Tuesday, July 7, 2009

PAUL: 'Fight them over there vs. over here' a false choice

ron paul cropdBy Ron Paul, Washington Times

Neoconservatives who have come to power in both the Democratic and Republican parties argue that the U.S. must ether confront every evil in every corner of the globe or risk danger at home. We need to "fight them over there" they say, so we don't have to "fight them over here." This argument presents a false choice. We do not have to pick between interventionism and vulnerability. The complexity of our world is exactly why the lessons of our past should ring true and demand a return to a traditional, pro-American foreign policy: one of nonintervention.

Read the full article here.


  1. Thank you sister for a worthy post.

    Only the Libertarian knows what...COTO knows...

  2. As usual he’s a voice crying in the wilderness of lobbyists and death merchants.

  3. Paul is obviously of our ilk,,
    only problem is he stated the obvious without acknowledging that we must be careful not to allow our officials the opportunity to profit by hanging out with lobbyists who represent the corporate-military elitists who are good for nothing more than making war and murdering people for profit.
    THIS is the problem facing mankind, as simple as that. IF these people were either controlled, like the fucking animals they are, or eliminated, like the trash that they are, we could begin to build a civilization in which peace and prosperity reigned.
    It is really that simple,, all we have to do is act like them, ruthless, murdering, greedy terrorists.

  4. Peter:

    I have to confess that I'm totally lost with your comments. I am completely confused as to who "they" are. Can you please elaborate? On first impression, I wrote a harsh comment but have revised it to give you a chance to clarify as I may have interpreted it wrong.

  5. You know, Mark, I never jumped on the Ron Paul bandwagon and, I have to confess, this is the first thing that I read written by him and I'm impressed!

  6. Kill for peace? sounds too much like sour grapes of those who missed the gravy train

  7. yeah, sometimes he and Kucinich sound alot alike-

  8. Now, Kucinich I've listened to and I like. I'm particularly fond of him because he takes to the Palestinian side - he's the only one in that mob that has the cojones to do it.

  9. May I say the new smiley face is a big improvement over the old one. I hated that other one..

    But I digress.. lol. Ron Paul is a good guy. He and Kucinich are simpatico on many issues and some not so much.

    What I don't like about Paul is that he never voted to raise the minimum wage. He's more pro business than pro labor. I've always held that against him.

    He is also not pro choice but I can understand that. Even Kucinich wrestled with that issue at first and came down on the side that it's a woman's body and her choice.

    I would love to see a Kucinich/Paul ticket or even vice versa.. That is if elections were legit in the first place which they aren't which is why we will never see that ticket.. :)

  10. Hey Mark! Good to see you. I thought the men in black came to take you away !

  11. Yea sister, Sometimes I get confused by my own comments. I have a tendency to let my emotions deflect logic.
    By "They" I infer the corp-military elite who intercede in every instance to make money no matter what the cost. Death, destitution, hate, war, whatever they need to increase profits.
    "They" arethose who have used the bible for centuries to take land, life and property to create the land caled Israel, to take land, life and property to create the land we call America. Nothing means more to these people than power and money, especially not life.
    I know that I come off as a loose cannon and my apologies but I have a tendency to look only at the big picture and what I see are rockefellers and bilderbergs sitting on thrones made of corpses, carried by weary slaves and I get a bit out of sorts.
    The statement about the "lobbyists" refers to the opportunities presented to our elected officials for bribery by the corporate-military machine which, I believe should be done away with. I believe there are better ways to introduce our leaders to ideas and legislature which is need of funding than behind closed doors with money and gratuities.
    I probably still don't make sense but sorry for my inability to express myself without displaying my crasser side.

  12. Ha ha! I do the same thing...get to carried away that ramble on and on...

    Also, after a while, I dawned on me that you were being sarcastic, duh! But I gotta tell you every time I see that word 'terrorist' or 'terrorism' is just lights a fire up my ass. The use of that word is a sign of brainwashing for sure.

    Don't worry about it, I totally get you and you were right the first time, it was that "T" word that threw me off for a minute there... You're cool! :)

    Haven't seen some of the other articles that I've posted on Iran? "We're invading!" "No, we're not invading" "They have nukes!" "No, they have no nukes" "Well, we're going in anyway" "We know it's a bad idea but what the hell, we're going in. It ain't our money, it ain't our lives" WTF? Reminds me of a little girl with a daisy in her hand picking the petals and going "he loves me," "he loves me not," "he loves me," "he loves me not"... I'm so sick of this BS! I truly don't want either want of them to go after Iran because that will be another travesty like Iraq (and all the others); however, the only positive thing I can see coming out of Iran is that the US will be finally and forever finished as an empire and that, my friend, is not a bad thing even if we are the ones who have to suffer the consequences!

