The Bush League in 1986 had strategized a long range plan to develop, operate and own the largest energy conglomerate on the planet. I must not bore you with the details of the massive corruption, bribes, conflict of interests, theft, fraud and murder; therefore I will just tag them. The plan had all the components and time lines mapped out and the process of development hinged on several political events.
There's no mystery to G.W. Bush's ineptness in business. Historically, prior to 1997, he had a string of miserable failures. Whenever he had decision-making responsibilities, the companies ended in failure with his clean exit and stock sales and the SEC investigations going uninvestigated and unchallenged.
This agenda obviously included Bush Jr. in the White House. If you have done diligent investigation into the string of companies GW had his hands in and the long list of contributors, associates and benefactors or bailout buddies, you can see the trend. When George Soros and his Harken Energy Company bought out Spectrum 7, it was a loser. A loser? No, not really. Buying into the futures of Presidents is the best gamble of any commodities market. The benefits are clear. A returned favor, a bill veto, a pardon or other assorted dividends are available as we have seen through the regimes of Bush-Clinton-Bush.
Enron came to be in 1985 as an energy company based in Houston, Texas that deals with the energy trade on an international and domestic basis. It was formed when Houston Natural Gas merged with InterNorth. After several years of international and domestic expansion involving complicated deals and contracts, Enron was billions of dollars into debt due to the same ineptness exhibited by Bush.
Connections: G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, Neil Bush, Richard Cheney, Ken Lay, Arbusto Energy, Spectrum 7, Houston Natural Gas, ENRON, Abdullah Taha Baksh, George Soros, Harken Energy, The Harvard Endowment, BCCI,
Enron had a $3 billion investment in the Dabhol power plant, near Bombay on India's west coast. The project began in 1992, and the liquefied natural gas- powered plant was supposed to supply energy- hungry India with about one-fifth of its energy needs by 1997. It was one of Enron's largest development projects and the single largest direct foreign investment in India's history. The company owned 65 percent of Dabhol; the other partners were Bechtel, General Electric and State Electricity Board. The plan was to supply the plant with Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) from the deal Enron had made with the little country of Qatar. Qatar sat on plentiful gas field in what's called the Persian South Par Gas Field or North Dome.
India was on board and the plant was ready but the LNG was not. In 1999 the Qatar project was cancelled because of the global oil and gas glut. With Qatar gone, Enron was back to square one in trying to locate an inexpensive LNG supply source. Enter the Trans-Af-Pak-India pipeline (TAPI)
A deal was made in 1996 in which UNOCAL won a contract to build a 1,005-mile oil pipeline from Turkmenistan natural gas fields in Duletabad. The pipeline would extend through Afghanistan and Pakistan, terminating in Multan, near the India border.
The research has indicated the Turkmenistan fields hold the second highest reserves of gas placing Iran third and Russia still holding the one spot. The Yolotan-Osman gas fields in southwest Turkmenistan were among the world’s four largest, holding up to a staggering 14 trillion cubic meters of natural gas.
From 1997 through August 2001, the U.S. government negotiated with the Taliban, trying to find a stabilizing factor that would allow American oil ventures to proceed with this project without interference. To this end, in December 1997, Unocal invited the Taliban contingency to Texas to negotiate protection while the pipeline was under construction. At the end of their stay, the Afghan visitors were invited to Washington to meet with the government officials of the Clinton Administration. The Bush League continued to negotiate with Bin Laden just up to 911.
Bin Laden and Taliban were not cooperating and wanted more control and benefits from the deal, but they had already decided this was futile and had already made the decision to invade Iraq. Along with PNAC and the aggressive neo-con corporate agenda, they planned and carried out the entire program with Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda in tow. This was a set up and Bin Laden and the creation of the terror campaign that will haunt this country for the rest of it's existence. It will aid greatly in the New Order winning the hearts and minds of Americans. Big talk?
The objective was the TAPI pipeline and is just one of many in a long range plan for control of key corridors as I will lay out.
The timely 911 attacks and Bush League routing of the Taliban out of Afghanistan was instrumental in getting Karzai (Af), Musharraf (Pak) and Saparmurat Niyazov signed up for the TAPI pipeline.
With the Bush campaign needing to illegally invade Iraq and the need for their base of operations the deal did not follow through. In September 2006, Putin and Gazprom, the Russian government energy giant, agreed to buy Niyazov’s natural gas at the 40% mark-up the dictator demanded. What's the point of a pipeline without the contracts to purchase the gas by Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Japan and Korea?
