable and we must achieve the consciousness of Yeshua who made the map quite clear for us of simple minds to follow.
There, hopefully I can move on to the infinite time continuum and who knows how many realms of higher consciousness and being.
For those who have no plan or path from a philosophical or theological basis, I offer the COMMITTEE as the antithesis of what they should seek.
Free people cannot be herded into cults and organizations. You would not follow me any more than I would follow you with our different belief systems, yet we spontanously generate similar ideas wherever we are to deal with our mutual problem of being forced into a rigged game where we can only lose year after year until there is nothing left.
ReplyDeleteFunny world, but I hope the people wake up soon. We have many beliefs and talents but it's coming down to whether the people will stand up and stop the Zionists from killing us all. Some of us know the score, and that number could grow quickly now that the Israelis and Obama are losing it bigtime.
I'm just hoping their crappy rotten worldview dissolves in the face of unforeseen developments. That power melts away and is restored to the community of man.