  13. jg, thanks for keeping me monitored. Sometimes my life gets too busy to visit the site, but it's the only one I go to for the most part. There isn't a member on here that hasn't done their own research and that's the kind of folks with which I like to converse.

    Ron Paul says abolish the Fed and the income tax and bring the troops home. That's all I could ever want in my leader. These are libertarian principles. The early Libertarians have been writing about this since the 1920's. I encourage everyone to discover them at the Ludwig Von Mises Institute.

  14. Mark,
    Thank you for saying in three words what I almost fucked up my own credibility trying to say;
    "Abolish the Fed".
    By taking away the Elites power to "make"money and control who gets it we solve the first major problem in taking the world away from the very people who would see it destroyed. It demonstrates our final knowledge "We're on to you and we know how to take you down"!
    It will demonstrate to the people, the ones who truly do the work to make this the great country it was meant to be, that we're back on track again and we'll have the country that we once believed we had (and were coming close to having) It will say "We got sidetracked a bit by some con-men but they're gone now, it a free market".
    It's much easier than a trial for 9-11 to get to the heart of the matter, although I still believe that a full investigation and disclosure be made, in the matter of justice and as a way to truly demonstrate that the law does apply equally to everyone, rich or poor,, black or white.
    What a great mutha fuckin start to a new world,,, fuck the "Order"

    and sister, thanks for being a kind, understanding person

  15. I like much of what Libertarians advocate. But watching them on TV it becomes obvious that some would cheerily step over the orphans, sick and lame on the sidewalk in order to get home to count their money.

    I'll stay a closet semi-supporter until they manage to figure out a humane message for the poor.

  16. Thanks for your success at clarification. Written words just aren't enough sometimes, and I took Peter's comments the wrong way.

  17. Yeah, I did too but realized later on that I had read it wrong - he explained his position too so we're not gonna beat him up with a broomstick then.

  18. Hey,
    wait a minute,, can we talk about that broomstick a little? Or maybe just a switch with a bit of leather??? Sister,, do you guys still wear those lace up black boots??

  19. The broomstick will go over the head...repeatedly! The whip is reserved for transgressions against the lord and such and for the black lace up boots...habba habba habba... and we were fishnet stocking with them too :)

  20. Is that the "New Testament Lord" or the "Old Test Lord"?
    The fishnet's just thru me over the edge!
    Now let me see,,, what was that website again??

  21. The lord of the OT was a bit too strict and over the edge for my taste, Peter. I like the new one, the mellowed out one, the one on Prozac and other happy pills, he's so much more understanding and hip...

    As for the website, try www.nunsonthenet.org and see how that works for ya!

  22. I have to laugh at the we have to go there , before, they......., ploy.
    You guys (meaning your warmongers) Always go there, wherever there is. as there'd be about 1% chance of them, really giving enough of a damn to bother visiting usa. and the distance and the size of usa, makes most versions of any useful and effective attack bloody scant.
    Its the biggest load of bullshit, as an excuse to go spend mega billions to play with toxic toys and kill your finest? or most gullible?
    Russia and usa dropping!!! to ONLY 1,700 missiles. maybe?
    And how many need to be deployed to screw the entire planet and all life for eons?
    Bet some jerkoff has been sitting working that out, and calculating how deep the hidehole has to be! or how high? moon base?
    Not only does usa need to stop going O/S for its jaunts, it needs to STOP funding both sides..a favorite pastime.
    PS Peter:-)
    RM William(Aus) sells some amazing whips, normally used for carriage and stock work, but they don't ask, if you don't tell:-)

  23. Oz:

    My dad (a man with an incredible vision and understanding of the world) always used to tell me that the problem with the US and its favorite pastime, warmongering, is that no war had ever been fought on American solid. The wars are always taken somewhere else. He used to say to me that would end the day they have to fight a war on US soil and Americans can see, feel, experience and live for themselves the horror of war. That day, it will all end. I tend to agree with him. These people are so spoiled, so desengaged from reality, so selfish and so brainwashed that their idea of - and the extent of their experiences with war is what they see on TV, a virtual war, a video game, a horror movie. The second you turn off the tv, it's over. Of course, not that the corporate media shows much anyway and we all know why. That is the reason why all those kids are so gongho to join the army, do one tour in Iraq or Afghanistan, come home all fucked up and blow their own brains out.

    Peter may be looking for an electric whip by now... yeeeeehaw!

