Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wardrode Malfunction


  1. Nice M, you got the guy with the video cam in there.
    At least they discovered the cause of jetlag!
    Tribute to M and those who laugh-

    "A medicine man shouldn't be a saint.
    He should experience and feel
    all the ups and downs,
    the despair and joy,
    the magic and the reality,
    the courage and the fear,
    of his people.
    He should be able to sink
    as low as a bug,
    or soar
    as high as an eagle.
    Unless he can experience both,
    he is no good as a medicine man."

    -- John Fire Lame Deer

  2. all to maintain the value of this

  3. That's a good deconstruction M.

    And Pod put up the 33 degree Mason, Franklin as motive.

    Yeah, I'm sure this latest FF (False Flag) came off because "they hated us for our freedoms"?! The sloganeering of the bUSH criminals (and many are working in Obama's cabinet) is so idiotic when it lies there naked and dead on the sidewalk like a propaganda shitpile. Steaming...

    Money and Power. Follow em on the country maps like Puddy laid out, and then light up the firms and people profiting. The problem with Americans is they are so superficial. Dolts -- thinking Patriotism is sacrificing your rights and freedoms for a criminal cabal cause some asswipe told you to think it.

    Never looking deeper like you just illustrated M, Pod, Puddy...

    The same psychopathic asswipes have their media whores demonize any actual "thinking" or investigative work as "conspiracy nuts", and well, there ya go, turn the channel, "we're moving forward", not looking back. WTF. On the face of just this propaganda social engineering phrase by Obama; like Pelosi tabling impeachment of bUSHIT, Accountability for Crimes is dismissed as not worthy of mention or attention. How fucking convenient. Actually, how Treasonous! It constitutes aiding and abetting Crimes of the Highest Order. Americans just glaze over.

    The majority have lost their humanity and sense of morality. Pushed too far, they may I hope, wake up and demand investigation and accountability by the Predators of this nation and people in general. Seeing the the halls of justice are corrupted, it appears vigilante justice is in the cards.

    It is either Keep Sleeping until everyone is emasculated, or Fight. I'm thinking Fight Back and real Patriotism coming back (like don't take any shit from shysters) may win the day.

    Bloody Hell, but this Banker, MIC and Politician party is getting tough to take. It is hard to sleep for even the doziest when the train wreck is coming through your front door 24/7.

  4. "people ignorant of one another’s existence, held apart by walls of hatred and lies, and yet almost exactly the same – people who . . . were storing up in their hearts and bellies and muscles the power that would one day overturn the world.”

    Let's hope the "people" have finally had enough and refuse to subject themselves to body scans and pat downs at airports. Just a few refusing loudly all at once to submit can cause many others feeling uncomfortable about these violations to their persons and civil liberties to join in. Then maybe we can get the revolution against these fascists started.....

  5. M, that's good analysis. State intel does sloppy work again.
    Oxymoronic state intel literally choked and had to regroup twenty minutes while the plane sat on the runway. Good point about a flight crew oblivious to someone filming the entire flight. The well dressed guy in Schiphol had already straightened things out with the airline by pulling his badge.
    The conversation between the first CIA handler putting the guy on the plane and the ticket agent pretty much exposed the operation. "We do this all the time" is what US government officials say. Only US officials can override the rules with airline superiors on flights into the US.
    The falseflag campaign in Iraq has been one of the worst crimes imaginable. Some say McChrystal was involved. I would not doubt that, simply because as Rumsfeld himself said, the people doing these bombings are the same ones who shot down the airliner in Pennsylvania. Only one state had the means to do that. I'm sure other state(s) helped out.
    We know that even though this one was very obvious, state intel have again succeeded just as they did with 9/11, Islamabad, Mumbai and London. The key is controlling M$M and the main gatekeeper sites. They have no cred on the net so they spew chaff in M$M that the internet is unsubstantiated. Fortunately our cost basis is so low we are outlasting them and drawing off people from the trance state. Soon the newspapers will be gone and good riddance. The only thing propping them up now is running Pentagon propaganda. We are a majority now standing for 9/11 truth and can no longer be marginalized or silenced with attacks on strawmen.
    They will never bring out the Schiphol tapes and explain "We do this all the time." They can't. They will never produce the many videotapes of the Pentagon falseflag attack. Already in this one, the other patsies' existence has disappeared from M$M. So, another "WIN" like the Nobel Prize, for complete lack of excellence.
    Castles built on sand are beautiful until big surf lines the horizon. One day all walls will fall. Patriots will look right into the empty vault of WTC 6 and figure it all out to the very last traitor. It will be interesting to see who prevails in the end.
    I don't know much about drugs other than herb but I would guess the guy with the hot pocket was on tranquilizers or something because of the description.
