Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sarkozy’s Secret Plan for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination


by F. William Engdahl, Global Research

The French Government is developing secret plans to impose mandatory vaccination of the entire French population, allegedly against possible Swine Flu disease according to reports leaked in a French newspaper. The plan is without precedent and even defies recommended public health advice. Pharmaceutical giants benefit from the move, as the Swine Flu increases the trend to militarization of public health and use of needless population panic to advance the agenda.

According to a report in the May 30 edition of the French newspaper, Le Journal du Dimanche, the Sarkozy government has authorized spending of an estimated €1 billion to buy vaccines allegedly to combat or protect against H1N1 Swine Flu virus. The only problem is that to date neither the WHO nor the US Government’s Center for Diseases Control (CDC) have succeeded to isolate, photograph with an electron microscope and chemically classify the H1N1 Influenza A virus. There is no scientifically published evidence that French virologists have done so either. To mandate drugs for a putative disease that has not even been characterized is dubious to say the least.

Even more bizarre is the admission by the US Government’s Food & Drug Administration, an agency responsible for health and safety of its citizens, that the ‘test’ is approved for premature release to test for H1N1 is not even a proven test. More to the point, there is no forensic evidence in any of the deaths reported to date that has been presented that proves scientifically that any single death being attributed to H1N1 Swine Flu virus was indeed caused by such a virus. European epidemiologists believe the deaths reported to date are ‘coincidental’ or what are called opportunistic infections.

What we know conclusively is that the people who died often had prior respiratory complications of an undisclosed nature. People die every day with respiratory diseases. In the USA alone some 36,000 flu-related deaths are recorded yearly with no undue panic or alarm. Most are elderly or patients with lung diseases. To date in all France, 24 people have been identified by health authorities as even having ‘symptoms’ of H1N1. It is worth noting that the WHO and CDC list the symptoms of H1N1: temperature, coughing, headache, runny nose. Hmmmmm. Do you know anyone with such Swine Flu symptoms? Also worth noting is that in the counting of the more than 15,000 ‘confirmed’ H1N1 Swine Flu cases worldwide the vast majority made miraculous recovery within three to seven days, just as in the case of a bad cold.

The goal: Militarization of Public Health

Increasingly it is becoming clear that the successive waves of mass panic created in recent years by CDC, WHO and leading government agencies has an ulterior motive. We have been hit with mass panic over eating beef when cattle in the UK and elsewhere developed fatal illness that was called BSE or ‘Mad Cow’ disease. Later evidence emerged that BSE was the result of vaccination of the cows to kill harmless insects that got under the animal’s skin. More recently, after reports of incidence of what is called ‘Blue Tongue’ disease in cows, sheep and goats in Belgium and Holland in 2006, animal veterinary authorities in Germany, Switzerland and Austria imposed mandatory vaccination or treatment with drugs allegedly to protect the animals from bites by insects allegedly carrying the usually harmless illness.

The vaccinations of the animal herds has been made mandatory for an illness that typically was so mild as to go unnoticed and in only extreme rare cases could be tied to death. All animals after three months must be vaccinated. The vaccines, according to a report in the Swiss publication Aegis-Impuls from 2008, resulted in mass deaths, decreased birth rates, decline in milk yields, heart attack and other severe effects. The vaccines were used despite the fact none apparently had been previously certified as safe. They typically contained aluminium hydroxide and Thiomersol or mercury, as adjuvants and or preservatives, both highly toxic and both also used in most human vaccines.

Despite mass protests and reports to the veterinary authorities in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, the warnings went unheeded and mandatory mass vaccinations continued. Little wonder that farmers are taking their tractors to the streets to protest.

The report of a secret French government plan to vaccinate every French citizen over three months of age, over 100 million doses, is more than alarming. According to the French Le Journal du Dimanche, anticipating a probable return of the virus in the fall, the government will spend nearly a billion euros to buy vaccines. Authorities will announce in the fall if they decide to make the vaccine mandatory. "We will be ready to go in a very short time", explains the Minister of Health. According to sources, the state wants to order 100 million doses of flu vaccine from three laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi and Novartis. The latter two are French companies. The French report comes just after the State of Massachusetts State Senate passed a mandatory vaccination bill that authorizes mandatory vaccination against purported H1N1 Swine Flu. In New York State the state hospital planning authority is debating making mandatory annual vaccination against flu of all public health employees, despite the fact that no approved vaccine for H1N1 exists. More and more it is beginning to appear that the scare about pandemic from flying birds or flying pigs is an excuse to justify mandatory vaccination with substances whose harmful side effects are demonstrably worse than any flu they should guard us against.

Novavax, a US pharmaceutical company based in Rockville, Maryland, conveniently enough just announced it is developing a vaccine for H1N1 based on “virus-like particles” that contain three key proteins of the flu virus without the genes required for replication. The vaccine is produced by techniques of genetic modification of organisms or GMO. The announcement came within days of the company announcing losses for the fiscal year of $36 million.

