Scientific truth cannot be arrived at democratically. Either something is true or it is not. The claim that most scientists believe in anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is worthless. The majority of scientists once believed the Earth is the center of the universe. Koestler is right, history shows that major progress is achieved by individuals, call them seers, and not by bureaucratic institutions. But seers are the people who today are shut out by peer review. Generally, seers have no peers.
Thought provoking article on earth, sun, the planets and nature of the universe.
This was a good, clean and to the point article Mary. Thanks. Well worth reading.
ReplyDeleteThe Religion of science as well as education, politics and money are subject to falsifiers. We here, do not go a day without exposing one.
If we are to believe science can apply an accurate age to the earth of 4.56 billion years, yet rely on the Dendrochronology for trees of a few centuries, then it would seem the climate changlings would prefer the 6000 year old earth when trying to sell GW. Quite a conundrum for the evolutionists in the climate change camp.
hey folks, remember this ?
"On 4 November 2003, the largest solar flare ever recorded exploded from the Sun's surface, sending an intense burst of radiation streaming towards the Earth. Before the storm peaked, x-rays overloaded the detectors on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), forcing scientists to estimate the flare's size."
Sure do Pod. Cell phone/communication grid nightmare. 2.8 mW/m².
ReplyDeleteWe survivied! Pheeww! Is it just the 11 year cycle?
Where the rubber meets the road
ReplyDeleteThe sun warms the globe, but what about the planet's core ?
".. the vast majority of the heat in Earth's interior—up to 90 percent—is fueled by the decaying of radioactive isotopes like Potassium 40, Uranium 238, 235, and Thorium 232 contained within the mantle. These isotopes radiate heat as they shed excess energy and move toward stability. "The amount of heat caused by this radiation is almost the same as the total heat measured emanating from the Earth."
and then there's CFC's
Antiozonants are used as additives to plastics and rubber, especially in tire manufacturing.
Chlorines contribute to the thinning of the ozone layer and allow larger quantities of harmful ultraviolet rays to reach the earth.
purrrrrr .......
Q)Why no Ozone hole at the North Pole?
A)"Everything that happens in the South Pole should happen in the North Pole, but the vortex is different. In the South Pole you have one big circular continent with the ocean going around it. In the North Pole, you have the continents and oceans next to each other. Because land and sea heat at different rates, the temperatures are more confused. Instead of getting a circular vortex like in the South Pole, you tend to get different shapes and sizes. You start a hole forming but then it gets blown off to the side."
Mmmmmm ...
Nitrous oxide has now become the largest ozone-depleting substance emitted through human activities, and is expected to remain the largest throughout the 21st century
Interesting info about the hemispheres. CFC releases were minor in 1950 but way more since. The same person who introduced tetraethyl lead to gasoline, Midgely, who had worked on robot bombs in WWI, was told by GM to develop refrigeration. Before a large audience at the 1930 meeting of the American Chemical Society, he demonstrated the non toxic and nonflammable properties of Freon by inhaling a lungful and then slowly exhaling over a lighted candle, extinguishing the flame. Later he got polio and got tangled up in the rope webbing he designed to haul himself out of bed, and strangled to death unaware of ozone holes, at the time serving as president of ACS. So, kiddies, be aware. I heard that the ozone thinning at the tropics is not too that true?
ReplyDelete"Why no ozone hole at the north pole ? " Eskimos dont fart ? Or maybe santy claws farts ozone ? Hell I dont know and dont care. I just wish Gore would turn up the global warming or crank up the earth´s core another million degrees, My citrus just freekin froze to death.
ReplyDeleteSince it seems to be difficult to point out the truth about global warming without getting Al Gore thrown into the fracas... how about a bit of Sarah Palin back atcha?
"The original Inconvenient Truther and the oil pipeline proponent actually had some common ground — both agreed that global warming was real."
Along with the (should be) obvious difference between "weather" and "climate?"
Somebody oughta tell these folks they shouldn't be so "concerned:"
Welcome the The Age of Stupid:
Where the heck have You been librul ? I heard SUV tires were being slashed by some dude with a sailors hat.
ReplyDeleteneerg librul... lurbil GREEN!
ReplyDeletethey are more than happy to slash their OWN tires when I put on the black hoodie and loan them my scythe. I think people should do for themselves. Must be my friend-winnin grin.
...and I wasn't anywhere near them SUVs. I had a gig in Orlando posing for iodine bottles.