Asleep at the wheel? With the Iraqi insurgency, civil unrest and other theatres of operations in progress, they just screwed up. How would this get resolved? On December 21, 2006, a few months after the new agreement with Russia's Gazprom, Saparmurat Niyazov died from what was reported as a massive heart attack. This came less than two months after receiving an excellent bill of health from his private physician.
Cyanide poisoning would explain this and even though there were discussions and theories of drug lords and Russian anger at the price hikes, the Bush League would stand to benefit from this as well. Was this one of Cheney/Bush black CIA assassinations? I think so. The fact that these large new gas fields were discovered and the deal being up for grabs, explains why Obama has hit the Af-Pak trail so hard.
The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company (BTC Co.) was established in London on 1 August 2002. The ceremony launching construction of the pipeline was held on 18 September 2002. Construction began in April 2003 and was completed in 2005. The Azerbaijan section was constructed by Consolidated Contractors International of Greece, and Georgia's section was constructed by a joint venture of France’s Spie Capag and US Petrofac Petrofac International. The Turkish section was constructed by BOTAŞ. Bechtel was the main contractor for engineering, procurement and construction.
The government of Kazakhstan announced that it would build a trans-Caspian oil pipeline from the Kazakhstani port of Aktau to Baku, but because of the opposition from both Russia and Iran, it started to transport oil to the BTC pipeline by tankers across the Caspian Sea. It has been proposed that oil from the BTC pipeline be transported to eastern Asia via the Israeli oil terminals at Ashkelon and Eilat, the overland trans-Israel sector being bridged by the Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline owned by the Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company. The Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum (BTE) pipeline carries some 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually and, when fully operational in 2012, will export double that amount. Most of this export will go to Europe.
The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline was constructed with American help so as to create an energy transport corridor bypassing Russia. Well timed and completed, it has been delivering oil since 2006. Russia has been affected and weakened by this project.
Was it retribution from Russia towards Georgia in South Ossetia in 2008? The game continues.
Construction of the pipelines branch-lines on Greek territory, scheduled to potentially supply neighbouring Western Balkans countries, i.e., Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. This was the reason for the Balkanization of Yugoslavia and Europe, G.H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, and Henry Kissinger's campaign to divide and conquer. It all falls neatly into place.
On 6 August 2008, a major explosion and fire in eastern Turkey Erzincan Province closed the pipeline. The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) claimed responsibility for the attack. The pipeline was restarted on 25 August 2008.
The long range plan for the COMMITTEE and NATO is to control all the corridors for central Asian energy. It is not opposed by Washington to consider the idea of "protecting America's interests" keeping in mind the PNAC manifesto Rebuilding Americas Defenses never really details these interests specifically.
The use of the Al-qaida, Taliban and other terrorist organizations has provided the warrants for strategic movements, engagements and theatres for war. As indicated on the map the global game of RISK for treasure and blood is a geopolitical battle of two camps known as NATO and the SCO.
Energy is required and in limited supply, therefore the Eurasia board is where the current battle has moved. The SCO is an intergovernmental mutual-security organization which was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Except for Uzbekistan, the other countries had been members of the Shanghai Five, founded in 1996; after the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, the members renamed the organization to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
As the antithesis to NATO and a counter to western hegemony the organization was created to secure their interests in the Eurasian Energy Exploitation Enterprise. (EEEE) This program consists of the two camps set on destroying civilizations, converting sovereign governments, undermining peaceful foreign relations, building fascist regimes and dictators, ignoring and abetting genocidal cleansings, balkanizing societies and destabilizing and bankrupting economies through foreign aid, central banking, loans and trade agreements.
Using the TRIAD of Superpowers, the COMMITTEE, NATO and SCO have managed to create, control and compress the world into a myriad of sub-conflicts and smaller TRIADS. Since the COMMITTEE remains the unseen but the driving force of this major triad and not possessing any moral, religious or ethical code they are able to freely manipulate the populations without concern of the laws or theologies involved.
Each camp, in protecting their security and interests are free to move their geopolitical chess pieces around the board. These pieces like chess are made up of elite, generals, spies/coverts, corporations, propagandists, banks and pipelines. The front ranks or pawns are media, politicians, infantry and public opinion.
With the movement of the NATO camp to secure the BTC and BTE pipeline, they have closed a major corridor for the Russian division of the SCO. Turkmenistan is a pivotal depot that is currently at the head of the treasure hunt. What was considered dead for Bush/Cheney in 2006 came back to the table upon the death of Niyazov and the discovery of the new massive gas fields that were not in the original Gazprom deal.
Certainly this was part of the major conversations between the exiting and entering administrations in 2009. Whatever campaign promises were made, the game changing plans were conveyed and as a good pawn, Obama took the orders in stride.
