Posted by Thomas L. Knapp
A typical first reaction to the anarchist proposal — society without the state — goes something like this: “You can’t be serious! That couldn’t possibly work!”
A lot of ink’s been spilled explaining how it could work, has worked and even how it works every day for most people, but I’d like to take a run at this from the opposite direction:
You there! Yeah, you, the one who just told me I’m not serious and that a stateless society couldn’t possibly work — turn on your television and take note of the next few political stories you see. For the sake of argument, I’m going to throw out some examples of what’s likely coming through the tube at the moment:
- In New York, the State Senate is deadlocked into two bodies of 31 senators each. Each body claims to be the real Senate and refuses to acknowledge the other. Each body is one short of a quorum to legally pass bills. Last week, a Senator from one faction wandered across the other faction’s floor territory looking for a soda machine. The other faction declared the existence of a quorum and hurriedly passed 100 bills while he tried to hunt up his cold beverage. No dice — the lower house of the legislature declined to recognize bills passed by the Cola Quorum.
- In California, the state is issuing IOUs instead of checks to cover tax refunds, payments to vendors, etc. After the electorate rejected several tax increase proposals, the legislature deadlocked on a budget. The main activity on the floor of the legislature seems, at this point, to be referring to the public as “terrorists” for refusing to hand more of their earnings over to the politicians so that said politicians don’t have to make “tough decisions,” i.e. spend only within their extremely substantial means.
- In South Carolina, the biggest political issue of the moment seems to be whether or not the governor should resign because he has a mistress in Argentina.
- In Alaska, the governor has resigned. Why? Who knows? It appears to have something to do with dead fish and basketball and Jesus, but until her speech is re-released with English subtitles it’s anybody’s guess.
Now, two things:
First, get “serious.” Go back over those stories above and then try to tell me, with a straight face, that the state “works.” Admit it: 90% of what the state does looks like a deleted early pilot of “Different Strokes” — same cast, only with Joan Crawford as the adoptive mother.
Second, look around you. Despite the state — despite its complete dysfunction, despite its inability to get much of anything right, despite the huge percentage of your time and money that it steals and throws down the rathole of its own collective incompetence …
… things aren’t so bad, are they?
The crops still get grown and the cows still get milked, even with the huge overhead burden of the state.
You can still go to the grocery store and get everything you need to grill out for the 4th of July, even with Barack Obama in the White House and Sarah Palin running off to go fishing or join the WNBA or handle snakes or whatever the hell it is she’s doing.
In most places, at least in America, you can still walk down the street without getting mugged — and the places where you can do so with the least fear of that happening are the places with the fewest police officers per capita.
What I’m getting at here is this: Anarchy works. If you look around you, the best parts of your life are probably the parts where it has the most room to work, and the worst parts of your life are the places where it’s been partially or completely displaced by the incompetence of the state.
The burden of proof as to what “works” isn’t on the anarchists. It’s on those who claim that the state is necessary — because every last crumb of available evidence says that it’s not only unnecessary, but an abject failure by any pragmatic standard.
hmm? valid points. bears thought. biggest hassle being either govt, or anarchic, in either case a few with bad or just plain stupid, ideas with enough push, stuffs either way up. much as I appreciate your writing and thoughts, I have to call BS on this one, sis. Not that I am entirely unsympathetic....
ReplyDeleteWe're continuing to "live" off of our "fat" stores, not any growing enterprises (other than war, of course, but everyone knows that, eventually, the Pest Control Man runs out of business or runs out of clean water to drink). If the current state of affairs continues to exist, there will be blood in the streets.
During the middle ages (where our Owners would like to take us if no other reason than the daily kill ratios were much, much higher than today), we organized into kingdoms, feifdoms...whatever. It was an ugly existence on the way to the French Enlightenment.
Humans won't tolerate complete statelessness unless EVERYONE has a gun to their head. And, even then, there will still be ignorant idiots who will want to be in charge of something...and then something else...and then more. I've seen in 12 Step fellowships matter how much money you take out of the treasury or how unattractive you make leading a disorganized heap...there are still people who want it to be a disorganized heap that is friendly to THEIR particular point of view or perspective.
So...the question is...who holds the gun to everybody's head?
It HAS TO BE nature, it has to be our very survival. That is the only way to get the ignorant fucktards among us to get in line without creating an Owner class that handles us administratively.
Socrates had this discussion in Plato's Republic. They pretty much hashed the whole thing out. But even Socrates' solution looks alot like Iran or Japan before WWII. The system can still be "gamed."
Kids simply MUST be brainwashed to believe that there is only ONE right way to live their lives and that is in complete and total acceptance of the facts that stare them in their face each and every day of their lives. They need to meditate and learn to disengage from personalizing their every thought since our thoughts are a lesser manifestation of ourselves. And that's just the barest of beginnings.
Then we need to get back to developing democratic government, probably with a socialist agenda.
Here again...the problem is OPPRESSION of others. If we're not economically oppressing someone as in the case of fascism, then we're intellectually oppressing them as in the case of the Academy (as presently constructed) or Authoritarian or Totalitarian socialism.
But once the blood starts flowing in the streets, it will be hundreds of years before we can calm down enough to see things as clearly as we can RIGHT NOW.
I forgive your disrespect my son...