The drug Tamiflu which is officially recommended by the WHO as treatment to ‘ameliorate’ the symptoms of possible Swine Flu or H1N1 Influenza A as it has been renamed, is itself highly toxic. Health Canada informed Canadians of international reports of hallucinations and abnormal behaviour, including self harm, in patients taking the antiviral drug Tamiflu. In some cases death was the result and severe lung complications are widely reported associated with Tamiflu, the drug whose main financial benefactor is believed to be its largest stockholder, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

In 1976 in the US President Gerald Ford, nervous about winning a close election ordered mass immunisation of the population in the face of a possible pandemic to show voters he was a ‘hands on’ President. The 1976 pandemic never came but a vast number of people suffered serious neurological side effects from the vaccine that was rushed into production, including 25 reported deaths from Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Mandatory vaccination with drugs whose side effects are unknown because they have not been rigorously and independently tested begins to smack of the kind of inhuman mass human experiments carried out in the United States with mentally retarded, prisoners and other disadvantaged people or in Germany during the 1930's.



  1. I don't know whether you've yet seen this video Jersey Girl. It seems they are planning to have everyone take these shots. Three of them!

    Notice the nice white squared (Chemtrail) background behind Ms. Viera? There is no other explanation for that type of background, other than to familiarize the sheople with what the skies will look like.

    I'm in Pa and you're in NJ, where it's either cloudy or raining. Very few days with clear blue skies. Not when they're spraying the sky with barium and aluminum.

    But I digress.

  2. Thanks Rady, this issue is a big one for me. Vaccinations are not only making our kids sick, they are killing them. Flu shots are also believed to cause early alzheimer's in adults. They are poisonous concoctions unfit for humans or animals.

    Now Obama is touting three flu shots for the fall instead of one. How much you wanna bet they make them mandatory here as well? Take your shot or get on the bus to the camp.

    Napolitano already spoke up about how the flu will come back stronger than ever in the fall back in early May.

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told reporters Monday that "now is not the time to rest because the outbreak could die down with warmer weather only to roar back during fall flu season."

    Militarization fits it perfectly.. I agree... evil mo fos..

  3. F. William Engdahl, author of The Seeds of Destruction. When he speaks, I listen. It is always about the money and the control. I intend to avoid the flu shots like the plague! Eat organic, whole foods and build up your immune system as best you know how. We have got to get away from this "a shot or pill for every problem" mentality.

  4. lol munich.. I was posting my reply to rady as you were posting your video.. Yes.. I have seen this.. In fact, I saw that program live and wanted to throw something at the screen at that stupid big pharma shill!

  5. me too lit.. the man knows his stuff. You're right.. does the book "brave new world" come to mind everytime you see another drug ad on tv? Take your soma...

  6. munich... i don't doubt it.. it's all about "conditioning". They've been spraying the hell out of us the past few months down here. Last month I actually saw THREE jets that looked as though they were flying in formation leaving huge puffy plumes of poison behind them.

  7. Engdahl is such a brilliant man and this is quite a scary video

    The point is we're at an "Epochal Change"

  8. Thanks Munich.. That's an excellent interview. The man is indeed quite brilliant. We know his stand on gmo. Has he ever spoken of chemtrails?

    Without a doubt, Mr Engdahl is definitely coto and would have also, most likely been banned from oen for his "conspiracy theories." Should we extend him an invitation to join we the exiled? :)

  9. I'm in a sort of a dilemna when it comes to flu inocculations. I have chronic bronchitis and beginning stages of emphysema. My Dr, who I've had for years told me that I'd be crazy not to get the regular flu and phnemonia shots each year , as I have for years. Like I said, I trust her, she's like a very cool woman and She makes a valid case. On the other hand, if someone tried to force me to take one they may get a shot of their own as I would consider it an assault.
    I'm so pissed at bush that if I ever ran ito him on the street I'd kick his ass. Those pricks have done nothing but disrupt our lives on a scale never before seen. On the bright side, they've given us just cause to ivestigate every branch of the government and the goings on in every corporation in America. All we need now is the right people with the balls to take them on,,,, or out!

  10. Jersey and the rest of you Folks

    You are not going to believe this and I hope you do not think that I am a disinfo or spy BUT..........

    Some of you know that I am a Nurse, specializing in Burn ICU.

    After 9-11 I was asked by da gubmint to help. A week after Sept 11, I actually treated some of the critically burned victims of the Pentagon..

    I am now an official FEMA Nurse. My designation is

    National Disaster Medical Systems-Burn Specialty Team #4

    I even got a letter and a pin from TOM RIDGE (remember him) thanking me and saying that I was one of those who started the Dept. of Homeland Security (OMG, can I rescind it then?)

    I shit you not.