  24. Sister, I have a few nephews who were all set for the military. Their dimwit fathers and other relatives all gave them the "it'll make a man outa ta" or the "you]ll get an education" speaches. I shut up until I was alone with them and asked them why on earth would they want to kill people they didn't even knw or even a reason to kill them or get killed or your face blown off or a dozen other scenarios. I had to basically tell them that their parents were ignorant and knew nothing of what they said and it was only a "go-boy" who would make such a stupid move. I felt obligated to keep them alive and sane at any cost plus, as I told them, if all these idiot, so-called "patriots" didn't sign up for qa war that they didn't even believe in there'd be no one to fight it.
    Brainwashing in the USA is probably one of the easiest accomplished feats there is.
    It's a shame that even adults who should know better,,and many times do know better, won't exercise their better judgment when it comes to giving advise to their children.
    Every one of my adult family members agrees that we shouldn't be in the middle east yet I was the only one who talked their kids out of enlisting.
    Fuck,, it's an aggravating country!

    Where's that whip when ya need it?

  25. laud,
    I'm not what you would consider poor, tho I have been. Now I'm scrapin by but I live a comfotable existence on my disablity and my wife's income.
    There are two reasons I fight the fight I do,
    1; this is OUR country, the peoples, even tho so many are too stupid and brainwashed to try to keep it. It's amazing how many of the "poor" we're concerned about were staunch bush and then mccain supporters. It would piss me off to no end to hear someone earning min wage talk about bush like he was their saviour.

    reason 2; I fight it for the sake of workers who are not paid shit for their hard work and contributions to society. I belive that the majority are poor because they've been fucked oover by the Elite for generations and the only way to solve the problem is to take this corrporate-military country BACK from the Establishment and become a productive open market again.

    The Libertarians are the only ones I hear even shouting in that direction.
    and now, who else is there?

  26. The poor are mostly working poor with two jobs and still marginal. And don't get me started about intentionally inflicted dysfunction.

    The elite has been very successful in demonizing the poor. We're all supposed to believe they deserve it, just like the silver spoon set deserves all their perks.

  27. Peter:

    I have an 18-year old son who knows the drill: if they institute the draft while he's still of age, we're running. I don't know where we're going but I can't tell you ain't here. I didn't carry a child inside of me for 9 months, pushed him into the world and had him attached to my breasts for another 6 months so that he can get killed for some money-hungry corporation while killing another woman's child. Not on my watch!

  28. sis,
    I was an evader in the nam debacle. They began the draft "lottery" in the year of my 18th bd and as my luck goes they drew sept 14, my bd, as the #1 choice. I was overjoyed. I had burned my card and kept a bag packed. Every time I received a large yellow envelope from the dept of defense I tossed it and went about my life. I was rarely in one place for long and at 19 I moved to another state. I don't know for sure how it came to be that I wasn't apprehended but after 40 yrs I don't care. I use to choke everytime some clown redneck started in about the hippy draft dodgers. I especially loved marines with their absolute love of killing (i always believed that the guys who spoke like that neve actually saw any action).
    I wouldn't call it "running" when someone is going to forcibly remoove you from your life, place you in someone elses land with a gun and force you to kill them. I avoided connections with aquaintances in "gangs" in my hometown because I knew I couldn't adhere to "rules". If someone told me to kill another or they would kill me there was no choice. I would kill the one who gave me the order. He was the threat, not the other. If a choice had to be made, that was it.
    I applaud your dedication to your son.

  29. Good for you, Peter! If I had been a man in this country, I'd probably done the same although I would have missed the draft because I was underage. I went thru that in Cuba and I was heartbreaking: the kids didn't have a choice: it was either the army or a firing squad. I actually had a couple of friends who refused and they were thrown in jail for the rest of their lives.

    I remember being in college during the wars in Angola and Ethiopia (of course, much like here, the Communist propaganda machine didn't call them wars but "internationalist missions" - puke, puke, puke), so anyway, you'd see a couple of bulldogs in green coming and all the boys would duck with fear, they'd march with military precision directly to the classroom where "the chosen one" was and barge in on the class, call the boy's name and that was many times the last we'd see of them. War is a terrible thing, anywhere, no matter where you, the country, the system or the reason. Angola was for us what Viet Nam was for the US. At one point we had hundreds of thousands of kids deployed to Africa and nobody knew what the hell we were fighting or against whom or why. The body count was relentless, I lost a number of my childhood friends, including my highschool sweetheart whom I was engaged to and they drafted a month before we were to get married.

    War sucks!