Iran has proposed its pipeline. The IPI or Peace Pipeline is to run from Iran through Pakistan and onto India.This is not an acceptable option for NATO. The corridor is being closed as we speak. Pakistan has become the point of Operations for the SCO and Iran. They want access to the India and China market through Pakistan.
Afghanistan and Karzai are pretty much sown up at this point with the movement of NATO's covert election piece, timely played. Pawn Obama's timed troop increase was a smokescreen and well played move to insure getting the final pieces in place for Karzai to cover his territory and Obama worded so well his advance timeline to withdrawl the troops in 2011. If the blue teams plans go forward as laid out, the troops will be out of Afghanistan and into Pakistans Balochistan province and the Northwest Frontier.
Karzai, himself is a UNOCAL consultant.
The move to Balochistan will further close the corridor of weapons and supply coming from Iran through sales from Russia to wind up in Taliban hands. It will also serve as the location for another base of operations and further consolidate a pipeline corridor. Regardless of Iran's ability to destabilize the region the NATO team will be ready.
The timely propaganda and think-tank intelligence regarding nuclear enrichment in Iran was all fabricated as a fear campaign to get world pawns to agree to sanctions. The Iranian government feeling the effects of the recession and economic sanctions have been strategic targeting for the purpose of curtailing the opposition to the NATO offensive. I'd go into detail how the recession was a three prong triad with this being a major consideration but that has to come later.
Iran has nuclear energy power desires and Russia wants to provide it. Iran also needs 50 billion dollars in investment to fully exploit the South Pars Gas Fields. That plan was curbed nicely as well. The NATO team is less effected by the crisis and able to continue their operations through Obama and other pawns writing bad checks against taxpayer obligations. Adding the other funds through illegal drug trafficking and other crimes they are in better position than before the bubble bust than the red team. Obviously the financial and energy pipeline strategies are on the back burner.
But the game continues and China must look to where their bread is buttered. The US represents a serious consideration and China, as a player must maintain relatively "observer" status. The US default factor is a major concern and China might accept it's energy needs from anyone. Hillary Clinton has been very busy keeping her baby China in the mix. Obama in the meantime has been courting India and working an angle that may include a need for TAPI to become TAPC. Maybe the plan might have Qatar back in the picture and a big plan for increasing their South Par share of the gas reserves.
But the priority is TAPI, closing the corridors and this will include the Persian Gulf. As the next corridor to close the WOT new theatre will be Yemen as it represents the final unsecured piece left to the west and will give the blue team the control of that energy corridor as well.
Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, the new Turkmen president has been courted by Russia, China and the US. China has proposed the pipeline of all pipelines. The Turkmenistan to China’s Guangdong province will be the longest and most expensive pipeline in the world, 7,000 kilometers long and a price tag of near 26 billion dollars. Signed in 2007, this pipeline and an extension of the Trans-Siberian to China is a winning move for the red team. Gurbanguly will likely will cut the deals with both teams as it greatly enhances his personal survival.
Meanwhile the blue team is working on the southern corridor and building the base in Dashti Margo and the TAPI scheduled to start construction. As all these pipelines are vulnerable to red/blue orchestrated attacks and sabbotage, one thing is certain. This game is in hyper mode and the death and suffering coming will be unprecedented for the remainder of the game.
Trying to figure the players, odds and results are monumental. There are so many inconsistencies and question marks that you just have to wait for the next move. A recession like we have seen is a mere tool of manipulation and the teams are so vested and deep into the game that when the climate change folks start getting glassy eyed looks from opponents it's likely due to the fact they don't have a cheap seat at this grand game of Risk. We can't really continue to believe this is just a boondoggle by the COMMITTEE to collect another payday and in the end we scrap it all for flower power.
The COMMITTEE has provided a nice little diversion for the plebes in this little science sidetrack while the game for blood and treasure continues in it's glory of wealth redistribution, genocide and global misery.
Kudos Patrick. This is the kind of well written analysis that does membership in COTO proud. What could we say about the report by Bollyn of Mossad involvement with the TAPI gas concession? Just another wrinkle in the big picture like the Bin Laden involvement in Bush mafia companies incl. Carlysle Group....these people are transparent criminals because they are defended by corrupt military perfectly willing to do treason on innocent people in the US. You lay out the main strategy and COTO is on the trigger events. The Bush family begins to pucker when they hear stuff like this.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Mary.
James Baker III, Frank Carlucci, and all the bad boys Mary. Nothing the blue team does ever gets around the MOSSAD, as they are the extention of Black CIA. A heavy shade of gray.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year anyway Mary.
