Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The International Swine Flu Conference takes place in Washington,D.C. Aug 19-21. What is on the agenda is not pretty.


Last night I listened in on a webinar with guest speaker Dr Sherri Tenpenny.  She is an outspoken advocate for free choice in healthcare, including the right to refuse vaccination.   During her presentation on the swine flu and vaccination program she spoke of the upcoming Swine Flu Conference being held in Washington, D.C.  What they intend to discuss is anything but comforting.I took a screenshot of just one of the lists of things up for discussion during this conference:  (read the rest of their agenda here)Image1

What a list !   Sounds like the 2009 Black Plague is on it's way.   But wait.  What is going on here?  We have a very mild (lab created) flu show up out of season in a highly unusual place.  They call it the swine flu but it's really a combo of human, bird and swine.

It has so far caused the death of only a small number of people by usual flu standards.  Most of the victims  were already burdened with other health problems.

Why then did WHO immediately declare it a level 5/6 pandemic and Janet Napolitano with a big smile on her face back in the spring, warned that it's coming back stronger and more deadly in the fall?   How the HELL does she know THAT? Then President Obama comes forward to declare they have, not one, but THREE shots lined up for us this fall.  Baxter, home of the mad scientists and ferret killers are busy mixing up a big batch  for us in the back room.

They are trying to scare us into taking the shots so we don't come down with their "killer flu."    It's not the flu that kills, it's the vaccine dummy!

All of this fear mongering has me thinking about all those creepy videos I watched months ago.  Videos like the FEMA EVACUATION BUS.  I guess that will be used to take "those that refuse to be vaccinated" to the fema quarrantine camps.

Then there's those hundreds of thousands of PLASTIC BIO COFFIN LINERS stacked up in the Georgia weeds and elsewhere.

And last but not least all those MASS GRAVES being dug recently all around the country.  Of course those are just to give all those WWII, Korean & Vietnam vets lots of space for their final resting place ~wink wink.

It's all starting to come together now, isn't it truthseekers?  These are real heady times for conspiracy theorists.  My own tin foil antennae have been twitching furiously for months ~jg



  1. Good post! Nice to see someone bring it all together!

  2. So this is a freekin gestapo job-fair ? Apprehend travellers ?
    Ze paypas,show us ze paypas frauline Jersey.

  3. Barbara, I know. It's going to start happening in every town in America. We will all hear of a friend of a friend of a friend that died from the flu. When in reality, it will more than likely be a person already suffering from some other illness that the flu just helped along as you just pointed out.

    I'm going to post a link to pdf files that can be printed out as fliers to warn the sheeple of the dangers of the flu shot. Right now I hear a lot of people saying they won't take the shot BUT as the flu hype gets crazier, the fear level will rise.

    It's urgent we get the word out just how deadly these vaccines are.

  4. papers please !! I can see it now. Checkpoints set up with storm troopers all over Amerika. Everyone will be required to show their OFFICIAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE (until we get chipped that is) Except for the president of the U.S. Talk about irony.

    Gestapo job fair.. that's really a good one korn and it would be funny if it weren't true ;)

  5. I'm trying to convince my pregnant wife NOT to get the flu shot, showing her articles on how bad for you the adjuvants they incoporate into them are. Of course, have to stay away from the subject of mass murder by vaccine, as this gets to be too much for her and she won't listen to me about the more mundane dangers involved. If my first child (and her fifth) is damaged by the vaccine, I will be 'VEHHY VEHHY ANGRY' (to quote Elmer Fudd)

  6. brad, you could point out that any "supposed safety" is done on young fit non standard flu vaccinated (isnt that odd?) people with NO complications, and they REFUSE to trial on pregnant women, and prefer all test subjects to be free of ANY medications at all, one trial did accept mild asthmatics. whoopee.
    now if they are not! using standard people, oh and i forgot obese folks were also ruled out... why the hell would any person with any of the ruled out criteria be so dumb as to consider it ok to bare their arm??
    see my post( amicus under bio terror) on barbs farm wars, go to novavax and look into the clinical trials page for criteria. maybe that will help you.

  7. bloody excellent Jersey girl, nice work indeed.:-)

  8. yup, here a young pregnant woman got taken to melbourne rumour was the flu, however, she had appendicitis, it ruptured during the birth, and she got peritonitis.. but gee it sure did the rounds!

  9. Brad.. you don't have to go into the depopulation theory. This morning I posted "what's in a flu shot" by Dr Tenpenny. Just print that out and let her read what she's putting into, not only her body, but her baby's. She can also read how ineffective they are anyway. NOT WORTH THE RISK !

  10. thank you oz... this whole flu/vaccine thing is making me crazy..

  11. I grabbed up a couple URLs today. News you certainly won't get in the USA, Australia, the UK or France. These articles are in German but I'll drop translations of the key phrases/lines.


    Wer impft eigentlich wen? Who's inocculating whom?

    The main concern being, who's gonna be stuck with the bill? And, "Bei den Ärzten herrscht Uneinigkeit über den Nutzen" Physicians are split over the effectiveness of the vaccines. Now the heavy part;

    "Was haben die Kritiker gegen die Impfung?