    So anyway, as a FEMA Nurse, i am in the lop on this kind of shit. The fucking nano-second i hear anything coming down the line, I will warn you all.

    As an aside, this gets even more ironic. I will tell you all about that some day.

  11. Sure Jersey Girl, inviting Mr. Engdal to COTO would be a great idea.

    I don't ever recall him posting his work at "that other place" snoozeville.

    And it's raining yet again JG.

  12. Hi Peter. I started to write out this long explanation about why flu vaccines are useless and harmful and just a big business for big pharma but found this little video to post instead. Do your own research. Don't think just because your dr recommends something it's always the correct choice. Many drs, though well meaning, are surprisingly uniformed when it comes to vaccines and their effects or effectiveness.

  13. Michael.. yes PLEASE let us know if they are gearing up for mass, mandatory flu innoculations. You are our person on the "inside". You can be our medical paul revere. Kudos for helping the 9/11 victims :) I would like to hear more.

  14. Are these the same shots that were given to pigs, the pigs died, and someone on the team said "Well, in that case we will just have to use them on the humans"?

    Uh-huh? Figures.

    this item I wrote should be a wakeup. and please see for his list of things to get a doc to sign if they force a vaccination issue. and here, is a page I pulled while browsing, ( i have a friend in Indy so it caught my eye)

    item FEB 21

    I suspect this is not a good It was on MD Creekmores Survivalist blog via rfdamerica, on feb 21st and is very worrisome.
    MD may like to be asked to joind COTOcrew too:-)

  16. hi peter, see and before you consider any vaccines ever again, please.
    another good site for alternative and effective health is

    on the take em out side, theres a lot of planes going cheap:-) just now...
    but as the govt seems to supply the pilots..don,t fancy the odds.

  17. nice to have somebody on the inside--thanks

  18. Hey jersey... just for the record, if it wasn't for the revere pots and pans, the paul of "balls" would have been another sideline in history. On the night of his famous "ride" he got drunk in a bar, was too drunk to be on a horse, and someone else (I forget his name) did the all the legwork. Mr revere was a charlatan in the political realm, however he was a good tinkerer. Such is history. So much distortion. Remember, history books are written by the winners, not the losers. The moral of my story? Let's not let Michael Cavlan be our "paul revered", but better yet - the Irish Ironman of Justice.

  19. lol cinder. Really? I had never heard that about Paul Revere. I kinda always thought him riding through town yelling "the redcoats are coming, the redcoats are coming!" was just a myth anyway. But he really did make cookware, huh? Well kudos to him.. I had a set of those copper bottomed pots when I was first married. They were beautiful !

    I wonder if Cavlan could make me a saucepan?

  20. I've read all of aldous huxley's books. In particular "island." I am the savage of brave new world.

  21. Peter: if you want to amend your health regimen talk to me. I've got religion on diet and exercise. I've got everything dialed in and fine tuned. Did you get your emphysema from smoking? If so, I won't be of much help there. The handwriting was on the wall 40 years ago. If you chose to ignore the obvious then, well you gotta problem.

  22. I even memorized "paul revere's ride" at one stage of my life. But yeh, sorry to say, if it wasn't for his copper tinkering, he'd be on the sidelines of history. He made great pots, however he was a wannabe hero, kinda like colin (the lower intestine) powell. Packed full of shit and ready to dump it anywhere. Where has our country gone in 200 years? Nowhere.

  23. Oz, good article you posted. I have no doubt that Dr Horowitz is correct about novavax. His presentation on youtube is impressive. The only bone I have to pick with him is that at the end of his video he touts his coloidal silver product. I wish he didn't do that because people then think he's just shilling his product.

    I couldn't access the other link. Can you try reposting ? thanks :)

  24. Geez Richard,
    I was barely ten years old, a city rat kid, when I started smoking, drinking and all the other "cool" things that kids in the hood did.
    I have a multitude of lifestyle related problems which I can't go back and change.
    We all have our history, it comes from freedom of choice. I didn't always make the right choices and I'm paying for them but please Brother, don't chastize me for them. It's a bit late now.

  25. Michael,
    You fuckin narc you.
    Glad to see you here. That has been one of my major rants. I've always believed that one of the first actions the government would take would be to "spread" a "flu" (not) that would move fast and kill quick as a means to eliminate population, which is one of the priorities of the New Worlders, and establish Marshall Law.
    This would be the beginning of.....?

  26. Jersey and Cindefellah,

    ROFL. Tell you what, in Belfast during the Internment sweeps it was the WOMEN who did the whole Paul Revere thing.

    When Brit patrols were coming thru, they would get on the streets and bang their bin lids on the street. Clang clang clang. It was their cry that "The British Are Coming."

    So in that spirit Jersey, I will make you a chrome plated bin lid.

    The moral of this little story?

    RESISTANCE always develops. ALWAYS.

    There in lies my hope.