Thanks. It is obvious that energy has been at the center of every imperial paradigm from Gilgamesh to Crete to Rome and the NWO. Every one of those failed attempts resulted in massive die offs and disbandment not only because of the corruption and militarism and environmental mess but because the power base eroded and people could no longer feed themselves without it. For awhile Egypt was quite powerful and could buy timber from places like Venice, but when their resources failed they went down just like Venice did later.
ReplyDeleteThe Committee and its minions are riding the biggest energy wave of all time. We will never see the likes of Dubai skyscrapers again, but we will see what happens to them when even the homeless don't want to climb 200 floors to a free offgrid nowater penthouse. The bedouins will crack jokes if Obama's DU hasn't sterilized them. And we will see what happens to criminal nations that steal resources: in the end they collapse because extortion and confiscation are not worth squat in the long run. Unfortunately none of us will probably still be around then to dance on the ruins of the silly NWO.
I plan to try at least to be happy and hope we all pull through this.
Failure of consideration n. not delivering goods or services when promised in a contract. When goods a party had bargained for have become damaged or worthless, failure of consideration (to deliver promised goods) makes the expectant recipient justified to withhold payment, demand performance or take legal action. (See: consideration, contract)
ReplyDeleteFirst National Bank of Montgomery,
Jerome Daly,
Yes, Puddy, super. But where are Rothschilds?
ReplyDeleteRemember, that all these minor vermin and their corporations and plans are just the mechanics and gophers.
Behind them are the Rothschilds with their scheming and plans and almost all the money in the world in the tax-exempt 'Trusts', their agents' bribing and compromising of all our politicians to enable all these things, and their plans to sail on into Civilisation Level 1, when all of us are reduced to the stone-age when the galaxy imminently hiccoughs - (Coming shortly to your screen).
purrrrrrr ........
Flak, if you have read much of my stuff, you know that the COMMITTEE represents the the highest order of the triad. That is your Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockellers.
ReplyDeleteI will be posting an article soon regarding the hidden wealth.
Kudos to you Patrick for a great article -- which I intend to steal and forward to my list (with proper credit, of course).
ReplyDeleteWill look forward the the follow up on hidden wealth.
Also, happy new year ... I hope.
Nice observation Mary. Dubai and the investors got their taste of NWO.
ReplyDeleteFrom Tiger Woods and Brad Pitt to ING and Citigoup, the attack on the fiat faroh's has been widespread.
A little silver lining for the poor to console their hunger. That, we most likely will know before we go.
Thanks Doc. I will, like you hopfully find a happy new year in our truly underappreciated portfolios of health and family.
ReplyDeleteI believe 2010 will be a year for unprecedented poverty and hunger. The trickle down from the top will dry up before it starts. The Madoffs, Swaps and Fed will provide the reason and unless we agree to tax increases there will be far less this year.
Sad to report, the COMMITTEE is right on schedule.
Great investigative piece Puddy!
ReplyDeleteConnecting the dots and linkages between countries, corporations, and the greedy in the Committee and the complicit players working at arms length is a Public Service of the highest order. When looking at maps like you provided the "game" seems to come into focus much more quickly.
This type/methodology of examination as applied to 9/11, the Economic/Financial 9/11, and other important events can help people see that conspiracies wrapped up in strategies are present Truth, and always always involve the Classics -- Money & Power.
Pretty much, WHO has the money and the power can be seen upon closer inspection to have gained it the old-fashioned way -- illegally.
Thanks! Enjoy your New Years Eve! Same for the rest of you COTO Yahoos!
Happy 2010 COTO !
ReplyDeleteI raise my cup of catnip tea
in honor and heartfelt gratitude
for the commodity of knowledge
freely exchanged among us
and the blessing of wisdom
given to us by life itself
Here's an article by one of my favorite authors
on the macro-economic tidal forces at play at present of which the committee themselves are also adrift, the Gordian knot they must loosen.
purrrrrrrr .......
A country must pick two out of three
It can fix its exchange rate without emasculating its central bank, but only by maintaining controls on capital flows
it can leave capital movement free but retain monetary autonomy, but only by letting the exchange rate fluctuate
or it can choose to leave capital free and stabilize the currency, but only by abandoning any ability to adjust interest rates to fight inflation or recession
Just thought I'd admit that I happen to be a webbot (halfpasthuman) watcher and the latest Clif High predictive linguistics data analysis is an interesting read on the predictions for 2010..... etc. (58 pages worth)
ReplyDeleteWhether true or not ... much of it fits right in with where folks here are at, apparently, in terms of possible events lining up.
I use a very simple form of internet searching to to provide that information. George Ure.
ReplyDeleteWell, this piece is tits Puddy. First time I have seen it. Great job.
ReplyDeleteI got here quite a bit later than this one...I'm glad it resurfaced.