    Sie sind der Meinung, die Schweinegrippe verlaufe harmloser als jede Influenza. Der Impfstoff, der ohne vernünftige klinische Prüfung eingesetzt werden soll, berge dagegen große Risiken, so Steffen Rabe von „Ärzte für individuelle Impfentscheidung”.
    Warum soll eine Impfung schlimm sein?

    Schon die normale Grippe-Impfung schütze nicht ausreichend und berge das Risiko von Nebenwirkungen, so die Experten von „Ärzte für individuelle Impfentscheidung”. Der neue Impfstoff werde im Eilverfahren mit neuen Technologien entwickelt. „Ob diese Impfung dann wirklich vor der Krankheit schützen kann, wissen wir nicht.”"

    What do critics have against the inocculation? They are of the opinion the swine flu is less harmful than the more common flu. The vaccine, which is to be administered without having first been clinically tested, on the other hand is host for even greater dangers according to Steffen Rabe from "Dr.s for individual rights to choose" (to receive the vaccine or not).

    "Warum soll eine Impfung schlimm sein?" What's so bad about the inocculation? Even the normal flu vaccinations offer less than satisfactory protection and bring the risk of side effects according to Dr.s for bla bla. The new vaccine is being developed in a rush using new technologies. "If this new vaccine can truly provide protection against H1N1 is questionable/we don't know".


    "Kassen wollen Zusatzbeträge für Impfung" Health Insurers want additional charges for the vaccinations. (looking to stick it to the one's who are to be made sick and die as a result)

    Impfung zu spät?

    Nach Meinung des Virologen Alexander Kekulé kommt die Impfung gegen die Schweinegrippe zu spät. Ein Großteil der Bevölkerung wird die Infektion hinter sich haben, wenn Impfungen abgeschlossen sind, so der Impfexperte.

    Too late to vaccinate?

    According to Virologist Alexander Kekulé, it's too late. The majority of das Volk will already be infected with H1N1 before vaccinations can be concluded.


    I saw in a recent poll here, 80% don't want to be vaccinated. Even before H1N1 and H5N1, the majority is very sceptical and it is common knowledge that the viri mutate much quicker than labs (that make bucks doing this) can produce vaccines.

    Thought I'd drop this onyaz. News from abroad.

  12. opps, the 2nd URL is


  13. Thanks for the european/german take on all this curt. It seems they feel the same as COTO. I wonder how the average amerikan feels?

    Also, thanks muchly for translating. I'm 1/2 german and the only german words I know are sprechen zie deutsch & danke schoen ...haha

  14. double P.S. the word is Inoculation with one single "c".

    wiki says, among other things (brace yourself now);

    "Inoculation is the placement of something to where it will grow or reproduce, and is most commonly used in respect of the introduction of a serum, vaccine, or antigenic substance into the body of a human or animal, especially to produce or boost immunity to a specific disease; but also can be used to refer to the communication of a disease to a living organism by transferring its causative agent into the organism, to implant microorganisms or infectious material into a culture medium such as a brewers vat or a petri dish, to safeguard as if by inoculation, to introduce an idea or attitude into someone's mind, any placement of microorganisms or viruses at a site where infection is possible such as to increase soybeans' nitrogen fixation one can treat soybeans at planting with Rhizobium japonicum inoculant."

    Holy fuck.

  15. Indeed curt.. the vaccines are going to be used to implant infectious materials into everyone. If they don't die immediately from the shot(not likely) They will acquire auto immune diseases and cancers to kill us slowly but surely down the road. The young will most likely be sterile.

    Nwo is their name, depopulation is their game. I can't believe I'm seriously typing this crap !

    PS:I think I keep spelling incoulation with two c's... sheesh . Back in school I won all the spelling bees too. I dunno, it just doesn't look right with 1 c....

  16. boomerangcomesbackAugust 7, 2009 at 6:36 PM

    You can call it an inoculation concoction 'cause that's what it is. I think of it as an occupational hazard.

    My wife and I will occassionally watch a program on the TV. We laugh hardily whenever we see a one of those ads for some drug or another.

    First they tell you the benefit(s). Then they have to state the potential hazards and side effects. This is where the hilarity starts, because the effects are typically dangerous, life-threatening and foul. I wait for the Punch Line to let out a howl of laughter when they say "coma and premature or sudden death can occur".

    Now apply the same rationale for taking any of these other pharmaceuticals to THIS untested prophylactic vaccine. What do you suppose the AD would say?

    I think the "delivery systems" logistics will fall apart when folks are sitting there with their .45 or shotgun on their lap saying -- "one shot for me will be one shot for you". Capeche?!

    Dr. StrangeGlove stuff indeed!

    Why don't the sheeple offer their own Forced Vaccinations for the prevention of Fascists?!

    We will not become the Vacksin Nation under this Obamination. Why isn't M weighing in here with his Surgical Wit? Luv that guy!

  17. anyone hearing anything???? as its happening NOW?? press releases or insider leaks??
    someones gotta know something??
