Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Now I KNOW he is African

"This evening, the House passed a resolution sponsored by Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) that commemorates Hawaii’s 50th anniversary as a U.S. state by a vote of 378-0. The resolution also contains this provision: “Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii,” a measure that some GOP members may have had trouble supporting. However, many of the Republican representatives who at expressed at least subtle doubt that Obama was not born in the U.S. voted for the resolution. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who had earlier in the day prevented the resolution from coming to a voice vote on the House floor, and Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL), who sponsored a bill requiring presidential candidates to prove natural-born citizenship, both voted for the resolution. Rep. John Campbell (R-CA), a co-sponsor of Posey’s bill who expressed doubt about Obama’s citizenship last week on MSNBC, did not vote."     http://current.com/items/90543741_house-passes-resolution-that-states-obama-was-born-in-hawaii-378-0.htm      

"Wheres the beef " if his hospital birth certificate cannot stand to see the light of day we will just make him a citizen by federal decree? Well freinds if the House says its so then it is actually a freekin lie. So Chris Matthews can call Me insane or a conspiracy theorist. Then theres this little matter of the sealed college records. The whole thing stinks and I wont buy it. We are finally separating the mentally awake from the brain-dead. If you can question the legitimacy of a politician then you are thinking analytically. To accept the "word" of the press or our criminal congress is to become a mindless dupe.

I think the actual reason for hiding the birth certificate is something embarrassing, for example on My birth certificate  it has check boxes for "legitimate" or "illigitimate" and being My father´s son I have never been sheepish about producing it. I could be wrong on this. One thing is for sure we will never see the original document. The reason for having a totalitarian regime is to have "total" control of the situation. Chris Matthews can put a lip-lock on My posterior.


  1. So, what were some of the polls? 84% saying we needed an investigation into 9/11? A solid 30-odd-per-cent openly expressing their doubts, and that poll was done in 07'.

    The wheels are coming off. Soon we hit pavement. We have no brakes. And we're careening downward at an unholy speed.

  2. Simply, "Where are the documents?"

    Obama, you POS, where are your documents? What are you hiding?

    A pox on you. And all of those close to you.

  3. What the hell?!

    We all have to show our OFFICIAL birth certificate as one of our 68,000 forms of ID to get a license or passport etc and so on, don't we? Why is the president exempt? This is absolutely insane. SHOW US THE PROOF !

    I'm wondering though. With all the modern technology they have at their disposal, couldn't they just make him one ?

  4. Mamz already made him one. It didnt work so good. Maybe there is a good excuse he cant show it,like the dog ate it.
    There will be no BC. And the governator is the next foreigner in line to be feuhrer,and he is authentically nazi. Just see his belt buckle.

  5. America is very sick, and listening to one Chris Matthews, whose brother Charlie I use to pal around and party with back in the 70's, isn't making matters any better.

    Sadly, Matthews it seems could care less about this country, and more about the fortunes which he has amassed for simply fomenting his mendacity at CNBC. In actuality, he is nothing more than a feckless talk show host. He certainly isn't an investigative journalist! He's a fraud, as is Howard Fineman, and all of the other talking heads. I stopped watching these clowns years ago, including Olbermann. He's a joke too.

    It's all doublespeak, and it is ruining this country.

  6. Correction,

    I said Matthews it seems could care less about this country. No, he could care less about this planet, which is also very sick.

    If Matthews had the testicle fortitude he would invite guests onto his silly F'n program "Softball" and speak about the anomilies of 9/11, someone like Richard Gage of AE911truth or William Thomas to talk about the toxins (Chemtrails) they're spraying on us, or the depleted uranium dust killing our troops and the innocent people living in the Middle East. Poisioning the soils for generations.

    Matthews is a craven fool