ReplyDeleteHowever, I didn't write this - my computer has been acting up really crappy lately (should we really go into that one?) and crapped out on me before I add the link to the original post. So, dear, I take no offense to your objections. Also, if you notice, I posted it in "humor." Nonetheless, I think the guy makes some valid points, the opening is most certainly reality. As for anarchy, I've advocated for it myself at times - knowing, however, that it's not the answer - but finding that it's a sure way to quash arguments, particularly, those comming from the Right Wing...ha ha! There's nothing they fear more than the word "anarchy"!
Having said that, my problem many times is that, while I can see what is wrong, I can't always articulate a correction plan. Anarchy is not the answer but neither is government so, where does that leave us?
Watch the constant belittling of viewers of the media, the steady reducing to rubble of our mentalities, and realise that this is all done with systematic premeditation by a few who hold diaphanous reins of monetary delusion.
ReplyDeleteThese days we could have anarchy arranged and maintained effectively in a responsible way by adult mentalities. It would still be anarchy in that it wouldbe free of the destructive influences are probably all we presently have.
And if I have to see another engineered sit-series or another trivial ad. or hear the words 'Michael Jackson' just once more I will tear these walls apart, and they're not my walls.
Sis is quite right in that if we abolish finance and the fat state presence AND all the unnecessary work involved in working for the money to buy the food and water that the oligarchs' agents have bought up . . . not only will you have a useful anarchy, but also without finance and politics, a utilitarian Utopia will also naturally ensue. Roll on Utopia.
Oh well, Sis, our emails crossed in the aether, but, despite your half ducking-out, my argument still holds. Without a few interested perverts manipulating our entire world for their delusory ambitions, the world can only be a much much better place. And here's to that!
ReplyDeleteHalf ducking out? Oooooh, the should know that I'll be praying for you on account of that one...
ReplyDeleteNo, seriously, I truly don't know the answer but I can see the limitations on both. The problem is that, history has shown that, no matter what we try, there will always be a few that take advantage of the others. Sadly, we're wired to follow not lead and those who can, will and will take advantage of it. Your scenario sounds good, I'm all for running around in the woods nekkid, smoking and drinking shit, screwing like rabbits and growing our own food. Lord knows I've done it before...well kinda... :)
Also, you guys may not realize that, but I'm kinda a newbie at this. Up until not too long ago, I was willingly drinking the Kool Aid. What I know is on intuition, having gone thru this once before, whether you believe it or not, you guys are showing me the way. I know what's going on, I can see it but I can't always articulate it - I just feeeel it...
Well well, I was just thinking of adding that together with imploring Deity for those so-richly deserved and so urgently-required asteroids on NY and TA, I was going to pray for your reneging soul, and . . .
ReplyDeleteAnd I suppose that part of the responsible application of anarchy will be that we take care of those who would take advantage of others, and we teach folks to lead themselves rather than be led.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment, the planet, lighter by just a few framilies, perhaps no more than a hundred or thousand, would be a very different and much better place. And again, I'll drink to that.
And I suppose we COULD do a little more than just to drink to it, too . . . Er, couldn't we?
Anyone seen my axe?
Very thoughtful post, Volaar. The best of our institutional ideas work in small communities. Mass society appears to be a set-up for mind control or authoritarianism, and a populace increasingly lacking initiative or basic viability.
ReplyDeleteAs bad as it is, it just can't last.
Be prepared to be disappointed. The hydra always has new heads. Your axe would be worn to a nub long before would-be tyrants stopped showing up.
ReplyDeleteAsteroids or hemorrhoids?
ReplyDeleteAnarchies will always be extremely vulnerable to those who organize into governments and armies. Look what the Right has been able to do to us in less than 30 years...and we had the benefit of some governmental institutions.
ReplyDeleteThe Twelve Steps, particularly the Twelve Traditions, come as close as I have ever seen a community get to self-organizing. But the glue that keeps everyone on the beam is the belief that without unity of purpose, no single one of us can survive.
Even so...even without a tasty treasury, or money, or property or even authority...jackasses will still charismatically elbow their way to the top of the heap and portend to offer us as new and improved version of what doesn't work and never has.
Bill Wilson believed he had the answer in allowing groups to break apart and form other autonomous groups...but there are survival-based circumstances that will limit that sort of freedom, leaving some under the thumb of oppression at some point.
When a community's culture is always open to newcomers and new ideas, it's a neat place to come and be with others. When the opposite is true, things get ugly and the uglier they get, the more the human ego will try to organize the ugliness out of the social order.
By the time they figure out that you can't do anything but organize-in self destructive behavior, the instigators are long gone and the community has been left feeling like they should have choked the shit out of the interloping carpetbaggers in the first place. Hence...we invented drawbridges.
Mary Shelley's writing of Frankenstein (or was it Fraunkenstene?) less than 30 years after the advent of the steam engine was prescient.
ReplyDeleteSome quotes from Mikhail Bakunin:
ReplyDeleteFreedom, morality, and the human dignity of the individual consists precisely in this; that he does good not because he is forced to do so, but because he freely conceives it, wants it, and loves it.
A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished.
I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand, Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the Rothschilds.
The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of theology, of the phantom of God. As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth.
To revolt is a natural tendency of life. Even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it. In general, the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt.
I can't recall who came up with this ditty, but it's a keeper:
ReplyDeleteTo err is human; to forgive, divine.
But to really screw things up...that requires religion.
Ha! Although these days, you could modify that to say: "To err is human, to forgive divine but really screw things up, it requires government.!