"…in times like these, we sure could use a friend."
Here’s the Obvious: There is no “government.” There is no “political process.” There is no “country.” The great collective that passes for the USA is a network of corporate fiefdoms. The Fats who run them are turning imaginary paper into machines, food and protected territory as fast as they possibly can. You can probably guess why. So what “country” are these few words “defending?”
“USA” is bullshit, US is real.
“America” is a nice continent. The “country” once known as the USA aka “America,” is gone. Get over it. US… that’s “us” as a community, that’s real. We have to get along with our neighbors, next hill or next continent. United states is real too… state of confusion, state of panic, state of wisdom, state of grace. They all mix together in that bowl that combines the individual and the collective. Magpie Thatcher said the collective did not exist… only individuals. That’s bullshit. So is the totalitarian idea that the individual is nothing. We are social animals. That’s the truth.
“Politics” is bullshit, collaboration is real.
Liberals, conservatives, right, left, Republican, Democrat… all bullshit. Yes, the labels can represent real collaborative approaches which are buried under so much bullshit you can’t hear them scream. What passes for “politics” (especially in the former USA) is “boosterism;,” hooray for “our team,” boo on “their team.” “Competition” is bullshit. The only real “competition” is mortal combat. Everything else is a game… with “rules” that can be fudged and “officials” who can be bribed.
“Religion” is bullshit, spirituality is real.
There are things and forces beyond the physical world that we are not capable of detecting with our “normal” senses. What they are… and especially what they “want” us to “do” is anybody’s guess. You can “believe” god exists. Nobody “knows.” Save it for the interesting quantum nuh-uh talk around the campfire. Truth is, most “churches” are full of more bullshit than a factory-farm feedlot and most of the stuffed bloodsuckers that “preach” in them are bullshit factories.
You get the idea.
Don’t you? Otherwise, you probably would not be reading this far. You are probably aware that the nasty combination of “USA,” “Politics” and “Religion” have gotten us all aboard a runaway handcar bound for some kind of fresh shit-pit we can’t even imagine. We can stop freaking out about the shit-pit and get the hell off the handcar. How to do it? That’s what the RBC (Reality-Based Community) has to invent. Nobody else is going to do it, especially the stuffed bloodsuckers and the rich fatties who want our gold fillings.
The dupes and stooges are not going to figure it out. They’re going to jerk those unconnected levers, circulate “petitions,” “vote” for “candidates,” and all those other binkie-suck distractions all the way to the bottom. But we don’t have to. There are great ideas and ways to implement them all over the place. We find them and bring them back to share with the community. That’s US. We research and experiment and share the results. That’s collaboration. We lead the way for the “others,” that’s the spirit.
Back to the Garden. It’s the right thing to do.
There are great ideas out there, and that’s a fact. Alas, before discussing what they might be, it seems that more of us need to recognize The Obvious and the “International Jewish Banking Conspiracy” aint it, nor is fretting about what the “NWO” (New World Order) is (or not) going to do. Icke doesn’t have any answers. Lawton does. “You can solve all the world’s problems in a garden.” Maybe, maybe not… but the Venus Project will deliver more productive ideas than Jewish lizards-from-space.
So what IS “our Country” can not be determined until “we” know who “we” are. Newman’s correct so far… the so-called “leaders” of the US collective have not so obviously and blatantly fucked the world as much as others in the past. But that is changing… partially because the Lizards (or Rumkowski Rabbits… or whatever) are getting more OPENLY ruthless and brutal to protect their own fat asses…but mostly because more of us are beginning to see them doing it. “They” do not care. “They” do not have (or need) a “Country” any more. The very “globalization of capital” that has inflated their rubber donuts and allowed their ‘rhoids to swing… has excluded “Them.”
That leaves you and me, Brothers and Sisters… those of us who have to schlep for our daily bread. Many of us co-inhabit this land-mass… stolen from its original inhabitants… called the USA. Sorry about that, Crazy Horse. Can we talk about setting things right, Geronimo? It’s about time that we ALL realized The Authoritarians hosed us ALL. The most difficult part is going to be: realizing that MOST of The Authoritarians are US… daily-bread-schleppers… shuffling, scraping yowza-boss NIGGAS… no matter WHAT “color” we are. As Randy says, “…this Empire’s ending… like all the rest. Like the Spanish Armada… drifting on the sea… we’re drifting in the sea… we’re drifting… in the Land of the brave and the Home of the free.”
It’s up to us now, Brothers and Sisters. We gotta pick up the pieces and go on. People gotta eat and live and work and fall-in-love. People deserve to die in peace at an old age… without spending their lives in squalor and misery so a few Fat Fucks can keep THEIR progeny farting through silk for generations. The Fat Fucks are the REAL “collectivists” some of y’all keep yammering about. Without the “collective,” they’d be Naked Apes just like the rest of us. Screw a bunch of Lizards. Screw the “NWO.” It’s all about helping to feed each other and getting on with our lives… if we still HAVE our lives. For those who would take our lives, let them forfeit their own.
Goodbye… goodbye… goodbye.
...Pluto used to be a planet...right on.
ReplyDeleteI haven't got a comfort level with Venus, yet. It seems like just another utopian pipe dream.
We have to locate and marginalize all ideas that seek to exploit the biome and/or human beings for purely personal gain or aggrandizement. No more sheeple. Active collaboration at all times.
I like the collaboration versus politics. I just went to a meeting yesterday...fascist snotrag saw an opening and went for it. That kind of behavior always pisses me off because I'm purposely not trying to see it. When it appears I do my best to ignore it...but it's hard. Frame-stealing is just hard to deal with.
If anyone knows the specific work that Lakoff did that offered suggestions on how to cope, or subvert, frame-stealing, I'm all ears.
Metaphors we live by
Left out by Right Rhetoric
Metaphors of Terror
Why Conservatives have left Liberals in the dust
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US culture (there IS no “government”) is neither a “strict father” nor a “nurturing parent.” US culture is a huge, fat teenager strung out on methamphetamine and glue… rummaging through our purse at night for dope and video game money.